101 resultados para Faria, Almeida, 1943-


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Em países de clima tropical, o calor é um dos principais limitantes à produção de frangos de corte, sendo ainda responsável por induzir uma elevada mortalidade, especialmente na fase de terminação. Visando aliviar o efeito do estresse pelo calor, foram avaliadas duas técnicas para melhorar a tolerância térmica: o condicionamento térmico precoce (TCP) e a formulação dieta utilizando o princípio de Mongin (equilíbrio eletrolítico). Para tanto, o balanço eletrolítico do K+Na-Cl foi ajustado em 350 mEq/kg e a relação eletrolítica (K+Cl)/Na em 3:1, pelo programa PPFR (http://www.fmva.unesp.br/ppfr). Foram utilizados 300 pintos machos Cobb 500, em arranjo fatorial 2x2 (com e sem TCP e com e sem o princípio de Mongin), num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em 24 boxes (6 repetições por tratamento). As aves foram inicialmente alojadas em baterias metálicas (1-7 dias de idade), e posteriormente em piso (8-48 dias de idade), sendo arraçoadas com: (T1) dieta tradicional sem TCP; (T2) dieta tradicional com TCP; (T3) dieta com a aplicação do equilíbrio eletrolítico sem TCP e (T4) dieta com aplicação do equilíbrio eletrolítico com TCP. O condicionamento térmico foi realizado no quinto dia de idade, por 24 horas a 36 °C, somente na metade do lote (150 aves). Após esse período, todas as aves foram transferidas para boxes de 1,5x3m (12 aves/boxe), tendo como cama a maravalha de madeira reutilizada. Aos 36 dias de idade foi aplicado um estresse agudo (36°C) por 8 horas em todos os tratamentos, sendo monitorado eletronicamente a temperatura e a umidade do galpão e do microclima na altura das aves. A alimentação e a água foram ad libitum, mesmo durante o período de estresse. Foram aferidos os dados de desempenho aos 7, 35 e 48 dias de idade para ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar, e também a taxa de mortalidade de cada boxe. Verificou-se que tanto o equilíbrio eletrolítico como o condicionamento térmico precoce foram eficazes significativamente (P<0,05) para minimizar a mortalidade dos frangos submetidos ao estresse agudo de calor, sem prejuízo no desempenho das aves. Além disso, foi observado um efeito mais favorável quando aplicados simultaneamente (T4). Assim, para o tratamento em que nenhuma destas estratégias foram utilizadas (T1), a taxa de mortalidade foi 83% superior ao tratamento em que ambas foram aplicadas (T4). Assim, tanto o condicionamento térmico precoce como o princípio de Mongin foram válidos para minimizar os efeitos danosos causados pelo calor em frangos de corte.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As atuais estratégias de formulação exigiram a aplicação de novas ferramentas computacionais, que utilizam a modelagem matemática, dando suporte na tomada de decisão para uma nutrição de precisão. Por este motivo, destaca-se a programação não linear, que não visa apenas formular uma dieta que atenda as necessidades do animal, segundo o custo mínimo, mas também maximizar a margem de lucro. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo validar a utilização do modelo/princípio não linear (PNL), com maximização do retorno econômico, através de estimativas de desempenho das aves e dos custos da ração, segundo a variação de preço do kg do frango de corte (preço médio histórico de 2009 e 2010), as fases de criação e do sexo. Para tanto, foram utilizados 480 pintos de corte, 240 machos e 240 fêmeas de mesma linhagem (Cobb 500), no período de 1 a 56 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, totalizando 6 tratamentos (aumentado ou diminuído em 25% ou 50% o preço médio histórico), com 4 repetições e 10 aves por parcela experimental. As aves foram alimentadas ad libitum com água e rações experimentais, formuladas à base de milho, farelo de soja, óleo de soja, suplemento vitamínico e mineral, calcário e fosfato bicálcico. Foi avaliado o desempenho (ganho de peso, consumo e conversão alimentar), consumo total energético e lucro nas diferentes fases (inicial, crescimento e terminação). O consumo de ração mostrou diferença significativa (P<0,05) entre as dietas que foram formuladas segundo o princípio não linear e linear. O consumo total energético foi significativamente influenciado (P<0,05) tanto pelo princípio de formulação como pela variação do preço histórico do frango, sendo o esperado, uma vez que essa condição é que viabiliza a aplicação do modelo para máximo lucro. Quanto ao lucro foi demonstrado que o princípio de formulação não linear permite minimizar as perdas significativamente (P<0,05), principalmente em condições desfavoráveis do preço do frango no mercado. Conclui-se que a programação não linear favorece a nutrição de precisão, partindo de um principio que este método oferece novas oportunidades para a produção de aves e melhorias de rentabilidade.


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In tropical climates the heat is one of the major constraints to production of broilers and is responsible for inducing a high mortality, especially in the finishing phase. Thus, the objective of this study was to compare the thermal conditioning early (TC) and feed formulation using dietary electrolytes (DE). Therefore, the electrolyte balance of K+Na-Cl was set at 350 mEq/kg and electrolyte ratio (K+Cl)/Na) in the 3:1 program PPFR (http://www.fmva.unesp.br/ppfr). A total of 300 Cobb 500 1-dold male broiler chicks was randomly allocated to 24 floor pens with six replicates per treatment in a 2x2 factorial arrangement (with and without TC and with and without DE). Dietary treatments consisted: (T1) a traditional diet without TC; (T2) traditional diet with TC; (T3) with the application of dietary electrolyte and without TC and (T4) application of dietary electrolyte with TC. The thermal conditioning was conducted at 5 d of age (36°C for 24 h), only half of the batch (150 birds). After this period, all birds were transferred to boxes of 1.5 x3m (12 birds / box), with wood shavings reused as litter. Chicks were exposed to acute stress (36°C) for 8 h at the age 36, in all treatments, being electronically monitored the temperature and humidity of the microclimate of the birds. Feed and water were provided ad libitum, even during periods of stress. Were measured performance data (weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion) and mortality rate. The early thermal conditioning (T2) and effect of dietary electrolytes (T3) were effective to minimize the mortality of broilers subjected to acute heat stress with a significant difference (P<0.05), without prejudice on broiler performance. The results also showed that there was a more favorable effect when applied dietary electrolytes and thermal conditioning simultaneously (treatment T4). However, for the treatment none of these strategies has been applied (T1), the mortality rate was 83% over that in which they were applied (T4). It was concluded from this study that both techniques: the thermal conditioning early as the dietary electrolytes are efficacious in minimize the damaging effects caused by heat broiler.


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This study evaluated a nonlinear programming excel workbook PPFR (http://www.fmva.unesp.br/ppfr) for determining the optimum nutrient density and maximize margins. Two experiments were conducted with 240 one-day-old female chicks and 240 one-day-old male chicks distributed in 48 pens (10 chicks per pen, 4 replicates) in a completely randomized design. The treatments include the average price history (2009s and 2010s) for broiler increased and decreased by 25% or 50% (5 treatments to nonlinear feed formulation) and 1 linear feed formulation. Body gain, feed intake, feed conversion were measured at 21, 42 and 56 d of age. Chicks had ad libitum access to feed and water in floor pens with wood shavings as litter. The bio-economic Energy Conversion [BEC= (Total energy intake*Feed weighted cost per kg)/ (Weight gain*kg live chicken cost)] was more sensitive for measuring the bio-economic performance for broilers, and especially with better magnitude. This allowed a better assessment of profitability, the rate of growth and not just energy consumption, the production of broilers, by incorporating energy consumption, allowing for more sensitivity to the new index (BEC). The BEC was demonstrated that the principle of nonlinear formulation minimizes losses significantly (P<0.05), especially under unfavorable conditions the price of chicken in the market. Thus, when considering that a diet of energy supply shows up as the most expensive item of a formulation, it should compose necessarily the formula proposed for a bio-economic index. Thus, there is need to evaluate more accurately, not only the ingredients of a ration, but the impact of nutrients on the stability of a solution, mainly due to the energy requirement. This strategy promotes better accuracy for decision making under conditions of uncertainty, to find alternative post-formulation. From the above, both weight gain and feed conversion, as traditional performance indicators, cannot finalize or predict a performance evaluation of an economic system creating increasingly intense and competitive. Thus, the energy concentration of the diet becomes more important definition to feed formulator, by directly impact profit activity by interactions with the density of nutrients. This allowed a better evaluation of profitability, the rate of energy performance for broilers, by incorporating the energy consumption formula, allowing more sensitivity to the new index (BEC). These data show that nonlinear feed formulation is a toll to offer new opportunities for poultry production to improved profitability.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of early age thermal conditioning (TC) and dietary electrolyte balances (DEB) to minimize the effect of heat stress. A total of 240 Cobb 500 1-d-old male broiler chicks was randomly allocated to 24 floor pens with six replicates per treatment in a 2x2 factorial arrangement (with and without TC and with and without DEB). Dietary treatments consisted: (T1) a traditional diet without TC; (T2) traditional diet with TC; (T3) with the application of dietary electrolyte and without TC and (T4) application of dietary electrolyte with TC. The thermal conditioning was conducted at 5 d of age (36°C for 24 h), only half of the batch (120 birds). After this period, all birds were transferred to boxes of 1.5 x 3m (10 birds / box), with wood shavings reused as litter. Chicks were exposed to chronic heat stress (32°C) for 6 h from 35 to 39 d of age, in all treatments, being electronically monitored the temperature and humidity of the microclimate of the birds. Feed and water were provided ad libitum, even during periods of stress. Were measured performance data (weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion) and mortality rate. Data were subjected to ANOVA using the GLM procedures of SAS. The results of this study demonstrated no interaction effects of all evaluated parameters (performance and mortality). Therefore, no synergism occurred when both strategies (TC and DEB) were applied. Only the first week there was prejudice on broiler performance with the application of the TC and apparently the technique of early age thermal conditioning no improve the resistance of broilers to chronic heat stress. On the other hand, DEB had significantly favorable effects (P<0.05) on performance and minimized mortality immediately after application of the TC.


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Patients infected with HIV can present several complications related to oral health. Today, the reduction of morbidity and mortality is evidenttreatment with antiviral enhances the quality of life of patients. The increase in comfort, stability, function and improving quality of life have led these patients to seek treatment with osseointegrated implants. This study aimed to discuss, based on the literature, the rehabilitation treatment with osseointegrated implants in patients HIV positive. For this we carried out a literature review including the subject in the databases: PubMed, Cochrane, ISI Dentistry and Oral Science in the last 20 years. The issue was addressed for the first time in 1998, describing a clinical case, the patient had successful rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants. However, the literature states that the indications must be carefully analyzed (2007), since there are few prospective controlled studies. There is doubt as to the use of dental implant therapy in patients with HIV-positive, and the complications are related to the patient’s systemic condition. It is essential to understand the clinical manifestations and complications of the disease before the implant therapy. It is observed that the dental implant therapy in patients with HIV positive is a predictable treatment option, it´s need an adequate control of oral and systemic conditions, and studies with larger sample, longer follow-up and randomized studies are important for evaluating the success therapy.


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The orofacial pain, also known by the generic term dysfunction, is highly prevalent in the general population, causing great discomfort to the patients. For this reason, there is great importance of dentist’s participation in practice and in the process of proper diagnosis of this disease, which in modern times has become increasingly important as guides the best treatment. Thus, this study was aimed to review the main causes, diagnosis, main symptoms and treatment modalities, to serve as a guide to the dentist. Moreover, it also aims to review the main etiologic factors commonly associated, as emotional stress and muscular hyperactivity, to clearly identify signs and symptoms, so the dentist is able to realize simple treatment in your particular office or recognizes complex cases that could be send for treatment to multidisciplinary teams.


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The design of implant structure is still a questioning to the professionals, while their variations can to influence of stress distribution favorably to bone. Therefore, the aim of study was to review addressing the topic of osseointegrated implants design establishing answers for the patient oral rehabilitation, according variations existing on the market. It was conducted a detailed search strategy by the PubMed/ Medline and Bireme, it was used as descriptors: “dental implants cylinder”; “dental implants thread”; “dental implants geometry”, until May 2014. From 798 articles, after review were selected 18 articles and 1 specific area book. The results were divided to compare design of implant and threads for further discussion and conclusions. Thus, conclude that the threads implants are best used because of its advantages with respect to the stress distribution and stability primary. The variations of the differents types of threads, have influence for stress distribution.


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The population’s life expectancy is growing every year. This fact highlights the importance of the elderly for the dentistry. The oral cavity quality has great influence on quality of life at both the biological and the psychological and social factors by maintaining a self-esteem, self-expression, communication and satisfactory facial aesthetics. Unfortunately, the number of edentulous elderly population is also high, which may create problems to their social life. Therefore, the objective of this study was to demonstrate and evaluate the difficulties of treating edentulous patients, comparing data prior to treatment to post data after treatment by complete dentures made to the patients undergoing oral rehabilitation in the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry of Adamantina – FAI. For this study, questionnaires were filled in the form of answers developed alternative focused on the degree of patient satisfaction, the current situation of occlusion, and outcome of treatment. The results showed that 96% of patients were satisfied with the results obtained in the treatment, all of whom believed that the prosthesis helped them feel better aesthetically and improved self-esteem. By this methodology, it was concluded that the degree of satisfaction was high, but the services provided must be constantly reevaluated, once the elderly population presents a wide labor market for dental professionals and demand level services will certainly increase each year.


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The Morse Taper implant system, developed from its introduction in engineering, has become increasingly effective for use in dentistry. However, other systems, main external hexagon type, have been used more frequently today. Current studies have been reported the positive features of the Morse taper system and even emphasized as ideal within the systems used in implantology. Unfortunately, some professional duty by not knowing this system, or even prefer hexagon type system by decreased cost of components, have refused to use it. Thus, this study was aimed to perform a brief review of the Morse taper system, emphasizing its main points of interest in dentistry, in an attempt to familiarize the professionals to at least learn more about this system that has the prospect to become the leading system implants used in dentistry in the coming years. It is concluded that this system of dental implants is favorable showing predictability and success.


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The maintenance of Implant-supported Prosthesis is essential to the success of dental implants. Therefore, the aim of the study was to conduct a review the literature addressing maintenance Implant-Supported Prosthesis in order to guide planning for the longevity of oral rehabilitation. We conducted a detailed search strategy for the Pubmed / Medline Dentistry and Oral Science, used as descriptors: “Oral Hygiene“ and “Dental Implant until July, 2013. The results were grouped together in topics (Clinical Exam and Oral Hygiene) and discussed. Conclusion: A regular maintenance program for oral patient implantprosthesis is essential to the longevity of the treatment. Different methods and devices are effective for cleansing. However one orientation (in writing) must be offered to patients, since inadequate cleaning can create regions of abrasion on the surfaces of abutments and dental implants.


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The treatment with overdenture supported by tooth consists in complete or partial removable prosthesis confection in which some satisfactory tooth are maintained and used to aiding retention associated with any retention system. The purpose of this case report is to show the use of magnet attachment in the confection overdenture to improve the oral rehabilitation in cases with restricted intermaxillary space. The treatment was considered successful by the patient and no need for excessive alteration in the prosthesis was required in the follow-up period of 6 months.