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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Larvae of an estuarine grapsid crab Chasmagnathus granulata Dana 1851, from temperate and subtropical regions of South America, were reared in seawater (32 ‰) at five different constant temperatures (12, 15, 18, 21, 24 °C). Complete larval development from hatching (Zoea I) to metamorphosis (Crab I) occurred in a range from 15 to 24 °C. Highest survival (60% to the first juvenile stage) was observed at 18°C, while all larvae reared at 12°C died before metamorphosis. The duration of development (D) decreased with increasing temperature (T). This relationship is described for all larval stages as a power function (linear regressions after logarithmic transformation of both D and T). The temperature-dependence of the instantaneous developmental rate (D-1) is compared among larval stages and temperatures using the Q10 coefficient (van't Hoff's equation). Through all four zoeal stages, this index tends to increase during development and to decrease with increasing T (comparing ranges 12-18, 15-21, 18-24 °C). In the Megalopa, low Q10 values were found in the range from 15 to 24 °C. In another series of experiments, larvae were reared at constant 18°C and their dry weight (W) and respiratory response to changes in T were measured in all successive stages during the intermoult period (stage C) of the moulting cycle. Both individual and weight-specific respiration (R, QO2) increased exponentially with increasing T. At each temperature, R increased significantly during growth and development through successive larval stages. No significantly different QO2 values were found in the first three zoeal stages, while a significant decrease with increasing W occurred in the Zoea IV and Megalopa. As in the temperature-dependence of D, the respiratory response to changes in temperature (Q10) depends on both the temperature range and the developmental stage, however, with different patterns. In the zoeal stages, the respiratory Q10 was minimum (1.7-2.2) at low temperatures (12-18 °C), but maximum (2.2-3.0) at 18-24 °C. The Megalopa, in contrast, showed a stronger metabolic response in the lower than in the upper temperature range (Q10 = 2.8 and 1.7, respectively). We interpret this pattern as an adaptation to a sequence of temperature conditions that should typically be encountered by C. granulata larvae during their ontogenetic migrations: hatching in and subsequent export from shallow estuarine lagoons, zoeal development in coastal marine waters, which are on average cooler, return in the Megalopa stage to warm lagoons. We thus propose that high metabolic sensitivity to changes in temperature may serve as a signal stimulating larval migration, so that the zoeae should tend to leave warm estuaries and lagoons, whereas the Megalopa should avoid remaining in the cooler marine waters and initiate its migration towards shallow coastal lagoons.
In orofacial implantology there are many types of implants for the different systems. Among these is the implant surface type, e.g., a screw type, cylindrical and laminar. Furthermore, the implants are different in their dimensions, their metal composition, their surface condition, such as smooth, grit or layered surfaces and in their methods of application. Two different self-tapping implants, one smooth and the other grit-blasted, are screwed into the bone, and another one with a plasma of titanium coating, which is also in a screw form but with greater spaces between the screw threads are compared. The greatest amount of bone deposition in the bone/implant interface was encountered in the latter one, the smooth surfaced implant being in second place. All of these systems can alter the implant healing process and to demonstrate this, we injected bone markers in the rabbits over different periods of time so as to observe the different areas of bone deposition in the tibias where the implants had been inserted. The bone tracers used were Alizarin, Calcein and Xylenol-orange. The amount of deposition was calculated by using the method of surface morphometry.
The effect of ticlopidine on rats with adriamycin nephropathy was observed during 26 weeks. In the ticlopidine-treated nephrotic animals (TNG), proteinuria was less than in the untreated nephrotic animals (NG), but this difference was significant only at week 6 (TNG = 47.27 ± 16.52 versus NG = 100.08 ± 13.83 mg/24h, p < 0.01) and week 26 (TNG = 157.00 ± 28.73 versus NG = 217.00 ± 21.73 mg/24h, p< 0.01) after ADR injection. NG presented severe tubulointerstitial abnormalities with a tubulointerstitial lesion index of 3+. No difference in glomerular lesions was observed among the groups (NG median = 6%, TNG median = 4% and TCG median = 2%). The tubulointerstitial lesion index of TNG was less intense (median = 2+) but not different from those of the control groups (CG median = 1+; TCG median = 0+) nor NG (median = 3+). We concluded that the treatment with ticlopidine produced some partially beneficial effects but did not prevent the development of adriamycin-induced nephropathy.
Twelve nests of Ectatomma edentatum (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) were collected from January to December 1996, in Rio Claro, SP, southeastern Brazil. This species excavates their nests up to 1, 10m deep, containing 2, 3, or 4 chambers with an entrance hole of up to 5mm diameter. Colonies with 104, 79, and 82 adult ants respectively were found in February, October, and November. These numbers decreased from March. Colonies with 21 and 16 adult ants were observed in May and July. The colonies' populations increased again in August. Immature stages were not seen January, February, and July, but there were many between March-April and September-November. There was no significant correlation between the number of individuals per colony and temperature or between the number of colonies and relative humidity and rainfall.
This paper aims at evaluating the occurrence of Diplostommn (Anstrodiplostomum compactum (Digenea: Diplostomatidae) in the eyeball of Plagioscion sqnamosissimus (corvina) and Cichla ocellaris (tucunaré), monthly captured in Paraná river, Presidente Epitácio, state of São Paulo, Brazil. From 61 corvinas under analysis, 56 of them contained parasites (92%) with intensity rate of 42.0 host parasites. From an amount of 81 tucunarés, 45 contained parasites (55%) with intensity rate of 9.3 parasites. Corvinas showed prevalence from 71 to 100% with the highest intensity rates (103.3 and 106.9) from February to March, 2001. Comparatively, the tucunaré showed the highest prevalence from November 2000 (90%) to February 2001 (80%). The tucunaré highest intensity rates occurred on September, 2000 (12.7), December, 2000 (12.2) and February, 2001 (16.1). Metacercariae showed a hollow womb body and a posterior region of a sinuous conic protuberance, an oral sucker smaller than the acetabulae, a simple acetabulae located in the pre-equatorial region of helminto. A short pre-pharynx followed by a muscular pharynx, genital pore next to acetubulae. Corvina metacercariae presents 1.434,0 μm (880 to 1.840) long by 611.2 ± 93.4 μm (400 to 792) wide. Tucunaré metacercariae, 1.462.4 μm (960 to 2.480) by 710.8 μm (560 to 960). Authors confirmed corvina great susceptibility to Diplomastum and the relationship between the parasitism and the aquatic and climatic parameters.
The aim of the present work was to verify the influence of the juvenile hormone (JH) applied on worker larvae of Apis mellifera 2 to 5 days old over the haemolymph total protein and electrophoretic pattern. Each larvae received topical applications of 1 ml of a solution of JH in hexane (1 μg/ml) on their 2 nd, 3 rd 4 th and 5 th day after hatching and had the amount and electrophoretic pattern of proteins from the haemolymph analyzed during the remaining days of their life. As a control, haemolymph of larvae of the same age that did not receive any kind of treatment was analyzed. The results show that the application of JH on larvae 3 or more days old affect the amount and electrophoretic pattern of the proteins, with this effect lasting through the subsequent days.
The number of individuals and species richness of ants were investigated in two species of Euphorbiaceae found in three areas of differentiated flora. These areas form part of a fragment of the Atlantic Forest located in the Serra do Itapety, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Fifty eight ant species were sampled, belonging to 23 genera and 6 sub-families; 40% of the species are arboreal. The sub-family Myrmicinae was the richest in species, with Pheidole being the most diverse genus and Crematogaster the most commonly-occurring. In the three study areas, no significant differences were found between the number of individuals and the species richness of ants collected on the trunks of Euphorbiaceae. C. floribundus Spreng and A. sidifolia Muell. Arg. are similar with respect to the number of ant species sampled; the number collected being 40 and 47, respectively.
Quantitative analysis of normal values of motor unit action potentials duration and amplitude of muscles tireoaritenoideus (TA), cricotireoideus (CT), cricoaritenoideus lateralis (CAL), and cricoaritenoideus posterioris (CAP) was performed in 14 adult normal Brazilian volunteers. The recordings were obtained by percutaneously inserted concentric needle electrode. Different motor unit action potentials were manually selected in each muscle for quantitative computerized analysis of duration and amplitude. The mean values for duration and amplitude were respectively 3.8 ms and 413 μV for TA, 4.9 ms and 585 μV for CT, 4.1 ms and 388 μV for CAL and 4.5 ms and 475 μV in CAP. There were no similar reports of normal values of motor unit action potentials in Brazilian subjects.
The morphology of 20 species of weeds that occur in the most common crops in Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil and adjacent regions were described at early developmental stages, in order to identify the species in the field and provide information for taxonomic and ecological works. Sixteen species featured epigeal-foliaceous seedlings. The seedling in Cardiospenuum halicacabum is epigeal-fleshy; in Cenchrus echinatus and Digitaria horizontalis it is hypogeal and in Commelina virginica is epigeal-cryptocotyledonar. The differentiation of the first eophyll occurred within ten (Digitaria horizontalis) to 35 days (Bidens pilosa) and the first metaphyll appeared within 22 (Commelina virginica) to 49 days (Acanthospenuum australe). The number of eophylls varied from one to four, and the phyllotaxis varied from alternate to opposite.
In Brazil since October 1996 there have been guidelines for research involving human subjects. Now human subjects know when their treatment is part of research. Deceit is no longer tolerated. But is not enough to say we offer an explanation to the potential subject and we offer a choice before he or she is confronted with an informed consent form. As in all professional activity, scientific investigation needs social controls. In Brazil, the ultimate responsibility of an investigation lies on the investigator, but in every institution where research is carried out there is a Committee for Ethics in Research. All Committees are subordinated to the National Commission of Ethics in Research, which is submitted to the Brazilian Institute of Health. During 2005 around 17,000 protocols involving 700,000 human subjects were revised by 475 Committees distributed all over the country. Approximately 7,000 people are now working in these Committees.
As a contribution towards detecting the genetic effects of low doses of genotoxic physical agents, this paper deals with the consequences of low-dose X-rays in the Aspergillus nidulans genome. The irradiation doses studied were those commonly used in dental clinics (1-5 cGy). Even very low doses promoted increased mitotic crossing-over frequencies in diploid strains heterozygous for several genetic markers including the ones involved in DNA repair and recombination mechanisms. Genetic markers of several heterozygous strains were individually analyzed disclosing that some markers were especially sensitive to the treatments. These markers should be chosen as bio-indicators in the homozygotization index assay to better detect the recombinogenic/ carcinogenic genomic effects of low-dose X-rays. ©FUNPEC-RP.
The evolution of the velocity of the particles with respect to the circular orbits of satellites that are around the Earth that the particles will cross, suggests a range of possible velocities of impact as a function of the altitude of the satellite. A study made from those results show that the maximum relative velocities occur at the semi-latus rectum, independent of the initial semi-major axis of the particle. Considering both the solar radiation pressure and the oblateness of the Earth, it is visible that a precession in the orbit occurs and there is also a variation in the eccentricity of the particle as a function of its orbital region and its size. This is important information, because the damage caused in a spacecraft depends on the impact velocity.
Among the physiographic regions included in the central South American diagonal of open formations, the Chaco, with some endemic species, represents the southernmost dry area. In Brazil, the Chaco is found in southwestern corner of Mato Grosso do Sul state, mostly in the municipality of Porto Murtinho along the Paraguay and Apa rivers. From February 2008 to December 2009, we carried out an inventory of amphibians and reptiles in Porto Murtinho, using pitfall traps, time-limited searches, and occasional encounters. A total of 34 amphibian and 39 reptile species were registered. Although some typical Chacoan species were found, most of the species are open area dwellers that also occur in other open biomes, such as the Cerrado and Caatinga. © 2010 Check List and Authors.