86 resultados para physical exercises


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The electromyographic activity of the shoulder muscles deltoid - anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major - clavicular portion (PMC) was tested on 24 male volunteers using a 2 channel TEC A TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes during the execution of four different modalities of frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises. The results showed that all of the tested exercises developed high levels of action potential for both muscles. So, we jusfity the indication of all of them for physical fitness programmes for DA and PMC. Some suggestions to the use of the tested exercises are presented.


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The action potential level for shoulder muscles deltoid-anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major-clavicular portion (PMC) determined by four different modalities of execution of rowing exercises, each one with two different grips, was recorded. These were compared with the action potential level determined for the same muscles by four different modalities of execution of the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises. Twenty-four male volunteers were examined using a 2 channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. The statistic analysis showed significant (p<0,05) superiority for all the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises in comparison to all rowing exercises for the PMC, for the DA this generalized supremacy was not observed.


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Purpose of reviewPhysical exercise can be both beneficial and harmful for the gastrointestinal tract in a dose-effect relationship between its intensity and health. Mild-to-moderate intensity exercises play a protective role against colon cancer, diverticular disease, cholelithiasis and constipation, whereas acute strenuous exercise may provoke heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and even gastrointestinal bleeding. This review focuses on mechanisms involved in those symptoms and their associations with type of exercises in humans.Recent findingsOne quarter to one half of elite athletes are hampered by the gastrointestinal symptoms that may deter them from participation in training and competitive events. Vigorous exercise-induced gastrointestinal symptoms are often attributed to altered motility, mechanical factor or altered neuroimmunoendocrine secretions. Training, lifestyle modifications, meal composition, adequate hydration and avoidance of excessive use of some medications are the recommendations.SummaryStrenuous exercise and dehydrated states would be the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms referred by 70% of the athletes. Gut ischemia would be the main cause of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and (bloody) diarrhea. The frequency is almost twice as high during running than during other endurance sports as cycling or swimming and 1.5-3.0 times higher in the elite athletes than the recreational exercisers.


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CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A dor e a disfunção no complexo articular do ombro é comumente encontrada na prática fisioterapêutica. Essas anormalidades musculoesqueléticas estão relacionadas à instabilidade e inadequado funcionamento cinemático, que dependem da integridade dos tecidos musculares. Assim, no sentido de prevenir e reabilitar esses sintomas, o uso da haste oscilatória vem sendo implantado para melhorar os resultados de técnicas cinesioterapêuticas. OBJETIVOS: Analisar a atividade eletromiográfica (EMG) dos músculos que estabilizam a articulação do ombro durante a realização de exercícios com haste oscilatória e haste não-oscilatória. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 12 voluntárias com idade de 20,4±1,9 anos. Os dados EMG foram coletados nos músculos trapézio superior (TrS), trapézio inferior (TrI) e deltoide médio (DM) durante três diferentes exercícios realizados com haste oscilatória e haste não-oscilatória. O sinal EMG foi analisado no domínio do tempo pelo cálculo do Root Mean Square (RMS). Os valores de RMS foram normalizados pelo valor de pico obtido em todas as tentativas por cada músculo. A análise estatística foi feita com os testes ANOVA para medidas repetidas e post-hoc de Bonferroni. RESULTADOS: A atividade EMG dos músculos TrS, TrI e DM foi significativamente maior nos exercícios com haste oscilatória do que com haste não-oscilatória (todos p<0,001). Não foram significativas as diferenças na ativação desses músculos entre os exercícios. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do presente estudo indicaram que a haste oscilatória requisitou maior atividade EMG dos músculos do ombro e, assim, pode ser um instrumento útil no treinamento desses músculos.


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Queiroz BC, Cagliari MF, Amorim CF, Sacco IC. Muscle activation during four Pilates core stability exercises in quadruped position. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91: 86-92.Objective: To compare the activity of stabilizing trunk and hip muscles in 4 variations of Pilates stabilizing exercises in the quadruped position.Design: Repeated-measures descriptive study.Setting: A biomechanics laboratory at a university school of medicine.Participants: Healthy subjects (N=19; mean age +/- SD, 31 +/- 5y; mean weight +/- SD, 60 +/- 11 kg; mean height +/- SD, 166 +/- 9cm) experienced in Pilates routines.Interventions: Surface electromyographic signals of iliocostalis, multifidus, gluteus maximus, rectus abdominis, and external and internal oblique muscles were recorded in 4 knee stretch exercises: retroverted pelvis with flexed trunk; anteverted pelvis with extended trunk; neutral pelvis with inclined trunk; and neutral pelvis with trunk parallel to the ground.Main Outcome Measures: Root mean square values of each muscle and exercise in both phases of hip extension and flexion, normalized by the maximal voluntary isometric contraction.Results: The retroverted pelvis with flexed trunk position led to significantly increased external oblique and gluteus maximus muscle activation. The anteverted pelvis with trunk extension significantly increased multifidus muscle activity. The neutral pelvis position led to significantly lower activity of all muscles. Rectus abdominis muscle activation to maintain body posture was similar in all exercises and was not influenced by position of the pelvis and trunk.Conclusions: Variations in the pelvic and trunk positions in the knee stretch exercises change the activation pattern of the multifidus, gluteus maximus, rectus abdominis, and oblique muscles. The lower level of activation of the rectus abdominis muscle suggests that pelvic stability is maintained in the 4 exercise positions.


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It was studied the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle in 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes, during the execution of four different modalities of military press exercises with open grip. The results showed that TS acted significantly in the modalities standing and sitting press behind neck, while SI acted in all the modalities, i.e., standing and sitting press behind neck and forward, justifying their inclusion as basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes.


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Electromyographic activity of the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle was analysed in 4 different modalities of military press exercises, each of them with 2 grips: open and middle. It was analyzed 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. The TS and SI muscles acted with high and very high activity in all the modalities of military press exercises. Statistically, they did not show significative difference in the performance of the exercises with open and middle grip, justifying the inclusion of this group of exercises with both grips for the physical conditioning programmes.


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Electromyographic activity of the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle was analysed in 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograp, during the execution of four different modalities of military press exercises with middle grip. The trapezius acted preferentially in the modalities standing press behind neck; and sitting forward and press behind neck, while SI did not show any significative difference among the modalities. The high levels of action potentials with which TS and SI acted justify the inclusion of these exercises in physical programmes.


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Based on the lack of electromyographic researches on sport and programmes of physical conditioning, we can say that it is necessary to reexamine some exercises routinely used in the programmes of physical conditioning. Thus, the trapezius and serratus anterior muscles were studied electromyographically so that we could evaluate the validity in some ways of execution of the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises for the development of these muscles. We analyzed 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For the execution of the exercise it was used a supine bench, a straight board and two bars of 40 cm made of light wood. The results showed that TS acted preferentially in standing modality and in the inclined supine modality, however with activity levels that do not justify its inclusion in physical fitness programmes.


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Because the lack of textbooks based on electromyographic studies in the area of exercises for physical conditioning, the authors proposed to study the trapezius (upper portion) (TS) and the serratus anterior (lower portion) (SI) muscles during the execution of four different modalities of rowing exercises with middle grip in 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old. For the recordings, it was used a two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For the movements, a supine bench and a 120 cm-long bar made of low weight wood were used. The results showed that TS acted significantly in upright, sitting and inclined rowing, justifying its inclusion in physical conditioning programmes, while SI, in spite of acting preferentially in upright and sitting rowing, presented activity levels which do not justify its inclusion.


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Because the lack of specialized textbooks, the select of basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes is based on empirical knowledge. This fact led the authors to propose the study on electromyographic activity of the trapezius (upper portion) (TS) and the serratus anterior (lower portion) (SI) muscles in rowing exercises with closed grip in three different modalities. The tests were carried out with 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, by using a two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For exercises execution, a long bar made of light wood was used. TS acted significantly in the three different modalities, that is, upright, sitting and bent over, while SI acted preferentially in upright and sitting rowing exercises, justifying their inclusion as basic exercises in physical conditioning programmes.


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Because the lack of specialized textbooks on the select and indication of basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes, an electromyographic study of the trapezius (upper portion) (TS) and the serratus anterior (lower portion) (SI) muscles in rowing exercises with middle and closed grip in three different modalities, upright, sitting and bent over was performed. The tests were carried out with 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, by using a two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For exercises execution, a supine bench, a straight board and a 1,20 m-long bar made of light wood were used. The results showed that TS acted preferentially with closed grip sitting and bent over modalities, and presented no difference among the grips for upright rowing. SI acted preferentially with closed grip in all modalities, however, with activity levels that do not justify its indication for physical conditioning programmes.


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The muscles deltoid-anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major-clavicular portion (PMC) were analysed to establish the muscular behavior and intensity patterns, as well to evaluate the connected participation of these muscles during supine and frontal elevation exercises. Twenty-four male volunteers were examined using a 2-channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. Our results showed low levels of activity to PMC in frontal elevation exercises, whereas to DA the levels were very high. In the supine exercise, the action potential levels developed by the PMC were always lower than those presented by DA, however, with action simultaneity. Some suggestions to the use of the tested exercises are presented.


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Inverted flying exercise with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of each individual maximum load in the pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior muscles was electromyographically analyzed in eleven male volunteers, using surface electrodes MEDI-TRACE-200 connected to a biological signals acquisition module coupled to a PC/AT computer. Electromyographic signals were processed and the effective values obtained were standardized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. When the concentric phase of each muscle with the same load was statistically compared with the eccentric phase, it was observed that for all loads all the muscles presented significant electromyographic difference, and that the concentric phase was always higher. By analyzing the different loads for each muscle, it was noticed that in the concentric phase all the muscles presented significant electromyographic activity, being it higher with maximum load. When the effect of each load on different muscle in the concentric and eccentric phases was analyzed, the muscles presented a distinct activity profile.