251 resultados para ASA PRETREATMENT


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As alterações cardiovasculares associadas aos bloqueios do neuroeixo apresentam interesse pela frequência com que ocorrem e porque algumas delas podem ser consideradas efeitos fisiológicos desencadeados pelo bloqueio do sistema nervoso simpático. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as complicações cardiovasculares intraoperatórias e os fatores preditores associados aos bloqueios do neuroeixo em pacientes com idades > 18 anos submetidos a procedimentos não obstétricos, em um período de 18 anos, em hospital universitário de atendimento terciário-HCFMB-UNESP. MÉTODO: Foi realizada análise retrospectiva das seguintes complicações: hipertensão arterial, hipotensão arterial, bradicardia sinusal e taquicardia sinusal. Tais complicações foram correlacionadas com técnica anestésica, estado físico (ASA), idade, sexo e comorbidades pré-operatórias. Para a análise estatística, foram utilizadas o teste de Tukey para comparações entre proporções e regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 32.554 pacientes submetidos a bloqueios do neuroeixo e houve 4.109 citações de hipotensão arterial, 1.107 de bradicardia sinusal, 601 de taquicardia sinusal e 466 de hipertensão arterial no período intraoperatório. Hipotensão foi mais frequente nos pacientes submetidos à anestesia subaracnoidea contínua (29,4%, OR = 2,39), com idades > 61 anos e do sexo feminino (OR = 1,27). CONCLUSÕES: Hipotensão e bradicardia intraoperatórias foram complicações mais frequentes, sendo que a hipotensão arterial esteve relacionada à técnica anestésica (ASC), faixa etária elevada e sexo feminino. Taquicardia e hipertensão arterial podem não ter sido diretamente relacionadas aos bloqueios do neuroeixo.


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Associações significativas entre cirurgia do abdome superior e eventos pulmonares do período perioperatório foram investigadas em pacientes com condições pulmonares pré-operatórias submetidos a anestesia geral. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo retrospectivo cujos dados foram retirados de banco de dados obtidos prospectivamente de forma protocolada, de 1 de janeiro de 1999 a 31 de dezembro de 2004, em hospital universitário terciário. MÉTODOS: Estudados 3107 pacientes com mais de 11 anos, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) I, II, III, com cirurgia de abdome superior sob anestesia geral, enviados à sala de recuperação. Condições pré-operatórias analisadas por regressão logística foram: idade, sexo, estado físico ASA, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, asma, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, insuficiência respiratória e hábito de fumar. Os resultados estudados, ou variáveis dependentes, incluíram eventos intra- e pós-operatórios: broncoespasmo, hipoxemia, hipercapnia, intubação prolongada e secreção de vias aéreas. RESULTADOS: Dos 3.107 pacientes: 1.540 eram homens, 1.649 mulheres, tinham média de 48 anos, 1088 ASA I, 1402 ASA II, 617 ASA III, com insuficiência cardíaca havia 80, asma, 82, doença pulmonar obstrutiva, 122, insuficiência respiratória, 21, hábito de fumar, 428. Pela regressão logística, sexo feminino (p < 0.001), idade maior que 70 anos (p < 0.01), hábito de fumar (p < 0.001) e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (p < 0.02) influenciaram significativamente o desenvolvimento de eventos pulmonares, principalmente hipoxemia e broncospasmo, em ambos os períodos, mas não nos mesmos pacientes. Asma e insuficiência cardíaca não se associaram com eventos pulmonares na sala de recuperação. CONCLUSÃO: em cirurgia do abdome superior sob anestesia geral, sexo feminino, idade maior que 70 anos, hábito de fumar e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica foram fatores de risco independentes para a ocorrência de eventos pulmonares intra- e pós-operatórios.


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This systematic review of the Brazilian and worldwide literature aimed to evaluate the incidence and causes of perioperative and anesthesia-related mortality in pediatric patients. Studies were identified by searching EMBASE (1951-2011), PubMed (1966-2011), LILACS (1986-2011), and SciElo (1995-2011). Each paper was revised to identify the author(s), the data source, the time period, the number of patients, the time of death, and the perioperative and anesthesia-related mortality rates. Twenty trials were assessed. Studies from Brazil and developed countries worldwide documented similar total anesthesia-related mortality rates (<1 death per 10,000 anesthetics) and declines in anesthesia-related mortality rates in the past decade. Higher anesthesia-related mortality rates (2.4-3.3 per 10,000 anesthetics) were found in studies from developing countries over the same time period. Interestingly, pediatric perioperative mortality rates have increased over the past decade, and the rates are higher in Brazil (9.8 per 10,000 anesthetics) and other developing countries (10.7-15.9 per 10,000 anesthetics) compared with developed countries (0.41-6.8 per 10,000 anesthetics), with the exception of Australia (13.4 per 10,000 anesthetics). The major risk factors are being newborn or less than 1 year old, ASA III or worse physical status, and undergoing emergency surgery, general anesthesia, or cardiac surgery. The main causes of mortality were problems with airway management and cardiocirculatory events. Our systematic review of the literature shows that the pediatric anesthesia-related mortality rates in Brazil and in developed countries are similar, whereas the pediatric perioperative mortality rates are higher in Brazil compared with developed countries. Most cases of anesthesiarelated mortality are associated with airway and cardiocirculatory events. The data regarding anesthesia-related and perioperative mortality rates may be useful in developing prevention strategies.


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The venom of Lonomia obliqua caterpillar may induce a hemorrhagic syndrome in humans, and blood incoagulability by afibrinogenemia when intravenously injected in laboratory animals. The possible antithrombotic and thrombolytic activities of L. obliqua caterpillar bristle extract (LOCBE) were evaluated in this study. The minimal intravenous dose of the extract necessary to induce afibrinogenemia and anticoagulation was 3.0 and 10.0 µg protein/kg body weight for rabbits and rats, respectively. In rabbits, this dose induced total blood incoagulability for at least 10 h and did not reduce the weight of preformed venous thrombi, in contrast to streptokinase (30,000 IU/kg). In rats, pretreatment with 5.0 and 10.0 µg/kg LOCBE prevented the formation of thrombi induced by venous stasis or by injury to the venous endothelium. The dose of 5.0 µg/kg LOCBE did not modify blood coagulation assay parameters but increased bleeding time and decreased plasma factor XIII concentration. When the extract was administered to rats at the dose of 10.0 µg/kg, the blood was totally incoagulable for 6 h. These data show that LOCBE was effective in preventing experimental venous thrombosis in rats, justifying further studies using purified fractions of the extract to clarify the mechanisms of this effect.


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The effect of indomethacin (Indo), a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, on the monocyte-mediated killing of a low-(Pb265) and a high-(Pb18) virulence strain of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis was examined. The Pb18 strain was not killed by either non-activated or interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-activated human monocytes but these cells did show fungicidal activity if pretreated with Indo. In contrast with IFN-gamma tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) was very effective at stimulating the fungicidal activity of monocytes. While the low-virulence strain, Pb265, could not be killed by monocytes, cells preincubated with IFN-gamma demonstrated fungicidal activity. The killing of this strain was also induced by pretreatment of monocytes with Indo. The results suggest a negative role for prostaglandins, which are synthesized via the cyclo-oxygenase pathway, in the regulation of monocyte-mediated killing of virulent and avirulent strains of P. brasiliensis and that TNF-alpha generation during the fungus-monocyte interaction is more important in the killing of Pb265 than Pb18.


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The advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), since 1996, represented a profound impact on the natural history of HIV-infection by promoting important and sustainable viral replication suppression and increasing survival and quality of life among seropositive patients. Nonetheless, antiretroviral therapy has been observed to be accompanied by metabolic alterations such as dyslipidemia, especially hypertriglyceridemia, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and lipodystrophy (body fat redistribution). Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a correlation between high triglyceride (TG) levels and higher incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Some investigators suggest dietary intervention as part of hyperlipidemia treatment, including an increase in soluble fiber intake (10-25g/day). Whereas some studies have demonstrated that both cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels decrease with the use of food fiber, others have shown just a serum triglyceride decrease, and others failed to observe any alteration in lipid metabolism. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of soluble fiber (R) (partially hydrolyzed guar gum) supplementation on hypertriglyceridemia and immune profile in HIVpositive individuals on HAART. Nineteen HIV-positive individuals with hypertriglyceridemia (serum levels >= 150 to < 500mg/dl) were studied. of these individuals, 63.16% were males and 36.84% females, with mean age of 43.52 +/- 9.22 years. These individuals had been on the same HAART regimen for at least six months, had no change in therapy during the study and received 20g/day of soluble fiber for four months at pre-established times. Clinical-nutritional, biochemical (total proteins, albumin, globulin, total cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c, TG, TG/HDL-c and LDLc/HDL-c), hematimetric (hemoglobin, hematocrit and total lymphocytes), and immunologic (lymphocytes T CD4(+), T CD8(+); T CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio, viral load, TNF-alpha and IL-6) parameters were assessed in all patients at three time points (M0: pretreatment, M1: 30 days, and M2: four months after intervention). Significance level was set at 5% for all data statistically analyzed. Serum TG and TG/HDL-c ratio reduction was observed at all time points, but statistical significance was found just at M0 and M2. The remaining biochemical, hematimetric and immunologic parameters (lymphocytes T CD4(+), T CD8(+); T CD4(+)/ CD8(+) ratio, and viral load) showed no significant difference at all times. Regarding serum cytokines, TNF-alpha and IL-6 significantly decreased between M0 and M2, and only IL-6 reduced between M1 and M2. The data collected show that dietary and anthropometric parameters remained unchanged excluding potential confounding factors related with the effect of fiber supplementation on serum TG, TNF-alpha and IL-6. Thus, soluble fiber (R) contributed to an important reduction in hypertriglyceridemia and in the serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6 in HIV-seropositive individuals on HAART. In addition, soluble fiber (R) might have minimized the process of atherosclerosis in these individuals, given that elevated serum levels of TG, TNF-alpha and IL-6 have been associated with the development of these lesions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o padrão de citocinas pró- e antiinflamatórias e da resposta de fase aguda (RFA) como marcadores de resposta ao tratamento da tuberculose pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Determinação dos níveis de interferon-gama (IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α, fator de necrose tumoral-alfa), interleucina-10 (IL-10) e transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β, fator transformador de crescimento-beta), pelo método ELISA, em sobrenadante de cultura de células mononucleares do sangue periférico e monócitos, assim como dos níveis de proteínas totais, albumina, globulinas, alfa-1-glicoproteína ácida (AGA), proteína C reativa (PCR) e velocidade de hemossedimentação (VHS) em 28 doentes com tuberculose pulmonar, em três tempos: antes (T0), aos três meses (T3) e aos seis meses (T6) de tratamento, em relação aos controles saudáveis, em um único tempo. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes apresentaram valores maiores de citocinas e RFA que os controles em T0, com diminuição em T3 e diminuição (TNF-α, IL-10, TGF-β, AGA e VHS) ou normalização (IFN-γ e PCR) em T6. CONCLUSÕES: PCR, AGA e VHS são possíveis marcadores para auxiliar no diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar e na indicação de tratamento de indivíduos com baciloscopia negativa; PCR (T0 > T3 > T6 = referência) pode também ser marcador de resposta ao tratamento. Antes do tratamento, o perfil Th0 (IFN-γ, IL-10, TNF-α e TGF-β), indutor de e protetor contra inflamação, prevaleceu nos pacientes; em T6, prevaleceu o perfil Th2 (IL-10, TNF-α e TGF-β), protetor contra efeito nocivo pró-inflamatório do TNF-α ainda presente. O comportamento do IFN-γ (T0 > T3 > T6 = controle) sugere sua utilização como marcador de resposta ao tratamento.


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Anthocyanins are the largest group of water-soluble pigments in the plant kingdom. A number of studies have demonstrated that anthocyanins present antioxidant capacity and show inhibitory effects on the growth of some cancer cells. Thus, the goal of this study was to evaluate both the antimutagenicity/antigenotoxicity and mutagenicity/genotoxicity of aqueous extract obtained from the Solanum melanogena, a possible novel source of anthocyanin, and its main purified anthocyanin extract (delphinidin), using the single cell (comet) assay and micronucleus test. Pretreatment with higher doses of the purified anthocyanin (10 and 20 mg/kg b.w.) led to a statistically significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the frequency of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes induced by cyclophosphamide. The pattern of reduction ranged from 48% to 57% independent of concentration. No apparent: genotoxicity and mutagenicity was found for either the anthocyanin or delphinidin extracts. Taken together, these results suggest that mice pre-treated with specific compounds present in anthocyanins (delphinidin) displayed a lower incidence of mutations induced by cyclophosphamide. This finding emphasizes the potential of natural colorants to prevent mutations and also the applicability of genotoxic evaluation for improving health. Furthermore, the results presented here could be an additional argument to support the use of anthocyanins in the diet. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The goal of this study was to investigate the ability of fluoride to modulate the genotoxic effects induced by the oxidative agent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in vitro by the single-cell gel ( comet) assay. Chinese hamster ovary cells were exposed in culture for 1 h at 37 degrees C to sodium fluoride at 7-100 mu g/ml. NaF-treated and control cells were then incubated with 0-10 mu M MMS in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 15 min at 37 degrees C, or 7-100 mu M H2O2 in distilled water for 5 min on ice. Negative control cells were treated with PBS for 1 h at 37 degrees C. Clear concentration-related effects were observed for the two genotoxins. Increase of DNA damage induced by either MMS or H2O2 was not significantly altered by pretreatment with NaF. The data indicate that NaF does not modulate alkylation-induced genotoxicity or oxidative DNA damage as measured by the single-cell gel ( comet) assay. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Ginkgo biloba (EGb) has been proposed as a promising candidate for cancer chemoprevention and has shown protective effects on the liver against chemically induced oxidative injury and fibrosis. The potential beneficial effects of EGb were investigated in two rat liver carcinogenesis bioassays induced by diethylnitrosamine (DEN). In a short-term study for anti-initiating screening, male Wistar rats were fed a basal diet or supplemented diet with 500 or 1000 ppm EGb and initiated 14 days later with a single dose of DEN (100 mg/kg i.p.). The respective groups were killed 24 h or 2 weeks after DEN-initiation. Liver samples were collected for the analysis of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha), p53, apoptosis and induction of single hepatocytes and minifoci positive for the enzyme glutathione S-transferase P-form (GST-P). In a medium-term study for anti-promoting screening, the animals received a single dose of DEN (200 mg/kg i.p.) and, 2 weeks later, were fed a basal diet or supplemented diet with 500 or 1000 ppm EGb for 6 weeks. All animals underwent 70% partial hepatectomy (PH) at week 3 and killed at week 8. Liver samples were colleted to analyze development of preneoplastic foci of altered hepatocytes (FAH) expressing GST-P. In the short-term study, pretreatment of rats with 1000 ppm EGb significantly reduced the rates of cell proliferation, apoptosis and p53, TGF-a immunoreactivity and the number of GST-P-positive hepatocytes. In the medium-term study, EGb treatment during the post-initiation stage failed to reduce the development of DEN-induced GST-P-positive foci. Thus, EGb presented inhibitory actions during initiation but not promotion of rat liver carcinogenesis induced by DEN. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background the aim of this study was to compare effective and sham intravaginal electrical stimulation (IES) in treating mixed urinary incontinence. Methods. Between January 2001 and February 2002, 40 women were randomly distributed, in a double-blind study, into two groups: group G1 (n = 20), effective IES, and group G2 (n = 20), sham IES, with follow up at one month. Different parameters was studied: 1. clinical questionnaire, 2. body mass index; 3. 60-min pad test; 4. urodynamic study. The protocol of IES consisted of three 20-min sessions per week over a seven-week period. The Dualpex Uro 996 used a frequency of 4 Hz. Results. There was no statistically significant difference in the demographic data of both groups. The number of micturitions per 24 h after treatment was reduced significantly in both groups. Urge incontinence was reduced to 15% in G1 and 31.5% in G2; there was no significant difference between the groups. In the analog wetness and discomfort sensation evaluations were reduced significantly in both groups. The pretreatment urodynamic study showed no statistical difference in urodynamic parameters between the groups. Ten percent of the women presented involuntary detrusor contractions. In the 60-min pad test, there was a significant reduction in both groups. In regards to satisfaction level, after treatment, 80% of G1 patients and 65% of G2 patients were satisfied. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups. Conclusion. Significant improvement was provided by effective and sham electrostimulation, questioning the effectiveness of electrostimulation as a monotherapy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alchornea glandulosa (Euphorbiaceae) is a plant used in folk medicine as an antiulcer agent. Rats pretreated with methanolic extract obtained from the leaves of A. glandulosa (AG) showed a dose-dependent effect and significant reduction of gastric ulcers induced by absolute ethanol at the doses of 500 (57%) and 1000 mg/kg (35%) in relation to the control group. Pretreatment of mice with AG (500, 1000 mg/kg, p.o.) showed dose-dependent activity and significantly decreased the severity of lesions caused by HCl/ethanol and by non steroidal anti inflammatory drug-induced gastric lesions. Pretreatment with AG also induced antisecretory action via local and systemic routes and a significant decrease in the total gastric acid content. The gastroprotective effects of AG involved the participation of nitric oxide and increased levels of endogenous sulfhydryl compounds, which are defensive mechanisms of the gastrointestinal mucosa against aggressive factors. The ability of AG to heal gastric ulcers was evaluated after 14 consecutive days of treatment. The results showed that single oral administrations of AG (250 mg/kg/once daily) potently stimulates gastric epithelial cell proliferation that contributes to the accelerated healing of gastric ulcers induced by acetic acid. In addition, no subacute toxicity (body weight gain, vital organs, and serum biochemical parameters) was observed during treatment with AG. Phytochemical investigation of AG led to the isolation of myricetin-3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-alpha-L-arabinopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-beta-D-galactopyranoside, quercetin, amentoflavone, methyl gallate, gallic acid, and pterogynidine. We also established the phytochemical profile of AG with the quantification of total phenolic compounds. These compounds may contribute to the observed antiulcerogenic effects of AG.