456 resultados para Analise de covariancia


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade e a vida útil pós-colheita de frutos de Tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) utilizando recobrimento com película de fécula de mandioca. Após a seleção os frutos foram mergulhados em suspensões a 2 e 3% de fécula de mandioca, secos ao ar e armazenados em condição ambiente, onde a temperatura e a umidade relativa do período variaram de 16 a 21ºC e 51 a 91%, respectivamente. O experimento foi constituído de dois lotes de frutos, sendo o primeiro o grupo não-destrutivo (avaliação de perda de massa). O segundo lote de frutos, constituiu o grupo destrutivo no qual analisou-se textura, pH e sólidos solúveis totais. Os frutos foram avaliados aos 0, 4, 8, 11, 14, 18 e 22 dias. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições para o primeiro grupo e três repetições para o grupo destrutivo. Os dados experimentais obtidos foram submetidos à analise de variância e as médias comparadas através do teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Os tratamentos não influenciaram significativamente a perda de massa e a textura. Entretanto, os frutos recobertos com película a 3% apresentaram melhor aparência do que os frutos testemunha e com película a 2%. O efeito das películas portanto, não foi prejudicial, apenas estético.


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Relata-se a ocorrência de metacercárias de Diplostomum compactum (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) infectando Geophagus brasiliensis (Teleostei: Cichlidae) do reservatório de Barra Bonita, rio Tietê, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As metacercárias foram coletadas no globo ocular, fixadas em solução de AFA e coradas com carmim. As análises morfológicas e morfométricas de cinco espécimes foram realizadas por meio do sistema computadorizado de analise de imagem. Este foi o primeiro registro da ocorrência desse parasito no reservatório de Barra Bonita e também o primeiro registro em acará Geophagus brasiliensis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Trata-se de estudo transversal, cujo objetivo foi analisar a idade materna como fator de risco ou não, através da verificação de intercorrências na gestação, parto e puerpério de primigestas com idade igual ou superior a 28 anos e das condições de nascimento e alta de seus recém-nascidos, comparando-as com o grupo de primigestas na faixa etária de 20 a 27 anos. Foi realizado em Botucatu/S.P., no período de janeiro de 1990 a junho de 1995. A análise estatística, discutida ao nível de 5% de significância, foi realizada através da prova de Mann-Whitney, teste de Goodman e avaliação do risco relativo e risco relativo corrigido, através da técnica de Mantel-Haenszel. Concluiu-se que a idade materna igual ou superior a 28 anos não constituiu fator de risco gestacional, puerperal e intra-parto mas, por outro lado, foi fator de risco, mesmo após controlado o tipo de parto, para as seguintes intercorrências perinatais: taquipnéia transitória do recém-nascido, cianose generalizada ao nascer e infecção neonatal.


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A analise das eleições presidenciais de 2010 apontaram para um eleitorado cujas escolhas se diferenciam por regiões, seguindo o mapa da desigualdade do Brasil. A pauta da campanha esteve ligada à continuidade do governo Lula, especialmente à expansão da cobertura dos programas de transferência de renda e ampliação do consumo, incentivando a discussão sobre o papel desses programas na decisão do voto. Nesse, sentido, o artigo investiga a relação entre conhecimento e participação nos programas de redistribuição de renda, o impacto na percepção política do eleitorado e no voto e sua relação com a questão regional. Para esta análise utilizamos os dados do survey eleitoral ESEB realizado após as eleições de 2010.


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The radiation budget in agricultural crops is very important on the microclimate characterization, on the water losses determination and on dry matter accumulation of vegetation. This work describes the radiation budget determination in a green beans crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), in Botucatu, SP, Brazil (22° 54′S; 48° 27′W; 850 m), under two different conditions: the normal field culture and in a polyethylene greenhouse. The densities of fluxes of radiation were used to construct diurnal curves of the components of global radiation (Rg), reflected radiation (Rr), net radiation (Rn).The arithmetic's relations allowed to obtain the components net short-waves (Rc) and net long-waves (Rl). The analysis of these components related to the leaf area index (LAI) in many phenological phases of the culture showed Rg distributed in 68%, 85%, 17% and 66%, 76%, 10% to Rn, Rc and Rl in the internal and external ambients in a polyethylene greenhouse, respectively.


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The study area corresponds to the basin of the Itiquira river high course, totalling 5,361km2. In this area a study of the environmental dynamics was made, applying SIG techniques and satellite images of the years 1966, 1985 and 1996. In 1966 the areas of natural vegetation (forests and groves) occupied 90.64% of the total of the area, which was diminished to 60.57% in 1985 and to only 36.66% in 1996. In this process, 289,382ha of a total of 485,928ha of natural vegetal covering had been lost. At the same time, the agrarian surfaces (agriculture and pasture) that occupied only 0.52% of the total area in 1966, increased to 34.89% in 1985 and to 59.04% in 1996. In 30 years there was an increase of 313,725ha of cultivated lands, corresponding to about 113 times the land occupation of the year of 1966 (2,798ha). The areas classified as urban show a gradual increase since 1966, from 39ha in 1996 to 58ha in 1985, and to 178ha in 1996. The other classes of soil use and occupation (reforestement areas, uncovered and affected by fire and humid areas) added were smaller than 4,27% in 1996.


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This article aims at discussing the transformations in the cooperativist rural sector in the state of Paraná since 1970. Considerable active agents in the process of modernization in the agriculture from Paraná, the cooperatives developed also an important role in the productive restructuralization in the State of Paraná, when they started the agroindustrial activities. The verticalization represented a big growth of the cooperatives that act in the rural area, but it also implied in a redirection of the cooperatives' strategies, that started acting in an extremely competitive market.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The phytochemical profile of ethanolic extract of Solanum lycocarpum fruits was analyzed and preliminary toxicity tests were performed against brine shrimp larvae. The extract was subjected to preliminary phytochemical analysis to identify the main classes of secondary metabolites and tested against the larvae of A. salina to obtain the median lethal concentrations (LC50%). The phytochemical tests showed the presence of phenols, tannins, saponins, alkaloids and free steroids. The extract was fractionated with various solvents for toxicity testing against the larvae and the hydroalcoholic fraction showed considerable cytotoxicity (CL50% = 285.546 g/mL).


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This article aims to getting at the recent changes in Brazilian industrial capitalism, especially the expansion of companies and business groups abroad. The analyzed theme is the Votorantim Group, one of the most important groups in the country and Latin America. The Group acts in several branches of the economy and it has recently invested in the acquisition of foreign companies in different business and countries. In this article, the theories of internationalization of companies and business groups and the path of the Votorantim Group are focused - from its origin to productive internationalization. The secondary data were compiled from annual reports of the group, specialized magazines and newspapers.


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This study aimed at analyzing the geomorphologic dynamics and its relationship to human interference and ownership of relief, towards a systemic approach, through the interpretation, in an integrated manner, of cartographic documents made from techniques of geomorphologic cartography and of land use. By stereoscopic pairs of aerial photographs, it was prepared the Geomorphological Map and the Land Use Map, respectively based on Tricart's (1965) and Ceron and Diniz's (1966) technical procedures. The unit of the research analysis refers to the basin of Tijuco Preto Streamlet (SP) which is located at the Geomorphological Province of São Paulo state Peripheral Depression between latitudes 22°42'17 and 22°51'36 S, and longitudes 47°30'30 and 47°37'03. In general, it was possible to notice that this basin has been experiencing linear erosion processes, where it was mapped many erosion furrows, grooving and creeping, besides several slope breaks. These processes are associated with a conjunction of circumstances, and the anthropic one is mostly represented by sugarcane monoculture and by urbanization, which are crucial agents in activating erosion processes and in direct interfering on the dynamics of river and rain flow at the basin of Tijuco Preto Streamlet.


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The geographical space aimed by this study was the Brazil-Bolivia border, involving the urban areas of the Brazilian city, Corumbá, and the Bolivian ones, Puerto Quijarro and Puerto Suárez. The objective of this study was to analyze the touristic border spaces, speculating about their similarities and divergences regarding integrated planning. Secondary data, resulting from field work, was used in the methodology. The border generates a tangled web of relationships and streams. The presented spatial elements mix complex rationalities, sometimes approaching, sometimes denying and even disregarding the possibilities that can be translated by the border.


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This study aims to present the methodologies of research used to carry out the dissertation requirements related to the different times and spaces linked to the youth sociability. The methodologies are about qualitative features not at all unknown to the geography studies despite the little account taken on them. The methodologies are: eyewitness accounts, Oral History, interviews and groups of debate. With this purpose, this work intends to bring some contribution to geographers and beginners that have been looking for methodological references to their researches it also tries to facilitate the discussion on the methodological dimension in the geographical studies.


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The aim of this study was to carry out a zoning in the municipal ecological park of Ourinhos, SP, located southwest of São Paulo State, aiming to subsidize the planning and management of this area. With this purpose it was made an inventory of the landscape resources of this park with hypsometry, declivity, use of soil and zoning mappings. From this zoning, we analyzed the possibilities of implementing purposes of use, with the objective of preserving this area, minimizing the negative environmental impacts. Thus, this research was of extreme importance, since it allowed to identify and rank, in the territory, areas or sectors that are priority to the development of activities, as well as contribute to the conservation of natural and socio-cultural heritage.