99 resultados para Distribución espacial


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Com o objetivo de verificar a existência de variabilidade temporal e espacial do tamanho de amostra da temperatura mínima do ar média mensal de trinta e sete municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, utilizaram-se os dados de temperatura mínima do ar do período de 1931 a 2000. Determinou-se o tamanho de amostra da temperatura mínima do ar média mensal em cada mês e município. Realizou-se análise de agrupamento dos meses e dos municípios pelo método hierárquico vizinho mais distante. Há variabilidade do tamanho de amostra (número de anos) para a estimativa da temperatura mínima do ar média mensal no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul no tempo e no espaço. Maior tamanho de amostra, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, é necessário nos meses de maio, junho e julho, com diminuição gradativa em direção a janeiro e dezembro. Há variabilidade do tamanho de amostra entre os municípios do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a variabilidade espacial de atributos químicos de Latossolos e Argissolos, sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar em áreas com variações na forma do relevo. No presente estudo utilizou-se duas áreas, sendo uma em Latossolo em pedoforma convexa (158ha) e a outra em Argissolo na pedoforma linear (172ha). Foi coletada amostra de solo em malha na profundidade de 0,00-0,50m, realizando-se análise química de cada ponto amostrado. Os maiores coeficientes de variação e alcances foram observados na pedoforma convexa (Latossolo). Portanto, o Latossolo inserido na pedoforma convexa apresentou maior variabilidade espacial para os atributos químicos em relação ao Argissolo na pedoforma linear. O latossolo inserido pedoforma convexa necessita de maior número de pontos de coleta por apresentar maior variabilidade espacial. Recomenda-se que o intervalo de amostragem seja igual ao alcance da dependência espacial, para associar menor esforço de amostragem com maior representatividade.


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O relevo influencia a variabilidade da textura, uma vez que condiciona o tempo de exposição dos materiais à ação do intemperismo. Neste trabalho, desenvolvido no município de Gavião Peixoto (SP), objetivou-se caracterizar a variabilidade espacial da textura de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob cultivo de citros. A encosta foi dividida em três segmentos: topo, meia encosta e encosta inferior. O solo foi amostrado em malha, com intervalos regulares de 50 m, perfazendo o total de 332 pontos em uma área de 83,5 ha, nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2 m e 0,6-0,8 m. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e geoestatística (modelagem de semivariogramas e mapas de krigagem). O comportamento espacial da textura de latossolos está diretamente relacionado com as formas do relevo neste estudo, que controla o sentido dos fluxos de água superficial e subsuperficial. O conceito de homogeneidade da distribuição de argila no perfil dos latossolos é uma informação que pode ser ajustada pelo conhecimento do padrão espacial dessa distribuição em diferentes formas do relevo.


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As dificuldades de aprendizagem de Desenho Técnico que experimentam os estudantes de Engenharia relacionam-se com seu nível de aptidão. Para melhorar o processo didático, seria necessário detectar de imediato os estudantes que requerem mais apoio. Este estudo descreve a utilidade de um teste de Visualização Espacial e um teste de Raciocínio Indutivo para prever o rendimento dos estudantes em Desenho Técnico. A amostra foi composta por 484 estudantes do primeiro ano do Curso de Engenharia de quatro centros brasileiros de Educação Superior. Os dados foram analisados com o modelo de Rasch. Os resultados sugerem que a aptidão de Visualização Espacial é o melhor previsor.


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Neste trabalho descreve-se a construção, a aplicação e os resultados obtidos numa bateria de exercícios informatizados para treinamento da visualização espacial de estudantes de Engenharia. A bateria contém quatro exercícios baseados em tarefas muito comuns do ensino fundamental de desenho técnico. Cada exercício é composto por 18 itens com quatro opções de respostas das quais apenas uma é correta. Após responder a cada item o aluno recebe um feed-back imediato, com a demonstração da precisão da sua resposta. O formato de resposta dos exercícios denomina-se Responder até acertar, uma vez que se a resposta é incorreta, o aluno recebe a informação da pontuação obtida. Para avaliar a influencia do treinamento na visualização espacial foram administrados testes dessa aptidão no começo e no final do curso de desenho técnico. As figuras dos exercícios e os testes foram construídas com AutoCad e a programação foi realizada com Revolution Studio 2. Utilizaram-se vários modelos para obter as medidas: Partial Credit Model (Masters, 1982) e Rasch Model (Rasch, 1960). Observou-se que os alunos apresentaram uma melhora moderada em visualização espacial.


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This study was conducted to study the spatial variability of phosphorus, estimating it through cokriging taking as covariables the size fractions of soil. The study was conducted at the experimental farm INCAPER-ES. The soil was sampled in the canopy projection of culture and depth of 0-0.20 meters in an irregular mesh with 109 points. The data were initially submitted to a descriptive analysis and correlation. Through geostatistics was made the adjustment of the variograms. The P showed significant correlation with the sand and clay fractions indicating that areas with higher concentrations of clay have lower availability of this nutrient. Both fractions have equal performance as co-variable in the estimate of the levels of P in the soil.


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The study of the spatial variability of soil attributes under different crop helps the study of changes due the management. This research was carried out to determine spatial variability the particle-size distribution, using of the classic statistic and geostatistics, of a soil cultivated with pasture and native vegetation. Soil samples were collected in the layer 0-0.20m, at the crossing points of a regular grid with 10m-intervals, summing up 64 samples points in each area. In the pasture area the fractions of coarse and total sand presented larger mean values in relation to the native vegetation, and negative correlation with the altitude of the points samples in the two areas. All of the fractions presented moderate to high spatial dependence in the two areas and with the defined still, with exception of the fine sand and the silt in the pasture. Much of this variability occurs as a function of water erosion.


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A harmful and limiting factor regarding culture productivity is soil compaction, a parameter that can be quantified by the resistance of the soil to penetration and highly influenced by water content. These variables present spatial and temporary variability, characteristics which can be determined by the geostatistical technique. In the light of the above, the present work had as its objective the study of spatial variability of soil resistance to penetration (RP) and water content in the soil (U) in soy culture. The RP values at depths of 0,00-0,10; 0,11-0,20 and 0,21-0,30 m varied from 2,9 to 4,28 MPa and are considered harmful to the root development of legumes, although they have not influenced soy productivity which was 3887 kg ha(-1). The medium water content of the soil was between 0,210 and 0,213 kg kg(-1) for the three depths studied. The resistance of the soil to penetration, expressed through semivariograms, presented spatial dependence at all depths, being adjusted to the spherical model at depths of 0,00-0,10m and exponential at depths of 0,110,20 and 0,21-0,30 m. The spatial variability for all studied layers presented a range of about 20m. The water content in the soil did not present spatial dependence for the depths, presenting randomized distribution.


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Studies show the importance of knowing the variability of soil attributes for a more efficient management. This work was carried out to evaluate the spatial variability of the chemical attributes of an Ultisol, cultivated with Brachiaria decumbens pasture in Alegre - ES. Soil samples were collected at a depth of 00-0.2 m, at the crossing points of a regular grid with 10 m-intervals, comprising a total of 64 points. Data were submitted to descriptive statistics, geostatistics and kriging interpolation analysis. The coefficient of variation was low for pH, high for Al and m%, and medium the other attributes. The attributes pH, P, H+Al and m% presented strong dependence, and the other moderate dependence. The attributes presented a spatial dependence structure, allowing their mapping by geostatistics techniques.


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This paper, having its conceptual basis in the Theory of Growth Poles, by F.Perroux, tests the effective existence of correlation between the spatial incidence and concentration of the 'propulsive' industrial groups and the industrial growth as a whole and the demographic increase. The selected case study was the state of Sao Paulo and data used was the 1970 census. As consequence of the techniques applied a industrial regionalization of the 'paulista' space was obtained, showing few areas of intense industrial concentration, especially of 'propulsive' groups, with multiple growth poles, and large areas with industrial rarefaction, with little or no poles.-after English summary


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The population redistribution processes considered at a micro level, such as that for the Upper-Paulista Railroad micro-region (Marilia) in Brazil, shows that for nearly 50 years there was accelerated demographic growth followed immediately afterwards by varied declines involving the rural and urban populations.-from English summary


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Data from the agricultural and Cattle Raising Census for 1980 show that most of the sugar cane producing counties lie in the administrative regions of Campinas, Ribeirao Preto and Sao Jose do Rio Preto. A comparison with the 1975 data shows two important facts; 1) an increase of the cultivated area in 118 counties and 2) an increase in the number of counties with area under sugar cane. There was also an expansion in the sub-regions of Catanduva, Assis and Ourinhos. Nevertheless, Piracicaba, Araraquara, Ribeirao Preto, Jaboticabal and Jau, have continued to be important sugar cane producing nuclei in the State since 1960. -from English summary


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OBJECTIVES: This paper was meant to analyse distribution of HbS carriers in Brazil, comprising its regional prevalence and the relationship with racial settlement and age groups. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 67,667 blood samples from 48 Brazilian towns were analysed from 1976 to 1988. Such samples were classified as Caucasoid and Negroid. The diagnosis was defined by means of qualitative electrophoresis in alkaline and acid pH, quantification of haemoglobin fractions, cytological studies and some cases were confirmed after examination of the parents. RESULTS: The study of those 67,667 samples allowed us to detect 1,492 HbS carriers (2.2%). That frequency is higher among Negroids (5.16%) than among Caucasoids (1.22%): Z = 22.1397 (Zcritical; 0.05 = 1.9600). Taking the HbS carrier distribution into consideration, we noticed that it is relatively homogeneous among Negroids and higher than 5% in 9 out of the 16 areas involved in the study. By classifying the age group of the areas in the general sample and by comparing the proportions, we found out that there are significant differences (chi 2 = 50.88; chi 2 critical; 0.05; 5 gl = 11.070). CONCLUSIONS: Sickle-cell anaemia diseases play an important role among the pathologies found in several countries, including Brazil. This paper shows that the carriers prevalence varies in the several areas under study and is higher among Negroids in almost all of them. The decreasing frequency occurring from North to South in the general samples and among Caucasoids may be assigned to the contribution of the Negroes in the interracial crossing, particularly in the Northeast.


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Some aspects of the widely observed over-dispersed pattern of the distribution of parasites within the host population are examined. It has been established in the parasitological literature that most hosts usually harbour few parasites, while only few hosts harbour a large proportion of the parasite population. Factors that may influence the pattern of distribution of parasites, the relation between the level of parasite aggregation and the prevalence of infection, and changes in this level of aggregation as a function of host age are analysed. Factors which determine the diversity of species in parasite communities are presented, and aspects of exploitative and interference competition among parasites and their relations with biological control procedures are also considered. Attention is also focused on the regulatory and destabilizing processes influencing the dynamic behaviour of host-parasite population interactions.