505 resultados para Anthonomus grandis Insecta


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study evaluated the Eucalyptus grandis drying defects acting on boards diametrical position and on log steaming. Half of the logs, with diameter from 20 to <25, 25 to <30 and 30 to <35cm, were steamed during 20 hours at 90°C of temperature. Subsequently, the logs (control and steamed) were sawn. The boards were dried in the dry-kiln pilot and the resulting defects from the drying process were measured. The results indicate that: (1) the boards coming from control logs presented different magnitude defects in function of the diametrical position. The split and spring to increase in direction to pith, the bow to increase in direction to bark and cupping were bigger in intermediary boards; (2) the boards coming from steamed logs presented a reduction from drying defects in function of logs diameter and its more homogeneous index in the pith-bark direction.


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This paper is aiming to evaluate the effects of different levels of the aluminum on the growth of the Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla shoots cultivated in vitro. Evaluations were carried out on pH and chemicals modifications of the culture medium by Geochem program, polyamines contents (putrescine, espermidine e espermine) and acid phosphatase ativity on the shoots. The trial had a totally randomized design with four treatments and four replicates. The treatments were: 0.0, 6.75,13.50 and 27 mg.L -1 of AlCl 3.6H 2. Evaluations were carried out on the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 24th and 28th day of culture. The addition of the aluminium, in all concentrations, affected the culture medium ionic equilibrium, the morphology of the shoots, reduced the pH on the medium, induced an increase in polyamines content and higher acid phosphatase activity.


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This study evaluated the water quality of the Vargem Limpa stream and tested the hypothesis that protected stretches of the aquatic system, located within a conservation unit, favor the preservation of the diversity of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera). Samplings were conducted in four stations, where some physical and chemical variables were measured. The results obtained by the study indicated the predominance of genera associated with arenaceous substrata, and that the stretches protected by the conservation unit presented better environmental conditions, with better-preserved Chironomidae diversity, demonstrating the importance of these areas in maintaining the diversity of Chironomidae.


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Functional feeding habits of Chironomidae larvae (Insecta, Diptera) in a lotic system from Mid-western region of São Paulo State, Brazil were analyzed. Collectors were the dominant organisms, repre-sented by genera Chironomus, Fissimentum and Cryptochironomus, following by shredders and predators.


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The incentive for consumption and production in large quantity in modern society generates enormous amounts of urban solid residues in the form of municipal solid waste (MSW). With the intention of reducing these residues of the municipal waste tips and to generate energy, briquettes with mixtures of MSW and residues of Eucalyptus grandis were produced. The briquettes were manufactured with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% of MSW in the mixture with wood waste and 12% of moisture content. The analyzed parameters used to choose the best treatments were combustion analysis versus ash content, mechanical strength and energy content. The briquettes up to 10% of MSW showed low resistance, and above 15% showed large increase in ash content. Therefore, the treatment that fulfilled the requirements for combustion versus ash content and mechanical resistance was of at least 15% of MSW, since the source of the ash is unidentified. Considering the net energy content, the best treatment was 25% of MSW, with 17,175 kJ kg-1. Nevertheless, it is strongly advised that further studies related to gas emissions are necessary.


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The present work had as objective the study of clones of Eucalyptus grandis and E. grandis × E. urophylla under boron suppression on growth in height and diameter, development of symptoms of deficiency, boron content in leaf and polyols production. Plants were cultivated in pots with quartz in a greenhouse using two levels of boron per solution (0 and 0.5 mg L-1 of B). The 32 treatments followed a factorial scheme: 16 × 2 -16 clones and two doses of boron in a randomized block experimental design, with fve repetitions, totaling 160 plots. Plants were evaluated weekly for deficiency symptoms and monthly for height, stem diameter and leaf content of boron in different plant parts. The content of polyols was measured in two occasions: at 162 days and 192 days after starting the experiment. Decrease of growth and quick development of deficiency symptoms 40 days after boron suppression were observed, as well as a decrease of polyols synthesis. Foliar analysis, with boron supplement, resulted in the presence of mannitol and sorbitol in high enough concentration so that the evaluated plants could be considered rich in those polyols. Under boron suppression, boron levels in different portions of branches and stems of plants, as well as the presence of mannitol and sorbitol, indicated a conditional mobility of boron in Eucalyptus.


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Currently Brazil is one of the leading paper and pulp producers in the world market, where Sao Paulo State boasts the greatest production. Because of the pulp prices falling in the world market and the low costs of a second coppice rotation, two experiments (started May and December, 2000) were conducted to evaluate the effects of weeds and of weed-free periods (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months) on the growth of Eucalyptus grandis second coppice plants. The field trials were set up in a randomized block design with four replicates and the experimental plots consisted of three rows of fve plants. The December weed community was composed mainly of Brachiaria decumbens (Surinam grass) and Panicum maximum (Guinea grass) and the May weed community was composed mainly by B. decumbens and Digitaria insularis (Sour-grass). Weeds had a low negative influence on growth, diameter development and macronutrients content of E. grandis second coppice plants. In both experiments, slight reductions in growth were observed only between the fully weeded and weed-free periods, after 18 months.


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The objective of this research is to assess the influences of basal canker on wood properties for the kraft pulp production. The material consisted of seeded E. grandis trees classified into 4 levels of basal canker severity (0, 1, 2 and 3) and installed in three soil types classified by texture (AQ1 and AQ2 - 10 to 15% clay, and LEm2 - 26 to 35 clay). The sampling consisted of randomly selecting five trees for each for each canker severity level and soil type, totaling 60 trees (4 canker levels x 3 soil types x 5 trees). These trees were fallen and cut into sections at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the commercial height for the collection of disk and logs of wood. The results showed that the soil texture influences in the Eucalyptus canker severity and this fact should be considered when assessing the wood properties and their final destination. The texture of the soil and the severe levels of basal canker influence the wood properties, and therefore the kraft pulping.


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The metabolic effects caused by hydric deficiency (HD) on Eucalyptus grandis clones were assessed by an experiment where plants were cultivated in four blocks. The first was the control block, normally irrigated, whereas the other three blocks were submitted to cycles of hydric deficiency. Analysis of photosynthetic efficiency, enzymatic activity of antioxidant response system, level of pigments and L-proline concentration were performed to evaluate the HD effects. Results showed that HD altered some parameters related to photosynthetic activity, pigments accumulation, proline and enzymatic activity. Clone 433 of E. grandis presented higher response ability to HD.


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The study aimed to assess the moisture and density of the soil, the amount of water stored in the profile, and the average soil's porosity with Eucalyptus grandis reforestation, compared to bare soil. The study areas are located in the Paulista region, in São Paulo, Brazil. The samples were collected in layers of 0, 20, 40, 60, 100 and 300 cm, in the months of April, June, August and October 2008. The results show that the density is lower and the porosity is higher in Eucalyptus forest soil compared to bare soil, due to the higher content of organic matter in forest leaf litter. Furthermore, the forest soil has a lower amount of water stored in profile than the bare soil without vegetation.


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The present note extends the geographic range of Leucospis signifera Bouček, 1974 farther to the Northeast, reaching the State of São Paulo, based on the examination of four females collected at Jataí Ecological Station, municipality of Luiz Antônio, São Paulo State, Brazil. The present finding indicates that L. signifera is associated with dry ecosystems, at least in part of its geographic distribution. © 2012 Check List and Authors.


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The objective of this study was evaluate the effect of the log steaming on the chemical properties and decay resistance of Eucalyptus grandis wood. Logs with diameter between 20 and 22 cm were studied. Half of logs were kept in its on original condition, and the other half was steamed at 90°C for 13 hours. The holocellulosc, Klason lignin, total extractives content and the weight loss caused by the decay fungus Pycnoporus sanguineous were characterized. The results showed that the log steaming of E. grandis wood cause: (l)a significantly decreased in holocellulose content; (2) an increase of 4.8% and 4.4% in total extractives and lignin content, respectively; and (3) a decrease in its durability against the decay fungus P. sanguineus in order of 13.03%. Copyright © (2012) by WCTE 2012 Committee.


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The climates of the central and southern regions of São Paulo state in Brazil favor pathogens such as Puccinia psidii Winter, which causes a common and severe disease in Eucalyptus plantations under 2 years old. We studied genetic parameters including genotype by environment interaction (G × E) of resistance to P. psidii rust in Eucalyptus grandis at nine sites in São Paulo State. Open-pollinated progeny from ten 'provenances' were established in a randomized complete block design; at individual sites there were from 134 to 160 progenies, from four to eight blocks, and five to six trees per plot. Significant provenance and progeny(provenance) differences were detected, as was G × E involving progeny(provenance). However, the G × E involved little if any rank changes, indicating that selection can be done efficiently at a single site, if the disease level is sufficient. The estimated coefficient of genetic variation among the progeny within provenances CVg was high and variable among the sites (ranging from 11 % to 36. 7 %), demonstrating different expression of genetic variability among the sites. The estimated heritability at the individual-tree level h2 and within a plot hw 2 ranged from low to intermediate (ranging from 0. 04 to 0. 46) and was high at the progeny-mean level hf 2 (ranging from 0. 30 to 0. 86). Our study shows good prospects of controlling this disease by selection among and within progenies in a single site. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The invasive fire ant Solenopsis invicta is medically important because its venom is highly potent. However, almost nothing is known about fire ant venom proteins because obtaining even milligram-amounts of these proteins has been prohibitively challenging. We present a simple and fast method of obtaining whole venom compounds from large quantities of fire ants. For this, we separate the ants are from the nest soil, immerse them in dual-phase mixture of apolar organic solvent and water, and evaporate each solvent phase in separate. The remaining extract from the aqueous phase is largely made up of ant venom proteins. We confirmed this by using 2D gel electrophoresis while also demonstrating that our new approach yields the same proteins obtained by other authors using less efficient traditional methods. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.