346 resultados para Dieta para Diabéticos


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O equino é um herbívoro não ruminante capaz de suprir grande parte ou a totalidade da sua demanda nutricional pela ingestão de gramíneas. Apresenta a região ceco-cólica bastante desenvolvida, sendo este o principal sítio de fermentação. Este processo também ocorre na região aglandular do estômago, porém a produção de ácidos graxos voláteis é inferior, quando comparado ao intestino grosso. O conhecimento do sítio de aproveitamento de cada ingrediente é de suma importância para a combinação dos mesmos, favorecendo o ótimo aproveitamento de cada um deles e evitando excessos que podem ser prejudiciais ao metabolismo do equino. O estudo atual do fracionamento de carboidratos, por mais que não seja adaptado a fisiologia e metabolismo dos equinos, nos fornece informações sobre as diferentes frações que o compõem e com isso pode-se inferir sobre a produção de energia por cada fração gerada. A manutenção de equinos em pastejo ou sob o fornecimento de feno ou alimentos volumosos é essencial para a manutenção da atividade e saúde do seu trato digestório. O aporte mínimo de 12% de FDN garante tal situação. Atualmente, com o objetivo de aumentar a disponibilidade de energia, ingredientes como a polpa cítrica, polpa de beterraba e casca de soja, vem sendo utilizados nas formulações. Estes ingredientes de fermentação mais rápida e fácil, são uma alternativa segura para elevar a concentração energética da dieta de equinos, por proporcionar a diminuição do aporte de amido na dieta de equinos. Sabe-se entretanto, que com a elevação na qualidade do volumoso, maiores concentrações de carboidratos solúveis e de rápida fermentação são encontrados disponíveis ao longo do trato digestório dos equinos levando a alguns distúrbios metabólicos como a laminite e a sensibilidade a insulina. Com o correto manejo dos animais em pastejo e conhecimento do ciclo da planta é possível minimizar tais problemas. Objetivou-se revisão da ação fisiológica e metabólica das diferentes frações fibrosas, em cada compartimento do trato digestório, bem como destacar os ingredientes volumosos com suas diversas frações, os quais possibilitam sugerir manejo alimentar adequado para os equinos.


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O objetivo neste estudo foi identificar possíveis alterações na composição e no processo de compostagem dos dejetos produzidos por bovinos Canchim e Nelore em diferentes períodos do confinamento alimentados com diferentes proporções de volumoso e concentrado. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial com parcelas subdivididas no tempo. As parcelas foram compostas por quatro tratamentos: dejetos provenientes de duas dietas (40% de volumoso e 60% de concentrado e 60% de volumoso e 40% de concentrado) e dois genótipos (Canchim e Nelore) e as subparcelas pelos três períodos de coleta dos resíduos (início, meio e final). A eficiência do processo de compostagem foi avaliada pelas reduções de volume, sólidos totais, sólidos voláteis, frações fibrosas, carbono orgânico e temperatura, além do número mais provável de coliformes totais e termotolerantes e teores de nitrogênio e macro e microminerais. Não houve efeito do genótipo nem do período de coleta dos resíduos sobre a composição dos dejetos, no entanto o aumento da proporção de volumoso na dieta levou a menor eficiência do processo de compostagem dos dejetos. Também foram observadas reduções de 100% no número mais provável de coliformes totais e termotolerantes e aumento no teor dos nutrientes no composto final.


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Three steers equipped with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were fed roughage:concentrate ratios 80:20, 60:40 and 40:60 in order to study intake and apparent, rumen and post-rumen digestibilities. The roughage was ''coast cross'' (Cynodon dactylon) hay (5.67% CP and 83.30% NDF). Undigestible neutral detergent fiber (NDF) was used as dry matter (DM) flow marker. DM intake means were 77.99, 91.03 and 91.81g DM/kg BW0.75, for the 20, 40 and 60% concentrate diets, respectively. DM intake for the 20% diet was statistically (P < 0.05) different from the other two diets. Apparent digestion coefficient (%) of DM (50.48, 57.32 and 61.33), organic matter (OM) (52.03, 58.91 and 62.76) and gross energy (GE) (48.95, 56.40 and 60.00) increased significantly with the increase in concentrate ratio of the diets. For the following components the apparent digestion coefficients were not statistically different: NDF (44.54, 45.28 and 42.53), ADF (40.69 44.39 and 43.60), cellulose (51.54, 54.34 and 52.03), hemicellulose (49.63, 46.78 and 39.18) and starch (86.59, 91.89 and 93.21). DM, OM, NDF, ATF, cellulose and starch ruminal and post-ruminal digestibilities were not statistically different. But the ruminal digestibilities of hemicellulose (94.81, 90.26 and 85.99) and EG (93.85, 83.30 and 78.77) decreased significantly as the concentrate ratio of the diets increased. The post-ruminal digestibility of hemicellulose (5.19, 9.74 and 14.03%) and GE (6.12, 16.20 and 21.23%) increased as the concentrate ratio of the diets increased.


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In this experiment, 96 piglets (Large White x Landrace) were fed simple (SD) or semi-complex (SCD) diets during the initial phase (SP), using a controlled (C) or ad libitum (AL) schedules during the first 14 days of the SP and ad libitum for the rest of SP. By the end of SP one male and one female from each pen were transferred to growing finishing pens where they were fed ad libitum diets specific to each phase. The experimental design consisted of randomized complete blocks with six replicates by treatment. Higher average daily feed intakes (ADFI) were observed during the first 14 days of the SP by pigs fed SCD. Pigs fed AL showed higher ADFI and average daily gains (ADG). No treatment differences were observed between the treatments in feed conversion (FC) or in incidence and severity of diarrhea. Considering SP as a whole, there was no effect of treatments on the variables studied. Treatments used in SF did not affect ADFI and ADG during the growing-finishing phases (GFP), although pigs fed SD showed better FC. The ADG was nor affected by treatments when the total period (SP+GFP) was considered. It can be concluded that a similar performance was obtained when SD or SCD were feci during the initial phase. independently of the feeding system.


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Growth performance of Nile tilapia fed graded choline levels in the diet. A 109-day feeding trial was undertaken aiming to evaluate the growth performance of Nile tilapia fed graded choline levels One hundred and ninety-two (initial-weight 4 0 [plus or minus] 0 15 g) fingerlings were distributed into 32 net cages (200 L each), four cages per treatment and six fish per cage, placed in eight 10001, aquaria in a closed recirculation system The treatments were assigned to the tanks comprising eight treatments and loin replications arranged in a completely randomized experimental design Diets were supplemented with choline chloride to provide 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 mg of choline per kg of feed and an unsupplemented diet No significant differences were observed in growth performance, survival, apparent feed conversion, liver and fillet ether extract, hepatosomatic index and plasma lipid concentration, among treatments Choline levels did not improve growth performance, possibly because the amount of choline in the diet had already met fish requirement


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The purpose of this study was to examine in rats the histologic alterations of the submandibular glands and testicles induced by soy diets and zinc deficient diet. The zinc deficiency produced testicles alterations including seminiferous tubulus atrophy, germinative epithelium degeneration, spermatogenesis alterations and a significant atrophy of the submandibular glands which presented no much delimitated acines. The soy diet without complementations also compromised the spermatogenesis by showing seminiferous tubulus atrophied and a reduction of the germinative epithelium. The soy diet complemented by saline and vitaminic mixtures didn't produced testicles alterations but its induced in the submandibular glands a hypertrophy of the ductal component mainly in relation to the granular component.


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The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of feeding three levels of energy (2800, 3000 and 3200 kcal ME/kg) in diets and two stocking densities (10 and 22 birds/m 2) on broilers performance. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with four replication per treatment. The factors studied were levels of energy in the diet, population density, and sex. The birds were killed at 42 days of age. The data indicate that increasing energy levels in the diets of broilers, 1 to 42 days of age, reduced feed intake, improved feed conversion, and increased the amount of abdominal fat, energy intake, and weight gain without affecting carcass yield. There was no significant effect of diet on the live weight production of broilers produced per area of floorspace or on mortality. The higher values for carcass yield were obtained for birds raised under the higher population density and for males in comparison to females. With the exception of the undesirable elevation in the amount of abdominal fat, the increase in the level of energy in the diets resulted, in general, in an improvement in the performance of the broilers independent of the population density. However, the response to the amount of energy in the diet was similar for both population densities.


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To evaluate the nutritional value of African palm kernel meal (Elaeis guineensis) on the performance of Nile tilapia (Oseochromis niloticus), five isonitrogenous (30% crude protein), isoenergetic (2,800 Kcal/kg of digestible energy), and isofibrous (10% crude fiber) diets, with increasing levels of African palm kernel meal (0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35%) were fed ad libitum for 18 weeks to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings, averaging 1.52 ± 0.04 g of body weight, housed for 120 days in 60 liter aquaria with six fingerlings. To determine the production traits, weight gain, apparent food conversion, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio, weight gain percentage, net protein utilization, and body composition, fish were weighted at six-week intervals. Statistical analysis of recorded data were performed through multivariate profile analysis and polynomial regression models. Results showed that feeding fingerling Nile tilapia with ratios containing up to 35% of African palm kernel meal does not affect production performance.


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This work was conducted aiming to evaluate the effect of dietary energy level and the previous heat exposure on the respiratory activity of the mitochondria from the cardiac muscle of broiler chickens. It was used broiler chickens (Hubbard) from both sexes and fed with diet containing 2900 kcal ME/kg or 3200 kcal ME/kg. The birds were heat stressed (35°C/4h) in the 1 st, 21 st and 42 nd days of age. The respiratory activity of mitochondria from cardiac muscle was evaluated in a Gilson oxygraph, model 5/6, by using alpha-ceto-glutaric as substrate and the ADP (adenosine-di-phosphate) to stimulate the respiratory activity. There was not effect of dietary energy level and previous heat exposure on the respiratory activity of the mitochondria from cardiac muscle. However, the females presented higher respiratory activity than males. By reason of the low oxidative capability of the heart muscle fiber of the male broiler chickens, these could be more sensitive to cardiac disease than females.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the periodontal ligament changes after induced dental movement of the upper incisor in diabetic rats. Methods: Twenty Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) with 105 days of age were used. The rats were divided in four groups: C - normoglicemic animals not submitted to dental movement; CAO - normoglicemic animals submitted to dental movement; D - diabetic animals not submitted the dental movement; DAO - diabetic animals submitted to dental movement. The animals had remained with dental movement devices during 5 days. The number of sanguine vessels and the thickness of the periodontal ligament were evaluated at cervical, medium and apical histological cut regions. Results and Conclusion: At tension side, the dental movement in the animals of group CAO resulted in a thicker periodontal ligament (17.64% apical, 39.28% medium, 51.35% cervical) when compared to C group (p < 0.05 for medium and cervical area). Group DAO exhibited an increase of periodontal ligament thickness of 50.55% (apical), 48.14% (average) and 50% (cervical) when compared to group D (p < 0.05). The periodontal ligament sanguine vessels number did not differed significantly for all groups (p < 0.05). At tension side, bone reabsorption lacunae were observed in CAO, D and DAO groups. The pressure side was not examined in this study phase.


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They were compared the coefficients of apparent digestibility (CAD) and the fecal quality of dogs fed a home-made diet and two dog foods, standard and super-premium. Six adult dogs were distributed in a double latin square desing (3 × 3), with three treatments and three periods, in a total of six replications per treatment. Tukey's test was used to compare the means. The home-made diet presented the highest CAD, not differing only of the CAD of acid ether extract of the super-premium food. The standard food was the lowest digestive, producting more feces. Fecal dry matter of dogs fed home-made diet was lower than in the standard and super-premium foods, which did not differ among then. Fecal score presented low variability among treatments, remaining in the considered ideal range. Home-made diet can be an alternative in the feeding of dogs.