231 resultados para Educação inclusiva Teses


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This work carried through an exploratory study with nine students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) that had passed for the scholarship in last the ten years and who were registered in the modality of Education for Young people and Adults (EYA). The objective was to identify the effect of the inclusive education, with regard to access and equity in education, in relation to the acquisition of reading, writing and calculation, having as reference the initial cycle of literacy. The research was developed with students aged between 16 and 46 years, in a city in interior of So Paulo (Brazil). About the participants, three were attended the Term I: (1 and 2 series), three the Term II (3 e 4 series) and three the Term III: (5 series). An Instrument of Evaluation was elaborated, with specific questions of Portuguese language and mathematics. The study found that in the last ten years, of the investigated group, few students had frequented regular school and those who attended were for a short period of time. The great majority studied, in recent years, only in special school, against the current legislation of inclusive education policy in the Brazilian educational system. Although the students receive the classification of students with SEN, the scholar system demonstrate difficulties in taking care of these students in theirs specific demands of learning and remain, still, the necessity of adequate training of teachers to work in the inclusive schools and to attend the diversity present in the classroom.


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Inclusive education is a proposal in which all people are accepted and recognized by their individual characteristics. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the concept of inclusive education and its relation within the democratic management on the early childhood education. Participated in these study educators of two schools in a municipal system school, the data were collected by means of interviews and were analyzed using qualitative approach. Educators participated in the study of two schools in a municipal school, and the data collected by means of interviews and organizes collective actions designed. The survey results suggest that is necessary that the management team is informed and understands the importance of articulating different social segments that can assist special needs of students with disabilities in their needs, promoting thus its development.


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Ps-graduao em Educação - FCT


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Respect for differences is one of the most important subjects in debate in the Brazilian and World society today. Its consensus that diversity education is very important to make humanity fairer and more equal. In this context, its necessary to separate real pedagogic actions from political demagogy. So, our objective in this paper is to enrich this discussion with the results of our project Perspectives of teachers about the inclusion of special students in Programa UNESP de Educação de Jovens e Adultos. These results will demonstrate a good example of inclusive education and will prove the inadequacy of training in special education offered to Brazilian university students. In our opinion, its impossible to believe in diversity education without appropriate training in inclusive education because this work requires accommodation of social, political, physical, religious, cognitive and cultural differences and this demands a skilled professional in all teaching methods.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Ps-graduao em Docncia para a Educação Bsica - FC


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This study examines the knowledge of the physical education teachers relation with inclusion of handicapped people in their classes. Thus, data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire administered in 23 teachers of Physical Education. The main difficulties to the implementation of inclusion concerned basically to the lack of applied knowledge. As suggestions, were highlighted: the need for guidance by a multidisciplinary team; continuing education; upgrades in infrastructure and appropriate teaching resources; previous experience of teaching students with disabilities were also related. The data allowed the identification of elements needed to accomplish the inclusive educational physical education purpose and the need of professional prepare to attend the inclusive quests.


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This paper presents aspects of Early Childhood Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education, considering collaborative teaching as a relevant strategy in this mode. Thus, had been aimed to review the literature on collaborative learning in kindergarten and verify the knowledge of teachers on this pedagogical strategy. The survey was conducted in Child Education Centers and Schools municipal daycare, totaling 4 units and 45 participants. Empirical data were collected through a closed questionnaire, tabulated and analyzed qualitative and qualitatively. The results indicate the recognition of preschool teachers in need of support and assistance regarding collaborative teaching, highlighting the need for continuous training in the performance of special education teacher in this context.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a insero da temtica Educação Inclusiva (EI) em cursos de licenciatura da rea de Cincias (Biologia, Fsica e Qumica), das universidades pblicas estaduais do estado de So Paulo. Analisou-se o projeto polticos pedaggicos (PPP) e planos de ensino das disciplinas da rea pedaggica, atravs da anlise documental. Dos PPPs das licenciaturas em Cincias, apenas um curso de Fsica (FIS 4), um de Qumica (QUIM 6) e Cincias Biolgicas (BIO 13) tratam da EI. Em relao s disciplinas que abordam a EI, dos 13 cursos de licenciatura em Cincias Biolgicas, apenas trs apresentam disciplinas que abordam a temtica. Dos nove cursos de licenciatura em Fsica, quatro possuem disciplina que abordam a temtica. Dos oito cursos de licenciatura em Qumica, dois contam com disciplinas que abordam a temtica Educação Inclusiva.


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Ps-graduao em Planejamento e Anlise de Polticas Pblicas - FCHS


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A insero das crianas de zero a 18 meses em creches poder estimular o seu desenvolvimento motor e perceptocognitivo, podendo essa fase ser considerada a primeira da educação inclusiva. Objetivou-se verificar as concepes das profissionais do berrio relativas insero da criana com necessidades especiais na rotina de atividades desenvolvidas. Foram entrevistadas sete beraristas da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Bauru. Os dados, organizados segundo categorias analticas: conceitos relativos ao processo de incluso, benefcios para a criana e diferenas entre as crianas nessa faixa etria, foram submetidos anlise qualitativa. Os resultados mostraram que a incluso de crianas com necessidades especiais vista com reservas, explicitando ideias preconcebidas sobre a deficincia. Eles se justificam pela falta de conhecimento do desenvolvimento infantil e dos fatores que o envolvem, bem como pelo fato de os profissionais vincularem suas atividades s experincias pessoais.


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O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar o desempenho escolar da criana vtima de violncia domstica atendida no Frum Judicial. Participaram do estudo 20 crianas vitimizadas comparadas com seus pares da mesma sala de aula, mesmo sexo e mesma faixa etria, mas sem histrico de violncia domstica, suas respectivas mes e professoras. As crianas responderam ao Teste de Desempenho Escolar, Inventrio de Estilos Parentais e ao Teste de Raven (Escala Especial) e apresentaram o caderno escolar. As mes responderam a uma entrevista e a Escala de Tticas de Conflitos Revisada (CTS-2). As professoras apresentaram sua opinio sobre o desempenho acadmico dos participantes. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a criana vitimizada tem desempenho escolar inferior ao grupo controle. Os resultados da CTS-2 indicaram que a maioria das crianas vitimizadas estava exposta violncia conjugal. O estudo mostrou que, alm da violncia domstica direta e indireta, tais crianas estavam expostas a outros fatores de risco, tais como, pobreza, baixa escolaridade materna e uso de lcool e/ou droga por familiares.


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Na realidade brasileira a proposta da construo de um sistema educacional inclusivo encontra-se amparada legalmente e em princpios tericos fundamentados em ideais democrticos de igualdade, eqidade e diversidade. No entanto, muitas vezes, as prticas inclusivas se distanciam sobremaneira das proposies tericas e legais. Assim, neste artigo, temos como objetivo discutir aspectos relacionados ao delineamento de polticas pblicas de incluso educacional, considerando as aes poltico-administrativas e as de carter pedaggico. Colocamos em debate as dificuldades de apreenso do carter inter-setorial do processo, do conceito de educação inclusiva, como tambm as dificuldades de materializao de prticas no excludentes, da transformao do contexto educacional, tanto no que se refere s concepes quanto s aes na busca de implantao e implementao de um sistema inclusivo.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)