191 resultados para Agglutination


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Com o intuito de se estudar a presença de suínos portadores renais de leptospiras foram colhidas 131 amostras sanguíneas e os respectivos rins de animais durante o abate em abatedouro da região de Botucatu-SP. Pela prova de Soroaglutinação Microscópica obteve-se 48 amostras sorológicas positivas para um ou mais sorovar de Leptospira spp., com uma taxa de ocorrência de anticorpos anti-leptospira de 36,64%, e maior importância para o sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae. Para a pesquisa do agente nos rins, das 88 amostras renais submetidas a cultura em meio de EMJH e analisadas pela prova de PCR, foi isolado e detectado o agente em uma única amostra renal, pertencente a um animal soropositivo. Embora não tenha sido possível a comparação estatística, em termos de sensibilidade e especificidade das duas provas de detecção do agente a partir de amostras renais, a PCR mostrou-se mais rápida e prática na pesquisa de portadores renais. Pelo isolamento obtido, ressalta-se a importância desses animais como possíveis transmissores da doença para trabalhadores de abatedouro e inspetores de carne.


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Cyclophosphamide (CY) was used to evaluate the effect on the immune system of sheep. Castred adult rams were divided into 3 groups, with 6 animals each one. Group I (day 0) and Group II (day 1) were treated with CY (40 mg/kg, single dose, IV), and Group III was not treated and remained as control. All groups were immunized on day 0 with B19 brucellosis vaccine. on day 6, all animals were bled and serum agglutination test for brucellosis antibodies detection was performed. During 7 days blood lymphocyte counts and electrophoresis gammaglobulin dosage were daily performed. The results showed statistical decrease of immune response. Low serum titers of brucellosis antibodies were found in Groups I and II, and lymphopenia and hypogammaglobulinemia were also found in these groups. A high mortality rate (40%) occurred in the treated animals.


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The serological profiles of 33 female bovines, vaccinated at three to eight months of age with the B19 standard strain of Brucella abortus, were studied over a period of 728 days, using the following agglutination procedures: plate agglutination, tube agglutination, rose bengal plate and mercaptoethanol test. Maximum levels of antibodies detected reached by the plate agglutination and tube agglutination tests were found between the 14(th) and 42(nd) day, and with mercaptoethanol test, between the 28(th) and 42(nd) day. Anti-Brucella antibodies decreased thereafter. At 182 days after vaccination, five suspected animals and one positive were detected by the plate agglutination test, while by the tube agglutination test, only one animal was suspected and another one was positive. During the same period, positive reactions were found in six animals by means of the mercaptoethanol test, and five positives by the rose bengal test. By means of tube agglutination and plate agglutination tests, the animals became serologically negative at 245 and 273 days, respectively, after the vaccination, based on the rules adopted for the vaccinated animals. Using the mercaptoethanol and rose bengal plate tests, all the animals were found to be negative at 308 days after vaccination.


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A pair of primers directed to 16S-23S rDNA interspacer (ITS) was designed directed to Brucella genetic sequences in order to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) putatively capable of amplifying DNA from any Brucella species. Nucleic acid extracts from whole-blood from naive dogs were spiked with decreasing amounts of Brucella canis RM6/66 DNA and the resulting solutions were tested by PCR. In addition, the ability of PCR to amplify Brucella spp. genetic sequences from naturally infected dogs was evaluated using 210 whole-blood samples of dogs from 19 kennels. The whole-blood samples collected were subjected to blood culture and PCR. Serodiagnosis was performed using the rapid slide agglutination test with and without 2-mercaptoethanol. The DNA from whole blood was extracted using proteinase-K, sodium dodecyl sulphate and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide followed by phenol-chloroform purification. The PCR was capable of detecting as little as 3.8 fg of Brucella DNA mixed with 450 ng of host DNA. Theoretically, 3.8 fg of Brucella DNA represents the total genomic mass of fewer than two bacterial cells. The PCR diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 100%. From the results observed in the present study, we conclude that PCR could be used as confirmatory test for diagnosis of B. canis infection.


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Sera collected from 447 dairy cattle on 14 dairy farms were tested for Neospora caninum antibodies by use of an immunofluorescent antibody technique. Positive reactions with titres greater than or equal to 1:200 were found in 63 (14.09%) of animals. Neospora positive sera were also tested for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies by using a commercial latex agglutination test. Antibodies to T. gondii were detected in 3 (4.76%) of 63 N. caninum positive sera. These results indicate that N. caninum infection is widespread among dairy cattle in Bahia state. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Calomys callosus a wild rodent, previously described as harboring Trypanosoma cruzi, has a low susceptibility to infection by this protozoan.Experiments were designed to evaluate the contribution of the immune response to the resistance to T. cruzi infection exhibited by C. callosus. Animals were submitted to injections of high (200 mg/kg body weight) and low (20 mg/kg body weight) doses of cyclophosphamide on days -1 or -1 and +5, and inoculated with 4 x 10(3) T. cruzi on day O. Parasitemia, mortality and antibody response as measured by direct agglutination of trypomastigotes were observed. Two hundred mg doses of cyclophosphamide resulted in higher parasitemia and mortality as well as in suppression of the antibody response. A single dose of 20 mg enhanced antibody levels on the 20th day after infection, while an additional dose did not further increase antibody production. Parasitemia levels were not depressed, but rather increased in both these groups as compared to untreated controls. Passive transfer of hyperimmune C. callosus anti-T. cruzi serum to cyclophosphamide immunosuppressed animals resulted in lower parasitemia and mortality rates. These results indicate that the immune response plays an important role in the resistance of C. callosus to T. cruzi.


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The serological profile of 300 mongrel dogs of various ages and gender were investigated. Animals were captured in the streets and afterwards directed to a private kennel in Avare city (SP) to search for leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, and neosporosis. Blood samples were obtained from jugular or cephalic vein for the obtention of sera. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was used to leptospirosis. MAT detect the prevalence of 9.3%. The most frequent reactant serovars were Bratislava (35.7%), Cynopteri (17.9%), Autumnalis (14.3%), and Copenhageni (10.7%), besides 7.1% to others serovars: Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, and Hardjo. The modified agglutination test used for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis showed 26% of positive animals, with titers varying from 16 to 256, with 16 in 3.3%, 64 in 13.7%, and 256 in 9% of the samples. To canine neosporosis, it was used the indirect fluorescent antibody test, and two animals (0.7%) demonstrated antibodies with titers 25 and 100. The results show the participation of the animals in the epidemiological chain of the researched diseases.


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Toxoplasma gondii infection may lead to important pathological questions, especially in rural areas, where several sources of infection exist. Therefore, it is important to determine risk factors in order to establish adequate prophylactic measures. The present study aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors involved in human toxoplasmosis infection in a rural community, in Eldorado, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. This community was composed of 185 farms - with 671 inhabitants - from which 20 were randomly chosen. In these farms, blood samples were collected from rural workers, who also answered a risk factor questionnaire. Serum samples were analyzed by means of direct agglutination test for the detection of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies. From 73 samples collected, 79.45% were positive. None of the studied variables was significantly associated with the prevalence of the infection. However, among the individuals who reported eyesight impairments, 94.4% had anti-T. gondii antibodies, compared with 74.0% who did not report eyesight changes (p = 0.0594). Moreover, most individuals in the study (68.20%) were older than 18 years and presented 84.44% positivity, compared with 66.67% of positive individuals younger than 18 years old. We were able to conclude that a high prevalence of antibodies did not imply significant associations with the risk factors studied.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Three-hundred faecal swabs were obtained from pigs with diarrhoea in farms located in different areas of the Ribeirao Preto region in the State of Sao Paulo. One-hundred Escherichia coli strains were isolated and tested for production of thermolabile (TL) and thermostable (STRa and STb) enterotoxins, and for the presence of colonization factors F4, F5 and F6. The strains were also tested for sensitivity to 14 antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents. Twenty-four Escherichia coli strains produced enterotoxin STb, 5 produced LT and 3 produced STa. In the mannose-resistant haemagglutination reaction, one strain reacted positively with sheep, chicken, horse and human red blood cells and another reacted positively with guinea pig, sheep, chicken, horse and human red cells. However, both strains were negative for colonization factors F4, F5 and F6 when submitted to the slide agglutination test. All Escherichia coli strains were resistant to at least one antibiotic, the highest percentages being obtained for resistance to penicillin, tetracycline and cephalotin. In addition to the importance of the virulence factors normally encountered in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains from pigs, the present results show the possible existence of new colonization factors other than F4, F5 and F6 participating in E. coli-induced pigs colibacillosis in the Ribeirao Preto region.


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Three methods of extraction of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were compared-the conventional hot phenol-water method with 40% phenol, a modified form of this method using 10% phenol, and the hot saline method. Good recovery of LPS was achieved by each of the three methods, with the LPS found in the aqueous phase with the two phenol-based procedures. The application of SDS-PAGE to the LPS extracts, followed by silver staining, showed similar banding with all three methods of extraction. When the hot saline extraction LPS fraction from eight strains of Bradyrhizobium spp. and eight strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum was compared with SDS-PAGE, characteristic profiles were achieved. Serological analysis of eight strains of Bradyrhizobium spp., using antisera prepared against whole cells in agglutination reactions, showed extensive sharing of antigens. When antisera was prepared using outer membrane LPS, extracted by the hot saline method, the amount of cross-reaction was reduced greatly. The results indicated that LPS provide an efficient means of obtaining monospecific antisera to be used for serological identification of strains of Bradyrhizobium spp. and that the hot saline extraction method is recommended for a fast, simple and efficient way to obtain LPS and characterize this bacterium.


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The applicability of a residue of manioc (Manihot esculenta Granz) from industrial processing as a direct compression excipient was investigated in comparison with microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel® PH 101). Physical characteristics of the powders like bulk and tap densities, particle size, flow properties (flow rate, index of compressibility and angle of repose) and agglutination were evaluated. The residue had poor performance as excipient for direct compression. However, it showed better disintegration properties than Avicel. The possibility of its use as disintegrant agent will be confirmed on future studies.


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An experiment was carried out to investigate the biology of Salmonella Pullorum in two varieties of laying hens, from 5 days of age up to 9 months. One variety was resistant to systemic salmonellosis (light layers producing white eggs) and the other was considered susceptible (brown layers producing brown eggs). The brown birds were more affected by the infection, showing signs of clinical disease in the first month of life. Later, these signs disappeared, but postmortem examination revealed persistent gross pathological changes in the liver, spleen, heart and ovary. The rapid agglutination test detected reactors throughout the experiment, with the strongest agglutination from 1 to 7 months post-infection. S. Pullorum was isolated from some of the organs and the eggs laid throughout the experiment. The relationship between white birds and S. Pullorum was less intense, and there were no noticeable signs of disease. There were few gross pathological changes, and the bacteria were isolated infrequently and only for a brief period after infection, although contaminated eggs were laid by these birds. The strongest serological response in the white chickens occurred between the second and the fifth month post-infection.