314 resultados para Celso Laffer


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar traços de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos, em ovos de poedeiras alimentadas com dietas comerciais com inclusão de ingredientes vegetais alternativos e leveduras. A detecção foi feita pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono e do nitrogênio. Foram utilizadas 384 poedeiras, distribuídas aleatoriamente em oito tratamentos. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta-controle - à base de milho e farelo de soja - e sete dietas com inclusão de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos, acrescidas ou não de outros ingredientes (farelo de trigo, quirera de arroz, farelo de algodão, glúten de milho, levedura de cana e levedura de cerveja). No 35º dia, foram tomados aleatoriamente 24 ovos por tratamento: 12 para análise de ovo e 12 para análise de gema e albúmen, em separado. Após análise isotópica de carbono e nitrogênio, os resultados foram submetidos à análise multivariada de variância. As médias dos pares isotópicos dos ovos, gema e albúmen, em todos os tratamentos, diferiram daquelas do tratamento-controle. A técnica dos isótopos estáveis permite detectar, nos ovos, gema e albúmen, a farinha de carne e ossos bovinos utilizada na dieta de poedeiras, mesmo com a inclusão de outros ingredientes vegetais e leveduras.


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A sensibilidade do método espectrofotométrico da s-difenilcarbazida de determinação do crômio permite que esse metal possa ser determinado em teores e em massas de amostras tão pequenas que as concentrações atualmente usadas de óxido de crômio (III) como marcador externo em ensaios biológicos poderiam ser drasticamente diminuídas. Utilizando-se do piauçu (Leporinus macrocephalus) para um estudo sobre o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da fração protéica, seis níveis de óxido de crômio (III) - 0,01% - 0,02% - 0,03% - 0,05% - 0,1% e 0,2% - foram incorporados em dietas isoprotéica e isoenergética, objetivando-se verificar se o cálculo do CDA seria afetado pela variação do teor do marcador. Os seis tratamentos foram dispostos em um delineamento em blocos inteiramente casualisados, sendo as fezes coletadas durante 16 dias. Verificou-se que os resultados do coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da fração protéica não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas devidas aos teores incorporados do marcador à ração e aos dias de coleta. Conseqüentemente, e em experimentos dessa natureza, nada impede que seja reduzido o teor de óxido de crômio (III) ao menos até 0,01%: além da economia relativa ao consumo do mesmo e da facilidade na manipulação de menor quantidade de amostras de fezes, o método espectrofotométrico da s-difenilcarbazida permite dosar esse nível (e até menor do que 0,01%) de modo simples e rápido, com precisão e exatidão.


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Objetivou-se com este estudo rastrear a inclusão de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos em dietas para poedeiras comerciais, por meio da análise dos ovos e de suas frações (gema e albúmen), pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono e nitrogênio e avaliar o índice analítico mínimo detectável. Foram utilizadas 240 galinhas poedeiras da linhagem Shaver White de 73 semanas de idade, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e seis repetições. Foram avaliados cinco níveis de inclusão (0; 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0%) de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos em uma dieta à base de milho e farelo de soja. No 35º dia, foram tomados aleatoriamente 24 ovos por tratamento: 12 serviram para amostragem de gema e albúmen e os outros 12 para amostragem do ovo (gema + albúmen). Os resultados isotópicos foram submetidos à análise multivariada de variância e, a partir das matrizes de erro, com 95% de confiança, foram determinadas elipses para identificar as diferenças entre os resultados obtidos com o fornecimento das dietas experimentais e a dieta controle, sem farinha de carne e ossos bovinos. No ovo e na gema, a partir do par isotópico da dieta com 3,0% de farinha de carne e ossos, houve diferenciação do par do tratamento controle, enquanto, no albúmen, a diferenciação ocorreu a partir do nível de 1,5% de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos na dieta. Pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis, é possível rastrear o uso de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos na alimentação de poedeiras; no albúmen, o nível mínimo de inclusão detectável é de 1,5% e, no ovo e na gema, 3,0%.


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Objectives of this study were to evaluate factors that could affect pregnancy rate after embryo transfer (ET) in lactating dairy cow recipients. The trial was conducted at a dairy farm located in Descalvado, SP, Brazil from October 2003 to September 2004. From 1037 cows with CL that were treated with an injection of PGF(2 alpha), 43.3% were detected in heat; 263 were previously assigned at day of PGF(2 alpha) injection for AI and 186 for ET. Ovulation rate was 85.7% (385/449). Pregnancy rate for cows with CL for AI and embryo transfer recipients were 36.5% (84/230) and 58.7% (91/155) at day 25 and 33.0% (76/230) and 45.8% (71/155) at day 46, respectively. Embryonic loss were 9.5% (8/84) for the AI group and 21.9% (20/91) for the ET group. Average milk production was 31.4 L/day/cow. Average daily milk production from 7 days before PGFZ injection to 7 days after ET tended (P < 0.10) to influence pregnancy rate on days 25 and 46. Average daily milk production from the day of embryo transfer to 7 days after influenced embryonic loss (P < 0.05). Cows with higher milk production had lower probability of pregnancy and higher probability of embryonic loss. Cows with higher days in milk had higher probability of pregnancy. Cows with higher rectal body temperature had lower probability of pregnancy and higher probability of embryonic loss. The influence of high milk yield and body temperature on fertility in lactating dairy cow recipients suggests that these effects can occur also after embryo reaches the blastocyst stage. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a silagem de grãos úmidos de milho (SGUM) como ingrediente nas rações de frangos de corte, em substituição total aos grãos secos de milho (GSM), no desempenho, no rendimento da carcaça, no peso dos órgãos e na morfologia intestinal. No primeiro experimento, 600 pintainhos machos Ross foram distribuídos em blocos casualizados, com seis tratamentos (A: GSM de 1-42 dias; B: SGUM de 1-42 dias; C: SGUM de 1-7 dias e GSM de 8-42 dias; D: SGUM de 1-14 dias e GSM de 15-42 dias; E: SGUM de 1-21 dias e GSM de 22-42 dias; F: GSM + água de 1-42 dias), com quatro repetições, de 25 aves. No segundo experimento, foram utilizados 24 pintainhos machos Ross, distribuídos ao acaso, em dois tratamentos (com e sem SGUM) e 12 repetições cada. A SGUM até 21 dias de idade não interferiu no desempenho das aves e no rendimento de carcaça aos 42 dias de idade. Frangos alimentados com SGUM apresentaram maior peso relativo do fígado, menor largura das vilosidades do duodeno e íleo, maior altura de vilosidade no jejuno aos 21 dias, e menor profundidade de cripta no duodeno e no íleo aos 42 dias de idade. A SGUM pode ser considerada um ingrediente em dietas de frangos de corte até 21 dias de idade, por não interferir no peso final das aves, no rendimento de carcaça e peso dos órgãos.


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Objective To assess cardiopulmonary and analgesic effects after administration of ropivacaine into the caudal epidural space of cattle.Study design Prospective, single-dose trial.Animals Eight healthy mixed breed cows aged 8 +/- 5 years and weighing 507 +/- 112 kg.Methods Caudal epidural anesthesia was produced in cows with 0.75% ropivacaine (0.11 mg kg(-1)). Onset time, duration and cranial spread of analgesia were recorded. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f(R)), rectal temperature (RT), and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were measured prior to epidural administration (T-0) and at 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes after epidural administration (T-15, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240). Arterial blood acid-base balance (pH, standard bicarbonate and base excess), gas tension (PaO2, PaCO2, SaO(2)) and electrolytes (Na+, K+, iCa(2+), Cl-) were recorded at T-0, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240. Ataxia was evaluated at T-0, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240 and at 1 hour intervals thereafter until analgesia was no longer present in each animal.Results Epidurally administered ropivacaine induced variable analgesia extending bilaterally from the coccyx to S3. Time to onset of analgesia and mean duration in the perineal area were 15 +/- 4 and 359 +/- 90 minutes, respectively. Respiratory rate and RT increased from T-120 to T-240 when compared to the value at T-0. Ionized calcium and chloride concentrations increased at T-180 and T-240 when compared to T-0. The other variables were not significantly different from baseline values (p > 0.05). Four animals were mildly ataxic.Conclusion and clinical relevance Ropivacaine (0.75%, 0.11 mg kg(-1)) can be administered by caudal epidural injection to produce prolonged bilateral perineal analgesia with minimal ataxia and cardiopulmonary changes in standing cattle.


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One of the important factors accounting for successful delayed replantation of avulsed teeth is seemingly the type of root surface treatment. Removal of necrotic cemental periodontal ligament remnants may prevent the occurrence of external root resorption, which is the major cause of loss of teeth replanted in such conditions. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of two mechanical techniques for removal of root-adhered periodontal ligament. Preservation or removal of the cementum layer concomitantly with these procedures was also assessed. Forty-five roots of healthy premolars extracted for orthodontic purposes were selected. After extraction, the teeth were kept dry at room temperature for 1 h and then immersed in saline for rehydration for an additional 10 min. Thereafter, the roots were assigned to three groups, as follows: group 1 (control) - the cemental periodontal ligament was preserved; group 2 - removal of the periodontal ligament by scraping root surface with a scalpel blade (SBS); group 3 - periodontal ligament remnants were removed using a Robinson bristle brush at low-speed with pumice/water slurry (RBP). The specimens were analysed histomorphometrically and examined by scanning electron microscopy. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of the results showed that the RBP technique was significantly more effective than the SBS technique for removal of the periodontal ligament remnants adhered to root surface. Both techniques preserved the cementum layer.


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Endodontic treatment is an important step of tooth replantation protocols, but the ideal moment for definitive obturation of replanted teeth has not yet been established. In this study, a histomorphometric analysis was undertaken to evaluate the repair process on immediate replantation of monkeys teeth after calcium hydroxide (CH) therapy for 1 and 6 months followed by root canal filling with a CH-based sealer (Sealapex (R)). The maxillary and mandibular lateral incisors of five female Cebus apella monkeys were extracted, kept in sterile saline for 15 min, replanted and splinted with stainless steel orthodontic wire and composite resin for 10 days. In Group I (control), definitive root canal filling was performed before tooth extraction. In Groups II and III, CH therapy started after removal of splint, and definitive root canal filling was performed 1 and 6 months later, respectively. The animals were euthanized 9 months after replantation, and specimens were processed for histomorphometric analysis. In all groups, epithelial attachment occurred at the cementoenamel junction or very close to this region; the areas of resorption on root surface had small extension and depth and were repaired by newly formed cementum; and the periodontal ligament was organized. Statistical analysis of the scores obtained for the histomorphometric parameters did not show any statistically significant difference (P = 0.1221) among the groups. The results suggests that when endodontic treatment is initiated 10 days after immediate replantation and an antibiotic regimen is associated, definitive root canal filling can be performed after a short-term CH therapy.


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Although it has already been shown that enamel matrix derivative (Emdogain((R))) promotes periodontal regeneration in the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects, there is little information concerning its regenerative capacity in cases of delayed tooth replantation. To evaluate the alterations in the periodontal healing of replanted teeth after use of Emdogain((R)), the central incisors of 24 Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were extracted and left on the bench for 6 h. Thereafter, the dental papilla and the enamel organ of each tooth were sectioned for pulp removal by a retrograde way and the canal was irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite. The teeth were assigned to two groups:in group I, root surface was treated with 1% sodium hypochlorite for 10 min (changing the solution every 5 min), rinsed with saline for 10 min and immersed in 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride for 10 min; in group II, root surfaces were treated in the same way as described above, except for the application of Emdogain((R)) instead of sodium fluoride. The teeth were filled with calcium hydroxide (in group II right before Emdogain((R)) was applied) and replanted. All animals received antibiotic therapy. The rats were killed by anesthetic overdose 10 and 60 days after replantation. The pieces containing the replanted teeth were removed, fixated, decalcified and paraffin-embedded. Semi-serial 6-mu m-thick sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histologic and histometric analyses. The use of 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride provided more areas of replacement resorption. The use of Emdogain((R)) resulted in more areas of ankylosis and was therefore not able to avoid dentoalveolar ankylosis. It may be concluded that neither 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride nor Emdogain((R)) were able to prevent root resorption in delayed tooth replantation in rats.


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Intentional reimplantation is defined as a procedure in which an intentional tooth extraction is performed followed by reinsertion of the extracted tooth into its own alveolus. Int his paper, intentional reimplantation is described and discussed as a treatment approach to root canal instrument separation in conjunction with root perforation. An 8-year follow-up case report is presented. The reimplanted tooth is now a fixed bridge abutment. Although successful in this case, the intentional reimplantation procedure should be considered a treatment of last resort, that is, when another treatment option is not viable for the treatment of root perforation/instrument retrieval.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the tensile strength of orthodontic wires bonded onto the enamel with cyanoacrylate ester. To obtain the specimens, 120 human premolars (extracted for orthodontic or periodontal reasons) were included in acrylic blocks of rapid polymerization with three teeth each. Four groups were formed with ten specimens each. In the specimens, a dental splint model was made with cyanoacrylate ester and round stainless steel wire. In groups I, II and III, cyanoacrylate ester was used with round steel wires, with variation in diameter: 0.014 inches; 0.016 inches and 0.018 inches, respectively. In group IV, round steel wire 0.018 inches was used with photo polymerizing resin composite with previous acid etching. The adhesive force of the materials was measured in two points under the action of the tensiometer (ETM-USA). The number of loose wires was counted along with those that remained fixed according to the different levels of force applied because of the direction of the tensile force (vertical or horizontal) and the diameter of the wire used. The data obtained were first submitted to a descriptive analysis and then submitted to a statistical analysis (Friedman's Test and Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparison - Epi-info 3.2). Within the limitations of the experimental conditions presented, the cyanoacrylate ester or 'Super Bonder (R)' maintained bonded to enamel and steel wires (0.016 and 0.018 inches) during the tensile strength tests under different levels of applied forces.


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Several local factors that influence the healing process of replanted teeth have been investigated. However, it remains unclear how systemic alterations, such as diabetes mellitus, affect the prognosis of these cases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the healing process of incisors of non-controlled diabetic rats replanted after storage in bovine long shelf-life (UHT) whole milk. Thirty-two rats were randomly assigned to receive an endovenous injection of either citrate buffer solution (group I - control; n = 16) or streptozotocin dissolved in citrate buffer solution to induce diabetes (group II; n = 16). After confirmation of the diabetic status by analysis of the glycemic levels, the maxillary right incisor of each animal was extracted and immersed in milk for 60 min. The root canals of teeth were then instrumented, and were filled with a calcium hydroxide-based dressing and replanted into their sockets. All animals received systemic antibiotic and were killed by anesthetic overdose 10 and 60 days after replantation. The specimens containing the replanted teeth were removed, fixed, decalcified, and embedded in paraffin. Semi-serial 6-mu m-thick sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histologic and histometric analyses. The results showed that the connective tissue adjacent to the root surface was less organized in the diabetic animals than in the control animals in both periods; the root dentin was less severely affected by root resorption in the diabetic rats; there were no significant differences between the control and diabetic groups regarding the occurrence of replacement resorption and inflammatory resorption.