876 resultados para Instituto de Química
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Objective: To evaluate, by means of a microbiologic study, two kinds of soaps suggested by surgeons for presurgical handwashing, comparing a well-known antibacterial soap with a new soap formulated from vegetable oils. Materials and methods: Ten volunteers performed handwashing according to previously established protocols for routine antisepsis in operating rooms using 3 different soaps: a common, commercially marketed soap, serving as the control group (Group 1), with no antibacterial characteristics; a soap with 2% chlorhexidine (Group II); and a new soap formulated from vegetable oils at a concentration of 20%, known as surfactant, which was designed by the Chemistry Institute (Unesp/Araraquara – Grupo de Materiais Fotônicos) (Group III). The microbiological samples were collected immediately before and after handwashing and one hour later with the volunteer wearing surgical gloves. Results: ANOVA revealed that the following significant differences are found in the number of bacterial colonies: between soap types (a smaller number of colonies in the Group II soap), between periods (reduction in the number of colonies in the Group II soap), and the significant effect of the soap versus time interaction. Conclusion: The 2% chlorhexidine soap performed better in reducing the number of bacterial colonies on the hands immediately after handwashing and after one hour with the use of surgical gloves, when compared to the 20% surfactant soap.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
A modificação de nanopartículas de óxido de ferro tem sido motivo de diversos estudos devido ao grande potencial em aplicações tecnológicas, em especial a área biomédica, pela aliança das propriedades magnéticas dos óxidos com a funcionalidade que a dextrana confere a esse material. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo sintetizar e caracterizar o sistema óxido de ferro/dextranas. O óxido de ferro foi obtido pela reação de co-precipitação de sais de ferro (II) e ferro (III) - na razão molar 1:2 - com hidróxido de sódio e a modificação das partículas magnéticas se deu por dois métodos: (I) a co-precipitação na presença de dextrana e carboximetil dextrana e (II) a co-precipitação seguida da modificação. Para modificação proposta pelo método (II) se fez necessário enxertar a dextrana em ácido acrílico, utilizando o íon Ce(IV) como iniciador da reação de polimerização. Nessa etapa se averiguou a concentração de iniciador ótima para a síntese e, através da técnica de espectroscopia de infravermelho, se pode confirmar a eficiência do enxerto. A concentração 0,3% de íon Ce(IV) apresentou melhor distribuição de tamanho, obtidos por análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espalhamento de luz dinâmico, sendo escolhida para síntese junto a partícula magnética. A difratometria de raio X permitiu determinar a formação de estrutura cristalina da magnetita e maghemita, que são muito parecidas entre si, porém os espectros de infravermelho apontaram desdobramentos da ligação Fe - O característica da maghemita. A relação Fe2+/ Fe3+ obtida por espectrofotometria também resultou em oxidação. A estabilidade coloidal dos sistemas foi avaliada através de medidas de potencial zeta. A modificação da partícula magnética com carboximetil dextrana foi equivalente para os dois métodos empregados, entretanto a modificação com ...
Eletronicalceramics are used in many applications such as: multilayer capacitor, transducer, pyroelectric sensors and electrooptic devices. In recent years there has been a growing demand for eletronicalceramics with better performance and functionality. This demand has accelerated the development of synthesis techniques to produce powders with well-defined particle size, shape and crystallinity. The eletronicalceramics in the form of bulk are determined by their performance characteristics of the powders used and the preparation process. So, physical and chemical properties of powders, such as chemical control of stoichiometry, purity, homogeneity, particle size and shape should be observed when choosing the methods of synthesis. Among the techniques used so far, the polymeric precursor method, also known as Pechini, has been considered ideal for the preparation of nanosized powders. Thus, this research project aims to use the polymeric precursor method to prepare powders of lithium tantalate and lanthanum tantalate, with good chemical stability. In this aspect is proposed to investigate the effects of variation of the concentration of europium about the properties of tantalate because doping with Eu3 + indicates that they may occupy different sites in the crystal structure, as in the case of LiTaO3. Effects of things like occupation sites, stability of phases and formation temperature have been previously investigated by the group, which motivated the formulation of this project. Our proposal aims to introduce the Eu3 + LaTaO4 and LiTaO3 and study the structural and optical properties of the powders obtained by Pechini method, as well as correlate these studies with the electrical properties of the material, mainly the Ironelectricty Hysteresis.
A simple and fast method to determine Ca, K and Mg in a single aliquot of medicinal plants by HR-CS FAAS is proposed. The secondary lines for Ca (239.856 nm) and K (404.414 nm), and the alternate line measured at wing of the secondary line for Mg at (202.588 nm) allowed calibration within the 20 - 500 mg.L-1 Ca and K, and 1.0 - 80 mg.L-1 Mg. Twenty samples and three plant certified materials were analyzed. Results were in agreement at a 95% confidence level with reference values. Limits of detection were 2.4 mg.L-1 Ca, 1.9 mg.L-1 K and 0.3 mg.L-1 Mg. The RSD (n=12) were ≤ 5.1% and recoveries were between 83 and 108% for all analytes.
In 2001, it was estimated that pesticide used worldwide exceeded 2.27 billion kilograms, over 35%, of which, were herbicides. Brazil is considered one of the leaders in the production of sugarcane and mainly ethanol as fuel. The monoculture of sugarcane requires the usage of a range of pesticides, among these, the herbicides diuron and tebuthiuron. The degradation products most studied (DCA and DCPU) are diuron's, especially for toxicological characteristics of this herbicide that is identified as carcinogen and suspected to be endocrine disruptor in mammals. After optimization of the chromatographic separation using HPLC-UV, the analytical curve was constructed in solvent and subsequently in the matrix (surface water). The extraction method contains the usage of SPE (solid phase extraction) (Strata-X, 200 mg/6 mL), applicating 1L of sample and elution with 5 mL of acetonitrile / methanol (50:50, v/v). Analysis by HPLC/UV was performed in gradient mode, acetonitrile/water (70/30-74/26 by 1 min, 74/26 - 78/22 till 3.2 min, returning to initial conditions and remaining this way until 10 min), 018 column (Phenomenex, 4.6 mm diameter, 250 mm long and 5pm particle size) and detection at 254 nm. Tests F and t were performed to verify the presence of the matrix effect. There was matrix effect to all analytes, ranging from -33% (DCA) and 38% (tebuthiuron). Thereby the method was optimized and validated for analysis of diuron, tebuthiuron, and DCPU DCA in surface water using HPLC/UV. The data obtained show that in order to assure the analytical reliability desired the use of the analytical curves in the matrix for the quantification of these analytes in water is required.
This work describes instrumental strategies for the determination of Mn in a wide range concentration by high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry technique (HR-CS F AAS) by means of different atomic lines (primary at 279.482 nm, secondary at 403.075 nm and alternative at 209.250 nm). These lines provided complementary concentration intervals, and large sample dilutions became unnecessary. The proposed method was applied to tap water, metal alloy certified material and foliar fertilizer. Accuracy for secondary line were evaluated by tests of significance (t Student test) with reference materials from the Institute of Technological Research of São Paulo, and the results were in agreement at the 95% confidence level. For primary and alternative lines, recovery is were in the 84-116% range and the RSD were 6.1% for all wavelengths. Analytical curves in the 0.1 - 2.0 mg L-1 (279.482 nm), 2.0 - 25 mg L-1 (403.075 nm), 25 - 500 mg L-1 (209.250 nm) intervals were obtained with linear correlation coefficient better than 0.9991. The detection limits were 3.3x10-3 mg L-1 (279.482 nm), 7.4 x 10-3 mg L-1 (403.075 nm), 3.9 mg L- 1 (209.250 nm). The found Mn concentrations were < 3.3x10-3 mg L-1 (tap water), 1.00 ± 0.04 (% m/m) (alloy IPT 25), 7235 ± 175 mg L-1 (foliar fertilizer 1), 4990 ± 132 mg L-1 (foliar fertilizer 2). A method was developed to detect interference of Fe in the Mn primary line (279.482 nm) using the ratio of absorbances of other lines of the triplet (279.827 nm and 280,108 nm).
This paper aims the preparation, characterization and study of luminescence, particularly as for the cerium ion action as activator or sensitizer, in diphenylphosphinate of lanthanum compounds trivalent ions cerium-, europium-, and/or terbium-doped. The following compounds were prepared and studied: i) La1-(x+y)CexEuy(DFF)3; ii) La1-(x+y)CexTby(DFF)3; iii) La1-(x+y+z)CexEuyTbz(DFF)3, with x = 10%, y = 5% e z = 5%. The diphenylphosphinate of lanthanum, Ln[(Ph2)PO2]3, are complexes obtained by the mixture of lanthanides chlorides with diphenylphosphinic acid, ethanol medium. These compounds make white powders, crystalline, insoluble in normal temperature and pressure, and are chemically and thermally stable. When doping with Ce3+, Eu3+ and/or Tb3+, the compounds present characteristic luminescence. Luminescent materials are made of a host matrix incorporated with few amounts of ions called activators, which are able to present luminescence after being excited by UV light or high energy radiation, and sensitizer ions, which have the role of absorbing excitation energy and transfer it to the activator, for it to emit luminescence radiation. The infrared vibrational spectroscopy indicates that the coordination occurs by the oxygens of phosphorile group with ΔνPO of about 40 cm-1 compared to the free ligand. The X Ray difractograms of compounds Eu- and/or Tb-doped are similar, but they present profile of diffraction different observed by Stucchi and col. In previous papers, indicated an influence of Ce in the crystalline phase formation of these matrices. In luminescence spectrums, the excitation that can be made by the levels of ligand in 273 nm, or cerium ion in area between 300 and 400 nm were observed. In the emission spectrum, with excitation in 273 nm, is possible to observe the emission of Ce3+ below 400 nm and the Eu3+ in 592, 611 and 617 nm, and the...as a sensitizer to.