88 resultados para Fitomassa


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The analysis of the uptake of nutrients is important for understanding the nutritional requirements of a cultivar during its development and identifies periods of increased demand, which allows scheduling fertigation. Nevertheless, the information is limited for gerbera. Thus, the present study was conducted to determine the uptake of potted gerbera cultivars Cherry and Red conducted in substrate in a crop cycle in the period August-October 2008. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in a randomized block split plot with four replications. The plots were composed by cultivars and subplots by dates of collection. During the development of the plants, the content and accumulation of macro and micronutrients was assessed in plant tissue of the shoots. The macronutrients were accumulated in the following order: K>N>Ca>Mg>P>S (524, 334, 119, 47, 42, 21 mg plant-1). The micronutrients were accumulated in the following order: Fe>Mn>B>Zn>Cu (7897, 1505, 801, 384,63 µg plant-1). The reproductive was the period of greatest uptake of nutrients, except for Fe.


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The crambe is a brassica with high content of oil used for biodiesel production and that has aroused interest in the short cycle and low production cost. However, there are doubts about their response to phosphated fertilization. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different doses of phosphorus on yield, physiological quality, chemical composition and oil content of crambe seeds. The treatments consisted of five doses of phosphorus (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 kg ha(-1)) applied at sowing. There was no effect of phosphorus on mineral composition and oil content of the seeds of crambe that showed the following averages: 30.11 N, 7.46 P, 7.35 K, Ca 10.06, 6.58 mg and 8.98 g kg(-1) S; 36.25 Cu, Fe 169.40, 36.75 Mn 73.60 mg kg(-1) Zn and 30.22% oil. It was concluded that the productivity of crambe increases with phosphorus rates of up to 100 kg ha(-1), but its use does not affect the survival rate of plants, dry mass, the mass of thousand seeds, the physiological quality, chemical composition and oil content of the seed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper discusses about the use of remote sensing image and processing digital images tools for mapping and assessing the effect on the biomass of the culture of sugar cane in the city of Rio Claro. We used satellite images from CBERS in the passages of 19/04/2009 and 23/09/08, which correspond respectively to the stages where the sugar cane appeared in growing and adult pre-harvest stage. In these images, we applied procedures of digital processing, as the application of the procedures for extending linear contrast, radiometric normalization, Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) and pixel by pixel classification by ISOSEG through of the software SPRING. As a result we obtained mapping of the distribution and development stages of the culture of sugar cane in the city of Rio Claro and the mapping of the existing biomass of this culture, showing that the method used to assess the relative effect on biomass in culture of sugar cane was efficient, and that images of low-medium resolution are not the most suitable for the mapping of this culture


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The production systems on substrates have been employed in most commercial cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants, including gerbera. However, its introduction as potted flower is recent in Brazil and many studies, especially those related to the determination of substrates physical and chemical properties, which contribute to production quality are still needed. The present study aimed to assess the influence of substrates characteristics for nutrient absorption and production of potted gerbera. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse with the experimental design in randomized blocks, factorial arrangement 5x2 (5 substrates and 2 cultivars) and 4 replications. Treatments consisted of substrates with different physical and chemical characteristics and gerbera cultivars (Cherry and Red). Plants grown on substrate with pH above 7.0 had a reduction in iron absorption, resulting in lower intensity of green coloration in the leaves. Plants grown on substrate with pH below 5.0 showed toxic levels of manganese and lower dry mass. The characteristics of the substrate, especially the pH, influence the nutrients absorption and the production of potted gerbera, altering the final plant quality.


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The success of conservation systems such as no-till depends on adequate soil cover throughout the year, which is possible through the use of cover crops. For this purpose the species belonging to the genus Urochloa has stood out by virtue of its hardiness and tolerance to drought. Aiming ground cover for the no-till system, the objective was to evaluate the establishment of two species of the genus Urochloa, in three sowing methods, in the weed suppression and the sensitivity of these forages to glyphosate. The study design was a randomized block with a 2 x 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, in which factor A was composed of Urochloa ruziziensis and Urochloa hybrid CIAT 36087 cv. Mulato II, factor B was formed by sowing methods: sown without embedding, sown with light embedding and sown in rows, and factor C was composed of three doses of glyphosate (0.975, 1.625 and 2.275 kg ha(-1) of acid equivalent). For determination of weed suppression, assessment of biomass yield and soil cover was performed, by brachiaria and weeds, at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 258 days after sowing. Visual assessment of the desiccation efficiency at 7 and 14 days after herbicide application was performed. It is concluded that embedding Urochloa seeds stands out in relation to sowing in the soil surface. Urochloa ruziziensis is more efficient in the dry weight yield, weed suppression, in addition to being more sensitive to glyphosate herbicide.


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The increased volume of water, facing food production in recent years has meant that research should seek ways to optimize and / or reuse water with salinity levels. This the aim of the study was to analyze the influence of salinity irrigating the culture of radish. In the culture of radish was subjected to irrigation water salinity 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 dsm-1 , and the analysis conducted over time. The experiment was conducted at UNESP, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Lageado Experiment Station, located in Botucatu/SP, in a greenhouse. The results indicate that salinity causes reduction in fresh and dry weight of the bulb, and has effect in the ratings over the cycle.


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Fertigation management of gerbera crop has been many times performed inadequately, and it has been worsened when mixtures of substrates with different physical and chemical characteristics are used. Aiming at evaluating the production and quality of potted gerbera in two substrates and different levels of fertigation, the experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of the DRN/Soil Science, FCA/UNESP, Botucatu (SP). A 5 x 2 factorial randomized block design (5 levels of fertigation and 2 substrates) was adopted with 4 replications. Levels of fertigation corresponded to maintenance of 100% available water (AW) in the substrate; 100 to 80% of AW; 100 to 60% of AW; 100 to 40% of AW and 100 to 20% of AW. The substrates were as follows: 1- mixed coconut fiber (50% pellet coconut fiber and 50% coir fiber), 2- 40% red soil, 40% decomposed pine bark, 10% composition 1 (40% decomposed pine bark, 30% vermiculite and 30% carbonized rice husk) and 10% composition 2 (75% decomposed pine bark and 25% needles of pine). Plants at the marketing stage were evaluated according to the number of leaves; diameter of leaf surface; leaf area; fresh and dry phytomass of leaves, inflorescence and total plant; inflorescence number and diameter, stem diameter, plant height, leaf area rate and electrical conductivity of the substrate solution. Plants of better quality were obtained when they were maintained in levels of 100% available water and the mixed coconut fiber was used as substrate.


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Importance of silicon fertilization is related to the benefits that silicon is able to promote tolerance to heavy metals, reduce the incidence of pests and diseases, increased productivity, drought tolerance, among others. The objective of this study was to evaluate the phyllosilicates effect on biomass formation, nutrients and silicon on the early stages of corn plants compared to wollastonite. Experiment was installed and conducted in a greenhouse located at the Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, in Registro, SP. Consisting of 10 treatments established in a randomized block design in scheme factorial (2 x 5), with five replications. First factor corresponds to the two types of soil (Oxisol and Ultisol) and the second factor, five treatments (control, 0 kg ha-1 Si; wollastonite W13, 13 kg ha-1 Si; wollastonite W26, 26 kg ha-1 Si; phyllosilicates F13, 13 kg ha-1 Si; phyllosilicates F26, 26 kg ha-1 Si). In Ultisol, phyllosilicates increased production of fresh, dry biomass and silicon content in shoots of corn compared to treatment with wollastonite and control. Highest Si content compared to control (6.2 g kg-1) was obtained with 13 kg ha-1 Si of phyllosilicates (9.8 g kg-1). The greatest accumulation mass and Si in plants by applying phyllosilicates were observed in Ultisol, although this display Si content higher than Oxisol.