90 resultados para Case-Control Studies


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Some patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) exhibit an unsatisfactory reduction in symptom severity despite being treated with all the available therapeutic alternatives. The clinical variables associated with treatment-refractoriness in OCD are inconsistently described in the literature.Methods: To investigate factors associated with treatment-reftactoriness of patients with OCD, we conducted a case-control study, comparing 23 patients with treatment-refractory OCD to 26 patients with treatment-responding OCD.Results: the factors associated with refractoriness of OCD were higher severity of symptoms since the onset of OCD (P < 0.001), chronic course (p=0.003), lack of a partner (p=0.037), unemployment (p=0.025), low economic status (p=0.015), presence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms of sexual/religious content (p=0.043), and higher scores on family accommodation (P < 0.001). Only the three latter variables remained significantly associated with treatment-reftactoriness after regression analyses. Limitations: small sample size, the biases and drawbacks inherent to a case-control study, and the inclusion criteria used to define the study groups may have limited the generalisation of the results.Conclusion: A major strength of this study is the systematic and structured evaluation of a vast array of variables related to the clinical expression of OCD, including epigenetic factors and ratings derived from instruments evaluating family accommodation. The presence of sexual/religious symptoms, low economic status and high modification on family function due to OCD were independently associated with, treatment-refractoriness. Future longitudinal studies are warranted to verify if these variables represent predictive factors of treatment non-response. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To assess alcohol dehydrogenase 3 (ADH3) polymorphism at position Ile349Val as indicator of risk factor for upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) cancer to verify its association with UADT cancer in nonalcoholic or nonsmoking individuals.Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: Primary care or referral center.Patients: the study group consisted of 141 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, or larynx admitted for surgical treatment. The comparison group consisted of 94 inpatients without cancer from the A. C. Camargo or other São Paulo (Brazil) hospital and 40 healthy individuals.Intervention: All participants were interviewed and data were collected using a structured questionnaire. After written informed consent was obtained, 20 mL of blood was collected in heparinized tubes.Main Outcome Measures: Odds ratio for ADH3 genotypes using logistic regression models.Results: After adjustment for sex, age, tobacco use, and history of cancer in first-degree family relatives, a significantly higher odds ratio for UADT cancer was observed among individuals with AA genotype and low cumulative alcohol consumption (:5 100 kg of ethanol) (odds ratio=3.8 [95% confidence interval, 1.5-9.7]). A 4-fold increase in odds ratio for UADT cancer among individuals with AA genotype and low tobacco consumption (:525 pack-years) was also found in the adjusted model.Conclusions: These results suggest that genotype AA may be a risk factor for UADT cancer, especially in individuals with low alcohol or tobacco consumption. However, further epidemiological case-control or cohort studies, preferably prospective, are needed to establish the exact role of ADH3 polymorphism and its association with the development of UADT cancers.


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OBJETIVO: revisar a literatura mais atual, dos últimos 15 anos, em busca de estudos clínicos que relatem a relação entre a disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) e o tratamento ortodôntico e/ou a má oclusão. A intenção foi verificar se o tratamento ortodôntico aumentaria o aparecimento de sinais e sintomas de DTM, e se o tratamento ortodôntico seria um recurso para o tratamento ou prevenção dos sinais e sintomas de DTM. MÉTODOS: artigos dos tipos revisão de literatura, editorial, carta, estudo experimental em animais e comunicação foram excluídos dessa revisão. Foram incluídos artigos prospectivos, longitudinais, caso-controle ou retrospectivo com amostra maior, com relevante análise estatística. Estudos que abordassem deformidades e síndromes craniofaciais e tratamento por cirurgia ortognática também foram excluídos, bem como aqueles que relatassem apenas a associação entre má oclusão e DTM. RESULTADOS: foram encontrados 20 artigos relacionando Ortodontia à DTM, segundo os critérios adotados. Os estudos, então, associando sinais e sintomas de DTM ao tratamento ortodôntico apresentaram resultados heterogêneos. Alguns encontraram efeitos positivos do tratamento ortodôntico para os sinais e sintomas de DTM; entretanto, nenhum deles apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÕES: todos os estudos citados nessa revisão de literatura relataram que o tratamento ortodôntico não forneceu risco ao desenvolvimento de sinais e sintomas de DTM, independentemente da técnica utilizada para tratamento, da exodontia ou não de pré-molares e do tipo de má oclusão previamente apresentada pelo paciente. Alguns estudos realizados com acompanhamento em longo prazo concluíram que o tratamento ortodôntico não seria preventivo ou uma modalidade de tratamento para DTM.


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Dentre as pesquisas empreendidas no campo da epidemiologia, um grupo específico aborda patologias de etiologia desconhecida ou não totalmente compreendidas. É dentro deste grupo que estão situadas as desordens temporomandibulares (DTM). Três estratégias observacionais básicas têm sido utilizadas para abordar o papel etiológico da má oclusão no desenvolvimento das DTM, dentro do repertório epidemiológico. São elas: estudos do tipo transversal, estudos de caso controle e estudos de coorte. Alguns experimentos clínicos são realizados com base na remoção do fator etiológico suspeito. Com base em uma revisão estruturada da literatura, a partir da metodologia empregada nos estudos selecionados, podemos concluir que a definição dos possíveis fatores etiológicos relacionados a subgrupos específicos de DTM é fundamental para que o papel das más oclusões no desenvolvimento destas desordens, embora pareça pequeno quando baseado nas evidências disponíveis, não seja subestimado. Pode ser útil a caracterização de uma oclusão normal como aquela associada como o menor risco para o desenvolvimento de problemas de DTM, mas é provavelmente inapropriada a aplicação destes parâmetros para reverter um problema intra-capsular já estabelecido. O conceito de uma oclusão de baixo fator de risco implicaria em um pequeno desvio entre RC e MIH, pequeno transpasse horizontal, transpasse vertical positivo e ausência de mordida cruzada posterior. Este conceito é compatível com o conceito de oclusão normal defendido por décadas, embora uma variação do normal ao invés de um critério absoluto deva ser permitida. Embora provavelmente seja prudente estabelecer metas morfológicas terapêuticas que busquem o que é observado em oclusões não tratadas julgadas normais ou ideais, o estabelecimento de uma oclusão que alcance todos os critérios gnatológicos, por meio de tratamento ortodôntico, talvez seja impossível e provavelmente desnecessário.


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Background: The time course of mild cardiotoxicity induced by anthracycline remains unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term evolution of decreased myocardial reserve in children previously treated with a cumulative dose of anthracycline up to 100mg/m 2. Patients and Methods: Twenty-seven asymptomatic cancer survival patients (25 with lymphoblastic leukemia), in continuous remission and off treatment for >12 months with no alterations in conventional echocardiograms were evaluated by exercise echocardiography at 37±15.4 months (T1) and 101±24 months (T2) after finishing treatment (ADRIA group). This group was compared with 25 healthy individuals (control group) similar to the ADRIA group with respect to age and body surface area (BSA). All individuals underwent treadmill exercise testing according to Bruce protocol. Echocardiograms were performed before and immediately after exercise. Results: The groups were similar regarding cardiac structure and left ventricular (LV) systolic function at rest at T1 and T2. The growth of LV posterior wall thickness related to BSA was lower in the ADRIA group at T2. Post exercise, smaller LV ejection indexes and attenuated changes in the afterload in ADRIA group were observed at T1 and T2. Conclusion: The decreased systolic reserve induced by a low dose of anthracycline in asymptomatic children and adolescents remains unaffected over a 5-year period, suggesting that positive outcomes in chronic cardiotoxicity would be expected in patients with mild impairment after anthracycline treatment. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) poses a threat for patients in burn units. Studies that mix epidemiological designs with molecular typing may contribute to the development of strategies for MRSA control. We conducted a study including: molecular characterization of Staphylococcal Chromosome Cassette mecA (SCCmec), strain typing with pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and detection of virulence genes, altogether with a case-case-control study that assessed risk factors for MRSA and for methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA), using S. aureus negative patients as controls. Strains were collected from clinical and surveillance cultures from October 2006 through March 2009. MRSA was isolated from 96 patients. Most isolates (94.8%) harbored SCCmec type III. SCCmec type IV was identified in isolates from four patients. In only one case it could be epidemiologically characterized as community-associated. PFGE typing identified 36 coexisting MRSA clones. When compared to MSSA (38 isolates), MRSA isolates were more likely to harbor two virulence genes: tst and lukPV. Previous stay in other hospital and admission to Intensive Care Unit were independent risk factors for both MRSA and MSSA, while the number of burn wound excisions was significantly related with the former (OR = 6.80, 95%CI = 3.54-13.07). In conclusion, our study found polyclonal endemicity of MRSA in a burn unit, possibly related to importing of strains from other hospitals. Also, it pointed out to a role of surgical procedures in the dissemination of MRSA strains. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Objectives-The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between placental volumes, placental vascularity, and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.Methods A prospective case-control study was conducted between April 2011 and July 2012. Placental volumes and vascularity were evaluated by 3-dimensional sonographic, 3-dimensional power Doppler histographic, and 2-dimensional color Doppler studies. Pregnant women were classified as normotensive or hypertensive and stratified by the nature of their hypertensive disorders. The following variables were evaluated: observed-to-expected placental volume ratio, placental volume-to-estimated fetal weight ratio, placental vascular indices, and pulsatility indices of the right and left uterine and umbilical arteries.Results Sixty-six healthy pregnant women and 62 pregnant women with hypertensive disorders were evaluated (matched by maternal age, gestational age at sonography, and parity). Placental volumes were not reduced in pregnancy in women with hypertensive disorders (P > .05). Conversely, reduced placental vascularization indices (vascularization index and vascularization-flow index) were observed in pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders (P < .01; P < .01), especially in patients with superimposed preeclampsia (P = .04; P = .02). A weak correlation was observed between placental volumes, placental vascular indices, and Doppler studies of the uterine and umbilical arteries.Conclusions Pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders are associated with reduced placental vascularity but not with reduced placental volumes. These findings are independent of changes in uterine artery Doppler studies. Future studies of the prediction of preeclampsia may focus on placental vascularity in combination with results of Doppler studies of the uterine arteries.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objectives The objective of this study was to develop a technique for detecting cortical bone dimensional changes in patients with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). Study Design Subjects with BRONJ who had cone-beam computed tomography imaging were selected, with age- and gender-matched controls. Mandibular cortical bone measurements to detect bisphosphonate-related cortical bone changes were made inferior to mental foramen, in 3 different ways: within a fixed sized rectangle, in a rectangle varying with the cortical height, and a ratio between area and height. Results Twelve BRONJ cases and 66 controls were evaluated. The cortical bone measurements were significantly higher in cases than controls for all 3 techniques. The bone measurements were strongly associated with BRONJ case status (odds ratio 3.36-7.84). The inter-rater reliability coefficients were high for all techniques (0.71-0.90). Conclusions Mandibular cortical bone measurement is a potentially useful tool in the detection of bone dimensional changes caused by bisphosphonates. Long-term administration of bisphosphonates (BPs) affects bone quality and metabolism following accumulation in bone.1 Since the first cases of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) were published in 2003,2 there has been a search for factors that can predict the onset of the condition. Oral and intravenous BPs reduce bone resorption, increase mineral content of bone, and alter bony architecture.3, 4, 5 and 6 Previous studies have demonstrated these changes both radiographically and following histologic analysis.1, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10 The BP-related jaw changes may present radiological features, such as thickening of lamina dura and cortical borders, diffuse sclerosis, and narrowing of the mandibular canal3 and 11; however, oral radiographs of patients taking BPs do not consistently show radiographic changes to the jaws.11 and 12 The challenge is to find imaging tools that could improve the detection of changes in the bone associated with BP use. Various skeletal radiographic features associated with BRONJ in conventional periapical and panoramic radiographs, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear bone scanning have been described.3, 8, 9, 10 and 11 There has also been a search for BP-related quantitative methods for the evaluation of radiographic images, to avoid observer subjectivity in interpretation. Factors thought to be important include trabecular and cortical structure, and bone mineralization.4 Consequently, measurable bone data have been reported in subjects taking BPs through many techniques, including bone density, architecture, and cortical bone thickness.1, 4, 7 and 13 Trabecular microarchitecture of postmenopausal women has been evaluated with noninvasive techniques, such as high-resolution magnetic resonance images showing less deterioration of the bone 1 year after initiation of oral BP therapy.4 A decrease in bone turnover and a trend for an increase in the bone wall thickness has been detected by histomorphometry in subjects taking BPs.1 Alterations in the cortical structure of the second metacarpal have been detected in digital x-ray radiogrammetry of postmenopausal women treated with BPs.7 Mandibular cortical width may be measured on dental panoramic radiographs, and it has been suggested as a screening tool for referring patients for bone densitometry for osteoporosis investigation.14 and 15 Inhibition of the intracortical bone remodeling in the mandible of mice taking BPs has been reported.16 Thus, imaging evaluation of the mandibular cortical bone could be a biologically plausible way to detect BP bone alterations. Computed tomography can assess both cortical and trabecular bone characteristics. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) can provide 3-dimensional information, while using lower doses and costing less than conventional CT. The CBCT images have been studied as a tool for the measurement of trabecular bone in patients with BRONJ.13 Therefore, cortical bone measurements on CBCT of the jaws might also help to understand bone changes in patients with BRONJ. There is no standard in quantifying dimensional changes of mandibular cortical bone. We explored several different approaches to take into consideration possible changes in length, area, and volume. These led to the 3 techniques developed in this study. This article reports a matched case-control study in which mandibular cortical bone was measured on CBCT images of subjects with BRONJ and controls. The aim of the study was to explore the usefulness of 3 techniques for detecting mandibular cortical bone dimensional changes caused by BP.


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Background: The intestinal microbiome (IM) has extensively been studied in the search for a link of bacteria with the cause of Crohn`s disease (CD). The association might result from the action of a specific pathogen and/or an eventual imbalance in bacterial species composition of the gut. The innumerous virulence associated markers and strategies described for adherent and invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) have made them putative candidate pathogens for CD. IM of CD patients shows dysbiosis, manifested by the proliferation of bacterial groups such as Enterobacteriaceae and reduction of others such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. The augmented bacterial population comprising of commensal and/or pathogenic organisms super stimulates the immune system, triggering the inflammatory reactions responsible for the clinical manifestations of the disease. Considering the role played by IM in CD and the multiple variables influencing its species composition, resulting in differences among populations, the objective of this study was to determine the bacterial biodiversity in the mucosa associated microbiome of CD patients from a population not previously subject to this analysis, living in the middle west region of Sao Paulo state. Methods: A total of 4 CD patients and 5 controls subjects attending the Botucatu Medical School of the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP) for routine colonoscopy and who signed an informed consent were included in the study. A number of 2 biopsies, one from the ileum and other from any part of the terminal colon, were taken from each subject and immediately frozen at -70[degrees]C until DNA purification. The bacterial biodiversity was assessed by next generation (ion torrent) sequencing of PCR amplicons of the ribosomal DNA 16S V6 region (16S V6 rDNA). The bacterial identification was performed at the genus level, by alignment of the generated DNA sequences with those available at the ribosomal database project (RDP) website. Results: The overall DNA sequence output was based on an average number of 526,427 reads per run, matching 50 bacterial genus 16SrDNA sequences available at the RDB website, and 22 non matching sequences. Over 95% of the sequences corresponded to taxa belonging to the major phyla: Firmicutes, Bacterioidetes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. Irrespective of the intestinal site analyzed, no case-control differences could be observed in the prevalence of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. The prevalence of Proteobacteria was higher (40%) in the biopsies of control subjects as compared to that of DC patients (16%). For Bacterioidetes, the higher prevalence was observed among DC patients (33% as opposed to 14,5% in controls). The significance for all comparisons considered a p value < 0,05 in a Chi2 test. No mucosal site specific differences could be observed in IM comparisons of CD and control subjects. Conclusions: The rise in the number of Bacterioidetes observed here among CD patients seems to be in agreement with most of studies published thus far. Yet, the reduction in the number of Proteobacteria along with an apparently unaltered population of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, which include the so called "beneficial" organisms Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus were rather surprising. These data suggest that the analyses on the role of IM in CD should consider the multiple variables that may influence its species composition.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)