177 resultados para przeszczep ex mortuo
Impermeabilidade do tegumento da semente à água ocorre em muitas espécies, inclusive em Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke. Para promover a germinação de sementes com tegumento impermeável um dos métodos recomendados é o uso de ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4). O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar o melhor tempo de escarificação com ácido sulfúrico na superação da dormência em sementes de S. amazonicum, escarificadas durante 20, 40 e 60 minutos. Parte das sementes foi semeada imediatamente após a escarificação e parte após 24 horas de imersão em água, em uma mistura de areia e serragem (1:1), onde foram quantificadas a porcentagem e a velocidade de germinação. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições de 50 sementes. A análise estatística da germinação foi efetuada aos seis, nove, 12, 15, 18, 21 e 24 dias após a semeadura em esquema fatorial. Para a velocidade de germinação as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Foi observada interação entre tratamentos para superação da dormência e o tempo de imersão em água após a escarificação na maioria das avaliações. A imersão em água acelerou o início da germinação. Os tratamentos para superação da dormência promoveram a germinação das sementes, entretanto, as sementes escarificadas durante 60 minutos apresentaram melhor germinação, 92 e 86,5% quando semeadas imediatamente e após 24 horas, respectivamente. O índice de velocidade de germinação foi superior nas sementes escarificadas durante 60 minutos e imersas em água. A escarificação durante 60 minutos constitui uma alternativa para redução da dormência das sementes.
Rhapis excelsa, originária do sul da China, é uma das palmeiras ornamentais mais cultivadas no mundo, principalmente em vaso. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa investigar a influência da altura do vaso no desenvolvimento da espécie. Para tanto, mudas de dois anos de idade, apresentando 10 cm de altura e sistema radicular com 10 cm de comprimento, foram transplantadas para recipientes de PVC com 10 cm de diâmetro e 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40 cm de altura, que se constituíram em tratamentos. O substrato utilizado foi uma mistura de casca de pinho, vermiculita e solo argiloso (2:1:1), adubado com 45 g de Osmocote (15:10:10). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: altura da planta, diâmetro do colo, número de folhas, número de perfilhos emitidos, avaliados aos 6, 12 e 18 meses após a instalação do experimento. Aos 18 meses foram tomados também o peso da matéria seca da parte aérea e o peso da matéria seca das raízes. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições com duas plantas. Houve diferença significativa para a variável altura de plantas, aos 6 meses, sendo que o recipiente de 40 cm de altura apresentou o pior resultado. Não houve diferença significativa entre as variáveis analisadas aos 12 meses de investigação. Já aos 18 meses, houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para as variáveis altura da planta e diâmetro do colo, sendo o recipiente de 40 cm inferior aos demais em relação à altura da planta e o de 25 cm superior quanto ao diâmetro do colo. A utilização do recipiente com 25 cm de altura revelou-se interessante pela qualidade das plantas formadas e em relação a aspectos econômicos da produção.
As características da digestão das forragens podem ser mais bem compreendidas quando complementadas com estudos de anatomia dos tecidos de plantas forrageiras. Com o objetivo de agregar novas informações ao tema, determinou-se a área dos diversos tecidos presentes na folha e no colmo de Brachiaria brizantha e B. humidicola, em três diferentes níveis de inserção no perfilho. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, com plantas mantidas em vasos plásticos contendo areia esterilizada e recebendo solução nutritiva de macro e micronutrientes. Após 70 dias do corte de uniformização das parcelas (vasos), coletou-se o segmento do colmo e da folha (limbo e bainha) situado na porção mediana de cada um dos três diferentes níveis de inserção do perfilho estudado. As amostras foram emblocadas em GMA, seccionadas em micrótomo e o laminário fotomicrografado. As fotografias foram digitalizadas e as áreas de tecidos, mensuradas com software Image Tool. Observou-se que o limbo das folhas basilares apresentou menor área de tecido vascular lignificado. Maior área de tecido parenquimático foi observada na bainha e no colmo da B. brizantha. em relação à B. humidicola, a B. brizantha apresentou maior área de tecido vascular lignificado no limbo, bainha e colmo. Maior distância entre os feixes vasculares foi observada no limbo e na bainha, sendo o número de feixes maior no limbo e no colmo.
Lippia alba, family Verbenaceae, is widely spread in Central and South American. It's a shurb with a quadrangular branch reaching 1,7m tall. The leaves are membranaceous, petiolate, pubescent with a strong flavor. It's limbs have variable forms with pointed apex, cuneiform or decumbent base, and serrated or crenated hordes. It was determined the best harvest season to biomass production, essential oil content and chemical composition, on different plant parts (apical, medium, basal). It has been observed that, both apical and medium parts represented around 80 % of the fresh leaf mass. The foliar biomass yields are about 5 ton/ha in four harvests during an year. The average yield of essential oil considering the three plant parts were 0.15%, 0.47%, 0.46%, 0.55% and 0.61% for summer/98, autumn/98, winter/98, spring/98 and summer/99, respectively. Essential oils showed similar chemical composition either in relation to seasonality, neral, geranial and t-cariofilene were the majority compounds.
Data of seed dispersal and germination of the studied species are presented, comparing both observations from the wild and nursery. Fruits were collected from Carlos Botelho State Park (24 degrees 44' to 24 degrees 03'S, 47 degrees 46' to 48 degrees 10'W), south of São Paulo State, Brazil. O. catharinensis had low germination percentage, both in the wild and in nursery, and did not tolerate seed storage at low temperature. In nursery, diaspores with removed mesocarp of E. paniculata presented greater germination than those in entire fruits. The high levels of seedling mortality beneath mother-trees of C. moschata, when in comparison to those observed to established seedlings from diaspores dispersed by muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides E. Geoffroy 1806, Cebidae, Primates), allied to the absence of juveniles in the understory, are in accord with the escape model of Janzen-Connel. In nursery, diaspores of C. moschata dispersed by the primates had greater germination, in smaller time, than those collected from mother-trees.
This in situ/ex vivo study assessed the effect of fluoride dentifrice on eroded enamel subjected to brushing abrasion. In a crossover study performed in 2 phases, 10 volunteers wore acrylic palatal appliances, each containing 3 human enamel blocks. Dentifrice was used to brush the volunteers' teeth and the specimens subjected to abrasion. In phases A and B the dentifrices used had the same formulation, except for the absence or presence of fluoride, respectively. The blocks were subjected to erosion by immersion of the appliances in a cola drink for 5 min, 4 times a day. Then the blocks were brushed, and the appliance was replaced into the mouth. Enamel alterations were determined using profilometry and percentage change in surface microhardness (%SMHC) tests. The data were tested using the paired t test. The mean wear values (+/- SD, mu m) were: group A 6.84 +/- 1.72 and group B 5.38 +/- 1.21 (p = 0.04). The mean %SMHC values (+/- SD) were: group A 54.6 +/- 16.2 and group B 45.7 +/- 6.8 (p = 0.04). Fluoride dentifrice had a protective effect on eroded enamel subjected to brushing abrasion. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Objectives: This in situ/ex vivo study evaluated whether a rinse with an iron solution could reduce wear and the percentage of microhardness change of human enamel and dentine submitted to erosion followed by brushing after 1 or 30 min.Design: During 2 experimental 5-day crossover phases (wash-out period of 10 days), 10 volunteers wore intraoral palatal devices, with 12 specimens (6 of enamel and 6 of dentine) arranged in 3 horizontal rows (4 specimens each). In one phase, the volunteers immersed the device for 5 min in 150 mL of cola drink, 4 times a day. Immediately after immersion, no treatment was performed in one row. The other row was brushed after 1 min using a fluoride dentifrice and the device was replaced into mouth. After 30 min, the remaining row was brushed. In the other phase, the procedures were repeated, but after immersion the volunteers rinsed for 1 min with 10 mL of a 10 mM ferrous sulphate solution. Changes in surface microhardness (%SMH) and wear (profilometry) of enamel and dentine were measured. Data were tested using ANOVA and Tukey's tests (p < 0.05).Results: the enamel presented more wear than dentine, under all experimental conditions. The iron solution caused a significant reduction on the %SMH in enamel, and a significant reduction on the wear in dentine, regardless the other conditions.Conclusions: Rinsing with an iron solution after an erosive attack, followed or not by an abrasive episode, may be a viable alternative to reduce the loss of dental structure. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
"Isolation and evaluation of the biological activity related to the major alkaloids in Tabernaemontana angulata Mart. ex Mull Arg., Apocynaceae." Introducing-new chemotherapeutic agents is a, great demand. in the control of infections diseases.' Brazil is one of the richest countries in biodiversity and the Laboratorio de Extracao at UNIP has been collecting plants from. the Amazon and Atlantic Rain Forests with the aim of screening for new antibacterial and antitumor plant extracts. Previous studies demonstrated that the ethanol fraction obtained from the crude extract of Tabernaemontana angulata stems showed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538 in the microdilution broth assay. Two alkaloids were the major compounds in the active fraction, verified by thin layer chromatography analysis. In the present study, the total alkaloids were obtained from the crude extract and were fractionated by preparative thin layer chromatography for the isolation of the main components. The isolated. compounds were identified by GC/MS and (1)H-NMR as coronaridine,e and voacangine. The alkaloid fractions obtained from the isolation procedure were tested for antibacterial activity, but no activity was detected.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Two experiments of seed ageing of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden were carried out at laboratory conditions. In the first experiment, two seed lots were classified in two square mesh screens (< 0.84 to ≥ 0.71 mm and < 0.71 mm to ≥ 0.59 mm), submitted to 42 °C and 100% relative humidity, for 0, 8, 12, 24, and 32 hours of stress treatments. Seed germination tests were done with just aged seeds. The results showed that the stress period was not sufficient for ageing the seeds. In the second experiment, the best quality seed lot was separated in the same two sizes. The seeds were submitted under the same stress conditions of the first experiment but for 0, 48, 72, and 96 hours. The germination test was done right after the seeds were taken from the stress conditions, and with stored seeds at dry chamber (2 weeks and 26 months). It was concluded that both seed sizes reached 30% of moisture content under 72 hours of ageing conditions and showed significant germination losses when compared with seeds without ageing (control), as the moist seeds as the stored ones at dry chamber, for both 2 weeks and 26 months.
In order to verify the effect of Brachiaria decumbens plant density on the initial growth of Eucalyptus grandis plants, one assay was conducted under semi-controlled conditions of soil fertility and humidity. Dark red Latossol, collected from the arable layer, was used as substrate in 50 liters amianthus cement boxes. One seedling of Eucalyptus was planted in each box. Fifteen days later, seedlings of B. decumbens were transplanted on the same box. The treatments consisted of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120 plants of B. decumbens. The experimental design was the complete randomized design, with 15 treatments and four replicates. The Eucalyptus plants that lived with B. decumbens were evaluated for stem diameter, plant high, leaf area, and dry weight of stem, branches and leaves. B. decumbens plants were evaluated for dry weight of aerial parts. B. decumbens, at the density level of four plants per m 2 and over, reduced of the initial growth of the Eucalyptus plants. B. decumbens reduced on average 27.78% stem diameter, 18.47% plant high, 70.56% leaf number, 63.26% leaf area, and 55.22%, 77.29% and 55.30% of stem, branch and leaf dry weight, respectively. Plant high was not a good parameter to evaluate the B. decumbens interference.
Maytenus ilicifolia and Maytenus aquifolia (Celastraceae) both designated espinheira-santa have proven anti-ulcer activity. Morphologic similarities between leaves of espinheira-santa and mata-olho (Sorocea bonplandii), has motivated fakes in the market of phytotherapy. The present work consisted of the anatomical study, including stem and leaf, of the species M. ilicifolia, M. aquifolia and S. bomplandii. Samples of adult leaves and stem of plants located in the cities of Maringá and Marialva were collected. Both are located in the northwest region of Paraná State. The botanical material was prepared with using usual techniques of anatomy. The leaves of both Maytenus species presented great similarities, characterizing itself for the presence of epidermal cells with straight walls, biseriate palisade tissue, petiole vascular system represented by unique amphicribal bundle and sclereids, which were present in the stems of these two species. S. bomplandii leaves differed of Maytenus species for presenting epidermal cells with undulated walls, uniserite palisade tissue, petiole vascular system represented by many collateral bundles and gelatinous fibres. Non-glandular trichomes, glandular trichomes, and laticifer only occur in S. bomplandii.