128 resultados para Air policing
The transfer formulas are used to compute hourly values of sensible and latent heat exchanges for the period July 29 to July 31, 1974. Also, values of eddy shearing stress at the sea surface, Bowen's ratio and dissipation of kinetic energy are computed. The data used cover part of the GATE period for station 20 occupied by the Brazilian Naval Ship R/V Sirius in the Equatorial Atlantic (0730 N 4000 W). The variations in the computed values are studied in relation to rainfall and the synoptic situation. © 1980 D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Thirty-two Polwarth ewes, of ages up to 1 year, were observed in a climatic chamber (24 to 45° C) for eight periods of 5 h each. The observations were made through a window in the chamber wall. All animals were observed four times, then shorn and observed four times again. The animals were given weighed quantities of water and feed consisting of commercial concentrate plus Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) hay. The water and feed remaining after 5 h of observation were weighed. The following traits were analysed: time eating hay (TEH), time eating concentrate (TEC), time drinking water (TDW), weight of hay eaten (WHE), weight of concentrate eaten (WCE), volume of ingested water (VIW), ruminating time standing up (RTS), ruminating time lying down (RTL), idling time standing up (ITS), and idling time lying down (ITL). Shearing had a significant effect for all traits except ITS. Shearing resulted in higher values for all traits except for ITS and ITL. Ingestion of hay (TEH and WHE) decreased with increased air temperature and humidity, while the ingestion of concentrate (TEC) and WHE) and water (TDW and VIW) increased. Rumination decreased with increased air temperature and humidity, and was higher in shorn than in unshorn sheep. © 1992 International Society of Biometeorology.
This study assessed cavity preparations produced with different air abrasion tip parameters. Twelve test groups of extracted teeth were prepared to evaluate the parameters of 80 degrees or 45 degrees nozzle angles and 0.38 or 0.48 mm inner tip diameters. All other factors were held constant. A device was made to hold the specimen and air abrasion handpiece that standardized the distance and position relative to the tooth and time of application. The cavities were evaluated by assessing the rounding of the cavosurface margins and cavity floor. Measurements of cavosurface angles and the angle of concavity were made at the deepest portion of the abraded surface using scanning electron micrographs. The cavosurface angles were compared using paired t-test, and the effects of the tip design parameters were analyzed by ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range test. From the cavity patterns found in this study, the authors suggest that 80 degrees angle tips are more appropriate than 45 degrees angle tips for making narrow, deep cuts for preventive resin restorations. Conversely, when shallow preparations are needed, as in the case of Class V cavity preparations, cutting patterns of 45 degrees angle tips are more suitable.
This paper presents the theoretical and experimental results for oxide thin film growth on titanium films previously deposited over glass substrate. Ti films of thickness 0.1 μm were heated by Nd:YAG laser pulses in air. The oxide tracks were created by moving the samples with a constant speed of 2 mm/s, under the laser action. The micro-topographic analysis of the tracks was performed by a microprofiler. The results taken along a straight line perpendicular to the track axis revealed a Gaussian profile that closely matches the laser's spatial mode profile, indicating the effectiveness of the surface temperature gradient on the film's growth process. The sample's micro-Raman spectra showed two strong bands at 447 and 612 cm -1 associated with the TiO 2 structure. This is a strong indication that thermo-oxidation reactions took place at the Ti film surface that reached an estimated temperature of 1160 K just due to the action of the first pulse. The results obtained from the numerical integration of the analytical equation which describes the oxidation rate (Wagner equation) are in agreement with the experimental data for film thickness in the high laser intensity region. This shows the partial accuracy of the one-dimensional model adopted for describing the film growth rate. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the number and morphology of fibroblasts grown on machined titanium healing abutments treated with an airpowder system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-six abutments were assigned to two experimental groups: control (no treatment) and treated (exposed to the Prophy-Jet for 30 seconds). The specimens were incubated for 24 hours with fibroblastic cells in multiwell plates, followed by routine laboratory processing for scanning electron microscope analysis. The specimens were photographed at x 350, and the cell number was counted on an area of approximately 200 um2. RESULTS: No significant differences were found on morphology between the groups (P > 0.05); however, the control group presented a significantly greater amount of cells (71.44 +/- 31.93, mean +/- SD) in comparison with treated group (35.31 +/- 28.14), as indicated by a nonpaired t test (P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: The use of an air-abrasive prophylaxis system on the surface of titanium healing abutments reduced the cells proliferation but did not influence cell morphology.
Heat-transfer studies were carried out in a packed bed of glass beads, cooled by the wall, through which air percolated. Tube-to-particle diameter ratios (D/dp) ranged from 1.8 to 55, while the air mass flux ranged from 0.204 to 2.422 kg/m2·s. The outlet bed temperature (TL) was measured by a brass ring-shaped sensor and by aligned thermocouples. The resulting radial temperature profiles differed statistically. Angular temperature fluctuations were observed through measurements made at 72 angular positions. These fluctuations do not follow a normal distribution around the mean for low ratios D/dp. The presence of a restraining screen, as well as the increasing distance between the temperature measuring device and the bed surface, distorts TL. The radial temperature profile at the bed entrance (T0) was measured by a ring-shaped sensor, and T 0 showed to be a function of the radial position, the particle diameter, and the fluid flow rate.
Evaporative cooling operates using water and air as working fluids. It consists in water evaporation, through the passage of an airflow, thus decreasing the air temperature. This system has a great potential to provide thermal comfort in places where air humidity is low, being, however, less efficient where air humidity is high. A way to solve this problem is to use dehumidifiers to pre-conditioning the process air. This paper presents a system that can be used in humid climates coupling desiccant dehumidification equipment to evaporative coolers. The paper shows, initially, the main characteristics of the evaporative cooling and of the adsorption dehumidification systems. Later on the coupled systems, in which occurs a dehumidification by adsorption in a counter flow rotary heat exchanger following the evaporate cooling of the air in evaporative coolers, are analyzed. The thermodynamic equations of state are also presented. Following, this paper analyzes some operation parameters such as: reactivation temperature, R/P relationship (reactivation air flow/ process air flow) and the thermodynamic conditions of the entering air flow. The paper shows the conditions for the best operation point, with regard to thermal comfort conditions and to the energy used in the process. In addition this paper presents an application of the system in different climate characteristics of several tropical and equatorial cities. Copyright © 2005 by ABCM.
The São Paulo State has 36 million people, 25 million living in three metropolitan areas. Only the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) includes the state capital (São Paulo City) plus 38 cities, where ≈ 18 million people live, affected by frequent episodes of ozone, NOx, and fine particulate matter. In 2003, it was estimated that 15.1% of the SPMR vehicles used ethanol and 70.2% used the local gasoline. Natural gas vehicles have witnessed a booming participation in the last years, mainly through conversion of gasoline cars, and the present fleet is almost one million vehicles. To face the problems generated by light vehicles emissions the Federal Government set a program called PROCONVE - Program of Air Pollution Control from Vehicles - in 1986 and since then until now a significant reduction was reached, but the growth of the fleet hides most of the emission cuts. A discussion covers the evolution of the air pollution management in São Paulo; and innovative tools for air pollution management - both for mobile and stationary sources. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 98th AWMA Annual Conference and Exhibition (Minneapolis, MN 6/21-24/2005).
Rubber pest mites, Calacarus heveae and Tenuipalpus heveae, reach economic damage levels at the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the dry season in Brazil. Therefore, low humidity adaptation might be an important characteristic for predatory mites to successfully control pest organisms. This study determined the effect of the relative humidity (RH) levels of 30-100% on the hatching of larvae of Amblyseius acalyphus, Euseius citrifolius, Iphiseiodes zuluagai, Metaseiulus camelliae, Agistemus floridanus and Zetzellia malvinae at 25 ± 0.5°C. These predatory mites are common on rubber trees in the state of São Paulo and might be used for introduction in the major rubber tree production regions in the state of Mato Grosso. At 70% RH or higher, viability was 70% or higher for all species, indicating that their performance might be higher during the rainy season than during the dry season. Eggs of E. citrifolius and M. camelliae presented higher viability at the lower relative humidity levels than those of other species, indicating that these species might have higher chance to persist in the dry season. It is suggested that M. camelliae should be further evaluated for introduction in the state of Mato Grosso, considering that this mite is not yet present in that area. © Springer 2006.
The aim of this work is to study the local impact on the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere air composition of an extreme deep convective system. For this purpose, we performed a simulation of a convective cluster composed of many individual deep convective cells that occurred near Bauru (Brazil). The simulation is performed using the 3-D mesoscale model RAMS coupled on-line with a chemistry model. The comparisons with meteorological measurements show that the model produces meteorological fields generally consistent with the observations. The present paper (part I) is devoted to the analysis of the ozone precursors (CO, NO x and non-methane volatile organic compounds) and HO x in the UTLS. The simulation results show that the distribution of CO with altitude is closely related to the upward convective motions and consecutive outflow at the top of the convective cells leading to a bulge of CO between 7 km altitude and the tropopause (around 17km altitude). The model results for CO are consistent with satellite-borne measurements at 700 hPa. The simulation also indicates enhanced amounts of NO x up to 2 ppbv in the 7-17 km altitude layer mainly produced by the lightning associated with the intense convective activity. For insoluble non-methane volatile organic compounds, the convective activity tends to significantly increase their amount in the 7-17km layer by dynamical effects. During daytime in the presence of lightning NO x, this bulge is largely reduced in the upper part of the layer for reactive species (e.g. isoprene, ethene) because of their reactions with OH that is increased on average during daytime. Lightning NO x also impacts on the oxydizing capacity of the upper troposphere by reducing on average HO x, HO 2, H 2O 2 and organic hydroperoxides. During the simulation time, the impact of convection on the air composition of the lower stratosphere is negligible for all ozone precursors although several of the simulated convective cells nearly reach the tropopause. There is no significant transport from the upper troposphere to the lower stratosphere, the isentropic barrier not being crossed by convection. The impact of the increase of ozone precursors and HO x in the upper troposphere on the ozone budget in the LS is discussed in part II of this series of papers.
This review focuses on the heterogeneous photocatalytic treatment of organic dyes in air and water. Representative studies spanning approximately three decades are included in this review. These studies have mostly used titanium dioxide (TiO2) as the inorganic semiconductor photocatalyst of choice for decolorizing and decomposing the organic dye to mineralized products. Other semiconductors such as ZnO, CdS, WO3, and Fe2O3 have also been used, albeit to a much smaller extent. The topics covered include historical aspects, dark adsorption of the dye on the semiconductor surface and its role in the subsequent photoreaction, semiconductor preparation details, photoreactor configurations, photooxidation kinetics/mechanisms and comparison with other Advanced Oxidation Processes (e.g., UV/H2O2, ozonation, UV/O3, Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions), visible light-induced dye decomposition by sensitization mechanism, reaction intermediates and toxicity issues, and real-world process scenarios. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of cleaning pits and fissures with an aluminum oxide air abrasion system on the detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth using laser fluorescence (LF) and visual examination. Methods: The sample comprised 65 pit and fissure sites on extracted primary teeth suspected to be carious. The sites were submitted to 2 visual examinations (examiner JAR) and 2 LF readings (examiner TMV). Next, the occlusal surfaces were air-abraded and re-examined thereafter using both methods. The teeth were sectioned, and the histological analysis of the sites with a stereoscopic magnifying lens at X32 magnifi cation was used as the gold standard. Results: Cohen's kappa statistic for LF and visual examination were, respectively, 0.282/0.884 before and 0.896/0.905 after air abrasion. LF showed a sensitivity of 0.28 increasing to 0.49 and a specifi city of 0.50 increasing to 0.92. Visual examination showed sensitivity of 0.78 and specifi city of 0.73. Both increased after air abrasion. Conclusion: The findings suggest that cleaning pits and fissures with aluminum oxide air abrasion increased the accuracy of LF and visual examination for detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth.
The use of inks containing organic solvents by the offset printing process implies in the release of volatile organic compounds to the work environment. Many of these compounds such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the xylene isomers (well known by the acronym BTEX) are extremely toxic. In this study, the BTEX concentrations were determined in two different printing plants that use distinct types of inks: the conventional and the so-called ecological, which is manufactured based on vegetal oil. Concentration ranges were 43-84, 15-3,480, 2-133, 5-459, and 2-236 μg m-3 for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m + p-xylene, and o-xylene, respectively, for the conventional printing plant. At the ecological printing plant, concentration ranges were below limit of detection (
The promotion of good indoor air quality in schools is of particular public concern for two main reasons: (1) school-age children spend at least 30% of their time inside classrooms and (2) indoor air quality in urban areas is substantially influenced by the outdoor pollutants, exposing tenants to potentially toxic substances. Two schools in Curitiba, Brazil, were selected to characterize the gaseous compounds indoor and outdoor of the classrooms. The concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the isomers xylenes (BTEX); NO2; SO2; O3; acetic acid (HAc); and formic acid (HFor) were assessed using passive diffusion tubes. BTEX were analyzed by gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry and other collected gasses by ion chromatography. The concentration of NO2 varied between 9.5 and 23 μg m-3, whereas SO2 showed an interval from 0.1 to 4.8 μg m-3. Within the schools, BTEX concentrations were predominant. Formic and acetic acids inside the classrooms revealed intermediate concentrations of 1.5 μg m-3 and 1.2 μg m-3, respectively. © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a high-volume evacuation and a conventional intraoral suction system and aspirating tips for capturing aluminum oxide particles during use of an air-abrasion device. Methods: A phantom head was fixed at the dental chair head with secured a metallic device with 5 horizontal shafts, corresponding to operator's clockrelated working positions, and one vertical shaft to simulate the operator's nasal cavity. Petri plates were fixed to the shafts at distances of 20, 40 and 60 cm from the center of the oral cavity of the phantom head to collect the aluminum oxide particles spread over during air abrasion. The dust was aspirated with two types of suction tips used with both suction systems: a conventional saliva ejector and a saliva ejector customized by the adaptation of a 55-mm-diameter funnel. Results: The amount of particles showed that the greatest abrasive particle deposition occurred at a distance of 20 cm from the center of the oral cavity of the phantom head at 9 o'clock operatory position with the conventional saliva ejector attached to high-volume evacuation system. Conclusions: The greatest deposition of aluminum oxide particles occurred at the shortest distance between the operator and the center of the oral cavity, while using the high-volume evacuation system associated to the conventional suction tip.