157 resultados para smooth muscle layer
This study aimed to investigate the in vivo and in vitro reactivity of airway smooth muscle in rats depleted of sensory neuropeptides by treatment with capsaicin at neonatal stage. Wistar rats were neonatally injected with either capsaicin (50 mg/kg, s.c., 2nd day of life) or its vehicle (10% ethanol and 10% Tween 80, in 0.9% w/v NaCl solution) and used at adult ages (60-70 days later). Analysis of the lungs showed a higher number of infiltrating neutrophils, eosinophils and mononuclear cells into the peribronchiolar regions of capsaicin-pretreated rats compared to vehicle group. This was associated with a higher contraction index of bronchiolar wall in the capsaicin group. The in vitro tracheal reactivity in response to methacholine (full muscarinic agonist) and pilocarpine (partial muscarinic agonist) was also significantly higher in capsaicin-pretreated rats compared to vehicle group. In conclusion, the neuropeptide depletion by capsaicin neonatal treatment lead to marked contraction of the rat airways at adult age, suggesting a protective role for C fibers in the lungs. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The posthepatic septum (PHS) divides the body cavity of Tupinambis merianae into two parts: the cranial one containing the lungs and liver and the caudal one containing the remaining viscera. The PHS is composed of layers of collagenous fibers and bundles of smooth muscle, neither of which show systematic orientation, as well as isolated blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. Striated muscle of the abdominal wall does not invade the PHS. The contractions of the smooth muscles may stabilize the pleurohepatic cavity under conditions of elevated aerobic needs rather than supporting breathing on a breath-by-breath basis. Surgical removal of the PHS changes the anatomical arrangement of the viscera significantly, with stomach and intestine invading the former pleurohepatic cavity and reducing the space for the lungs, Thus, the PHS is essential to maintain the visceral topography in Tupitionibis. J. Morphol. 258:151-157, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss. Inc.
The female prostate has aroused scientific interest because it is subjected to the same diseases compromising the male prostate during aging. The objective of this work was to characterize structurally, cytochemically, and ultrastructurally the tissue compartments of the normal adult female prostate of Meriones unguiculatus gerbils. The morphological analyses showed that the gerbil's female prostate is constituted of a cluster of glands and ducts inserted in a musculofibrous stroma. The alveolar epithelium is differentiated and consisted of basal proliferating cells, intermediary cells, and secretory cells. The secretory cells are the most numerous cell type and continuously secrete glycoproteins. The basal cells are the source of the secretory cells and they are then responsible for the alveolus renovation. The prostatic stroma is abundant and rich in elastic and collagen fibers, which are closely associated with smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. The results showed that the gerbil's female prostate shows morphological and ultrastructural homology to the human female prostate (Skene's gland), and despite being a small organ, it is a mature and physiologically active gland. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this study, we characterized the gerbil's ventral prostate histology ultrastructurally and quantitatively throughout three phases of postnatal development (young, adult, and old) in order to comprehend its biological behavior and propensity to developing spontaneous lesions with aging. The gerbil prostate is composed of alveoli and ducts immersed in a stroma composed of smooth muscle, fibroblasts, collagen and elastic fibers and vessels. The prostate tissue components present morphological and quantitative aspects that vary according to age. Young animals have an immature gland with modest secretory activity. Synthetic activity remained stable in adult and old gerbil. However, prostatic morphology was altered in the aging, showing an increased epithelium and stromal fibrosis. The nuclei of the secretory cells increased with aging, whereas nucleoli presented few alterations during postnatal development. The epithelial proliferation and stromal remodeling noted in this study indicate that the gerbil prostate may respond to the androgen declines typical of senescence through epithelial proliferation and stromal remodeling.
The prostate is present in both male and female mammals. It is composed of secretory epithelium, connective stroma, smooth muscle and neuroendocrine cells, which are under hormonal regulation. Acid phosphatases catalyze the hydrolysis of orthophosphate monoesters. We have compared the expression of acid phosphatases in gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) prostate glands in both sexes using young, adult and old animals. Eighteen prostates were isolated, frozen, sectioned, fixed, incubated with sodium beta-glycerophosphate sodium, washed with acetate buffer solution, treated with ammonium sulfide and counterstained with Methyl-Green aqueous solution. Ultracytochemical analyses were also conducted. This substrate revealed total acid phosphatase activity. The expression of the enzyme was heterogeneous, occurring in all ages during postnatal development. The data. revealed that the female prostate matured before the male prostate. In addition, acid phosphatase activity in both sexes was regulated by androgen variation concomitant with development. (C) 2004 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Morphological and stereological analyses were used to characterize the growth kinetics of the Wistar rat ventral prostate (VP). Volume density and absolute volume of the epithelium, lumen, smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and nonmuscular stroma were determined by stereology and paired with plasma testosterone levels and different morphometric measurements. The VP shows an initial growth within the first 3 weeks, a resting phase, and the puberal growth. The puberal growth was coincident with the raise in plasma testosterone. Lumen formation occurred within the 3 postnatal weeks. After an expected increase during puberty, the lumen showed a further increase at the 12th week. The volume density of the nonmuscular stroma and of the SMCs decreased slowly postnatally. Absolute volume of the luminal compartment showed three phases of growth (weeks 1-3, 6-9, and 11-12). on the other hand, the increase in the absolute volume of the epithelium was steady up to the 8th week and then showed a marked increase up the 10th week. The increase in epithelial volume was characterized morphologically by the presence of epithelial infoldings and sprouts. The growth of the epithelium showed a 2-week delay as compared to the lumen and occurred only until the 10th week. The epithelial height was variable but could be related to the synthetic activity of the epithelium. In conclusion, the postnatal growth of the VP results from a combination of epithelial proliferation/differentiation and synthesis/accumulation of the secretory products in the lumen.
Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) were grouped into two experimental groups: GEx.01 suffered orchiectomy and after 30 days received doses of testosterone cipionate (T), while GEx.02 received weekly and alternated doses of the anti-androgens cyproterone acetate and flutamide for 30 days, and the animals were then euthanized. Structural evaluation reveals a more intense reduction in epithelial height in GEx.02. Smooth muscle cells (SMC) presented a star-shaped aspect after 30 days of hormonal ablation and basal membrane was shown to be more intensely grooved in GEx.01. In both groups, after hormonal replacement, recovery in epithelial height could be noted and the SMC presented its phenotypes, but an increase in RER was seen, characterizing a modulation from its contractile to secreting phenotype. In conclusion, the prostate presented involution capacity after androgen ablation and the ability to reorganize after hormonal replacement, but events resulting from orchiectomy and subsequent T replacement were shown to be more aggressive to the prostate. (c) 2006 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Glucocorticoid hormones (GCs) have been widely used for the treatment of prostate cancer because of their inhibitory property against tumour growth. However, their mechanism of action in the prostate has received little attention. Excess GCs can lead to peripheral insulin resistance resulting in hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia. Insulin plays an important role as a cellular stimulant and high levels are related to low levels of androgens. Our objective has been to describe the effects of insulin resistance induced by dexamethasone treatment on the morphology of rat ventral prostate. Mate adult Wistar rats received daily intraperitoneal injections of dexamethasone or saline for five consecutive days after which the rats were killed and the ventral prostate was removed, weighed and prepared for conventional and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Dexamethasone treatment resulted in atrophy and decreased proliferative activity of prostatic epithelial cells. TEM analysis revealed changes in the epithelium-stroma interface, with some interruptions in the basement membrane. Fibroblasts showed a secretory phenotype with dilated endoplasmic reticulum. Smooth muscle cells exhibited a contractile pattern with 50% atrophy, an irregular membrane and twisted nuclei. Mitochondrial alterations, such as enlarged size and high electron density in the mitochondrial matrix, were also detected in smooth muscle cells. Insulin resistance induced by dexamethasone is thus associated with epithelial atrophy similar to that described for diabetic rats. However, GCs are responsible for morphological changes in the stromal cell population suggesting the activation of fibroblasts and atrophy of the smooth muscle cells.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The effect of oestradiol on the intact and castrated adult gerbil prostate was evaluated by focussing on stromal and epithelial disorders, and hormonal receptor immunoreactivity. The experimental animals were studied by histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, morphometric-stereological analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Epithelial alterations in the oestradiol-treated animals were frequent, with an increase in epithelial cell height, areas of intense dysplasia and hyperplasia and formation of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Another aspect that did not depend on the presence of testosterone was the arrangement of the fibrillar and non-fibrillar elements of the extracellular matrix among smooth muscle cells (SMC), suggesting a possible role of these cells in rearrangement and synthesis of these components, after oestrogenic treatment. In the castrated animals, an accumulation of extracellular matrix elements under the epithelium was evident, while in the intact animals the same compounds were dispersed and scarce. In the groups of intact and castrated animals, SMC and fibroblasts exhibited a secretory phenotype, which was accentuated after oestradiol administration. There was an increase of the immunoreactivity to alpha-oestrogen and androgen receptors in hyperplastic areas compared to normal epithelium, revealing the involvement of these steroid receptors in the hyperplasia and PIN development.
The initial events in prostatic morphogenesis involve cell proliferation, epithelial canalization and outgrowth toward the stroma. We have hypothesized that stromal rearrangement takes place at the sites of epithelial growth and branching and that this rearrangement involves the action of gelatinases matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to characterize structural aspects of epithelial growth during the first week of postnatal development of the rat ventral prostate and to investigate the expression, localization and activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 during this period by histological, ultrastructural and immunocytochemical analysis, in addition to gel zymography, in situ zymography and Western blotting. An increasing complexity of prostatic architeture was observed within the first postnatal week. Concurrently, the stroma became more organized and some cells differentiated into smooth muscle cells. Reticulin fibers appeared in a basket-like arrangement around both growing tips and epithelial sprouts, associated with a fainter staining for laminin. MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities were detected. MMP-2/MMP-9 expression decreased during the first week. Developing epithelial cords showed strong and difuse gelatinolytic activity. This activity coincided with the distribution of MMP-2 as determined by immunocytochemistry. on the other hand, MMP-9 was rather concentrated at the epithelial tips. These results suggest that gelatinolytic activity (with contribution of both MMP-2 and MMP-9) in the epithelium and at the epithelium-stroma interface are at least in part responsible for the tissue remodeling that allows epithelial growth and its projection into the surrounding stroma.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)