91 resultados para Formação de fase


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The Rio Claro Formation, Tertiary-Quaternary age, is composed of unconsolidated sediments deposited by fluvial systems. In Paulínia (SP) region geological studies comprising sedimentological, structural and geomorphological aspects indicate that the Rio Claro Formation is constituted by deposits of a meandering fluvial system. Data from SPT drillings were used to obtain sedimentary textural information in order to generate stochastic stratigraphic models. Particle size analysis was carried with the core samples which resulted in the distinction of five litofacies, three of which can be grouped into only one mudstone unit. The other two facies represent channel belt facies, being clayey sands and medium to coarse sands. Geostatistical modeling of the stratigraphic architecture followed together with correlation of analogue outcrop data and conceptual models for this type of depositional system. 100 models were generated with the SPT drillings and 50 models were generated with data from an analogue outcrop, which allowed constraining of both simulation sets to the depositional model given for the region. T-PROGS methodology has good applicability in simulating stratigraphic frameworks and its inherent limitations may be approached with parallel studies, such as stochastic modeling of analogue outcrops or geophysical methods


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O trabalho realizado teve focalizou o potencial dos estágios supervisionados de prática de ensino enquanto dispositivo de formação, capaz de suscitar reflexões por parte dos estudantes de licenciaturas. Buscou-se identificar as principais reflexões apresentadas pelos estagiários (sobre o trabalho docente, sobre o ensino, sobre a escola, os alunos, etc.) após a vivência supervisionada no ambiente escolar. A pesquisa foi realizada sob uma abordagem qualitativa, por meio do estudo dos relatórios de estágio, focalizando-os em seu conteúdo. Ao final da pesquisa, percebeu-se que a experiência vivida no ambiente escolar, despertou nos estagiários importantes reflexões sobre a prática docente. Eles apontaram questões que os afligiram relacionando a teoria estudada na universidade com a experiência vivida no ambiente escolar. Considera-se que esses pontos destacados nos relatórios assumem destacada importância para essa fase inicial de formação docente e podem favorecer o estabelecimento, no futuro profissional, de uma relação mais reflexiva com a docência


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A formação profissional é uma área de estudo que procura, através de estudos sistematizados, entender, entre outras coisas, os processos que se dão na constituição do ser profissional, os saberes que se produzem e as identidades que se formam. Especificamente na área de Educação, analisar a formação dos professores é de suma importância para refletirmos a respeito das práticas profissionais. Há alguns anos a temática da identidade docente ou identidade profissional vem sendo discutida na área de educação. De acordo com André (apud ALVES et al., 2007), os temas identidade e profissionalização docente apareceram como temas emergentes de pesquisa no início da década de 1990. Já no ano de 2003, do total de teses e dissertações defendidas sobre formação de professores, verificou-se que 43% dos temas eram sobre a identidade docente (ANDRÉ, 2005 apud ALVES et al., 2007). Além disso, Pimenta (2002) acrescenta que, na mesma época, os estudos sobre a formação inicial e contínua, repensadas a partir da análise das práticas pedagógicas e docentes, se revelaram uma demanda importante. Sendo a identidade docente um tema relevante para a área da Educação, é considerável a reflexão acerca dela bem como o levantamento de questões pertinentes que viabilizem o debate. Nesse trabalho buscamos analisar a constituição da identidade de futuros professores na fase de pré-ensino através dos seguintes objetivos: (a) Averiguar no processo de formação do professor de Educação Física as dimensões da docência que são exercitadas por ocasião dos estágios curriculares supervisionados de Prática de Ensino e; (b) Identificar nos relatórios e trabalhos de campo da disciplina Prática de Ensino e também por meio de questionário, as principais dificuldades que são assinaladas neste processo de formação, bem como na passagem de estudante-estagiário... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This investigation aims to observe play contents and elements that make it possible to notice if a child is at the imitation stage. First of all, this study reviews Piaget’s findings about the origins of imitation, and how it develops into representation. After that, “game” is analyzed in order to understand the cognitive representation and how children develop the ability to use symbols. Based on these assumptions, a study was developed into a public school (Profª Maria Teixeira Fittipaldi) with 9 children, aged between 1 to 3. Methodology included the observation of play and activity time; a diary to record the observations; and the analysis of the collected data, based on Piaget’s research into the classification and development of symbolic play. The results show that all observed situations were at the “first stage”, which reveal the apogee of ludic symbolism, and that the kind of game varied according to the child’s age. Moreover, it was possible to notice the importance of symbolic play at preschool, since it triggers world knowledge development and helps interpersonal relationship growth.


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Circus activities have formed over the years as an important content to be exploited by the teachers in the school environment, and current projections, the inclusion of circus activities in physical education classes has been presented and defended by several authors. That being so, the objective was to offer a continuing education program thematising circus activities having as research focused on the analysis of this training process, as well as their implications, contributions, opportunities and challenges for teacher pedagogical practice. The research, qualitative, was developed in two phases: a questionnaire for physical education teachers working in public schools in order to highlight the reasons for the absence of most of the teachers in the training program. The second phase included the development of the continuing education program content circus activities in the continuing education of physical education teachers, the two teachers in the school environment, as well as analysis and reflection of teacher participation in the training program, described in daily class and daily meetings ending this step with a final interview. Participated in the study, 13 physical education teachers of the municipal school system of a city of São Paulo, of which only two teachers participated in the development of the training program in schools. The teachers manifestations through the questionnaire and participation in the training program showed that teachers make themselves available to participate in continuing education programs, however, the priorities of each teacher (such as family, leisure or other chores) can demarcate difficulties in establishing common to all teachers moments, preventing the effective participation of teachers within the continuing education programs. On the other hand, the school is set up as a rich space of experiences and exchanges of experience, contributing to the development of continuing education programs


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This work focused on research a course of continuing education for teachers of Physical Education, offered in a city of São Paulo in 2013. Adopting as a benchmark analysis of models of continuing education in teaching, investigative question that guided this study was: what are the implications of this formative process in the formation and performance of the participating teachers?. With this guiding question, four were the objectives we seek to respond to this analysis: first identify the profile of teachers as well as the participation and involvement of the same course developed; 2 map and analyze the manifestations of teachers throughout the course; 3 reflect on the role of teachers in relation to approaches and/or distances with the common physical education curriculum proposed by the municipality; 4 identify and analyze the reflections on the course conducted. The methodological approach was qualitative and eighteen participants were teachers of a school system in a city of São Paulo, active in cycle I (1 to 5 years) of primary school. Data collection was carried out in two phases, with the participants in the first stage seventeen teachers and three teachers in the second stage that in addition to acting in the cycle I also actively participated in the course. Data were obtained in phase one using a diagnostic interview recorded on voice recorder and transcripts of observations and recorded in video and voice recorder from sixteen meetings of the continuing education course conducted in 2013 and phase two included the observation of classes teachers in the 2nd half of 2013, ending with a final interview. Demonstrations of physical education teachers in the course, as well as the situations observed and interviews indicated that on the profile of teachers are in the age range 30-58 years to serve at least five years in schools and most (10) does not work elsewhere. Another observation is that most of the participating teachers when thes...


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the current brazilian high school situation that refers specifically to issues of infrastructure, training of professionals working in high school and the question of management of high school, because we believe that such questions also may have fundamental importance for both young people who drop out of high school and for young people who stay there. We will discuss these issues (infrastructure, management and training of professionals working in high school) as a reference, on the one hand, the goals and objectives proposed by the last National Education Plan (PNE - Law No. 10.172/2001), and on the other hand, the objectives and goals proposed for these same issues by the new PNE, to run until 2020, emphasizing that this is still under discussion in Congress, therefore, liable to modifications.


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In this research, qualitative, aimed to analyze the meanings assigned by Physical Education teachers to the relationship between continuing education and professional development stages. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight state public school teachers of Bauru/SP. The data were analyzed following the theory referential of HUBERMAN (2000), relatively to the concept of professional life cycles, and found that as well as other factors of the teaching career, on the extent of continuing education teachers also have different needs at each moment professional. In summary concluded: the early stage to teaching, they seek activities to improve pedagogical practice; stabilization phase: to solve problems in the educational context and to disseminate the academic content between teachers; diversifi cation phase: to provide a basis to work new content and to make constant updates according to educational innovations; serenity/exit: they feel the need to attend training activities in different spaces of the school.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC