107 resultados para personality dimensions


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AimTo evaluate the influence (i) of various implant platform configurations and (ii) of implant surface characteristics on peri-implant tissue dimensions in a dog model.Material and methodsMandibular premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally in six Labrador dogs. After 3 months of healing, two implants, one with a turned and a second with a moderately rough surface, were installed on each side of the mandible in the premolar region. on the right side of the mandible, implants with a tapered and enlarged platform were used, while standard cylindrical implants were installed in the left side of the mandible. Abutments with the diameter of the cylindrical implants were used resulting in a mismatch of 0.25 mm at the tapered implant sites. The flaps were sutured to allow a non-submerged healing. After 4 months, the animals were sacrificed and ground sections were obtained for histometric assessment.ResultsAll implants were completely osseointegrated. A minimal buccal bone resorption was observed for both implant configurations and surface topographies. Considering the animals as the statistical unit, no significant differences were found at the buccal aspect in relation to bone levels and soft tissue dimensions. The surface topographies did not influence the outcomes either.ConclusionsThe present study failed to show differences in peri-implant tissue dimensions when a mismatch of 0.25 mm from a tapered platform to an abutment was applied. The surface topographies influence a neither marginal bone resorption or peri-implant soft tissue dimension.To cite this article:Baffone GM, Botticelli D, Pantani F, Cardoso LC, Schweikert MT, Lang NP. Influence of various implant platform configurations on peri-implant tissue dimensions: an experimental study in dog.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22, 2011; 438-444.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of personality disorders (PDs) in 40 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (DSM-III-R criteria) from the Medical School of Botucatu (UNESP), Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is a case-control study. Patients were 24 women and 16 men, 16-68 years old, referred to our outpatient psychiatric service for treatment. Controls were 40 nonpsychiatric outpatients matched to the cases by sex, age and marital status. The instrument used was the Portuguese version of the Structured Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders (SIDP-R). All interviews (n = 80) were made simultaneously by 2 raters, with independent scoring, so that the interrater reliability of the instrument could also be assessed (kappa statistics). The consensual axis II diagnoses in the OCD group were: avoidant (52.5%, κ = 0.80), dependent (40%, κ = 0.84), histrionic (20%, κ = 0.83), paranoid (20%, κ = 0.74), obsessive-compulsive (17.5%, κ = 0.86), narcissistic (7.5%, κ = 1.00), schizotypal (5%, κ = 0.65), passive-aggressive (5%, κ = 0.79) and self-defeating (5%, κ 0.55). At least one PD diagnosis was made in 70% of the patients, while only 6 controls had a PD diagnosis (p < 0.01). A great deal of diagnostic overlap was found in the OCD group (57.5% had two or more PDs), especially between avoidant and dependent PDs. The features of these two PDs may be secondary to the OCD. The study also suggests that there is not a close relationship between OCD and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). Patients with OCPD or even 3 or 4 O-C traits had significantly less insight into their obsessions and compulsions (p < 0.01).


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The problem of a harmonic oscillator coupling to an electromagnetic potential plus a topological-like (Chern-Simons) massive term, in two-dimensional space, is studied in the light of the symplectic formalism proposed by Faddeev and Jackiw for constrained systems.


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It was earlier shown that an SO(9,1) θα spinor variable can be constructed from RNS matter and ghost fields. θα has a bosonic world-sheet super-partner λα which plays the role of a twistor variable, satisfying λΓμ λ = ∂xμ + iθΓμ ∂θ. For Type IIA superstrings, the left-moving [θL α, λL α] and right-moving [θRα, λRα] can be combined into 32-component SO(10,1) spinors [θA, λA]. This suggests that λAΓAB 11 λB = 2λL αλRα can be interpreted as momentum in the eleventh direction. Evidence for this interpretation comes from the zero-momentum vertex operators of the Type IIA superstring and from consideration of DD-branes. As in the work of Bars, one finds an SO(10,2) structure for the Type IIA superstring and an SO(9, 1) × SO(2, 1) structure for the Type IIB superstring. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The solutions of a renormalized BCS equation are studied in three space dimensions in s, p and d waves for finite-range separable potentials in the weak to medium coupling region. In the weak-coupling limit, the present BCS model yields a small coherence length ξ and a large critical temperature, T c, appropriate for some high-T c materials. The BCS gap, T c, ξ and specific heat C s(T c) as a function of zero-temperature condensation energy are found to exhibit potential-independent universal scalings. The entropy, specific heat, spin susceptibility and penetration depth as a function of temperature exhibit universal scaling below T c in p and d waves.


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Starting from a decomposition of the self-dual field in (2 + 1) dimensions, we build up an alternative quantum theory which consists of a self-dual model coupled to a Maxwell-generalized Chern-Simons theory. We discuss the fermion-boson equivalence of this quantum theory by comparing it with the Thirring model. Using these results we were able to compute the mass of the bosonized fermions up to third order in 1/m. Some problems related to the number of poles of the effective propagator are also addressed.


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Both the parity-breaking and parity-invariant parts of the effective action for the gauge field in QED 3 with massive fermions at finite temperature are obtained exactly. This is feasible because we use a particular configuration of the background gauge field, namely a constant magnetic field and a time-dependent time component of the background gauge field. Our results allow us to compute exactly physically interesting quantities such as the induced charge density and fermion condensate whose dependence on the temperature, fermion mass and gauge field is discussed. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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In this work we study the behavior of relativistic ideal Bose and Fermi gases in two space dimensions. Making use of polylogarithm functions we derive a closed and unified expression for their densities. It is shown that both type of gases are essentially inequivalent, and only in the non-relativistic limit the spinless and equal mass Bose and Fermi gases are equivalent as known in the literature.


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In the present paper we introduce a hierarchical class of self-dual models in three dimensions, inspired in the original self-dual theory of Towsend-Pilch-Nieuwenhuizen. The basic strategy is to explore the powerful property of the duality transformations in order to generate a new field. The generalized propagator can be written in terms of the primitive one (first order), and also the respective order and disorder correlation functions. Some conclusions about the charge screening and magnetic flux were established. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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We analyze the potentiality of hadron colliders to search for large extra dimensions via the production of photon pairs. The virtual exchange of Kaluza-Klein gravitons can significantly enhance this process provided the quantum gravity scale (MS) is in the TeV range. We studied in detail the subprocesses qq̄→γγ and gg → γγ taking into account the complete standard model and graviton contributions as well as the unitarity constraints. We show that the Fermilab Tevatron run II will be able to probe MS up to 1.5-1.9 TeV at 2σ level, while the CERN LHC can extend this search to 5.3-6.7 TeV, depending on the number of extra dimensions. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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We calculate the effective action for quantum electrodynamics (QED) in D=2,3 dimensions at the quadratic approximation in the gauge fields. We analyze the analytic structure of the corresponding nonlocal boson propagators nonperturbatively in k/m. In two dimensions for any nonzero fermion mass, we end up with one massless pole for the gauge boson. We also calculate in D=2 the effective potential between two static charges separated by a distance L and find it to be a linearly increasing function of L in agreement with the bosonized theory (massive sine-Gordon model). In three dimensions we find nonperturbatively in k/m one massive pole in the effective bosonic action leading to screening. Fitting the numerical results we derive a simple expression for the functional dependence of the boson mass upon the dimensionless parameter e2/m. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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The Gross-Pitaevskii equation for Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in two space dimensions under the action of a harmonic oscillator trap potential for bosonic atoms with attractive and repulsive interparticle interactions was numerically studied by using time-dependent and time-independent approaches. In both cases, numerical difficulty appeared for large nonlinearity. Nonetheless, the solution of the time-dependent approach exhibited intrinsic oscillation with time iteration which is independent of space and time steps used in discretization.


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We analyze the potential of the next generation of e+e- linear colliders to search for large extra dimensions via the production of fermion pairs in association with Kaluza-Klein gravitons (G), i.e., e+e- →ff̃G. This process leads to a final state exhibiting a significant amount of missing energy in addition to acoplanar lepton or jet pairs. We study in detail this reaction using the full tree level contributions due to the graviton emission and the standard model backgrounds. After choosing the cuts to enhance the signal, we show that a linear collider with a center-of-mass energy of 500 GeV will be able to probe quantum gravity scales from 0.96 (0.86) up to 4.1 (3.3) TeV at a 2 (5)σ level, depending on the number of extra dimensions. ©2001 The American Physical Society.


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We use ideas on integrability in higher dimensions to define Lorentz invariant field theories with an infinite number of local conserved currents. The models considered have a two-dimensional target space. Requiring the existence of lagrangean and the stability of static solutions singles out a class of models which have an additional conformal symmetry. That is used to explain the existence of an ansatz leading to solutions with non-trivial Hopf charges. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.