73 resultados para publishing productivity


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Nowadays, the culture of the sugarcane plays an important role regarding the Brazilian reality, especially in the aspect related to the alternative energy sources. In 2009, the municipality of Suzanapolis (SP), in the Brazilian Cerrado, an experiment was conducted with the culture of the sugarcane in a Red eutrophic, with the aim of selecting, using Pearson correlation coefficients, modeling, simple, linear and multiple regressions and spatial correlation, and also the best technological and productive components, to explain the variability of the productivity of the sugarcane. The geostatistical grid was installed in order to collect the data, with 120 sampling points, in an area of 14.53 ha. For the simple linear regressions, the plants population is the component of production that presents the best quadratic correlation with the productivity of the sugarcane, given by: PRO = -0.553**xPOP(2)+16.14*xPOP-15.77. However, for multiple linear regressions, the equation PRO = -21.11+4.92xPOP**+0.76xPUR** is the one that best presents in order to estimate that productivity. Spatially, the best correlation with yield of the sugarcane is also determined by the component of the production population of plants.


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The jambu belongs to the family Asteraceae, tropical crop, nowadays, this plant has been considered as a promising vegetable crop, because to its pharmacological properties. Despite this novelty, the vegetable remains invisible in the statistics of production and market in the state of Para, Brazil. This research was carried out with the aim of comparing the economic productivity and phenological development by the morpho-physiological growth indexes of two cultivars of jambu organic manure and mineral fertilizers. The experiment was carried out at the Sao Manuel Experimental Farm (Sao Manuel-SP), which belongs to the Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas - UNESP, campus Botucatu. The experimental design was a factorial randomized blocks (2 x 2) with two fertilization (organic and mineral) and two cultivars (Jambuarana and Nazareth), with six replications, two fertilization (organic and mineral) and two cultivars (Jambuarana and Nazareth). The following characteristics were evaluated: Plant height (cm), Leaf area (cm(2)), Fresh mass (g), Dry mass (g), Leaf area index (LAI), Leaf area ratio (LAR), Specific leaf Area (SLA), Leaf Weight Ratio (LWR), Amount of water in the plant (QAPA) (g per plant set), Leaf specific weight (LSW) (g cm(-2) per plant set) and Economic productivity. All data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance and the Tukey test (1%) for mean comparison, with the software SISVAR. In the conditions of this experiment was carried out, it was possible to verify that the cultivar Jamburana had not only a good agronomic development and economic productivity under organic fertilization but also the best morpho-physiological indexes, showing that this kind of fertilization increases the agronomic effectiveness of this cultivar.


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The success and recognition for their dedication put into the work are the need of every worker, and for that there is a constant quest for success in organizations. In this scenario, the Brazilian publishing market offers self-help literature as a practical method of acquiring the fundamental knowledge for professional development. The self-help literature for professional development addresses motivation as an essential characteristic for success, as a motivated worker earns more visibility and prominence to motivate other team members, thus arousing a spirit of leadership among the players. The motivation of workers also meets the expectations of organizations, because they improve productivity without requiring new investments. Thus, the literature on professional development is positioned as one of the best selling literary styles sold in Brazil over the years. To have an understanding of the discourse of literary style and persuasive methods known in them, we present a semiotic analysis of the five introductory chapters of selected works. Greimassian Semiotics offers great tools for understanding the introductory speeches of professional development books, which are intended to present the synthesis of the work, or demonstrate the values and knowledge of the authors, coaxing the reader to read on and be receptive to the idea of motivation presented in the books


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Objective of this work by evaluating the effect of nitrogen on forage yield and morphogenesis of elephant grass cv. Pioneer. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five replications, totaling 20 experimental units. Treatments consisted of four nitrogen levels (100, 200, 300 and 400 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)). The experiment was conducted under irrigated conditions. Evaluative cuts were made at 50 cm soil with values of light interception (95%) without pre-defined intervals. It was observed that N fertilization increased significantly (P<0.05) the production of dry matter per hectare, leaf appearance rate (leaves days(-1)tiller(-1)), leaf elongation rate (cm tiller(-1) day(-1)) and stem elongation rate (cm day(-1)). The process of this forage senescence is accelerated with increasing doses of nitrogen and leaf appearance rate, thereby reducing the phyllochron. It required a study on the economic viability of higher doses of nitrogen in grazed elephant grass cv. Pioneer.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Prediction of genetic gains within breeding programs is not always compatible with those observed in practice. One reason for this inconsistency is the lack of knowledge of genotype-environment interaction (GxE). The aim of this study was to estimate genetic variation, evaluate the GxE, investigate the genetic correlation between pairs of environments and for the set, and to study the productivity, stability and adaptability at 2 years of age for diameter at breast height (DBH) in five progenies trials of Eucalyptus urophylla, used in a randomized complete block design, with the number of progenies ranging from 138 to 167, four to eight blocks and five to six plants per plot. Estimates of variance components and genetic parameters were obtained using the REML/BLUP method. For analysis of productivity, stability and adaptability, the HMRPGV method was used. The highest DBH growth was observed in Anhembi (10.52 cm) and Uberaba (10.20 cm). Estimates considered high were obtained for the coefficient of individual additive genetic variation (>13.3%) and average heritability among progenies (>0.40), indicating the possibility of obtaining genetic gains by selection among progenies. The coefficient of determination of the GxE was 1.7%, a fact that led to a high value of genotypic correlation between the performance of the progenies and environments (78.1%), indicating that the interaction is simple. The first six progenies showed a coincidence of 100% in the order of stability (HMGV), adaptability (RPGV) and productivity (HMRPGV), being 13% higher than the overall mean of five experiments (9.21 cm). When ordering the progenies, the selection of the 20 best in growth led to an increase in gain ranging of from 10.4 to 70%. Anhembi is the ideal place to have a breeding population which will be good in the other places as well.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study was conducted in two different locations in South Brazil, in tillage in the 2009/2010 season on eight sunflower hybrids, aiming to determine the path correlations and coefficients between primary and secondary characters on the main variable of achene productivity. The correlations were similar between environments. The characters of the head diameter and mass of a thousand achenes had a significant influence on sunflower productivity. Based on the magnitude of the direct and indirect effects, we highlighted all primary components on the main variable, beside the good determination coefficient and low residual effect. The secondary component, the number of achenes, despite the significant direct effect on productivity, was indirectly influenced by the primary components, making it an undesirable character for selection.


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The search for predictions of species diversity across environmental gradients has challenged ecologists for decades. The humped-back model (HBM) suggests that plant diversity peaks at intermediate productivity; at low productivity few species can tolerate the environmental stresses, and at high productivity a few highly competitive species dominate. Over time the HBM has become increasingly controversial, and recent studies claim to have refuted it. Here, by using data from coordinated surveys conducted throughout grasslands worldwide and comprising a wide range of site productivities, we provide evidence in support of the HBM pattern at both global and regional extents. The relationships described here provide a foundation for further research into the local, landscape, and historical factors that maintain biodiversity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the work was to evaluate the productivity, leaf nutrient content and soil nutrient concentration in maize (Zea mays L.) grown in sequence with black oats (Avena strigosa Schreb.) under Leucaena diversifolia alley cropping agroforestry system (AFS) and traditional management system/sole crop (without trees-TS), after two years of cultivation following a randomized block design. The experiment was carried out in the Brazilian Association of Biodynamic Agriculture, in Botucatu—S?o Paulo, Brazil. Treatments were: control (C), chemical fertilizer application (F), biomass of L. diversifolia alley cropping application (B), biomass of L. diversifolia alley cropping + chemical fertilizer application (B + F). In the second year of management it was observed that black oat yield was higher in treatments B + F and F with significant difference in relation to the others treatments in both systems, followed by treatment B. Between systems, only treatment B showed significant difference, with higher yield value corresponding to AFS, reflecting the efficiency of AFS to promote soil fertility. Maize production presented the second year of cultivation an increasing trend in all treatments in both production systems. This result may be due to the cumulative effect of mineralization and maize straw and oats, along the experiment. How productivity was higher in the AFS system, could also be occurring effect of biological nitrogen fixation, water retention and reduction of extreme microclimate through the rows of L. diversifolia. Comparing the AFS and TS, it was observed that the concentration of N in leaf tissue was higher in the AFS treatments, probably due to nitrogen fixation performed through the rows of L. diversifolia, that is a nitrogen fixing tree species. After two years, carbon stocked in soil show higher values in the treatments biomass + fertilizer and biomass application, in both systems, AFS and TS.