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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Foi avaliar a frequência e os fatores de risco de quedas em mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, transversal, envolvendo 358 mulheres (idade entre 45 e 65 anos e amenorreia >12 meses) com tempo de pós-menopausa <10 anos. Os critérios de exclusão foram: doença neurológica ou músculo esquelético, vestibulopatias, hipertensão arterial não controlada, hipotensão postural, déficit visual sem correção, uso de medicamentos (sedativos e hipnóticos). A queda foi definida como mudança de posição inesperada, não intencional, que faz com que o indivíduo permaneça em nível inferior à posição inicial. Foram analisados o histórico de quedas (últimos 24 meses) e as características clínicas, antropométricas (índice de massa corpórea (IMC) e circunferência da cintura (CC)) e densidade mineral óssea. Na comparação segundo grupo de mulheres com e sem histórico de queda, foi empregado o Teste do Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher e regressão logística com cálculo do odds ratio (OR). RESULTADOS: Entre as mulheres incluídas, 48,0% (172/358) referiram queda, com fratura em 17,4% (30/172). A queda ocorreu dentro de casa em 58,7% (101/172). A média de idade foi 55,7±6,5 anos, tempo de menopausa de 5,8±3,5anos, IMC 28,3±4,6 kg/m² e CC 89,0±11,4 cm. Foi observada maior frequência de tabagismo e diabetes entre as mulheres com histórico de quedas quando comparadas àquelas sem queda, de 25,6 versus 16,1% e 12,8 versus 5,9%, respectivamente (p<0,05). Na análise multivariada em função das variáveis clínicas influentes, o risco de queda aumentou com o tabagismo atual (OR 1,93; IC95% 1,01-3,71). Demais variáveis clínicas e antropométricas não influenciaram no risco de queda. CONCLUSÕES: Em mulheres na pós-menopausa inicial houve expressiva frequência de quedas. O tabagismo foi indicador clínico de risco para queda. Com o reconhecimento de fatores determinantes para queda, medidas preventivas são importantes, como a orientação de abolir o tabagismo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conveyor belts are widely used in food handling areas, especially in poultry processing plants. Because they are in direct contact with food and it is a requirement of the Brazilian health authority, conveyor belts are required to be continuously cleaned with hot water under pressure. The use of water in this procedure has been questioned based on the hypothesis that water may further disseminate microorganisms but not effectively reduce the organic material on the surface. Moreover, reducing the use of water in processing may contribute to a reduction in costs and emission of effluents. However, no consistent evidence in support of removing water during conveyor belt cleaning has been reported. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to compare the bacterial counts on conveyor belts that were or were not continuously cleaned with hot water under pressure. Superficial samples from conveyor belts (cleaned or not cleaned) were collected at three different times during operation (T1, after the preoperational cleaning [5 a.m.]; T2, after the first work shift [4 p.m.]; and T3, after the second work shift [1:30 a.m.]) in a poultry meat processing facility, and the samples were subjected to mesophilic and enterobacterial counts. For Enterobacteriaceae, no significant differences were observed between the conveyor belts, independent of the time of sampling or the cleaning process. No significant differences were observed between the counts of mesophilic bacteria at the distinct times of sampling on the conveyor belt that had not been subjected to continuous cleaning with water at 45 degrees C. When comparing similar periods of sampling, no significant differences were observed between the mesophilic counts obtained from the conveyor belts that were or were not subjected to continuous cleaning with water at 45 degrees C. Continuous cleaning with water did not significantly reduce microorganism counts, suggesting the possibility of discarding this procedure in chicken processing.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Interest in oligosaccharide production and its general characteristics is growing. The physiological effects resulting from its ingestion make them more attractive than its sweetness, and the versatility of these carbohydrates allows their use for human and animal nutrition, pharmacology and the cosmetics industry, among others. Several microorganisms are involved in enzyme production to create oligomers with biological activity, including fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides and aminoglucanoligosaccharides. Some oligomers are currently on the market, but the search for new microorganisms producing enzymes, high-yield processes for obtaining oligosaccharides, different physiological effects, and a correlation between chemical structure and function continues.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: the lumbar spine is the main part of the body responsible for the support of the loads, where approximately half of body weight is in stable balance. This support relates to the action of abdominal muscles, of great importance in the balance of that region. The existence of abdominal muscle weakness, such won’t perform its function, may induce pathological postural attitude, that predispose the pain. Objective: to compare the effects of two abdominal strengthening protocols on pain and postural alignment in individuals with low back pain. Method: participated of the study 21 individuals of both genders, with ages between 19 and 25 years old (average 21,8±1,5) and average Body Mass Index (BMI) 21,9 (±2,48), divided randomly in isometric abdominal stimulation group (n=8), abdominal strengthening group (n=7) and control group (n=6). They realized eight sessions of strengthening, when responded Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) before and after each intervention. The control group (n=6) had no intervention. The postural data had been analyzed by photogrammetry. Results: Pain and posture data were analyzed using paired t test, with signifi cance index of 5%. Postural angles had no signifi cant differences (p>0,05) from all angles analyzed after the intervention to none of the groups. For pain values, a signifi cant decrease (p<0,05) was observed since the fi fth session in patients who were treated by the abdominal exercises protocol, and the fi rst session in patients who were treated by the isometric abdominal stimulation protocol. However, this decrease in pain was immediate, not lasting along the treatment sessions, in both protocols. Conclusion: the proposed protocols did not interfere in postural alignment. They were effective to decrease pain in a same session, once the isometric was the most effective, but they weren’t effective in preserving the improves over time.


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The effort test can be used to assess functional capacity, clinical hemodynamic and metabolic response at the effort, the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications and to assess the response of patients with lung diseases submitted to physiotherapy treatment. Among the stress tests we highlight the Six Minute Test Walk (6 MWT) and Stair Climbing Test (SCT), because they are easy to use and low cost. Especially the SCT is widely used in patients preoperatively. Objective: To compare the effects of six minute walk test and stair climbing test under the hemodynamic and oxygenation in healthy adults. Methods: We conducted a study with healthy subjects above 50 years. The fi rst performed was 6 MWT in quick step with encouragement, in a plan corridor of 30 meters, where the shade was determined the distance walked in 6 minutes, after 6 MWT was performed de SCT with encouragement, on a ladder in shade, consists of 44 steps, with 4 bids and bid by 11 steps, each step measured 16 cm in a total of 7.04 m of height, where the rise time was clocked. Before and after the two tests were measured respiratory rate, pulse, blood pressure and oxygen saturation. Results: We evaluated 21 patients with age 59.6 ± 5.4 years, 5 men and 16 women. The average distance covered on the 6MWT was 496.4 ± 102.2 meters and the average time in SCT 22.6 ± 5.4 seconds. The variables pulse, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure and Borg scale presented a signifi - cant increase after the tests, however the variables oxygen saturation and diastolic blood pressure did not change signifi cantly. Conclusion: The variables pulse, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure and Borg scale tests increased after six-minute walk test and stair climbing test but with greater signifi cance after the stair climbing test. Oxygen saturation and diastolic blood pressure did not change signifi cantly after the tests.


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Within a community, species may germinate at different times so as to mitigate competition and to take advantage of different aspects of the seasonal environment (temporal niche differentiation). We illustrated a hypothesis of the combined effects of abiotic and biotic competitive factors on germination timing and the subsequent upscale effects on community assembly. We estimated the germination timing (GT) for 476 angiosperm species of the eastern Tibetan Plateau grasslands under two light treatments in the field: high (i.e. natural) light and low light. We also measured the shift in germination timing (SGT) across treatments for all species. Furthermore, we used phylogenetic comparative methods to test if GT and SGT were associated with seed mass, an important factor in competitive interactions. We found a significant positive correlation between GT and seed mass in both light treatments. Additionally, small seeds (early germinating seeds) tended to germinate later and large seeds (late germinating seeds) tended to germinate earlier under low light vs high light conditions. Low light availability can reduce temporal niche differentiation by increasing the overlap in germination time between small and large seeds. In turn, reduced temporal niche differentiation may increase competition in the process of community assembly.


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This article has as objective to discuss some topics concerning the supposed crisis of the society of the work and its consequences for the debate in social sciences and also for the work category contextualization in the secondary school curriculum. As the work has represented an important explanation category for the classic social thought, the contemporary paradigm of deep metamorphoses in the world of the work and the advent of the new question (CASTELS, 1995; ROSANVALLON, 1995) backward the necessity to rethink the theoretical shades that base the interpretation of the social life on the current context, when the center position of the work is being questioned. Having taken some theoretical references from the sociology of the work, we search to delineate on a brief way the quarrel about the dimensions of the social and political phenomena these days and the importance of this debate on the contextualization of the secondary school curriculum contents.


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A contaminação do solo por metais potencialmente tóxicos constitui um dos principais problemas ambientais. Por meio da lixiviação e percolação das águas, esses metais podem ser mobilizados e vir a contaminar mananciais superficiais e subterrâneos, comprometendo sua qualidade. A biodisponibilização desses metais para as plantas e, a partir dessas, para o homem é outro desfecho negativo dessa situação. O cádmio é um elemento tóxico. Os teores encontrados nos solos costumam não oferecer riscos. Porém, esses teores são potencializados pela utilização de fertilizantes. O níquel pode ser carcinogênico em doses elevadas. Sua presença em fertilizantes fosfatados proporciona maiores concentrações do metal no solo. É amplo o registro sobre efeitos do excesso desses metais, tanto em plantas, quanto em animais e no ser humano. O manganês é um dos elementos mais abundantes na crosta terrestre e se encontra largamente distribuído em solos, sedimentos, rochas, água e materiais biológicos. Contrariamente aos dois metais anteriores, esse micronutriente é um elemento essencial ao ser humano. Sua carência causa inúmeras enfermidades, por outro lado, seu excesso também. Nesse caso, poucos são os relatos sobre o assunto. Nesse estudo foram utilizados métodos de extração de metais de fertilizantes e se constatou que, quando presentes, os metais cádmio e níquel apresentaram concentrações proibitivas o que é motivo de preocupação e demonstra a falta de controle sobre a indústria de insumos agrícolas. Para o manganês não há parâmetros orientadores com limites de teores, mas com certeza, são necessários trabalhos nesse sentido para se evitar seu consumo indiscriminado.