439 resultados para Atletas - Nutrição


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SELENATE and SELENITE on YIELD, MINERAL NUTRITION and BIOFORTIFICATION WITH SELENIUM IN LETTUCE CULTIVARSSelenium is an important antioxidant element associated with physiological processes in plants, microorganisms, animals, and humans. However, its mode of action and essentiality in plants are still disputed. In Brazil, information on Se in agricultural crops is extremely scarce, though there are indications that low levels of Se are being consumed by the population. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of selenate and selenite on yield, mineral nutrition and biofortification with Se of lettuce cultivars. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized factorial design 5 x 3 x 2, with five lettuce cultivars (Maravilha de Verao, Rafaela, Great Lakes, Veneranda, and Vera), three Se concentrations (0, 10 and 20 mu mol L(-1)) and two forms of Se (selenate and selenite), with four replicates. Results indicate that selenate application is more appropriate for biofortification of lettuce cultivars, while the effect of selenite proved to be more toxic. The application of selenate results in increased S shoot concentrations, while selenite reduced P concentrations, and both Se forms decreased micronutrient concentrations. No genotypic variation among lettuce cultivars was observed for Se concentration, and little variation was observed for shoot dry matter yield and S, Mg, Mn, and Fe levels.


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The present work was conducted with the objective to study the effects of mineral nutrition on Eucalyptus grandis and Brachiaria decumbens (#BRADC) growth, when submitted to inter- and intra-specific competition. The treatments consisted of two plants of Eucalypts/pot, two plants of BRADC/pot, and one plant of each species/pot. The plants were nourished with the Hoagland e Arnon (1950) complete solution; with no K, P or N; or only with either N, P or K. Sixty days after growing side by side, no effect of the inter- and intra-specific competition on eucalypts plant high, branch number and leaf dry mass was observed. When mineral nutrition did not limit plant growth (complete solution or solution with no K), intra-specific competition reduced on average, 23% of eucalypts root length, leaf area, and stem and root dry mass, and inter-specific competition reduced, on average, 75% of BRADC dry mass. When mineral nutrition became a limiting factor, no plant competition effect on the parameters studied was detected.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship of maximal aerobic power and the muscular strength (maximal isotonic strength and vertical jump explosive power) with the running economy (RE) in endurance athletes. Twenty-six male runners (27.9 ± 6.4 years; 62.7 ± 4.3 kg; 168.6 ± 6.1 cm; 6.6 ± 3.1% of body fat) performed in different days the following tests: a) incremental test to determine the maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) and the intensity corresponding to the V̇O2max (IV̇O2max); b) constant-velocity treadmill run to determine RE; c) 1-RM test in the leg press and; d) maximal vertical jump test (VJ). V̇O2max (63.8 ± 8.3 ml/kg/min) was significantly correlated (r = 0.63; p < 0.05) with RE (48.0 ± 6.6 ml/kg/min). However, the IV̇O2max (18.7 ± 1.1 km/h), the maximal isotonic strength (230.3 ± 41.2 kg) and the VJ (30.8 ± 3.8 cm) were not significantly correlated with RE. One concludes that the maximal aerobic power can explain in part the inter-individual RE variability in endurance athletes. However, maximal isotonic strength and explosive strength seem not to be associated with RE values observed in this group of athletes.


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This review present a discussion abouth the tannins. The tannins are compounds that have the ability to bind other macromolecules, reducing their availability to animal metabolism. This characteristic can be benefic or deleterious, depending on the tannin concentration degree in the plant and its structure. Positive effects are mainly related with a better use of the dietary protein and an increased efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in the rumen. The use of tannins to reduce ruminal methane emission has been subject of current researches, firmly indicating a decrease of ruminal methanogenesis. However, many of these studies, carried out to evaluate the effects of tannins on forage fermentation and animal metabolism, are based on legume plants, so their results can not be surpassed to studies concerning tanniniferous grasses. By improving the characterization of the profile and reactivity of tannins in tanniniferous forages, such as some sorghum hybrids, as well as conducting experiments to demonstrate the effects of tannins on animal metabolism and performance, the real potential of forages with tannin will be enlightened.


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It was aimed to assess the effects of zinc in the development and nutrition of Tanzania grass. The experimental design used was fully randomized, consisting of six doses of zinc (0, 15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 mg dm'3) and four repetitions. The experimental unit was formed in a vase filled with a Red Latosol dystrophic (Zn = 0.4 mg dm). There were two cuts, the first after 53 days of transplanting seedlings and the second 35 days after the first cut. Was evaluated the concentration of zinc in the soil, the content of zinc leaf, the number of tillers, number of leaves, plant height, the dry mass of the shoot, root system and the whole plant. The doses of zinc influenced the concentration of zinc in soil and plant, and production of dry mass of Tanzania grass, especially the first cut. The Tanzania grass shows high tolerance to the toxicity of zinc, and toxic critical level of 273 mg kg-1.


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Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common in sports. Studies investigating injury mechanisms have demonstrated that most injuries arise from landing tasks. Despite the demonstration of differences between male and female kinematics, there are no studies showing how males behave during different landing tasks. The objective of this study was to compare the angular and temporal kinematics of the lower limbs between two different landing tasks. Double leg and single leg landings were recorded in the frontal and sagittal plane in 15 male volleyball athletes by videogrammetry. Reduced hip and knee flexion and increased knee valgus were observed in the single leg landing task compared to the double leg landing task. No significant difference in landing time was observed between the two tasks. In conclusion, the results support the premise that lower limb kinematics change according to the task performed. Further studies are necessary to explore the impact of these kinematic differences on knee loading and to relate them to ACL injury mechanisms in men.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The porpoise of this study was to evaluate the effects of extracorporeal shock waves in third metacarpus bone from healthy horses by determination of bone elasticity. It were used 20 Thoroughbred horses, male and female, with two years old, on top of training and selected as the state healthy. At the beginning of the experiment (D0), all animals were submitted for evaluation of bone elasticity held in the third metacarpus bone. The animals were divided into two groups (Control Group - CG and Experimental Group - EG). The application of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) was performed on the right forelimb of the animals in the experimental group in the same place evaluated for bone elasticity and was used apparatus for extracorporeal therapy of waves with 0.15 mJ/mm2 energy flux density and 2000 pulses with E6R20 probe, with focus feature of the shock wave of 20 mm. The ESWT were repeated every 21 days, a total of three sessions (D0, D21 and D42). The analysis of bone elasticity determination was realized at D21, D42 and D72. The average of speed ultrasound differed between groups at D21, D42 and D72, and the animals from EG had lower bone mineral density after applications of ESWT. There was also difference in the analysis of bone mass (Z-Score) between the groups at D21 and D42, which animals from EG showed a significant decrease in bone mass. The risk of fracture was higher in animals from experimental group at D21. It was concluded that ESWT is able to promote change in bone mineral density.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizers (urban solid waste and swine manure) as a source of nutrients and residue from bauxite processing as a corrective of soil acidity, in area cultivated with sugar cane irrigated with potable water and served in the availability of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) levels in the soil and plants. For this experiment was carried out in pots, using a Alfisol, assessing the availability of the elements in the 0-20 cm layer and the concentration of these nutrients in the leaves of sugarcane. The data showed that the residues increased the concentrations of Ca and Mg in soil, as the concentration of K was not changed and S was not detected, due to the low concentration in the soil. In the leave +1 of sugarcane the residue of bauxite increased levels of N, P, K, Ca and Mg (15.68, 1.73, 10.43, 3.50 and 1.08 g kg-1, respectively). The application of urban solid waste and swine manure also increased the levels of N, K and Ca (11.56, 9.18 and 2.81 g kg-1, respectively). The quality of irrigation water did not alter the availability of P, K, Ca, Mg and S in the soil as well as the levels of these macronutrients in the plant.


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The aim of this study was to determine the anthropometrical and physiological profile of futsal players and compare between under-20 and adults categories. Twenty four male athletes futsal participated in the study. They played in two teams of futsal-level state: a team with players under-20 (12 athletes); and another with players of the adults category (12 athletes). The participants performed a routine assessment involving anthropometric measurements (body mass, size, thickness of skin folds, perimeter body and bone diameter) and tests to estimate the aerobic and anaerobic capacity. The results did not indicate differences in relation to the anthropometrical and physiological profile between the under-20 and adults categories. We concluded that the promotion of athletes from the under-20 category for the adult's category taking into account the anthropometrical profile and aerobic and anaerobic performance indicators is recommended. However, other indicators, such as the technical, tactical and psychological aspects are important to help in understanding this promotion phase and in the training. © FTCD/FIP-MOC.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We aimed to evaluate the effects of nitrogen rates in early growth, SPAD index, content and accumulation of nutrients in cedar seedlings. The experiment was carried out in a plastic greenhouse and the seedlings were grown in plastic pots filled with 20 dm-3of Rhodic Hapludox, arranged inrandomized blocks with four replications. Rates of 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 mg dm-3N were tested. Fertilization up to 160 mg dm-3N promoted increases in SPAD index and early growth of plants, beyond greater absorption of N,P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. Overall, lower N rates limited growth but not the absorption of nutrients by cedar plants. In leaves, the only nutrien taffected was the B which their content was reduced with increasing of N rate. Increased of nitrogen fertilization changed the Cu distributionin plants, since increased Cu content in roots and reduced their content in stem. Higher N rates promoted higher accumulation of all nutrients due to the increase of dry matter. Nitrogen fertilization changed the dynamic of nutrient absorption in cedar. With 160 mg dm-3N, the amount absorbed followed the order: N>S>Ca>K>Mg>P>Fe>Mn>B> Zn> Cu.


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In tropical regions, the residual effect of phosphate fertilizer source is of crucial importance. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of application of P sources in chemical properties of soil, nutrition and productivity of sugarcane plant and during the first and second ratoon. The sources of P applied in furrows at planting were, triple superphosphate, Arad phosphate, bone meal (100 kg ha-1 P2O5 total) and a control without P, the varieties of sugarcane studied were IAC86-2480 and SP79-1011. A randomized block design in a 4 × 2 factorial was used, with four replications. The study was conducted in the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT, Brazil, in Typic Hapludox. After each cutting, in soil P content, pH and Ca were evaluated. In the plant, the production of green and dry matter of shoots, the concentration of P in the biomass harvested, the export of P and agronomic efficiency of the sources of P were determined. The bone meal had a higher agronomic efficiency resulted in greater accumulation and export of P by crop, higher content of available Ca and P and increase soil pH. The Arad reactive phosphate increased its agronomic efficiency between crop cycles.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of nitrogen doses on mineral nutrition and yield of macadamia nut (Macadamia integrifolia). The experiment was carried out during three agricultural years, in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The experimental design was a complete block with four replicates. Five doses of N (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha-1 per year), applied as urea, were evaluated. The increase in N doses increased the nutrient concentration in the leaves and the yield of nuts and almonds. Ca, Mg, and S contents decreased and the ones of Fe and Mg increased linearly with N fertilization. Nut and almond yields were positively correlated with leaf N concentration, and the range from 14 to 18 g kg-1 allowed the highest yields. The dose of 150 kg ha-1 of N per year provides higher nut yields, without reducing the recovery rate of almonds.


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Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp] have great social and economic importance for the Para State. It grows well in areas with low precipitation and two crop cycles can be obtained annually. This study aimed to assess the effect of the residual fertilization from a previous culture (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and crop systems on cowpea yield and macronutrient concentration on leaves of three cowpea cultivars (BRSMilênio, BRS-Urubuquara e BRS-Guariba). The study was conducted at the UFRA. The treatments were two crop systems (minimum tillage and conventional), four levels of potassium (50, 100, 200 e 300 kg de KCl ha-1 applied to a previous sorghum culture) and the three cowpea cultivars. Treatments were organized as a three (4 x 2 x 3) factor experiment on a randomized complete block design. The soil was a yellow latosol. In each experiment plot five plants were selected to determine shoot dry matter and foliar nutrient concentration. Grain yield was determined after harvesting all plants on the experiment plot. The residual KCl fertilization affected foliar nutrient content, but did not affect shoot dry mass or yield of grain. Yield was higher in the minimum tillage system. Highest yield (1590 kg ha-1) was recorded int the cv. 'Guariba' when 100 kg of KCl ha-1 had been used in the previous crop. The highest content of leaf N and K was found in cowpea under minimum tillage system. The amount of P and Mg were higher in the conventional system whereas the amount of Ca did not change.