198 resultados para áreas silvestres protegidas
The occurrence of serum antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in professionals in close contact with wild animals was determined. Seventy eight technicians workers coming from two São Paulo public institutions housing wild animals had their blood collected (serum samples). All samples were submitted to ELISA for IgM and IgG antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi. The results showed five positive (6.4%), two suspect (2.6%) and 71 negatives (91%) samples. Based on positive results it is concluded that the infection level is higher to that detected in the general population and similar to values of endemic areas, concluding that this assessed population could be considered at risk for Lyme disease.
Ovarian transplantation constitutes a technique in which one ovary or part of this is transferred from a donor to recipients that may be the same individual, other recipient of the same specie or no, near or far from the original anatomical site. This review covers important concepts for the elucidation of the main events of folliculogenesis and follicular maturation as well as the applications of ovarian transplantation and prospects of this technique in the breeding of domestic animals, wildlife and humans. Other studies are still necessary to better understanding of the events regarding to the ovarian development, interactions between donor and receptor tissues, their site of transplantation as well as individuals and involved species.
The population growth phenomenon, coupled with recent urbanization, is seen in all continents and generates huge pressures on the physical and biotic environment, resulting in floods in several areas, desertification in others, and also various forms of pollution that cause serious problems to human health. It is appropriate to ask, what actions can be implemented in consolidated urban areas to improve the quality of life in this environment? What growth alternatives present themselves to today's society in order to keep an acceptable level of environmental quality in urban centers? A possibility is presented herein, stemming from the application of the Biotope Area Factor (BAF; www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de) to an area of a Brazilian municipality. Current growing waterproofing requirements fur lots of the area were assesed, comparing them with those that would be desirable by the implementation of the BAF. The associated costs of this deployment are also discussed.
The recuperation of areas used during the construction of the hydroelectric plant, especially in 'borrowed areas', is a difficult and long process since all vegetation and the fertile layer of soil were removed. Interventions in these degraded areas could accelerate the revegetation process. The objective of this research was to evaluate the association of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in tree species, microbial activity (basal respiration) and fertility of 'cerrado' degraded areas. Soil from two areas, pasture soil and exposed subsoil, were utilized. Organic and mineral fertilization, and liming, were added to the pit for better seedlings' initial growth, where 50 mL of preserved cerrado soil was applied as inoculum of microorganisms. Seedlings of 11 tree species were planted: Anadenanthera falcata (Benth.) Speg ('angico-preto'), Acacia polyphylla D. C. ('monjoleiro'), Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville ('barbatimao'), Dimorphandra mollis Benth ('faveiro'), Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne ('jatoba-de-cerrado'), Dipteryx alata Vog. ('baru'), Machaerium acutifolium Vogel ('jacaranda-do-campo'), Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi ('aroeirapimenteira'), Magonia pubescens St. Hil. ('tingui'), Lafoensia pacari St. Hil. ('dedaleira') and Tabebuia aurea (Manso) Benth. & Hook ('ipe-amarelo'). Twelve months later, root samples were colleted at the depth of 0-0.10 m and used for evaluations. The subsoil, as compared to pasture soil, was poor in organic matter and presented less microbial activity. The highest mycorrhizal colonization was seen in the species Acacia polyphylla D. C. (monjoleiro), Magonia pubescens St. Hil. (tingui), Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne (jatoba-de-cerrado) and Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (aroeira-pimenteira). These species could be indicated in revegetation projects in 'cerrado' degraded areas. Plants from both areas showed seedlings form high mycorrhizal colonization and low numbers of spores.
Isolated trees in pastures are now often, due to increasing devastation of forested areas, important feeding places for migratory or generalist birds. These trees serve both as food sources and as deposition sites for seeds from fruits consumed in neighboring areas. The objective of this study was to identify the avian consumers of the fruits of Cytharexyllum myrianthum trees in open pastures and describe their feeding behavior and how it influences seed dispersion. Forty two hours of observations included 198 feeding bouts of nine bird species. Turdus leucomelas (Muscicapidae) was the main consumer (28% of fruit consumption), swallowing the entire fruit. Next, was Tyrannus melancholicus (Tyrannidae, 23%), which may be the most efficient seed disperser of C. myrianthum because it regurgitates the seeds on sites far from the parent tree.
The spatial variability of physical and chemical properties of soil were evaluated to provide subsidies for management of the agricultural input. The chemical variables: P, organic matter (OM), K, Ca, Mg, pH, CEC and base saturation (BS); and physical variables: sand and clay were analysed. Soil samples were collected at two depths (0-0.2 and 0.6-0.8 m) located at irregular mesh of sampling in the region of Monte Alto, in a Yellow-Red Podzol (Alfissolo) (PVA), under different managements, resulting in 88 points in 1465 ha of total area; and at the region of Jaboticabal in a Red Latosol (LV) cultivated with sugarcane, resulting in 128 points in 2597 ha of total area. The chemical and physical soil properties studied showed spatial dependence, except CEC in 0.6-0.8 m layer for LV; Ca and clay at 0-0.2 m layer and P, OM, K, Mg, sand and clay in 0.6-0.8 m layer for PVA. The chemical and physical variables studied were adjusted to spherical and exponential models and some of them showed semivariogram without defined structure. The PVA showed low spatial continuity of chemical and physical properties, mainly in 0.6-0.8 m layer, which suffers less antropic influence. The LV soil showed more homogenous zones of fertility and granulometric composition.
The objective of this work was to identify the spatial variability of the natural erosion potential, soil loss and erosion risk in two intensely cultivated areas, in order to assess the erosion occurrence patterns. The soil of the area located at Monte Alto, São Paulo state, was classified as Paleudalf (PVA) with moderately slope, with different managements. The soil of the area located at Jaboticabal, São Paulo state, was classified as Haplortox(LV) with gentle slope and cultivated with sugarcane. A irregular grid was imposed on the experimental areas. Soil samples were obtained from 0-0.2 m depth at each grid point: 88 samples in Monte Alto area (1465 ha) and 128 samples at Jaboticabal area (2597 ha). In order to obtain the values of the studied variables USLE was applied at each grid point. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and geoestatistical analyses were performed for defining semivariograms. Kriging techniques to develop map showing spatial patterns in variability of selected soil attributes were used. All variables showed spatial dependence. The PVA soil showed higher erosion risk due to the slope and atual management compared to the soil LV.
To know the origin of the ischiatic nerve in mocos (Kerodon rupestris Wied,1820) near by intervertebral forames and the muscling belonging to its routes were used 10 adult animals, from CEMAS-ESAM. After natural obit, they were fixed in formol (10%) and dissected to exposition and to singt of the ischiatic nerve. The results were indicated in percentage. Variations in the quantity of the lumber and sacral vertebras nere observed, five animals (50,00%) reveled seven lumbar vertebras and three sacral ones; two animals recrealed seven lumbar vertebras and four sacral ones, and two animals reveled six lumbar vertebras and three sacral ones. An animal (10,00%) revealed six lumbar vertebras and four ones. Therefore, the origin of the nerve was differentiated five animals (50,00%) had the participation of L 7,S 1,S 2; two animals (20,00%) with L 7,S 1; and a little part of S 2. Two animals (20,00%) with L 6,S 1,S 2, and an animal (10,00%) with L 6,S 1, and a little part of S 2. The last root of the ischiatic nerve in all its origins, contribute to the constitution of the first root of pudental nerve. It was verified that in all its route, the ischiatic nerves (100,00%) ceded branches to the muscles: medial gluteus, deep gluteus, superficial gluteus, emiting muscular branches to the femoral biceps or to thigh, and to the semimembranous and semi-tendinous muscles, that is continuous with a high calibre trunk, originating the fibular nerve(sideways), the tibial nerve(medial) and the lateral plantar sural cutaneous nerve (caudal).
The objective of this research was to evaluate the physical and chemical conditions of revegetated subsoil in degraded areas in a Cerrado biome and to verify which plants promote better conditions for soil recovery. The research was conducted in the remaining area of the hydroelectrical plant site at Ilha Solteira (SP). The experimental design was a completely randomized with five treatments and three replications. The treatments consisted of: natural regeneration area, brachiaria area, Pinus sp. area, exposed soil area and Cerrado grassland (used as control). The following soil characteristics were appraised: porosity; density, stability of aggregates, infiltration rate, temperature, exchangeable cations, organic matter, pH and potential acidity. The results show that Pinus is not a good species to recover the chemical attributes of the subsoil. The revegetated areas need to be improved in their physical attributes to allow a better development of the vegetation. Brachiaria and the natural regeneration were the most promising treatments, presenting results similar to natural Cerrado.
In this paper is presented a region-based methodology for Digital Elevation Model segmentation obtained from laser scanning data. The methodology is based on two sequential techniques, i.e., a recursive splitting technique using the quad tree structure followed by a region merging technique using the Markov Random Field model. The recursive splitting technique starts splitting the Digital Elevation Model into homogeneous regions. However, due to slight height differences in the Digital Elevation Model, region fragmentation can be relatively high. In order to minimize the fragmentation, a region merging technique based on the Markov Random Field model is applied to the previously segmented data. The resulting regions are firstly structured by using the so-called Region Adjacency Graph. Each node of the Region Adjacency Graph represents a region of the Digital Elevation Model segmented and two nodes have connectivity between them if corresponding regions share a common boundary. Next it is assumed that the random variable related to each node, follows the Markov Random Field model. This hypothesis allows the derivation of the posteriori probability distribution function whose solution is obtained by the Maximum a Posteriori estimation. Regions presenting high probability of similarity are merged. Experiments carried out with laser scanning data showed that the methodology allows to separate the objects in the Digital Elevation Model with a low amount of fragmentation.
Historically, the incorrect waste disposal has been related to epidemics which resulted in thousand of deaths. Despite the efforts to develop sanitary disposal methods in the 19 century, even today, uncontrolled dumps are often found in undeveloped countries. These places are responsible for environment pollution and for several diseases. The process of adequate waste disposal begins with the selection of suitable landfill areas, based on environmental characteristics. The goal of this research was to compare two methods of landfill site selection: the first one developed by IG-SMA (1999), and the other by Basílio (2001). Both methods were developed and applied in the same area - region of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil and this fact explains the choice for them; the comparison was made by superposing maps. Despite the same geographic area, the result was very different and few areas in common were found; IG-SMA (1999) obtained more suitable areas than Basílio (2001). This has been attributed to scale, criteria and attribute differences and, as a conclusion, Basílio (2001) was considered more restrictive than IG-SMA (1999).
The present work had the objective to elaborate the map of land use and vegetation covering from Tijuco river watershed, Ituiutaba-MG, based on digital images obtained by satellite from CBERS 2, through automatic delimitation of permanent preservation areas followed by identification of land use conflict based on the Brazilian Forest Code (Law no 4771/1965) and National Council of Environment's Resolution no 303/02. This paper analyzes, through quantitative parameters and the use of Geographic Information System, the maintenance tracks of width recommended by the legislation for permanent preservation areas over water bodies. The results showed a deficit of conserved areas along the riverbanks of 2334 ha that are not in compliance with the legislation. The pasture occupies unduly 0.97% of the area of the basin in the permanent preservation areas at the riverbanks, while agriculture occupies 0.38%.
The coast environments were the first areas the man occupied in Brazil and they present, nowadays, high urbanization indexes. So, it's very important to analyze the environmental quality of those areas. The geomorphologic aspects are valuable for that analysis because they constitute the physical substrate on which such ant anthropic activities are developed. The cartography of geomorphologic features is essential to supply subsidies for the handling of coastal areas. However, the question about what proceedings are adequate to the geomorphologic cartography of recent sedimentation coastal lands is still in discussion by many authors. This article aims to compare two different technical proposals for mapping São Paulo's south coast, a sector that shows a great depositional complexity. The features related to recent sedimentation sectors were mapped because it's considered that they are necessary to understand the morphodynamic and, at the same time, they demonstrate difficulties in geomorphologic cartography standardization. Through the analysis of the produced maps it's possible to notice that the two proposals have positive aspects, but both need adaptations to cartographically demonstrate the geomorphologic complexity of São Paulo's south coast.
The growth of large cities is usually accelerated and disorganized, which causes social, economical and infrastructural conflicts and frequently, occupation in illegal areas. For a better administration of these areas, the public manager needs information about their location. This information can be obtained through land utilization and land cover maps, where orbital images of remote sensing are used as one of the most traditional sources of data. In this context, the present work tested the applicability of the object-based classification to categorize two slum areas, taking into account the structure of the streets, size of the huts, distance between the houses, among other parameters. These area combinations of physical aspects were analyzed using the image IKONOS II and the software eCognition. Slum areas tend to be, to the contrary of the planned areas, disarranged, with narrow streets, small houses built with a variety of materials and without definition of blocks. The results of land cover classification for slum areas are encouraging because they are accurate and little ambiguous in the classification process. Thus, it would allow its utilization by urban managers.