Purpose: This study evaluated the adhesive quality of simplified self-adhesive and conventional resin cements to Y-TZP in dry and aged conditions. Methods: Y-TZP ceramic blocks (N=192) (5 x 5 x 2 mm) were embedded in acrylic resin and randomly divided into two groups, based on surface conditioning: 96% isopropanol or chairside tribochemical silica coating and silanization. Conditioned ceramics were divided into four groups to receive the resin cements (Panavia F 2.0, Variolink II, RelyX U100 and Maxcem). After 24 hours, half of the specimens (n=12) from each group were submitted to shear bond strength testing (0.5 nun/minute). The remaining specimens were tested after 90 days of water storage at 37 degrees C and thermocycling (12,000x, 5 degrees C-55 degrees C). Failure types were then assessed. The data were analyzed using three-way ANOVA and the Tukey's test (alpha=0.05). Results: Significant effects of ceramic conditioning, cement type and storage conditions were observed (p<0.0001). The groups cleaned using alcohol only showed low bond strength values in dry conditions and the bond strength was reduced dramatically after aging. Groups conditioned using silica coating and silanization showed higher bond strengths both in dry and aged conditions. A high number of specimens failed prematurely prior to testing when they were cleaned using 96% isopropanol. Conclusion: Overall, silica coating and silanization showed higher, stable bond strengths with and without aging. The durability of resin-ceramic adhesion varied, depending on the adhesive cement type.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We have studied the effects of niobium beam filtration on absorbed doses, on image density and contrast, and on photon spectra with conventional and high-frequency dental x-ray generators. Added niobium reduced entry and superficial absorbed doses in periapical radiography by 9% to 40% with film and digital image receptors, decreased the radiation necessary to produce a given image density on E-speed film and reduced image contrast on D- and E-speed films. As shown by increased half-value layers for aluminum, titanium, and copper and by pulse-height analyses of beam spectra, niobium increased average beam energy by 6% to 19%. Despite the benefits of adding niobium on patient dose reduction and on narrowing the beams' energy spectra, the beam can be overhardened. Adding niobium, therefore, strikes the best balance between radiation dose reduction and beam attenuation, with its risks of increased exposure times, motion blur, and diminished image contrast, when it is used at modest thicknesses (30 μm) and at lower kVp (70) settings. © 1995 Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
Strontium barium niobate (SBN) thin films were crystallized by conventional electric furnace annealing and by rapid-thermal annealing (RTA) at different temperatures. The average grain size of films was 70 nm and thickness around 500 nm. Using x-ray diffraction, we identified the presence of polycrystalline SBN phase for films annealed from 500 to 700 °C in both cases. Phases such as SrNb2O6 and BaNb2O6 were predominantly crystallized in films annealed at 500 °C, disappearing at higher temperatures. Dielectric and ferroelectric parameters obtained from films crystallized by conventional furnace and RTA presented essentially the same values.
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate marginal leakage in class V restorations in primary teeth restored with amalgam, using three different techniques. Thirty maxillary anterior primary teeth, clinically sound and naturally exfoliated, were used. In group 1 (n = 10), two thin layers of a copal varnish (Cavitine) were applied. In group 2 (n = 10), Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus, a dual adhesive system, was used according to manufacturer instructions. In group 3 (n = 10), One-Step adhesive system in combination with a low-viscosity resin (Resinomer) were used according to manufacturer instructions. All samples were restored with a high-copper dental amalgam alloy (GS 80, SDI). After restoration, the samples were stored in normal saline at 37 degrees C for 72 h. The specimens were polished, thermocycled (500 cycles, 5 degrees and 55 degrees C, 30-s dwell time) and impermeabilized with fingernail polish to within 1.0 mm of the restoration margins. The teeth were then placed in 0.5% methylene blue for 4 h. Finally, the samples were sectioned and evaluated for marginal leakage. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the filled adhesive resin (group 3) had the least microleakage. There was no significant difference between groups 1 and 2.
A fast, sensitive and cost-effective multiplex-PCR assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) and Mycobacterium avium (M. avium) identification for routine diagnosis was evaluated. A total of 158 isolates of mycobacteria from 448 clinical specimens from patients with symptoms of mycobacterial disease were analyzed. By conventional biochemical methods 151 isolates were identified as M. tuberculosis, five as M. avium and two as Mycobacterium chelonae (M. chelonae). Mycolic acid patterns confirmed these results. Multiplex-PCR detected only IS6110 in isolates identified as MTC, and IS1245 was found only in the M. avium isolates. The method applied to isolates from two patients, identified by conventional methods and mycolic acid analysis, one as M. avium and other as M. chelonae, resulted positive for IS6110, suggesting co-infection with M. tuberculosis. These patients were successfully submitted to tuberculosis treatment. The multiplex-PCR method may offer expeditious identification of MTC and M. avium, which may minimize risks for active transmission of these organisms and provide useful treatment information.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic agreement of conventional panoramic radiographs and their inverted scanned images in the detection of the mandibular canal and mental foramen. A total of 77 panoramic radiographs obtained from the files of totally edentulous patients were used. Digitization was done by means of a scanner with brightness and contrast adjustment, as well as image inversion. The extension of mandibular canal was divided into anterior, middle, and posterior regions, and the presence of a radiopaque line that characterized the mandibular canal was classified according to a 5-point confidence scale. The mental foramen was classified in 4 types: continuous, separated, diffuse, and unidentified. Both conventional and inverted scanned panoramic radiographs were evaluated by 3 calibrated implantologists at 2 distinct moments with a minimum interval of 10 days between them. Intraexaminer agreement was evaluated by Kappa statistics by point and by 95% confidence interval. Because the intraexaminer level of agreement was low, interexaminer agreements could not be carried out. The results showed a substantial (in 2 situations), moderate (in 16 situations), and fair (in 18 situations) intraexaminer agreement for mandibular canal and a substantial (in 1 situation), fair (in 1 situation), and moderate (in 10 situations) intraeaminer agreement for mental foramen. There were no statistically significant differences in most instances. In conclusion, the diagnostic agreement of conventional and inverted scanned panoramic radiographs for detection of mandibular canal and mental foramen was low.
The aim of this paper was to apply a multiresidue method using Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) and capillary gas chromatography with electron capture and mass spectrometry detections in the analysis of the levels of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. Single laboratory validation of both solid-liquid and supercritical fluid extraction methods was carried out for 32 compounds selected from four pesticide classes (organochlorine, organonitrogen, organophosphorus and pyretroid) in blank and fortified samples of fresh lettuce, potato, apple and tomato. Recoveries for the majority of pesticides from fortified samples at fortification level of 0.04-0.10 mg kg -1 ranged 74-96% for both methods and confirmation of pesticide identity was performed by gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry in a selected-ion monitoring mode. Both methods showed good limits of detection (less 0.01 mg kg-1, depending on the pesticide and matrix) and the SFE method minimized environmental concerns, time, and laboratory work. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
Endophytic fungi were isolated from leaves, flowers and fruit of healthy apple trees (Malus domestica, BORKH.) growing in southern Brazilian orchards under three different cultivation systems (conventional, integrated and organic), during two vegetative cycles. The greatest total number of endophytic isolates was obtained from the orchards under organic cultivation when compared to integrated and conventional cultivation systems. Filamentous fungi from the genera Colletotrichum, Xylaria and Botryosphaeria were the most frequent ones and the most representative yeast genera were Sporobolomyces, Rhodotorula, Debaryomyces and Cryptococcus. It is suggested that some isolates may be used as indicators of the different management systems. © 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
Mn(II) doped SnO2 thin films used for shielding fluoride glasses against corrosion were investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS and XANE)S at the Sn and Mn K-edges. The effect of firing treatment on the densification of the films was studied. It has been evidenced a partial change of Mn valence from 2.3 to 2.6 upon heating which is attributed to a change of ratios of two Mn sites: grafted divalent Mn ions at the surface of SnO 2 nanocrystallites and trivalent Mn ions embedded into a substitutional solid solution with Sn. © Physica Scripta 2005.
The aim of this study was to compare the bond strength to enamel between resin cements combined with total-etch and self-etch adhesive systems and a self-adhesive cement. Eighty bovine incisors had their buccal surface ground flat exposing a plane area in the enamel. Eighty Artglass resin cylinders measuring 3 mm in diameter and 4 mm in height were fabricated. The teeth were divided into eight groups of 10 teeth each and the resin cylinders were cemented with different adhesive systems and resin cements; G1: RelyX Unicem (self-adhesive cement); G2: H 3PO 4 + Single Bond + RelyX ARC; G3: AdheSE + Variolink II; G4: H 3PO 4 + Excite + Variolink II; G5: Xeno III + Enforce; G6: H 3PO 4 + Prime&Bond NT + Enforce; G7: Biatite Primers 1 and 2 + Bistite II DC; G8: H 3PO 4 + Bistite Primers 1 and 2 + Bistite II DC. After application of the adhesives, the cylinders were cemented according to manufacturer instructions. The specimens were submitted to 2000 thermal cycles at a temperature ranging from 5±5°C to 55±5°C, and shear bond strength was then tested at a variety of 1 mm/min. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and the Tukey's test (á=5%), obtaining a p value of 0.00. The following mean (±standard deviation) bond strength values were observed for each group: G1: 5.14(±0.99)a; G3: 16.23(±4.69)b; G7: 17.82(±3.66)b; G5: 18.48(±2.88)bc; G8: 20.15(±4.12)bc; G4: 22.85(±3.08)cd; G2: 24.96(±2.89)d; G6: 26.07(±1.69)d. Groups followed by the same letters did not differ significantly. For most of the resin cements tested, the application of adhesive systems using acid etching resulted in a higher bond strength when compared to the self-etch adhesive systems and to the self-adhesive cement.
Aim: This in vitro study evaluated the accuracy of primary incisor lengths determined by digital and conventional radiography compared to the actual tooth length. Methods: Twenty extracted primary maxillary incisors were mounted in acrylic blocks. Tooth length was estimated by using a straight-line measurement provided by the distance measurement tool of a digital dental imaging system (Computed Dental Radiography, Schick Technologies Inc.) and conventional E-speed film radiographs by using a digital caliper. Two operators familiar with both radiographic methods performed the estimates. The estimated tooth lengths were compared to the actual tooth lengths measured with the digital caliper. Data were statistically analyzed by Dahlberg's equation, paired t test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and ANOVA at 5% significance level. Results: There were no statistically significant differences (p = 0.85) between tooth length estimated on digital and conventional radiographs. Admitting as clinically acceptable a 0.5-mm discrepancy between the actual tooth lengths and the radiographically estimated lengths, 60% of the radiographic measurements were considered as accurate. When the acceptable difference range was 1.0 mm, the accuracy of the radiographic measurements increased to 100%. Conclusions: Digital and conventional radiography provided similar tooth length measurements and were equivalent to the actual tooth lengths.