100 resultados para 1995_01310720 TM-68 4302812


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O interesse por esta temática de trabalho surgiu a partir de um estudo realizado em minha iniciação científica, que tem por título “Ação, Câmera, Luz: Entre imagens e olhares – experiência de infâncias e montagens” desenvolvido no Departamento de Educação do Instituto de Biociências, localizado na Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP/Rio Claro. Como o próprio título sugere, ela tem por principal objetivo inverter a lógica da conhecida frase: “Luz, Câmera, Ação”. Este trabalho, ao inverter a ordem dos fatores, busca ver se ao deixarmos a ação das crianças livre, o que se produziria seria algo mais verdadeiro, mais significativo, de fato. O que a ausência de intencionalidade geraria aos produtores de imagens. A partir de então, comecei a imaginar outro tipo de produção de imagens, não mais com câmeras fotográficas e filmadoras, mas de próprio punho. Portanto, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as crianças, e suas realidades através do que elas mesmas nos dizem e nos mostram em seu dia a dia por meio de seus desenhos. Os desenhos utilizados foram retirados de uma instituição de ensino não formal da cidade de Rio Claro, e entendidos como documentos. A pesquisa traz também um aporte teórico com as concepções sobre desenho infantil de alguns teóricos, como Lowenfel, Greig, La Pastina, Vigotski entre outros


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The Companhia Energetica de Sao Paulo - CESP owns six hydroelectric dams in the state of São Paulo. The dams, both in its construction and in operation, cause some environmental impacts, most of them negatives, for example, the flooding in regions before not flooded, deviation of the river’s course, among others, bringing harm to flora and fauna of these environments. As a way to compensating these damages, the CESP has acquired a region that was influenced by Sérgio Motta Hydroelectric Plant Engineer, or Porto Primavera, and turned it into Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Foz do Rio Aguapeí. By law it fits in a Conservation Unit, and thus should be contemplate for a management plan, ie, a multidisciplinary technical document which allows, simply, the practice of actions within and around in a sustainably way. This work aimed at developing a land cover map of the reserve for this plan can be made and executed more efficiently. Initially, the project included field visits and meetings with members of the CESP to be specified classes contained on the map. Later, we ran different types of classifications of multispectral images (TM / Landsat 5)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Oil spills cause serious damage to the cost life and environments. Those impacts affect ecologic and socio-economic resources (like fishing and tourism). Within this background, response actions have two main objectives: the contaminant removal, with the less additional impacts, and enhance environment restoration in order to make this process complete in the shortest time possible. The present work proposes to contribute for the emergency environmental management in cases of oil spills by systematization of relevant information for oil spill environmental sensitivity maps. The next stage was to insert all these data on a geographic database, which allows data access by web. Beside that, this work aimed to recommend suitable clean-up techniques for the ecosystems located on the study area, composed by the municipalities: Praia Grande, Mongaguá, Itanhaém and Peruíbe, belonging to Baixada Santista and Iguape, Cananéia and Ilha Comprida, south cost of São Paulo state. This area is situated between two important Brazilian ports: Santos and Paranaguá, and that make it under considerable accident risks. The results were all data inserted on the geodatabase and available to user recover the information by web consulting. With that, this work wishes to contribute to individual emergencial planning of the region.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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This article presents a descriptive-qualitative study aimed at investigating the perception of seven teachers, 5 parents and 18 mothers about the sexual expression of children until 6 years old, through a questionnaire with semi-open questions for content analysis. The sexual behavior identified by adults at home or school refers mainly to gender issues and the discovery of the body: the children reproduce conceptions of masculine and feminine, they manipulate their own bodies or that of others, and they talk about dating, kissing in the mouth and sex. The teachers have a higher perception of the children’s sexual behaviors than their parents at home, because they are more explicit in school. Teachers report that the observed behaviors cause anxiety and discomfort, while the parents report that they usually talk with their children about the theme. In general, there are reports of little knowledge about how to deal with children’s sexual manifestations: for teachers, who have little academic training in the area of sexuality, and for the family, who show some personal and moral difficulties. It was concluded that participants understand children as having sexuality because they perceive different expressions of infant sexuality that are typical in the development. It is necessary to invest in teachers’ academic and continuing education in early childhood, and in a joint work with family and school, in search of a positive experience of an emancipatory sexual education for children.


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Among the numerous possibilities of physical exercise, it has been recommended that stretching routines should be incorporated into training programs focused on the elderly population, and that these routines should be preferentially performed on the same strength or aerobic training session. However, studies have shown that muscle strength production can be acutely impaired if it is preceded by static stretching exercises (AE). Although there seems to be a relationship between the number of stretched muscles and strength response, no studies were found examining such relationship in the same study, simultaneously. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the acute effect of stretching of different muscle groups on strength performance in older women. Nineteen physically active older women participated in the study (67.8 ± 5.3 years, 68.9 ± 12.4 kg, 157.2 ± 6.4 cm)-usar ponto final em inglês e não vírgula. The participants visited the lab for six consecutive days, three of which were intended to familiarization. Over the next three days, all the participants performed the experimental conditions: control; quadriceps stretching alone and complete stretching, involving the major extensors muscle groups of knees and hips. Both the two stretching conditions were realized with three series of 30s (total volume of 90 seconds for each exercise). All experimental conditions was be performed with an interval of at least 24 hours and order of execution was be randomized. The force transducer was connected to a leg press apparatus, where the isometric force time curve and electromyographic activity of the vastus medial and vastus lateralis were recorded. Measurements were registered immediately after each experimental condition, during five seconds. Statistical analysis comprised descriptive procedures and the One way ANOVA test for repeated measures (p<0.05). No statistically significant differences between the control and the two...


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The response of bone metabolism is directly related to hormonal factors and mechanical stimuli that the bone is exposed. The ultrasonic energy on bone healing have been shown to be crucial for the stimulation and improvement in quality of newly formed tissue. The aim of this study was to analyze the action of low intensity ultrasound on bone healing of tibial osteotomy in rats subjected to tail suspension, through histological analysis and histomorphometry. Eighteen Rattus norvegicus albinos, Wistar, adults were divided into three groups, arranged as follows: G1 (n = 6), who remained free for a period of 15 days, G2 (n = 5), suspended by the tail for a period of 15 days and G3 (n = 7), suspended by the tail for a period of 36 days. In all three groups, both tibias were subjected to mono-cortical bone injury 4X2 mm in the medial region of the diaphysis, and the left limb was used as control and the right limb undergoing treatment with ultrasound (U.S.). The right tibia was treated with pulsed ultrasound at a frequency of 1.5 MHz, duty cycle 1:4, 30mW/cm2, for 12 sessions of 20 minutes each. Samples of tibia were subjected to histological analysis, blindly, with light microscopy and histomorphometric analysis by specific software Image-Pro 6.1. The average percentage of new bone formation were subjected to analysis of variance in subdivided parcels and multiple comparison test "Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK), with a significance level of 5%. The average values and standard deviations of the percentage of newly formed bone for the groups showed the least amount of bone repair G1t (13.62% ± 4.88%) - G1c (8.68% ± 4.16%) compared G2t groups (27.17% ± 11.36%) - G2c (10.10% ± 7.90%) and G3t (23.19% ± 5.61%) - G3c (15.74% ± 7 08%). However, the mean values and standard deviations of the percentage of newly formed bone repair in the tibia treated G2t and G3t were significantly higher when compared to the repair of tibia in the control group (G2c and G3c). Consequently, we conclude that ultrasound has helped to accelerate bone repair in both the presence and absence of cargo.


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Each year individuals have sought a better quality of life and work, in this case, the science of Bio-insurance needs to keep up with technological advances and the needs of society to minimize or eliminate the risks of accidents. This study evaluated the most common accidents involving health staff from 2007 to 2011 in Araçatuba-SP. 478 accidents were recorded, and 78.7% with percutaneous involvement, 9% with intact skin, 4% with no skin intact, with 7.3 mucous and 1.05% other types of exposures. Most accidents were caused by needles with lumen (68.0%), followed by other agents (14.1%), accidents with blades (8.5%) or needles without lumen (5.5%); 3.7% did not answer and 0.2% were accidents with glasses. When checking the condition in which the accident occurred, 26.0% did not specify, 25.1% occurred in the disposal and / or handling sharp objects, 12.0% at the time of drug administration, 6.9% puncture, 3.7% occurred during recapping the needle. These data show that the most common accidents are those involving needles with lumen and / or sharp objects and due to these factors, the industry of health materials have sought alternatives to minimize such accidents as needles with protective, vacuum collection . Thus, it appears that reporting accidents is important for the development of technical and / or safer materials for patients and health workers.