135 resultados para ASTYANAX
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aim: To analyze the composition, species richness and spatial distribution of the fish fauna in the area under influence of the Salto Grande Reservoir; Methods: Fish were caught every two months from November/05 to October/06, using gill nets, seining nets and sieve; Results: It was registered 67 fish species, 1,964 individuals and 146.2 kg, representing CPUEn of 1,964 and CPUEb of 278 kg. The most representative orders were Characiformes, with 29 species, Siluriformes (21 species) and Perciformes (11 species) Nine non-native species were registered. The most abundant species in the reservoir were Astyanax altiparanae, Steindachnerina insculpta and Acestrorhynchus lacustris, indicating the predominance of medium and small fishes in this reservoir. The dendrogram of similarity separated the Dam and Pedra Branca stretches from Pardo River Mouth, indicating differences in the assemblages. The species turnover among the stretches was demonstrated by the beta diversity, which may be related to the diversity of habitat; Conclusions: Although being a small reservoir, it displays great habitat diversity, reflecting in the composition and structure of fish assemblages.
The cage farming of aquatic organisms was initiated 50 years ago, and was introduced to Brazil in the 1990's. In these systems, there is an input of organic matter from ration that is not totally used by the cage fishes, becoming available for the organisms of adjacent biota, including fish fauna. The aim of this work is to evaluate the interference in the diet of three dominant fish species (Plagioscion squamosissimus Heckel, 1840, Astyanax altiparanae Garutti and Britski, 2000 and Metynnis maculatus Kner, 1858) associated with ish cage farming. For determination of the diet, the Alimentary Index (AI) was used. In both stretches (around cage farm and control), P. squamosissimus selected aquatic insects, while A. altiparanae preferred terrestrial insects and M. maculatus eats ration remains. Diferences in abundance of these feeding resources found of the stomach content were observed among the two stretches. Thus, the small alterations in the diets of P. squamosissimus and A. altiparanae, indicate that cage farming can change the diet of resident species in reservoirs. This practice also influences the population structure of fish species, since higher middle standard lengths were found in A. altiparanae and P. squamosissimus populations resident around cage farms, in relation to the control stretch.
A study on the nematode parasites of nine species of freshwater fishes from Peixe River São Paulo, State, Brazil. was conducted. Fish were collected between February 2010 and March 2011 and the following species were found: Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus and Contracaecum sp. (larvae) in Astyanax altiparanae; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Dioctophyma renale (larvae), Philometroides caudata, P. (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, P. (Spirocamallanus) neocaballeroi (larvae) and P. (Spirocamallanus) saofranciscensis in Acestrorhynchus lacustris; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Guyanema sp., Hysterothylacium sp. (larvae) and Icthyouris sp. in Cyphocharax modestus; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Cosmoxynemoides aguirrei and Pharyngodonidae gen. sp. in C. nagelii; Dioctophyma renale (larvae), Hysterothylacium sp. (larvae) and Rhabdochona sp. in Gymnotus sylvius; Capillariidae gen. sp. in Hoplosternum littorale; Cosmoxynema vianai, Guyanema sp., Ichthyouris sp. and Travnema travnema in Steindachnerina insculpta; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) rebecae (larvae) in Triportheus angulatus and Rhabdochona acuminata in Triportheus nematurus. This is first study of nematode parasites from the Peixe River, therefore all the species found are new geographical records and 19 are new host records.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Billings Reservoir is an urban reservoir located in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region. Tt supports 101 active artisanal fishermen. To describe this fishery, landings were recorded daily between February 1996 and January 1997 at Colonia (23 degrees 50' 57 S; 46 degrees 40' 02 W). In every landing, a data collector recorded catch, effort, fishing gears and fishing grounds. A total of 147 593 kg of fish were recorded in 3515 fishing trips. The exotic Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), was the main species exploited (81.4% of the annual catches). Five other species were also targeted: the characid Astyanax eigenmaniorum (Cope) (13.0% of the annual catches); the erythrinid Hoplias aff malabaricus (Block) (2.1%); the exotic cyprinid Cyprinus carpio L. (Campos & Fernandez-Yepez) (2.4%); the curimatid Cyphocharax modestus L. (1.1%); and the pimelodid Rhamdia sp. (0.1%). Two main groups of fishermen were discriminated using Principal Components Analysis; these were associated with the type of fishing gear and fishing strategies, i.e. those who exploited Nile tilapia with cast nets and beating gill nets, and those who exploited other species with set gill nets. Management and maintenance of this fishery should consider the positive top-down effects that Nile tilapia could have in controlling eutrophication and also the social benefits.
In this paper a model, called ELLOBO running in STELLA II, was set to describe the plankton system of the Broa reservoir (SP). The three state variables of the model are: phytoplankton, zooplankton, and the fish Astyanax fasciatus. The forcing variables are: temperature, nitrate, phosphorus and solar radiation. The model did not consider the cycling of nutrients inside the reservoir. The results show that: temperature is the principal forcing variable in the phytoplankton dynamic and in the subsequent evolution of the whole system. The zooplankton predation was described by Odum's equation, and there is a strong random component in zooplankton grazing, which was essential for the model, because zooplankton estimates have high variance. One must collect data in a short space of time (maybe daily) to better explain the zooplankton and phytoplankton variation. Validation was performed using simple statistics (arithmetic mean, standard deviation) and the results show concordance between observed and simulated values. Overhead was used to calibrate some parameters and to validate the model. The highest overhead value (5%) imply in the better accordance between estimated and;observed state variables values. We believe this approach in Broa reservoir will provide an useful tool for future research and it could be used comparatively in other continental aquatic ecosystems. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The ichthyofauna of 24 stretches of streams, all of 100 m length and of fifth or lower order and most of second and third order, were sampled along four left bank tributaries (Rio do Peixe, Rio Aguapei, Rio Sao Jose dos Dourados, lower Rio Tiete of the main channel of the Rio Parana in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Sampling of the fish fauna at each of the six sites in the four basins incorporated a standardized fish collecting methodology and a standardized documentation of environmental data serving as the basis for a comparative analysis of the collecting locations. The 8,189 fish specimens collected represented six orders, 18 families, 42 genera, and 56 species, with a total biomass of 28.8 kg. Approximately 52% of the collected species were characiforms, 28% siluriforms, 9% gymnotiforms, 5% cyprinodontiforms, 4% perciforms, and 2% synbranchiforms. The most abundant of the species were the characiforms Astyanax altiparanae (15% of total) and Knodus moenkhausii (12% of total). The two species with the largest overall biomasses were A. altiparanae (34% of total biomass) and the siluriform Hypostomus sp. (8% of total biomass). Analysis of the trophic structure of the studied ichthyofauna indicated that the 10 numerically dominant species across the 24 sampled streams can be grouped into five guilds that are in decreasing order of numerical importance: omnivores, insectivores, insectivores/invertivores, periphytivores, and algivores. Species richness in the sampled stream stretches varied from six to 20 species with an average richness of 14. The species richness estimated by extrapolation for all 24 sampled stream stretches was 67 species. The Characidae are predominant among the collected specimens with approximately 50% of both individuals and biomass, a fact hypothesized to be a function of several attributes typical of the family. Six of the 56 collected species were new to science and six other species are of indefinite taxonomic status and require further analysis in order to determine their identity.
A interação nuclear-seguidor tem sido raramente registrada entre peixes de riachos Neotropicais. Este tipo de associação foi observada em um riacho de cabeceira, no sistema do Alto rio Paraná envolvendo o cascudinho, Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, como espécie nuclear, e Knodus moenkhausii, Poecilia reticulata e Astyanax altiparanae como seus seguidores. Indivíduos de Aspidoras fuscoguttatus revolveram o substrato durante alimentação, promovendo a suspensão de sedimento. Os seguidores, por sua vez, movimentaram-se pela nuvem de partículas em suspensão, capturando itens alimentares. As particulas alimentares em suspensão parecem não ser utilizadas pelo cascudinho, mas tornam-se disponíveis para K. moenkhausii, P. reticulata e A. altiparanae. O comportamento de seguidor representa uma tática alimentar alternativa para estas espécies, reforçando a idéia geral de plasticidade comportamental entre as espécies seguidoras.