187 resultados para G 0


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We present the results of a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay B-s(0)-->mu(+)mu(-) using a data set with integrated luminosity of 240 pb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at roots=1.96 TeV collected with the D0 detector in run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We find the upper limit on the branching fraction to be B(B-s(0)-->mu(+)mu(-))less than or equal to5.0x10(-7) at the 95% C.L. assuming no contributions from the decay B-d(0)-->mu(+)mu(-) in the signal region. This limit is the most stringent upper bound on the branching fraction B-s(0)-->mu(+)mu(-) to date.


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We present a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay B-s(0)->phi mu(+)mu(-) using about 0.45 fb(-1) of data collected in p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We find an upper limit on the branching ratio of this decay normalized to B-s(0)-> J/psi phi of B(B-s(0)->phi mu(+)mu(-))/B(B-s(0)-> J/psi phi)< 4.4x10(-3) at the 95% C.L. Using the central value of the world average branching fraction of B-s(0)-> J/psi phi, the limit corresponds to B(B-s(0)->phi mu(+)mu(-))< 4.1x10(-6) at the 95% C.L., the most stringent upper bound to date.


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Using the exclusive decay B-s(0)-->J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))phi(K+K-), we report the most precise single measurement of the B-s(0) lifetime. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of approximately 220 pb(-1) collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2004. We reconstruct 337 signal candidates, from which we extract the B-s(0) lifetime, tau(B-s(0))=1.444(-0.090)(+0.098)(stat)+/-0.020(sys) ps. We also report a measurement for the lifetime of the B-0 meson using the exclusive decay B-0-->J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))K-*0(892)(K(+)pi(-)). We reconstruct 1370 signal candidates, obtaining tau(B-0)=1.473(-0.050)(+0.052)(stat)+/-0.023(sys) ps, and the ratio of lifetimes, tau(B-s(0))/tau(B-0)=0.980(-0.071)(+0.076)(stat)+/-0.003(sys).


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The frame and scale dependence of the pair-term contribution to the electromagnetic form factor of a spin-zero composite system of two-fermions is studied within the Light Front. The form factor is evaluated from the plus-component of the current in the Breit frame, using for the first time a nonconstant, symmetric ansatz for the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude. The frame dependence is analyzed by allowing a nonvanishing plus component of the momentum transfer, while the dynamical scale is set by the masses of the constituents and by mass and size of the composite system. A transverse momentum distribution, associated with the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude, is introduced which allows to define strongly and weakly relativistic systems. In particular, for strongly relativistic systems, the pair term vanishes for the Drell-Yan condition, while is dominant for momentum transfer along the light-front direction. For a weakly relativistic system, fitted to the deuteron scale, the pair term is negligible up to momentum transfers of 1 (GeV/c)(2). A comparison with results obtained within the Front-Form Hamiltonian dynamics with a fixed number of constituents is also presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report a measurement of the B-s(0) lifetime in the semileptonic decay channel B-s(0)-> D-s(-)mu(+)nu X (and its charge conjugate), using approximately 0.4 fb(-1) of data collected with the D0 detector during 2002-2004. Using 5176 reconstructed D-s(-)mu(+) signal events, we have measured the B-s(0) lifetime to be tau(B-s(0))=1.398 +/- 0.044(stat)(-0.025)(+0.028)(syst) ps. This is the most precise measurement of the B-s(0) lifetime to date.


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We combine the D0 measurement of the width difference between the light and heavy B-s(0) mass eigenstates and of the CP-violating mixing phase determined from the time-dependent angular distributions in the B-s(0)-> J/psi phi decays along with the charge asymmetry in semileptonic decays also measured with the D0 detector. With the additional constraint from the world average of the flavor-specific B-s(0) lifetime, we obtain Delta Gamma(s)equivalent to(Gamma(L)-Gamma(H))=0.13 +/- 0.09 ps(-1) and vertical bar phi(s)vertical bar=0.70(-0.47)(+0.39) or Delta Gamma(s)=-0.13 +/- 0.09 ps(-1) and vertical bar phi(s)vertical bar=2.44(-0.39)(+0.47). The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.1 fb(-1) accumulated with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider.


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We report a study of the decay B-s(0)->(DsDs(*))-D-(*) using a data sample corresponding to 1.3 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected by the D0 experiment in 2002-2006 during run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. One D-s((*)) meson was partially reconstructed in the decay D-s ->phi mu nu, and the other D-s((*)) meson was identified using the decay D-s ->phi pi where no attempt was made to distinguish D-s and D-s(*) states. For the branching fraction Br(B-s(0)->(DsDs(*))-D-(*)) we obtain a 90% C.L. range [0.002,0.080] and central value 0.039(-0.017)(+0.019)(stat)(-0.015)(+0.016)(syst). This was subsequently used to make the most precise estimate of the width difference Delta Gamma(CP)(s) in the B-s(0)-(B)over bar(s)(0) system: Delta Gamma(CP)(s)/Gamma(s)=0.079(-0.035)(+0.038)(stat)(-0.030)(+0.031)(syst).


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We report a measurement of the Lambda(0)(b) lifetime using a sample corresponding to 1.3 fb(-1) of data collected by the D0 experiment in 2002-2006 during run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The Lambda(0)(b) baryon is reconstructed via the decay Lambda(0)(b)->mu(nu) over bar Lambda X-+(c). Using 4437 +/- 329 signal candidates, we measure the Lambda(0)(b) lifetime to be tau(Lambda(0)(b))=1.290(-0.110)(+0.119)(stat)(-0.091)(+0.087)(syst) ps, which is among the most precise measurements in semileptonic Lambda(0)(b) decays. This result is in good agreement with the world average value.


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We present measurements of the Lambda(b)(0) lifetime in the exclusive decay channel Lambda(b)(0)-> J/psi Lambda(0), with J/psi ->mu(+)mu(-) and Lambda(0)-> p pi(-), the B-0 lifetime in the decay B-0-> J/psi K-S(0) with J/psi ->mu(+)mu(-) and K-S(0)->pi(+)pi(-), and the ratio of these lifetimes. The analysis is based on approximately 250 pb(-1) of data recorded with the D0 detector in p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV. The Lambda(b)(0) lifetime is determined to be tau(Lambda(b)(0))=1.22(-0.18)(+0.22)(stat)+/- 0.04(syst) ps, the B-0 lifetime tau(B-0)=1.40(-) (+0.11)(0.10)(stat)+/- 0.03(syst) ps, and the ratio tau(Lambda(b)(0))/tau(B-0)=0.87(-) (+0.17)(0.14)(stat)+/- 0.03(syst). In contrast with previous measurements using semileptonic decays, this is the first determination of the Lambda(b)(0) lifetime based on a fully reconstructed decay channel.


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We measure the dimuon charge asymmetry A in p (p) over bar collisions at a center of mass energy root s=1960 GeV. The data was recorded with the D0 detector and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of approximately 1.0 fb(-1). Assuming that the asymmetry A is due to asymmetric B-0 <->(B) over bar (0) mixing and decay, we extract the CP-violation parameter of B-0 mixing and decay: ((epsilon B0))/(1+vertical bar epsilon B0 vertical bar 2)=(AB0)/(4)= -0.0023 +/- 0.0011(stat)+/- 0.0008(syst).A(B)(0) is the dimuon charge asymmetry from decays of B-0(B) over bar (0) pairs. The general case, with CP violation in both B-0 and B-s(0) systems, is also considered. Finally we obtain the forward-backward asymmetry that quantifies the tendency of mu(+) to go in the proton direction and mu(-) to go in the antiproton direction. The results are consistent with the standard model and constrain new physics.


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Here we study the behaviour of the spin 0 sector of the DKP field in spaces with torsion. First we show that in a Riemann-Cartan manifold the DKP field presents an interaction with torsion when minimal coupling is performed, contrary to the behaviour of the KO field, a result that breaks the usual equivalence between the DKP and the KG fields.Next we analyse the case of the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity (Weitzenbock manifold), showing that in this case there is a perfect agreement between KG and DKP fields. The origins of both results are also discussed.


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We present a study of the decay B-s(0)-> J/psi phi. We obtain the CP-odd fraction in the final state at time zero R-perpendicular to = 0.16 +/- 0.10 (stat) +/- 0.02(syst), the average lifetime of the (B-s(0), (B) over bar (0)(s)) system, (tau) over bar (B-s(0)) = 1.39(-0.16)(+0.13)(stat)(-0.02)(+0.01)(syst) ps, and the relative width difference between the heavy and light mass eigen-states, Delta Gamma/(Gamma) over bar = (Gamma(L) - Gamma(H))/(Gamma) over bar = 0.24(-0.38)(+0.28)(stat)(-0.04)(+0.03)(syst). With the additional constraint from the world average of the B-s(0) lifetime measurements using semileptonic decays, we find (tau) over bar (B-s(0)) = 1.39 +/- 0.06 ps and Delta Gamma/(Gamma) over bar = 0.25(-0.15)(+0.14). For the ratio of the B-s(0) and B-0 lifetimes we obtain (tau) over bar (B-s(0))/tau(B-s(0)) = 0.91 +/- 0.09(stat) +/- 0.003(syst).


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We report results of a study of the B-s(0) oscillation frequency using a large sample of B-s(0) semileptonic decays corresponding to approximately 1 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2006. The amplitude method gives a lower limit on the B-s(0) oscillation frequency at 14.8 ps(-1) at the 95% C.L. At Delta m(s)=19 ps(-1), the amplitude deviates from the hypothesis A=0 (1) by 2.5 (1.6) standard deviations, corresponding to a two-sided C.L. of 1% (10%). A likelihood scan over the oscillation frequency, Delta m(s), gives a most probable value of 19 ps(-1) and a range of 17 0% C.L., assuming Gaussian uncertainties. This is the first direct two-sided bound measured by a single experiment. If Delta m(s) lies above 22 ps(-1), then the probability that it would produce a likelihood minimum similar to the one observed in the interval 16-22 ps(-1) is (5.0 +/- 0.3)%.


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We have performed the first direct measurement of the time-integrated flavor untagged charge asymmetry in semileptonic B-s(0) decays A(SL)(s,unt) by comparing the decay rate of B-s(0) -> mu(+) D-s(-) nu X, where D-s(-) -> phi pi(-) and phi -> K+K-, with the charge-conjugate (B) over bar (0)(s) decay rate. This sample was selected from 1: 3 fb(-1) of data collected by the D0 experiment in run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We obtain A(SL)(s,unt) = [1.23 +/- 0.97(stat) +/- 0.17(syst)] x 10(-2). Assuming that Delta m(s)/(Gamma) over bar (s) >> 1, this result can be translated into a measurement of the CP-violating phase in B-s(0) mixing: Delta Gamma(s)/Delta m(s) tan phi(s) = [2.45 +/- 1.93(stat) +/- 0.35(syst)] x 10(-2).


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From an analysis of the decay B-s(0)-> J/psi phi, we obtain the width difference between the light and heavy mass eigenstates Delta Gamma equivalent to(Gamma(L)-Gamma(H))=0.17 +/- 0.09(stat)+/- 0.02(syst) ps(-1) and the CP-violating phase phi(s)=-0.79 +/- 0.56(stat)(-0.01)(+0.14)(syst). Under the hypothesis of no CP violation (phi(s)equivalent to 0), we obtain 1/Gamma=tau/(B-s(0))=1.52 +/- 0.08(stat)(-0.03)(+0.01)(syst) ps and Delta Gamma=0.12(-0.10)(+0.08)(stat)+/- 0.02(syst) ps(-1). The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of about 1.1 fb(-1) accumulated with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. This is the first direct measurement of the CP-violating mixing phase in the B-s(0) system.