91 resultados para Assistência econômica
A adesão à terapia antirretroviral (TARV) é crucial para a efetividade e o impacto do tratamento da Aids. Este artigo discute as relações entre adesão e qualidade dos serviços de assistência a pessoas vivendo com Aids (PVA), evidenciando a qualidade como elo central entre adesão e acesso. Está baseado nos resultados de pesquisas que conduzimos sobre a atenção a PVA no Brasil. Nossos estudos apontam que os grupos de pacientes acompanhados em serviços com número inferior a 100 pacientes apresentam risco estimado de não adesão maior do que os grupos acompanhados em serviços com mais de 500 pacientes. Apontam também que serviços com menos de 100 pacientes têm risco estimado maior de pertencer a grupos de má qualidade. Isto está relacionado à baixa complexidade observada nos serviços de menor porte caracterizada por: dificuldades em manter uma estrutura mínima de recursos humanos e materiais, simplificação da organização dos processos de trabalho, centramento no trabalho autônomo do profissional médico e gerenciamento sem projeto técnico. Há necessidade de pautar novos estudos sobre adesão e qualidade. As evidências existentes já apontam, porém, a necessidade de revisão na alocação dos serviços de assistência a PVA, bem como a de homogeneizar a qualificação destes serviços, condições necessárias para a manutenção de taxas aceitáveis de adesão à TARV no país.
Este artigo apresenta aspectos da trajetória do Hospital de Caridade São Pedro de Alcântara, na cidade de Goiás, ao longo do século XIX. Instituição leiga fundada no ano de 1825, o hospital nasceu da iniciativa de um grupo local influente que reconheceu um mal social: a ausência de assistência aos destituídos e enfermos. No que se referia à assistência social, ele abarcava funções e princípios caritativos cristãos, assistindo alienados, internados em cárceres, doentes e necessitados em geral, e, com a inauguração do cemitério público, sepultava gratuitamente os indigentes.
OBJETIVO: No contexto de acesso universal à terapia antiretroviral, os resultados do Programa de Aids dependem da qualidade do cuidado prestado. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a qualidade do cuidado dos serviços ambulatoriais que assistem pacientes de Aids. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado em sete Estados brasileiros, em 2001 e 2002. Foi avaliada a qualidade do atendimento a pacientes com Aids quanto à disponibilidade de recursos e a organização do trabalho de assistência. Um questionário com 112 questões estruturadas abordando esses aspectos, foi enviado a 336 serviços. RESULTADOS: A taxa de resposta foi de 95,8% (322). Os indicadores de disponibilidade de recursos mostram uma adequação maior do que os indicadores de organização do trabalho. Não faltam antiretrovirais em 95,5% dos serviços, os exames de CD4 e Carga Viral estão disponíveis em quantidade adequada em 59 e 41% dos serviços, respectivamente. em 90,4% dos serviços há pelo menos um profissional não médico (psicólogo, enfermeiro ou assistente social). Quanto à organização, 80% não agendavam consulta médica com hora marcada; 40,4% agendavam mais que 10 consultas médicas por período; 17% não possuíam gerentes exclusivos na assistência e 68,6% não realizavam reuniões sistemáticas de trabalho com a equipe. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apontam que além de garantir a distribuição mais homogênea de recursos, o programa precisa investir no treinamento e disseminação do manejo do cuidado, conforme evidenciado nos resultados da organização de trabalho.
Considerando que as mulheres idosas e pobres são propensas à maior vulnerabilidade nas condições de saúde, no presente estudo propôs-se a identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem, segundo a taxonomia II de NANDA, sobre um grupo de idosas consideradas muito pobres. Foram selecionadas 69 idosas, a partir da aplicação do instrumento de Classificação Econômica Brasil (CCEB) em 301 idosos residentes na área de abrangência de um PSF. O estado de saúde das idosas foi avaliado utilizando-se a Avaliação Geriátrica Ampla (AGA), que envolve os aspectos funcionais, emocionais, sociais e ambientais. Foram identificadas 23 categorias diagnósticas nas idosas do estudo e uma média de 7,4 diagnósticos/ idosa. Entre os diagnósticos mais freqüentes destacam-seMobilidade física prejudicada,Dor crônica,Manutenção do lar prejudicada. Os diagnósticos revelaram-se impor tantes na caracterização das complexas necessidades apresentadas pelas idosas e no grande avanço no direcionamento da assistência.
This article is the result of a research study concluded in 2003, which aimed at investigating how the conception of Law is expressed in the actions of the so-called social pastoral commissions of the Catholic Church in Londrina, Brazil. By observing that the conception of charity and that of social rights walk side-bi-side within the Catholic Church, a question emerged: how is the conception of social right expressed in the actions of social pastoral commissions? Charity is preached as a Christian duty, as an action expressed in the experience of solidarity towards others who are in a situation that prevents them from having minimal living conditions. At least at discourse level, the actions developed are not limited to provide basic goods, clothes or medicine. We realized that those who act in social pastoral commissions, driven by values such as love to fellow human beings and solidarity, have not lost sight of the idea of social right - on the contrary, they have been reinforcing it. © 2006 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - UFRGS.
This article describes the Reflecting Practitioners Program developed by Instituto Familiae at GRATA (Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares) placed at the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP). The aim of this program was to take care of the caretakers - the GRATA interdisciplinary team - through the development of their reflecting ability, the appropriation of their own resources and the support on constructing alternative histories and on solving situations defined by them as problematic. Thirteen monthly meeting had been carried out among Familiae members and GRATA interdisciplinary team. The changes described by the participants had occurred through sessions developed with interdisciplinary pairs and through the development of their capacity to construct more comfortable positions - as members of the team and in the relationship among professional/client/ family. This triad became to be seen by the team through its resources and abilities, instead of its flaws and lacks. As a result, horizontal relationships could be privileged instead of hierarchical ones.
Objectives: to evaluate the structure and process of the prenatal and puerperal care given by Direção Regional de Saúde (DIR) XI, at the city of Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: an evaluation of resources and activities developed during prenatal and puerperal care in twenty municipalities comprising DIR XI which had adhered the Prenatal and Birth Humanization Program until 2003. Interviews with city managers and analysis of 385 sampled patient charts taking into account recommendations by the Health Department. Results: structure analysis showed that caregiving was centered on medical work; basic equipment and instruments were available; 85.2% of patients began prenatal care with up to 120 days of pregnancy, and 75.9% had at least six prenatal consultations. The active search for absentees and strategies for early prenatal care initiation were observed in 30% and 50% of the municipalities, respectively. Process indicators showed that 3.6% of women had six prenatal consultations, one puerperal consultation, all basic exams and tetanus immunization. Recording of gestational age, arterial blood pressure and weight was of approximately 90%; 58.7% of the women underwent childbirth review and 31.5% were vaccinated. Conclusions: the performance of the set of activities is a challenge to prenatal care at DIR XI.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Experience report carried out at a university hospital involving a patient victimized by an accident with a spider of the Loxosceles gaucho genus. This type of accident can be classified as mild, moderate and severe, depending on the period of time elapsed between the occurrence of the accident and the moment of care provision. We aimed at applying nursing care systematization in a comprehensive and humanized manner. The following nursing diagnoses were established: acute pain, damaged skin integrity, risks for infection, constipation and low self-esteem. The therapeutic relationship favored student/patient interactions and enabled the recognition of the needs that deserved nursing interventions. The nursing process was a valuable instrument and provided important elements for the patient's daily development and planning adjustment by prioritizing care quality.
This is an exploratory and descriptive study that was jointly carried out by Nursing Care and Occupational Therapy as part of a Research Project that intended to prepare children for elective surgery at the University of São Paulo's Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais. Objective: using toys as a therapeutic resource for relieving the child's real and unconscious tensions concerning hospitalization for surgical treatment at the HRAC - USP. Method: 44 children participated in the study. An observation form was used to collect data and it was applied at two separate times: the first time was the day before the surgery was to take place and the second on the day of the surgery just before the event. Twenty one variables were elaborated by the researchers to categorize behaviors regarding hospitalization. The resources used were: storytelling, dramatization and demonstration of nursing interventions with puppets dressed in surgical garb (gloves, surgical gown, mask and cap) with medical equipment commonly used in hospital. Results: of the 21 variables analyzed, 8 showed statistically significant differences on the McNemar Test (p<0.05). Conclusion: interactive play enables hospitalized children to interact in the hospital environment, so that they can express feelings and emotions and it contributes to humanized hospital assistance.
Objective: To evaluate the periodontal condition of pregnant women and to analyze the influence of maternal variables - socioeconomic-demographic data, health, deleterious habits and access to dental service - and the existence of the Family Health Program (FHP) at the public assistance services to pregnant women. Method: This evaluation was part of a cohort study with pregnant women and children conducted in two cities of the São Paulo State, one of which with an implemented FHP. Oral examinations were done using the Community Periodontal and Periodontal Attachment Loss Indexes, and semi-structured interviews with the pregnant women at their homes. Data were analyzed statistically by the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level (α=0.05). Results: All pregnant women (n=119) registered at the public health service of each city were examined. The mean age was 24.7 years; 61.4% were black or black/white mixed-race women; most (65.5%) earned 2-3 minimum wages, and only 6.7% initiated higher education. Only 8% of the patients presented periodontal health. Bleeding and calculus were observed in 66% of them, and shallow and deep periodontal pockets in 20%. Periodontal attachment loss > 4 mm was observed in 24% of the pregnant women. The group was homogeneous as to the maternal characteristics, age (p=0.0384) and smoking (p=0.0102) being the only factors associated with periodontal disease. The existence of a FHP at the public assistance service was not associated with a lower prevalence of the disease. Conclusion: The findings of this study show a high prevalence of periodontal alterations during pregnancy, with no influence from the existence of a FHP on the observed conditions. Among the risk variables, age and smoking were the factors associated with the presence of periodontal disease. There is a need for a better planing and accomplishment of oral health actions during the prenatal period.
The improvement of oral health and quality of life is closely related to transdisciplinary dialogue, technological development and social responsibility. In patients with cerebral palsy, the lesion of motor areas of the brain compromises the development and function of the craniofacial complex. Considering all the ethiopathogenic conditions, the treatment of such patients involves great difficulties. The dentist and other professionals related to their rehabilitation need to deal with difficulty in chewing, respiration, phonation, besides the poor oral hygiene resulted from abnormal involuntary movements of facial and masticatory musculature, tongue, and upper limb. It is also relevant the lack of understanding about the importance of oral health care due to mental deficits of these individuals. This study aims to review some aspects of oral health in patients with cerebral palsy proposing rehabilitation associated to technology. Few studies concerned about the effectiveness of therapies for oral rehabilitation in patients with cerebral palsy. Laser therapy, electromyography, electrostimulation and LED therapy should be analyzed as options for treatment of patients with cerebral palsy. Following research projects should focus more attention on the dynamic and oral function of these patients to achieve positive repercussions in their overall health. © ArquiMed, 2010.
The economic viability of the electrical power generation using biogas from swine wastes, was determined. The analyzed biodigester is a continuous tubular model with brick concrete duct and plastic covering with a gasometer, in which the waste of 2.300 fattening pigs are deposited daily. The initial investment estimate for the installation was R$ 51.537, the system annual costs were R$ 5.700, for maintenance, R$ 4.400 for depreciation and R$ 1.370 for interests. It was found that an average consumption of 28 kW-hour-1 is the minimum that the system must reach to be economically feasible.
In order to understand what is the situation of entities that serve children and adolescents today, as well as the institutional plot that comprises these institutions, we aimed to formulate a set of paradigmatic possibilities that would allow us to understand the configuration of the dialectical field of various pulses, in which these entities are located. We detected the subjects we associate with counterparts paradigms of Charity, of Human Promotion, of Philanthropy, of assistentialist government patronage, of Social Work as a State Policy, and finally, another set of events that we propose to designate as the paradigm of Citizen Subjects we associate with the ethical perspective of People Education. These paradigmatic possibilities range from the simply various and contrasting ones, including the similar and competing ones, to the dialectically contradictory ones. Its spectrum oscillates between tutelage and citizenship. The characterization of these didactic paradigms can provide us a compass that is required in a highly complex social field, allowing us to understand the variety of ethical effects promoted by these paradigms in the social field.