346 resultados para Ciências Biomédicas


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Patients that are mechanically ventilated in ICUs are constantly exposed to different pathogens, which present multiantibiotic resistance. Among these microorganisms, is MRSA (Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) considered to be a therapeutic challenge due to its resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. Therefore, this study proposed to identify species of Staphylococcus spp. isolated from mechanically ventilated patients in ICU, the gene mecA detection and the genes of the enterotoxins A (sea), B (seb), C (sec-1) and D (sed) in samples of S. aureus, as well as the phenotypic resistance determination to oxacillin using the disc-diffusion method with discs of oxacillin and cefoxitin. The samples collection occurred during in a period of 19 months, obtaining samples from 232 patients. A percentage of 39% (70) of Gram-positive cocci were found; which 82,8% (58) were identified as Staphylococcus spp,. among these, 75,8% (44) corresponded to S. aureus species and 47,7% were identified as MRSA. It was found resistance to both drugs in 31,8% of the S. aureus samples, 16 (36,3%) had the gene sea and 11 (25%) had the sec-1 gene. Among the coagulase-negative staphylococci obtained, the species most found was S. epidermidis, corresponding to 43% (6). The results revealed that one of the most important etiologic agents of VAP amid the Gram-positive cocci is the species S. aureus, with special attention to MRSA. The presence of enterotoxins genes in S. aureus did not showed determinant role in VAP, but the presence of these superantigens can contribute worsening the patient’s prognosis, since they are associated with intense inflammatory response


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The discovery of neurogenesis in adult brains opened the possibility of cellular therapy strategies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Neurogenesis in the adult brain occurs in two areas: subgranular zone of the hippocampus and subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles. Neurons that originate from the SVZ migrate to the olfactory bulb (OB) through the rostral migratory stream (RMS). In Alzheimer’s disease, there is a progressive neuronal dysfunction and degeneration, resulting in brain atrophy and cognitive impairments including olfactory dysfunction. Several studies have demonstrated that pharmacological treatment with lithium exerts positive effects on adult neurogenesis, and one pathway seems to be the modulation of factors that regulate the migration of neuroblasts. The objective of this study was to investigate whether treatment with lithium promotes the increase of migratory neuroblasts using as parameter the RMS. Adult male C57BL/6 mice were divided into control and lithium-treated groups. The animals were treated for 6 weeks and, at four different time points, i.e., 10 days, 7 days, 3 days and 1 day before the end of treatments, they received an injection of BrdU (cell proliferation marker). The animals were sacrificed by perfusion fixation and the brains were immunohistochemically labeled for BrdU for analysis of migrating neuroblasts in the RMS. The results showed that the number of BrdU+ cells in the RMS was not significantly different between the two groups, suggesting that lithium, alone, is not capable of increasing the number of neuroblasts migrating from the SVZ to the OB


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Dengue é uma arbovirose que afeta cerca de 100 milhões de pessoas anualmente, em mais de 100 países situados nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Foi considerada a doença viral que mais cresceu no ultimo ano, repercutindo em impactos sociais e econômicos nas regiões endêmicas devido às altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade desencadeadas pela infecção. O principal vetor da dengue é o mosquito Aedes aegypti, presente em toda a faixa tropical e subtropical. Por apresentar hematofagia antropofílica, rápido desenvolvimento e características comportamentais especificas, é um excelente transmissor do vírus dengue. Medidas de controle da disseminação da dengue são restritas à eliminação do mosquito vetor, e um tratamento específico ainda não foi desenvolvido, bem como a criação de uma vacina que previna simultaneamente a infecção pelos quatro sorotipos do arbovírus. Uma característica que determina a disseminação de doenças é a alta competência vetorial de seus mosquitos transmissores, que tem sido associada à composição da microbiota intestinal do inseto. As bactérias presente no intestino do mosquito exercem funções relacionadas a sua nutrição, desenvolvimento e reprodução, e são também um importante fator na eliminação de patógenos, por interferirem diretamente na atividade viral, ou indiretamente a partir da ativação das vias antivirais pelos micro-organismos. Dessa forma, este trabalho visa estudar a diversidade microbiana intestinal do mosquito Aedes aegypti em diferentes estágios de vida, através de sequenciamento de última geração com a plataforma MiSeq Illumina


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Durante a transformação maligna dos melanócitos, padrões de metilação do DNA encontram-se alterados, afetando a expressão gênica. As citosinas metiladas (5mC) podem ser hidroxiladas pelas dioxigenases dependentes de 2-oxoglutarato e Fe(II), Tet1, 2 e 3, resultando na formação de 5-hidroximetilcitosina (5hmC) (Globisch et al., 2010; Ko et al., 2010). A 5hmC pode agir tanto como um produto intermediário na desmetilação ativa do DNA quanto na desmetilação passiva ao longo de sucessivas replicações, o que pode contribuir com a dinâmica da metilação do DNA (Tahiliani et al., 2009). Além disso, demonstrou-se que Tet1 e Tet2 são expressas em células tronco embrionárias (Ito et al., 2010) e que 5hmC desempenha importante papel na manutenção e diferenciação destas células (Koh et al., 2011). No entanto, o papel da 5hmC e das proteínas Tet tanto na fisiologia normal quanto em doenças como o câncer ainda não está claro. Utilizando um modelo linear de progressão do melanoma, observamos aumento na expressão gênica de Tet1 nas linhagens celulares correspondendo a melanócitos pré-malignos (4C) e células de melanoma não metastático (4C11-), comparado a melanócitos não tumorigênicos (melan-a) e células de melanoma metastático (4C11+). Em relação à expressão proteica, há um aumento da expressão de Tet1 nas linhagens 4C e 4C11+, o que pode ser relacionado às fases de transição epitélio-mesênquima (EMT) e mesênquima-epitélio (MET), respectivamente. Além disso, constatamos aumento na expressão gênica e proteica de Tet2 na linhagem metastática 4C11+, o que pode indicar diferenças funcionais entre as proteínas Tet1 e Tet2. Também verificamos aumento significativo do conteúdo de 5hmC na linhagem 4C11+, o que se correlaciona com maior expressão gênica e proteica de Tet2. Por fim, linhagens humanas de melanoma metastático menos agressivas apresentaram aumento significativo na expressão dos genes TET1 ...


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Several studies use only male rats in their experiments, even with all the evidence of differences between the sexes, not only in the reproductive behavior but also in the development of diseases. This absence of studies using female rats is due in part to the estrous cycle. It is known that one estrous cycle lasts four to 5 days and consists of four phases: proestrus, estrus, metestrus and diestrus. Ramos et al. (1999) identified and mapped a QTL in an F2 population derived from interbreeding of strains of SHR (spontaneously hypertensive rats) and Lewis (LEW) rats and found, on chromosome 4, the first QTL of the world related to anxiety in rats. After several backcrosses between SHR and LEW strains, it was developed a congenic strain called SLA16, to refine the study of this QTL. This QTL corresponds to a large genomic region, approximately 75 million basepairs (Mb), and was first called Ofil1 (inner open field locomotion 1). Currently it is called Anxrr16 (anxiety-related response region 16) according to the rat genome database (RGD). Izidio et al. (2011) suggested that the natural fluctuation of the hormones in the estrous cycle of female rats could influence the effects of this locus on behavior. That is, females in DP (diestrus-proestrus) present the QTL in the same genomic region that males, while females in EM (estrus-metestrus) do not present it. The effects of the estrous cycle in the SLA16 strain and its isogenic control SHR were analyzed on the elevated plus maze (EPM), black and white box and on the open field test (OF). In the open field test, the SLA16 strain had higher central locomotion (F=5.0, p <0.05) and peripheral locomotion (F=12.6, p <0.01) compared to the SHR strain. In the elevated plus maze test, the SLA16 strain had the higher number of entries (F=9.5, p <0.01) and time spent in the open arms (F=10.3, p <0.01) compared to the SHR strain. Finally, in the black and white box test, the SLA16 lineage spent more time ...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Aortic insufficiency (AoI), a volume overload, is characterized by the diastolic reflux of blood from the regurgitating aorta to the left ventricle. This effect results from malfunctioning aortic cusps. The main cause of AoI in developing countries is rheumatic fever, including Brazil, and valvar degeneration in developed countries. There is a strong association between cardiovascular diseases and depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are one of the most prescribed antidepressants in the world. Previous studies of our laboratory showed that the utilization of a SSRI, paroxetine, improved cardiac function in rats with sub-chronic AoI and reduced the daily ingestion of hypertonic sodium (NaCl 0,3M). Cardiovascular diseases can determine behavior changes like increase of anxiety, and it is yet unknown if AoI would determine anxiety or anhedonia, incapacity of obtaining pleasure through physical or sensorial experiences. A possible target for SSRI action could be a change in the expression of enzyme isoforms that collaborate in the contractile function of the heart muscle, like the heavy chains of myosine, the sarcoplasmatic reticulum Ca2+/ATPase (SERCA) and its regulator protein, phospholamban (PLB). Objectives: Evaluation of behavior parameters for anxiety and anhedonia state and genic expression of a-myosine, b-myosine, SERCA2a and PLB in the heart tissue of rats with subchronic AoI that received treatment with an SSRI (paroxetine) for 4 weeks. Methods: Surgery to induce AoI was performed on male Wistar rats, anxiety was evaluated by the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and state of anhedonia was tested by ingestion of 2% sucrose solution. After euthanasia the heart tissue was collected and total RNA was extracted to be analyzed by the RT-qPCR method. Results: Heart fractional shortening was preserved in rats with AoI that were treated compared to rats with AoI that were not treated. There was no statistically ...


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Attention is a phenomenon that allows the selection of relevant stimuli in order to prioritize them and improve their processing. This modulation could occur in any step of the process: in an early stage or in a late stage, more precisely, in a perceptive or motor stage. However, even with a rich literature about attention in time, there are still some divergences about how this modulation occurs. A hypothesis about it says that temporal attention would only be able to prepare the motor system to respond. The perceptual modulation would only occur when the temporal expectation is in combination with another expectation of a property with neuronal receptive field. In this situation, the receptive field's pre-activation is the explanation of how temporal attention would be capable to modulate perceptual process. The crucial objective was to test this hypothesis. In other words, it was to verify if the feature expectation of a stimulus (Gabor orientation) and its temporal expectancy interferes in perception quality. Two experiments were made: the first one tested the voluntary temporal expectation, and the second one tested the automatic temporal expectation. Our data shows that both Feature-based Attention and Temporal Attention improve the process of perception. Temporal expectation effects just occur in situations of competitive environment. Hypothesis verification was not conclusive, because of methodological problems


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Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller), popularly known in Brazil as babosa, has a long history of use as medicinal plant for different therapeutic purposes. The components of the plant extract are present in various products of human use, mainly for nutritional and cosmetics purposes. However, some studies suggest that this extract might also have carcinogenic activity. The aloe vera extract is a complex mixture of bioactive compounds. The study of isolated compounds may contribute to elucidate contradictory results about the effects related to the consumption of the plant, as well as their mechanisms of action. One of the most important compound from Aloe vera is aloe-emodin, which is a secondary metabolite generated in the intestinal tract. Putative antimicrobial and antitumor effects were previously attributed to aloe-emodin. Although the exposure of urothelial cells to aloe-emodin was already reported in the literature, only one study showed its effects on urothelial cells, suggesting that aloe-emodin inhibits the viability of T24 cancer cells due to apoptosis induction. Since there is no sufficient information about the effects of aloe-emodin on urothelial cells, and low efficiency in the treatment of bladder cancer currently, the present study aims to evaluate the hypothesis that the treatment with aloe-emodin could impact the behavior of other urothelial cell lines in vitro. Therefore, the in vitro IC50 exposure of aloe-emodin to human immortalized neoplastic urothelial cells will be determinated in order to verify possible differences in the behavior of urothelial cells in vitro treated with aloe-emodin in comparison with untreated cells. Furthermore, differences between cell lines will be also evaluated


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Introduction: The HELLP syndrome is a severe complication of pregnant women with preeclampsia (PE), characterized by association of hemolysis, changes in liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia. Hemolysis, defined by the presence of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, is one of the characteristics in this syndrome. However, as hemolysis occurs in a short time there is some difficulty in its laboratory diagnosis. Therefore, the search for a more sensitive and specific method for hemolysis determination may help in the early diagnosis of the HELLP syndrome. Objectives: a) To determine the plasma concentration of haptoglobin in normotensive pregnant women and in pregnant women with PE, classified into mild PE, severe PE and HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome; b) To compare the efficacy of haptoglobin plasma concentration and serum total bilirubin as criteria for hemolysis diagnosis in HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analytical and comparative study involving 66 pregnant women diagnosed with PE, being 25 cases with mild PE, 28 with severe PE, and 13 with HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome. Twenty-one normotensive pregnant women were included for comparison of haptoglobin plasma concentration between the groups and to determine the normal values for pregnant women. The variables studied were: maternal age, gestational age, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, proteinuria, hematocrit and hemoglobin values, platelet count, serum total bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (AST) and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (ALT), urea, creatinine and uric acid, and also plasma concentrations of haptoglobin. The results were analyzed by nonparametric tests, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The values of urea, uric acid, AST, ALT and LDH were significantly higher, while the number of platelets was lower in pregnant women with HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome compared to pregnant women with mild PE and ...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudos em humanos e animais têm demonstrado que a nutrição inadequada em fase crítica de desenvolvimento, como na gestação, pode causar alterações da prole na vida adulta. Tais estudos levaram à proposição da hipótese de programação fetal, segundo a qual o risco para desenvolver certas doenças é função não apenas da carga genética ou dos hábitos de vida do indivíduo adulto, como também da atuação de fatores ambientais em períodos críticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito tardio da restrição calórica materna moderada (30%), na gestação e/ou lactação sobre o metabolismo energético da prole. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar, sendo os grupos experimentais divididos da seguinte forma: NN (filhotes nascidos de mães normais e colocados em gaiolas com mães do grupo normal na lactação), NR (filhotes nascidos de mães do grupo normal e colocados em gaiolas com mães restritas na lactação), RN (filhotes nascidos de mães restritas na gestação e colocados em gaiolas com mães normais na lactação) e RR (filhotes nascidos de mães restritas na gestação e colocados em gaiolas com mães restritas na lactação). Foram avaliados o peso corporal, a ingestão de alimentos, os depósitos de gordura, o índice de adiposidade, lipídios plasmáticos, gordura hepática e gordura da carcaça.. A restrição nutricional materna provocou alterações significativas tanto em machos quanto em fêmeas no período do desmame, entretanto no início da idade adulta somente os machos apresentaram mudanças mais expressivas no metabolismo energético e no desenvolvimento corpóreo. Houve uma redução no peso corpóreo dos animais machos dos grupos NR, RN e RR (8,9%, 9,0% e 14,2%, respectivamente). No entanto, somente os grupos NR e RR apresentaram diminuição nos teores de gordura hepática e triglicerídeos plasmáticos. O fornecimento de dieta ad libitum na lactação às mães com ...