87 resultados para Conhecimentos tradicionais


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O cenário atual de globalização e comunicação intercultural traz impacto significativo para a maneira como entendemos a relação entre língua e sociedade. Gera, também, para o ensino de línguas, a necessidade de o professor compreender suas crenças, pressupostos e conhecimentos (WOODS, 1996) em relação à língua que ensina, uma vez que ele é um importante agente na orquestração da interação de várias histórias de vida e horizontes de entendimento por meio de sua prática pedagógica. Neste artigo, apresentamos e discutimos os resultados de duas pesquisas de doutorado (SALOMÃO, 2012; MENEGHINI, 2013), conduzidas em um mesmo contexto de um curso híbrido (presencial/virtual) de formação continuada, em relação às crenças dos professores sobre as variedades geolinguísticas do espanhol. Ponderamos que a questão da escolha por uma variedade está muitas vezes relacionada às concepções estruturais de língua, assim como está imbricada por uma tessitura de fatores que demonstram falta de consciência das vozes das quais os professores se apropriam para justificar suas opções teórico-metodológicas. O desafio que se coloca para a formação de professores, então, nos parece ser o de auxiliá-los no desenvolvimento de consciência crítica, promovida pela reflexão sobre suas crenças sobre língua(gem), a partir de experiências que possam levá-los a (re)conhecer suas escolhas por determinada variedade linguística. Palavras-chave: Crenças de professores de línguas. Variedades linguísticas. Reflexão.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research has as its main reference, the need to detect the development initiatives by public higher education, concepts, methods and teaching and pedagogical tools and to investigate the ability to transfer knowledge and practices of teaching and learning produced for other levels education. The task of providing appropriate training of teachers of basic education to university education is a vital political and administrative demands for a large country, which needs to adequately educate its people, so he can face in the right conditions, the huge and complex demands of regional and national development. The research presented here, aims to gauge the extent and adequacy of current media and information as tools for teaching and pedagogical transfer the knowledge and practices of teaching and learning as a tool for updating and also for training or non-presence blended Primary School Teacher Education. From the established goals will be carried out research, conceptual and field, to analyze and evaluate some educational practices and resulting forms of communication and also to assess the effects brought about by replacing the linear communication model and the model of unilateral to multilateral communication networks on digital models, and practices of schooling. The results obtained from both theoretical and practical will be on the selection of concepts, content production, methodologies and resources run by different "means" integrated with the cultural, economic and social development, both locally, regionally or nationally. The strategic aim will be to expand from the analysis, production and dissemination of concepts, methods and tools made by teachers of Basic Education and Higher Education, teaching and pedagogical possibilities of media and digital devices that are emerging as the derivation of network communication.


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This paper intended to observe the alphabetization process in Brazil, looking for the constructivist model and its difficulties also observing the phonic and the syllabic methods in order to consider the adaptations of these methods for the children’s learning writing language. Without choose between one method in particular this article purposes to do a study of the difficulties that the children shows during the learning of the lecture and writing, in order to help the teachers to think about the problems found and how they may obtain solutions for them when they are in the front of a different group of students.


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The aim of the study is to demonstrate the occurrence and usage of the Tucumã (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.) in rural areas of the Municipality of Irituia, in the State of Pará (Brazil), since the use of the palm part of the traditional culture of communities of farmers, riparian and quilombola, used in curing diseases in human and domestic animals, building shelters, obtaining fibers, production of tools and crafts, hunting and fishing. In addition to the uses reported by the population, tucumã has potential for the production of oil and biodiesel. In this sense, the Federal University of Pará – UFPA, in a partnership with the Irituia’s Municipal Government, is studying the implementation of an oleaginous processing plant in the municipality, among them, and includes the Tucumã as a potential source. Such proposal stipulates the production in the agroforestry system, as an alternative to the slash and burn agriculture in the region, reconciling environmental conservation with territorial rural development. Considering the results obtained in the field, it has been found an average of 9.4 stumps per hectare, each stump having 7.7 stipes and 4.7 racemes with up to 146 fruits. If all the Tucumã’s stumps were kept until they reached their average productivity capacity, it is estimated that the fruit production in the rural area of the municipality would be around 132.060 tons, which could produce up to 12.665,4 tons/year of pulp oil and 4.768,4 tons/year of nut oil, confirming the supply of raw material to move this productive chain.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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The civil construction sector in Brazil is, simultaneously, a necessity that drives the economy and an evil that degrades the environment. Simple choices adopted in an enterprise can make big difference in harm caused by constructive practices, minimizing its harmful to the environment and making it sustainable. These choices, however, involve the use of materials and techniques often unknown by the builders, since the construction industry is very traditional. Even worse, the eco-friendly materials and sustainable techniques also face another obstacle to its use: the prejudice. Builders and customers prefer traditional methods to sustain belief that they present lower quality and higher price. This work raises awareness of the urgency with traditional methods must be overridden, showing practical and simple ways for this replacement, as well as confirm the quality equal to or even higher in the use of alternative materials and techniques, without addition in cost. Thus, the benefits are generated for all parties involved, from builders to residents


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)