244 resultados para Fase faríngea


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This experiment was conducted to evaluate different levels of digestible energy on the performance of Nile tilapia larvae (Oreochromis niloticus) during the sexual reversion phase. Three hundred and seventy-five larvae with initial average length and weight of 21.0±4.0 mg and 1.19±0.72 cm, respectively, were allotted to 25 30L-aquarium. A completely randomized design with five treatments and five replicates was used. The aquarium with 15 larvae was the experimental unit. The diets were formulated to contain levels of 3,300, 3,525, 3,750, 3,975, and 4,200 kcal/kg of digestible energy and to be isoprotein (38.6% digestible protein). The animals were fed ad libitum five times a day. At the end of the experiment, the averages of weight (PF), survival rate (SO), condition factor (FC) and length (CF) were analyzed. Linear reduction of fishes PF and CF, as the dietary digestible energy levels increased, was observed. No differences on fish SO and FC of different treatments were observed. Deleterious effects on performance due to the increasing dietary digestible energy levels were noticed for Nile tilapia larvae during the sexual reversion.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the potential of a heterotrophic rearing media (microbial flocs) on the growth and survival of Farfantepenaeus paulensis reared in the nursery phase. For 30 days, F. paulensis post-larvae (0.019 ± 0.01g) were reared in nine 40-liter plastic tanks at the density of 500 post-larvae m -2. Three treatments with three replicates each were used: rearing in the presence of microbial flocs with ration supply (FLOC + R); rearing in the sole presence of flocs - no ration supplied (FLOC); and rearing in clear water plus with ration supply (AC + R). The presence of microbial flocs had no significant effect on growth and survival in the nursery rearing of F. paulensis.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of a millet-soybean rotation, during the implantation phase of no-tillage system on the physical properties of a Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico and the dry mass production of millet and the productivity of soybean. The experimental design used was a randomized blocks, in a split splot arrangement, with four replications. The parcels was constituted by three sowings (E1, E2 and E3) and the subparcels was constituted by harvests, where each harvest handling was: M1 - harvest each blooming and covering withdrawal; M2 - harvest each blooming and covering permanency; M3 - only in the first harvest on blooming and covering withdrawal; M4 - only in the first harvest on blooming and covering permanency, and M5-free growing, with no harvest. Samples were collected from three soil layers: 0-0,05, 0,05-0,10 and 0,10-0,20 m. The E2 showed smaller values of soil density and larger values of total porosity. The E3 resulted in smaller values of flocculation degree and mean weight diameter of the aggregates. The E3 showed smaller production of dry mass.


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This research was carried out to compare the effect of phytase on performance, in the incorporation and excretion phosphorus in Nile tilápia. Four diets were used: one standard (contol), composed by 3,200 DE kcal ED/kg of ration and 30.0% CP and supplemented with phosphorus (4.0% of dicalcium phosphate), considering the treatment control, and others three, without phosphorus supplementation, with different phytase levels (1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 uf/kg), with four replication, per a period of 82 days. Circular tanks of fiber glass, with constant flow and aeration were used. The results demonstrated that the use of phytase in diets for fish production can reduce the levels of inorganic phosphorus in the diets and minimizing the impacts caused by phosphorus in the production system and in the natural environment and also can improve the productivity, increasing the amount of feed to be supplied and, consequently, facilitating the increase of biomass of fish to be used per production area. © 2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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The main goal of this work is to present a supplier's management method based on evaluation of audits performed at suppliers during products development phase. Audits are prioritized according to the impact of supplied parts on the development and its main goals are identification of risks, to propose and perform action plans and to evaluate periodically the supplier's performance to prevent problems. It is proposed that if the audits in the development phase be efficient, the supplied products will have good maturity to entry into service and stable performance. This issue was evaluated in a aeronautic company and the analyzed results in 2006 were considered good.


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Considered as one of the main agents of the tripanossomiases, Trypanosoma evansi causes a disease generically know as surra, with wide geographic occurence. This work has the aim to study the electrophoretic profile of the acute phase proteins of goats, experimentally infected with T. evansi. Ten crossbread female goats, around 4 months of age, clinically healthy and serum negative for the presence of antibodies anti-T. evansi (IFAT) were used. The animals were divided in two groups: six were inoculated (G1) intravenously with 2,38 × 10 6 tripomastigotes of T. evansi and four were kept as noninfected controls. The blood for serum was collected daily until the 14 days after inoculation (DAI), weekly up to the 98 th DAI and every two weeks up to the 364 th DAI. The serum proteins were separacted by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE). Twenty-one proteins were found in the serum of the goats, eight were nominally identified; phosphorylase, transferrin, albumin, antitrypsin, acid glicoprotein, haptoglobin, hemoglobin, and light chain immunoglobulin.


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New classes of martensitic stainless steels, with low carbon levels, have been developed aiming to meet the needs of the petroleum industry segment. However, their use has been restricted due to the fact it is a recent development and many of its properties are still under investigation. This work determines the values of initial and final temperatures for the austenitic transformation and the initial and final temperatures of martensitic formation for alloy 13Cr2Ni0,1C, by means of dilatometric tests under continuous cooling. Based on these results the optimized conditions for quench and temper heat treatments were obtained. The microstructural characterization of the alloys under coarse fusion condition was carried out by optical microscopy and the presence of delta-ferrite in the martensitic matrix was observed.


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Escherichia coli is a bacteria of the Enterobacteriacea family and it is part of the enterical microflora of mammals and of many species of birds. Salmonella spp. also belongs to the family Enterobacteriacea, it is responsible for human feed toxinfection outbreaks and usually isolated from domestic and wild birds. The present study analyzed the frequency of both agents in Psittaciformes in rehabilitation process for wildlife reintroduction. In 89 birds analyzed, 19% were infected with E. coli and 1,12% with Salmonella spp. It was carried out an analysis of the profile of antibiotic resistance in which was observed the efficiency of estreptomicin, tetraciclin, trimetoprim and gentamicin over the samples. The samples of E. coli were submitted to the Congo Red Binding test and to the Hemolisis test and 70,6% of positive samples for the first test and 53% for the second one were observed.


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Objeti vo: Avaliar os efeitos da expansão lenta na maxila e na mandíbula com o aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar de pacientes jovens com atresia maxilar. Método: A amostra compreendeu 18 indivíduos leucodermas (11 meninas e 7 meninos; idade média: 8 anos e 10 meses no início do tratamento) que apresentavam atresia da maxila, acompanhadas ou não de mordida cruzada posterior uni ou bilateral na fase de denti ção mista. Todos os pacientes foram tratados com aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, sendo o tempo médio de tratamento de 15,4 meses (± 7,6). Para avaliar a infl uência do tratamento nas mensurações dos pontos demarcados nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar, foram uti lizados os modelos de gesso dos arcos superior e inferior (36 pares) obti dos em dois tempos: T1: início do tratamento e T2: ao fi nal do tratamento. Para cada paciente em ambos os tempos, foram mensuradas as distâncias transversas na região oclusal entre caninos decíduos, 1o molares decíduos ou 1o pré-molares permanentes e entre 1o molares permanentes, superiores e inferiores. Para verifi car se a movimentação ocorreu por inclinação ou por movimento de corpo, foram uti lizadas também medidas nas regiões gengival e alveolar. Os dados foram avaliados estati sti camente pelo teste “t student para amostras pareadas (5%). Resultados: Observou-se que em T2, todas as distâncias mensuradas para as regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar apresentaram valores estati sti camente superiores às mesmas medidas em T1 (p<0,05). Conclusão: O aparelho ortodônti co removível superior é efeti vo nos casos de expansão lenta da maxila, agindo também indiretamente nas dimensões transversas do arco inferior.


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Were used 64 weaned pigs, distributed in eight treatments: ration with skim milk (SM), three rations with crescent levels of swine plasma (SP), three rations with whole egg (WE) and a ration with high inclusion of soybean meal (SB). Daily weight gain (DWG), daily feed intake (DFI) and feed conversion (FC) were evaluated. The animals that consumed ration SB have the mean of DWG higher that other treatments, and inferior FC, from 35 to 48 days of age. The crescent levels of SP promoted linear reduction in DWG, from 21 to 35, and from 35 to 48 days of age, in DFI from 48 to 138 days of age and linear increased in FC from 21 to 35 of age. Considering the weaned phase until finishing, initial rations can be formulated with SP and WE substituted partially the CP of skim milk in 25 and 45%, respectively.


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The objective of this study was to assess the performance, tonic immobility time (TIT), intensity of injuries (II) and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio (H:L) by the addition of the symbiotic and plant extract (Aloe vera and Symphytum officinale) to the diet of Japanese quails. Ninety quails were used, distributed in randomized blocks with 3 treatments (0-control; 250 and 750 mg symbiotic and plant extract/kg of diet), five repetitions and six birds per cage. Feed intake, feed conversion, production and weight of eggs, viability, TIT, II and H:L were evaluated. Results showed that the addition of the product to the diet did not affect the performance, however, it decreased the TIT, II and the H:L of quails which received the highest level of the product in the diet. Thus, the use of symbiotic and plant extract in the diet has been promising regarding the behavioral and physiological parameters, decreasing the stress of the animals, mainly for the level of 750 mg/kg diet.


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Two assays were conducted to determine the coefficients of digestibility (CD) and the digestible nutrients (DN) of the extruded semi-whole soybean (Assay 1 conventional feeding and Assay 2 feeding for sows, starting at 109 days of pregnancy and during the lactation and for lactating piglets and in the initial phase, with rations without soybean meal). Each assay was divided into two phases (32 and 50 days of age). Eight piglets weaned at 25 days of age were used. Total feces collection method was used. The following variables were analyzed in feed and in feces: dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber and gross energy. The following average values were obtained: CDDM 88.87%; CDCP 86.81%; CDEE 85.41%; CDCF 78.22%; CDGE 80.21% and CMDE 95.71%, which allowed the calculation of the digestible nutrients: DDM 81.28%; DP 34.49%; DEE 14.02%; DF 4.49%; DEa 4087.86 kcal/kg and MEa 3912.73 kcal/kg. The different coefficients of digestibility were not affected by the differential feeding for sows and piglets nor by the different ages of the animals. Moreover, the extruded semi-whole soybean presented good levels of DN, concerning mainly the digestible and metabolizable energy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)