224 resultados para radiology


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of five root canal filling materials (AH Plus, Intrafill, Roeko Seal, Epiphany, and EndoRez). Following the International Organization of Standardization 687612001, five circular specimens (10 X 1 mm) were made from each material. After the material set, radiographs were made using occlusal film and a graduated aluminum step-wedge varying in thickness from 2 to 16 mm. The dental X-ray unit (GE1000) was set at 50 Kvp, 10 mA, 18 pulses/second, and distance of 33.5 cm. The radiographs were digitized, and the radiopacity was compared with the aluminum step-wedge, using WIXWIN-2000 software (Gendex). Data (mm Al) were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey tests. AH Plus and Epiphany were the most radiopaque materials (9.8 and 8.8 mm Al, respectively), followed by EndoRez (7.2 mm Al). Roeko Seal and Intrafill presented the lowest radiopacity values (5.7 and 6.1 mm Al, respectively). Although the materials evaluated demonstrated different radiopacities, all had values above the minimum recommended by the international Organization of Standardization.


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sealing ability of AH Plus, Epiphany, Acroseal, Endofill, and Polifil after active lateral condensation technique, by using a bacterial test, during 64 days.Study design. One hundred bovine incisors were cleaned and shaped; then they were filled with the endodontic sealers and adapted into a microcentrifuge tube. The setup root/microcentrifuge tube was added to glass flasks containing Brain Heart Infusion broth. A culture of Enterococcus faecalis was inserted into the upper chamber of each assembly. Daily leakage was evaluated through the broth turbidity.Results. The results were submitted to statistical analysis (Kaplan-Meier method, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests).Conclusions. AH Plus and Endofill had the worst sealing ability when compared with Polifil, which showed the least leakage. Acroseal and Epiphany showed a tendency toward having an intermediate behavior; however, there was no significant difference among Acroseal, Epiphany, and the other sealers. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e56-e60)


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Objectives. The objectives of this study were to evaluate pH, available chlorine content, and antibacterial activity of endodontic irrigants and their combinations.Study design. The pH and chlorine content of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) were analyzed pure and in combination with 10% citric acid (CA) and apple vinegar (AV). The antibacterial effect of the following solutions was measured by direct contact test against Enterococcus faecalis: 2.5% NaOCl, 2.5% NaOCl + 10% CA (7:3), 2.5% NaOCl + AV (5:5), 10% CA, and AV. Sterile saline was used as control. The colony-forming units were determined by serial decimal dilutions.Results. The combination of 2.5% NaOCl with CA or AV lowered the pH and the chlorine content. NaOCl, alone or in combination was able to eliminate E. faecalis in 30 seconds, and CA, after 10 minutes. AV promoted reduction (32.2%) after 10 minutes.Conclusions. NaOCl with acidic solutions lowered the pH and the chlorine content, but did not alter its antibacterial effect. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112:132-135)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of white Portland cement (PC) associated with bismuth oxide (Bi(2)O(3)), barium sulfate (BaSO(4)), iodoform (CHI(3)), and zirconium oxide (ZrO(2)). White mineral trioxide aggregate (WMTA) and PC without radiopacifier were used as positive and negative controls, respectively.Study design. Following International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 6876/2001, 5 circular specimens (10 x 1 mm) were made from each material. After the materials set, radiographs were taken using occlusal film and a graduated aluminum step-wedge varying in thickness from 2 to 16 mm. The dental X-ray unit (GE1000) was set at 50 Kvp, 10 mA, 18 pulses/s, and distance of 33.5 cm. The radiographs were digitized, and radiopacity was compared with the aluminum step-wedge, using Wixwin-2000 software (Gendex). Data (mm Al) were analyzed using analysis of variance and Tukey tests.Results. The PC + Bi(2)O(3) and WMTA samples presented greater radiopacity (5.88 and 5.72 mm Al, respectively), followed by PC + ZrO(2) (3.87 mm Al) and PC + CHI(3) (3.50 mm Al). The PC + BaSO(4) and PC samples presented the lowest radiopacity values (2.35 and 1.69 mm Al, respectively), which were below the minimum value recommended by the ISO.Conclusion. Analysis of the present results led to the conclusion that all of the materials tested presented acceptable radiopacity, except PC + BaSO(4) and pure PC. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: 628-632)


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Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pH, calcium release, setting time, and solubility of two commercially available mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) cements (white MTA Angelus and MTA Bio), and of three experimental cements (light-cured MTA, Portland cement with 20% bismuth oxide and 5% calcium sulfate, and an epoxy resin-based cement).Study design. For evaluation of pH and calcium ion release, polyethylene tubes with 1.0 mm internal diameter and 10.0 mm length were filled with the cements and immediately immersed in flasks containing 10 mL deionized water. After 3, 24, 72, and 168 hours, the tubes were removed and the water from the previous container was measured for its pH and calcium content with a pH meter and an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. For analysis of the setting time, Gilmore needles weighing 100 g and 456.5 g were used, in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials specification no. C266-03. Solubility of each cement was also tested.Results. All the cements were alkaline and released calcium ions, with a declining trend over time. After 3 hours, Portland cement + bismuth oxide and MTA Bio had the highest pH and light-cured MTA the lowest. After 1 week, MTA Bio had the highest pH and light-cured MTA and epoxy resin-based cement the lowest. Regarding calcium ion release, after 3 hours, Portland cement + bismuth oxide showed the highest release. After 1 week, MTA Bio had the highest. Epoxy resin-based cement and light-cured MTA had the lowest calcium release in all evaluation periods. Regarding setting times, white MTA Angelus and MTA Bio had the shortest, Portland cement + bismuth oxide had an intermediate setting time, and the epoxy resin-based cement had the longest. The materials that showed the lowest solubility values were the epoxy resin-based cement, Portland cement + bismuth oxide, and light-cured MTA. The highest solubility values were presented in white MTA Angelus and MTA Bio.Conclusions. The white MTA Angelus and MTA Bio had the shortest setting times, higher pH and calcium ion release, and the highest solubility. In contrast, the epoxy resin-based cement and light-cured MTA showed lower values of solubility, pH, and calcium ion release. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 110: 250-256)


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Objective. The goal of this study was to check whether leakage results of the same specimens measured by 2 different leakage models are similar.Study design. Canine root canals were prepared and filled with cold gutta-percha cones and 1 of 4 sealers (20 canals for each sealer). The 80 specimens were first connected to a fluid transport model where air-bubble movement was measured. The same specimens were later connected to a glucose penetration model where the concentration of glucose was measured. In both models, a headspace pressure of 30 kPa was used to accelerate leakage.Results. In both models, 4 sealers ranked the same regarding the leakage they allowed, and a significant correlation between the results of the 2 models was confined (Spearman test coefficient = 0.65; P = .000001).Conclusion. Under the conditions of this study, leakage results of 80 specimens recorded in the fluid transport model and glucose penetration model were similar.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of 5 root-end filling materials (white MTA-Angelus, grey MTA-Angelus, IRM, Super EBA and Sealer 26). Five specimens (10 mm diameter X 1 mm thickness) were made from each material and radiographed next to an aluminum stepwedge varying in thickness from 2 to 16 mm. Radiographs were digitized and the radiopacity of the materials was compared to that of the aluminum stepwedge using VIXWIN 2000 software in millimeters of aluminum ( mm Al). Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. Radiopacity values varied from 3 mm Al to 5.9 mm Al. Sealer 26 and IRM presented the highest radiopacity values (p<0.05), while white/grey MTA and Super EBA presented the lowest radiopacity values (p<0.05). The tested root- end filling materials presented different radiopacities, white/grey MTA and Super EBA being the least radiopaque materials.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare two methods for the evaluation of periapical lesion changes following endodontic therapy (digital subtraction technique and morphometric analysis) by outlining the radiolucent area.Methods: 13 human anterior teeth with pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesions were used. Periapical radiographs were taken immediately after endodontic therapy (0) and then 2 months, 4 months and 6 months post treatment, using an intraoral radiographic film holder stabilized with impression material. The films were processed in a standard manner and the digitized images were submitted to digital subtraction using Adobe Photoshop 6.0. New bone formation or bone resorption areas were then measured. In the morphometric analysis, the periapical lesions were outlined using VixWin 2000 and the area (in square millimetres) was recorded. The obtained data were submitted to agreement analysis for comparison of the two techniques.Results: There was no correlation between the areas of radiographic changes detected by digital subtraction and periapical lesion outline (r=0.02-0.45). The new bone formation areas observed by digital subtraction presented higher values, with bone changes being especially evident in the 2 month follow-up radiographs, which suggests a higher sensitivity for this method.Conclusions: Both methods are suitable for the evaluation of periapical lesion changes, but the digital subtraction technique is more sensitive for detecting radiographic periapical changes. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2009) 38, 438-444. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/53304677


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the penetration of 2.5% NaOCl associated with 17.0% EDTA, 1.0% citric acid, and 1.0% peracetic acid into dentin tubules.Study design. The roots of 44 bovine incisors were cross-sectioned and 5-mm-long fragments were produced from their middle thirds. The specimens were instrumented with ProTaper hand files, stained in crystal violet, then sectioned mesiodistally. The buccal fragments were divided into 4 groups (n = 9) and subjected to 2 consecutive 10-minute immersion periods in one of the following acid solutions combined with 2.5% NaOCl: 17.0% EDTA (group 1), 1.0% citric acid (group 2), and 1.0% peracetic acid (group 3). Nine fragments were immersed in 2.5% NaOCl (group 4). The analysis of the penetration of NaOCl solutions into dentin was performed by measuring the depth of crystal violet stain that was bleached using a steromicroscope under x50 magnification. Statistical comparisons were carried out by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at the 5% significance level.Results. Group 1 showed less penetration into dentin than group 4 (P < .05). No statistically significant differences were observed among groups 2, 3, and 4 (P > .05).Conclusions. Association of NaOCl with acid solutions did not increase its penetration depth into root dentin. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;112:e155-e159)


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Computerized tomography (CT) is a valuable tool for diagnosis and planning in conventional and surgical endodontic therapy. This case report describes the use of CT in the diagnosis of a periapical lesion undetected by periapical radiography in the mandibular molar area. The CT also showed a possible mesial root perforation associated with the lesion. Following CT, surgical planning, periradicular curettage, and sealing of the root perforation were performed. Eight years after surgery, cone beam CT revealed periapical bone repair. Computerized tomography can be an important resource for diagnosis and planning in conventional and surgical endodontic therapy, as well as for evaluation of post-treatment bone repair. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: 629-633)