96 resultados para Algas Marinas


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AIM: In this study, we evaluated and compared community attributes from a tropical deforested stream, located in a pasture area, in a period before (PRED I) and three times after (POSD I, II, and III) a flash flood, in order to investigate the existence of temporal modifications in community structure that suggests return to conditions previous to the flash flood. METHODS: Biota samples included algae, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, and fish assemblages. Changes in stream physical structure we also evaluated. Similarity of the aquatic biota between pre and post-disturbance periods was examined by exploratory ordination, known as Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling associated with Cluster Analysis, using quantitative and presence/absence Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients. Presence and absence data were used for multivariate correlation analysis (Relate Analysis) in order to investigate taxonomic composition similarity of biota between pre and post-disturbance periods. RESULTS: Our results evidenced channel simplification and an expressive decrease in richness and abundance of all taxa right after the flood, followed by subsequent increases of these parameters in the next three samples, indicating trends towards stream community recovery. Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients evidenced a greater community structure disparity among the period right after the flood and the subsequent ones. Multivariate correlation analysis evidenced a greater correlation between macroinvertebrates and algae/macrophytes, demonstrating the narrow relation between their recolonization dynamics. CONCLUSIONS: Despite overall community structure tended to return to previous conditions, recolonization after the flood was much slower than that reported in literature. Finally, the remarkably high flood impact along with the slow recolonization could be a result of the historical presence of anthropic impacts in the region, such as siltation, riparian forest complete depletion, and habitat simplification, which magnified the effects of a natural disturbance.


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Algae bloom is one of the major consequences of the eutrophication of aquatic systems, including algae capable of producing toxic substances. Among these are several species of cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, that have the capacity to adapt themselves to changes in the water column. Thus, the horizontal distribution of cyanobacteria harmful algae blooms (CHABs) is essential, not only to the environment, but also for public health. The use of remote sensing techniques for mapping CHABs has been explored by means of bio-optical modeling of phycocyanin (PC), a unique inland waters cyanobacteria pigment. However, due to the small number of sensors with a spectral band of the PC absorption feature, it is difficult to develop semi-analytical models. This study evaluated the use of an empirical model to identify CHABs using TM and ETM+ sensors aboard Landsat 5 and 7 satellites. Five images were acquired for applying the model. Besides the images, data was also collected in the Guarapiranga Reservoir, in São Paulo Metropolitan Region, regarding the cyanobacteria cell count (cells/mL), which was used as an indicator of CHABs biomass. When model values were analyzed excluding calibration factors for temperate lakes, they showed a medium correlation (R²=0.81, p=0.036), while when the factors were included the model showed a high correlation (R²=0.96, p=0.003) to the cyanobacteria cell count. The empirical model analyzed proved useful as an important tool for policy makers, since it provided information regarding the horizontal distribution of CHABs which could not be acquired from traditional monitoring techniques.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Herbicides are chemical agents most consumed for agricultural production and of these, glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine) represents more than half of world consumption of non-selective herbicides, use of systemic action and post-emergent. The present study aims to analyze the interference of different concentrations of glyphosate in the development of micro algae, unicellular species Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, with supplementary analysis of the interference of green algae concentrations in the artificial lake Instituto de Biociências Universidade Estadual Paulista in Rio Claro, SP. To identify the effect of glyphosate on the development of microalgae concentrations: 0.118; 0.236; 0.472; 0.944; 1.888 and 3.776 mg of product (all in rejoinders), maintaining control without glyphosate, were inoculated into flasks containing 150mL of medium culture and 5mL of suspension inoculum levels. Each test was continued for 96 hours in a shaker rotating at 150 rpm at 25 / - 2 ° C and constant light of 3200 lux. At baseline and 48; 72 and 96 hours samples were taken for testing for absorbance. The final dry weight was measured and the tests with P. subcapitata cell number was quantified at the beginning and end of the tests using the Neubauer chamber under optical microscope. For algae of the artificial lake of the diversity of microalgae cells was identified through photographic documentation. The analysis of variance comparing treatments for dry biomass showed no significant differences in the tests with P. subicapitata as for the algae to the lake.The analysis of variance MANOVA showed significant differences between the treatments over time but there was no significant difference between the interactions of treatment for tests with P. subicapitata There were significant differences in the tests with microalgae of the artificial lake. With respect to cell quantification, it was found... (Complete abstract click electronic acces below)


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A wedge facies cycle it‟s a body of sedimentary rock, bounded above and below by unconformity and which represents a transgressive-regressive cycle of deposition. This cycle is formed by the following succession of facies: non-marine (N), transitional-coarse texture, and marine-fine texture; The objective of this study have been members of the sandstones and Triumph Siderópolis, seconded by rare calcareous sandstones and very thin limb Paraguaçu. Through analysis of facies in wells testified by CPRM, it was possible to group on facies successions and set the standard stacking. The Triunfo Member consists of three cycles of facies, lithology whose standard indicates a vertical arrangement ''type'' tuning up, other words, a component sandy bottom in the form of '' box'', followed by components sandy-clayey and clayey-carbonaceous (1st and 2nd cycle) and / or shale and limestone (3rd cycle), represented by the base member Paraguaçu. The first cycle only occurs on NF-5 wells and NF-6 in the form of Onlap channel dug in post-Itararé group. The cycle II also reaches wells NF-4 and NF-3 to the north, while the cycle III reaches the southern area, well NF-9. The member Paraguaçu, well PP-25 is predominantly clay-síltico, also stand out limestones and sandstones. The limestones are not coastal marine organisms probably connected with the algae and cyanobacteria, the sandstones are fine-textured, very thin and coastal deposition environment. The member Siderópolis, well NF-2 consists of a sandstone fluvial-estuarine deployed in the valley section, and succeeded by sandstones and siltstones bioturbed, they have linked the transgression of the Fm. Palermo


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O desenvolvimento de sistemas de liberação de fármacos tem sido muito utilizado com o intuito de melhorar as propriedades biofarmacêuticas de fármacos. Sistemas de liberação controlada oferecem inúmeras vantagens quando comparados aos sistemas convencionais, o que os tornam candidatos promissores para a melhora da terapia de diversas doenças. Para o desenvolvimento destes sistemas, várias estratégias utilizam polímeros para modificar as propriedades farmacotécnicas das substâncias e partículas, com o objetivo de melhorar o direcionamento dos fármacos, bem como sua ação e toxicidade. Dentre estes polímeros, os mais utilizados são os polissacarídeos, por serem amplamente disponíveis e de baixo custo. São encontrados na natureza, em fontes diversas, como plantas, algas, microorganismos e animais. O dextrano, um polímero produzido por microorganismos, bem como seus derivados, têm recebido bastante atenção devido às suas características, como baixa toxicidade e alta degradabilidade enzimática, as quais o torna viável para o carreamento de fármacos. Com o dextrano é possível preparar sistemas de liberação controlada, uma vez que é possível se obter hidrogéis a partir dele, sem a utilização de reticulantes químicos. Hidrogéis são redes poliméricas tridimensionais hidrofílicas, que absorvem grande quantidade de água ou fluido biológico sem se dispersarem, o que denota a capacidade de intumescimento. Em sistemas de liberação baseados em hidrogéis, o perfil de intumescimento é uma característica de grande importância, pois pode modificar a propriedade de transporte do fármaco. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a possibilidade da produção de hidrogéis de dextrano de diferentes pesos moleculares, para modular a liberação do fármaco praziquantel, utilizado no tratamento da esquistossomose... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Chitosan is a natural biodegradable polymer with great potential for pharmaceutical applications due to its biocompatibility, high charge density , nontoxicity and mucoadhesion. Gel formation can be obtained by the interactions of chitosans with low molecular counterions such as polyphosphates, sulphates and crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. This gelling property of chitosan allows a wide range of applications such as coating of pharmaceuticals and food products, gel entrapment of biochemicals, whole cells, microorganisms and algae. One of its main applications is the synthesis of microspheres for coating of pharmaceuticals , magnetic particles an other substances. In such a way, we can build targeted drug delivery systems. In the present work, we applied the method of spraying and coagulation. The resulting microspheres, then, were characterized by optical microscopy


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As an effect of the imbalance caused by the damming of rivers and pollution, it has been observed a growing aquatic plants infestation in reservoirs for the generation of electricity. In addition to power generation, these sites have also been used for various other purposes, including recreation, attracting water and navigation. Thus it is important to evaluate these water bodies periodically, in order to verify the leading conditions to the growth of algae, plants and other organisms. In this sense, Remote sensing technology can be a valuable tool for mapping and monitoring the occupation of land in the vicinity of the water body and the optical properties of water, to provide subsidies for the effective management of these aquatic environments. This paper aims to perform the monitoring of the occurrence of aquatic plants in Salto Grande Hydropower Reservoir, located in Americana (SP) and, periodically, map the occupation of land in the vicinity of the water body, through multispectral images taken by sensors on the satellites Landsat series in seven consecutive years: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. The adopted methodological procedure included the images data and the classification of multispectral images to map, every year, the location and extension of the area infested by aquatic plants and the occupation of land


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This work aims to identify and photograph grains that compose important Cretaceous carbonate units of the Potiguar Basin, represented by the Ponta do Mel and Jandaíra formations (Albian-Campanian). Petrographic investigation of thin sections was essential. The samples studied come from wells and surface samples from the collection UNESPetro – UNESP, Rio Claro. In the Ponta do Mel Formation, the grains consist of ooids, oncoids, peloids and bioclasts. Regarding to the identified bioclasts, the solenoporacean red algae, mollusks (bivalves and gastropods), echinoids, foraminifera, ostracods and worms were the dominant elements. In the Jandaíra Formation, the grains are composed by ooids, peloids and bioclasts, which are represented by green algae, mollusks (bivalves and gastropods), benthic foraminifera miliolids, worms, echinoderms and ostracods. The grains found in the Ponta do Mel Formation are somewhat similar to those found in the Jandaíra Formation, with the exception of calcareous algae. The subsurface material from the Ponta do Mel Formation is derived from the upper part of the unit, representing marine high-energy carbonates, which also contains ooids and Trocholina. The samples of Jandaíra Formation, collected in outcrops, often contain green algae, mollusks and miliolids, and come from inner shelf and lagoon facies previously described


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A importância dos predadores vertebrados na dinâmica das redes tróficas e na teoria da cascata trófica destaca o papel dos peixes, na determinação da composição e na dinâmica da comunidade planctônica. O estudo teve como objetivo verificar experimentalmente o possível impacto que as relações tróficas dos peixes Serrapinus notomelas e Serrasalmus maculatus podem produzir sobre o fitoplâncton e o zooplâncton presentes em lagoas marginais no trecho de montante do reservatório de Rosana, SP/PR. Um experimento utilizando-se de mesocosmos, com quatro tratamentos (controle; S. notomelas; S. maculatus; S. notomelas e S. maculatus) e três repetições, foi conduzido “in situ” no reservatório de Rosana. Analisando a dieta dos peixes, e a variação do zooplâncton e da clorofila a (biomassa de fitoplâncton) durante o período do estudo, pode-se constatar como a presença desses peixes, tanto separadamente quanto juntos, afeta a dinâmica do sistema. A análise do zooplâncton, ao final dos tratamentos com peixes, mostrou que havia uma quantidade menor de indivíduos comparado ao controle, indicando que houve de fato predação. Em relação à variação de clorofila a, notamos que houve um aumento em todos os tratamentos, o que seria esperado se o zooplâncton estivesse diminuído (cascata trófica – efeito “top-down”). Porém, no tratamento em que S. notomelas estava presente, essa clorofila a deveria (mas não ocorreu) ter decrescido, já que foi encontrada uma grande quantidade de algas na análise do conteúdo estomacal dessa espécie. No tratamento em que as duas espécies de peixes estavam presentes pode-se inferir que, ao sofrer uma pressão de predação, S. notomelas prefere desenvolver uma estratégia de fuga a uma de busca por alimento. Os dados indicam que houve problemas metodológicos, como o pouco tempo para aclimatação, especialmente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)