130 resultados para multiple regression analysis


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Purpose: To identify the trend of authorship in dental implant by exploring the prevalence of coauthored articles and to investigate the collaboration efforts, trends in funding involved in original articles, and their relationships. Materials: Articles published in the Clinical Oral Implants Research, International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Implant Dentistry, and Journal of Oral Implantology from 2005 to 2009 were reviewed. Nonoriginal articles were excluded. For each included articles, number of authors, collaboration efforts, and extramural funding were recorded. Descriptive and analytical statistics (alpha = 0.05), including logistic regression analysis and chi(2) test, were used. Results: From a total of 2085 articles, 1503 met the inclusion criteria. Publications with 5 or more authors increased over time (P = 0.813). The amount of collaboration among different disciplines, institutions, and countries all increased. The greatest increase of collaboration was seen among institutions (P = 0.09). Non-funding studies decreased over time (P = 0.031). There was a strong association between collaboration and funding for the manuscripts during the years studied (OR, 1.5). Conclusion: The number of authors per articles and collaborative studies increased over time in implant-related journals. Collaborative studies were more likely to be funded. (Implant Dent 2011;20:68-75)


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O presente estudo avaliou as modificações no perfil facial de 15 pacientes portadores de má oclusão Classe III esquelética que foram submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico pré-cirúrgico e cirurgia ortognática bimaxilar estabilizada com fixação rígida. Oito pacientes foram submetidos à mentoplastia. Foram utilizadas telerradiografias pré-cirúrgicas (T1) e pós-cirúrgicas (T2) com um intervalo mínimo de 6 meses. Foram analisados deslocamentos horizontais e verticais em pontos do tecido ósseo e tecido mole. Foi realizada uma comparação entre os casos tratados com e sem mentoplastia (teste t) mostrando não haver diferenças entre os grupos. A regressão linear múltipla evidenciou uma correlação significante no sentido horizontal para os pontos Pg e Pgm e vertical para os pontos Me e Mem. Foi encontrada baixa correlação para movimentos no sentido horizontal nos pontos Sena e A, e para os pontos Pn, Sn e Ph. No sentido vertical, os deslocamentos mais evidentes foram entre os pontos Pg, Gn e Me e Sena e A, porém com correlações de baixa intensidade.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: Hyperhomocysteinemia is a major risk factor for cerebral and peripheral vascular diseases, as well as cortical and hippocampal injury, including an increased risk of dementia and cognitive impairment. Elevated serum homocysteine (Hcy) concentrations are common in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) who have been treated with levodopa; however, physical exercises can help reduce Hcy concentrations. The aim of the present study was to compare serum Hcy levels in patients with PD who partook in regular physical exercises, sedentary PD patients, and healthy controls.Methods: Sixty individuals were enrolled in the present study across three groups: (i) 17 patients who did not partake of any type of exercise; (ii) 24 PD patients who exercised regularly; and (iii) 19 healthy individuals who did not exercise regularly. All participants were evaluated by Hoehn and Yahr scale, the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and Schwab and England scale (measure daily functionality). The serum levels of Hcy were analyzed by blood samples collected of each participant. An analysis of variance and a Tukey's post hoc test were applied to compare and to verify differences between groups. Pearson's correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses were used to consider the association between several variables.Results: Mean plasma Hcy concentrations in individuals who exercised regularly were similar to those in the healthy controls and significantly lower than those in the group that did not exercise at all (P = 0.000). In addition, patients who did not exercise were receiving significantly higher doses of levodopa than those patients who exercised regularly (P = 0.001). A positive relationship between levodopa dose and Hcy concentrations (R(2) = 0.27; P = 0.03) was observed in patients who did not exercise, but not in those patients who exercised regularly (R(2) = 0.023; P = 0.15).Conclusions: The results of the present study suggest that, even with regular levodopa therapy, Hcy concentrations in PD patients who exercise regularly are significantly lower than in patients who do not exercise and are similar Hcy concentrations in healthy controls.


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Uma equação de regressão múltipla MOS (da sigla em inglês para Model Output Statistics), para previsão da temperatura mínima diária do ar na cidade de Bauru, estado de São Paulo, é desenvolvida. A equação de regressão múltipla, obtida usando análise de regressão stepwise, tem quatro preditores, três do modelo numérico global do Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC) e um observacional da estação meteorológica do Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas (IPMet), Bauru. Os preditores são prognósticos para 24 horas do modelo global, válidos para 00:00GMT, da temperatura em 1000hPa, vento meridional em 850hPa e umidade relativa em 1000hPa, e temperatura observada às 18:00GMT. Esses quatro preditores explicam, aproximadamente, 80% da variância total do preditando, com erro quadrático médio de 1,4°C, que é aproximadamente metade do desvio padrão da temperatura mínima diária do ar observada na estação do IPMet. Uma verificação da equação MOS com uma amostra independente de 47 casos mostra que a previsão não se deteriora significativamente quando o preditor observacional for desconsiderado. A equação MOS, com ou sem esse preditor, produz previsões com erro absoluto menor do que 1,5°C em 70% dos casos examinados. Este resultado encoraja a utilização da técnica MOS para previsão operacional da temperatura mínima e seu desenvolvimento para outros elementos do tempo e outras localidades.


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Objetivou-se verificar a prevalência de deficiência auditiva referida pela população urbana de quatro localidades do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e estudar as causas atribuídas e variáveis sócio-demográficas. Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional com dados referentes à população com 12 anos ou mais residente nas quatro localidades, em 2001 e 2002. Participaram 5.250 sujeitos selecionados por amostragem probabilística, estratificada e selecionada por conglomerados, em dois estágios. A análise dos dados foi exploratória, incluindo análise bivariada e regressão logística múltipla. A prevalência de deficiência auditiva foi 5,21%, mais acentuada nas faixas etárias acima de 59 anos (18,7%), que referiram doenças nos 15 dias anteriores à entrevista (8,4%), com transtorno mental comum (8,85%) e que fizeram uso de medicamentos nos últimos 3 dias (8,45%). O estudo dos fatores que se associam à deficiência auditiva direcionam intervenções de saúde para que atendam as reais necessidades da população, principalmente na atenção primária. Há necessidade de mais estudos populacionais com enfoque na audição, visto que esta é uma área escassa de publicações no Brasil.


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Data were collected and analysed from seven field sites in Australia, Brazil and Colombia on weather conditions and the severity of anthracnose disease of the tropical pasture legume Stylosanthes scabra caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Disease severity and weather data were analysed using artificial neural network (ANN) models developed using data from some or all field sites in Australia and/or South America to predict severity at other sites. Three series of models were developed using different weather summaries. of these, ANN models with weather for the day of disease assessment and the previous 24 h period had the highest prediction success, and models trained on data from all sites within one continent correctly predicted disease severity in the other continent on more than 75% of days; the overall prediction error was 21.9% for the Australian and 22.1% for the South American model. of the six cross-continent ANN models trained on pooled data for five sites from two continents to predict severity for the remaining sixth site, the model developed without data from Planaltina in Brazil was the most accurate, with >85% prediction success, and the model without Carimagua in Colombia was the least accurate, with only 54% success. In common with multiple regression models, moisture-related variables such as rain, leaf surface wetness and variables that influence moisture availability such as radiation and wind on the day of disease severity assessment or the day before assessment were the most important weather variables in all ANN models. A set of weights from the ANN models was used to calculate the overall risk of anthracnose for the various sites. Sites with high and low anthracnose risk are present in both continents, and weather conditions at centres of diversity in Brazil and Colombia do not appear to be more conducive than conditions in Australia to serious anthracnose development.


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The objective of this work was to carry a descriptive analysis in the monthly precipitation of rainfall stations from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, using data of position and dispersion and graphical analyses, and to verify the presence of seasonality and trend in these data, with a study about the application of models of time series. The descriptive statistics was to characterize the general behavior of the series in three stations selected which present consistent historical series. The methodology of analysis of variance in randomized blocks and the determination of models of multiple linear regression, considering years and months as predictors variables, disclosed the presence of seasonality, what allowed to infer on the occurrence of repetitive natural phenomena throughout the time and absence of trend in the data. It was applied the methodology of multiple linear regression to removal the seasonality of these time series. The original data had been deducted from the estimates made by the adjusted model and the analysis of variance in randomized blocks for the residues of regression was preceded again. With the results obtained it was possible to conclude that the monthly rainfall present seasonality and they don't present trend, the analysis of multiple regression was efficient in the removal of the seasonality, and the rainfall can be studied by means of time series.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: To evaluate the health status (HS) of COPD patients and to identify the main predictors of HS in these patients according to gender. Methods: The study included 90 COPD patients (60 males and 30 females; mean age = 64 +/- 9 years) with a wide range of airway obstruction disorders (mean FEV(1) = 56 +/- 19% of predicted). The men were individually matched to the women by % of predicted FEV(1) (ratio: 2:1). The patients were assessed regarding body composition; six-minute walk distance; perception of dyspnea using the Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale; Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ); Charlson comorbidity index; and the multidimensional Body mass index, airway Obstruction, Dyspnea, and Exercise capacity (BODE) index. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to identify the predictors of HS by gender. Results: Impairment of HS was greater among the women than among the men for SGRQ total score and for all SGRQ domains (total: 51 +/- 18% vs. 38 19%; p = 0.002; symptoms: 61 +/- 22% vs. 42 +/- 21%; p < 0.001; activity: 62 +/- 18% vs. 49 +/- 21%; p = 0.004; and impact: 41 +/- 19% vs. 27 +/- 18%; p = 0.001). The multiple linear regression showed that age and perception of dyspnea correlated with SGRQ total score for both genders (males, r(2) = 0.42; females, r(2) = 0.70; p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our results showed an association between gender and HS in COPD patients. Age and dyspnea are determinants of HS in both genders.


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This study dealt with approximately 2,000 children and their parents living in a hyperendemic goiter area in Central Brazil, which is bounded by the jungle to the north and by a large plain to the south. The determination of goiter was made according to the methods and classification adopted by WHO. Conspicuous forms of goiter were found in 41% of the children examined. Multiple linear regression analysis showed an increase with age in the frequency of goiter in both sexes. Although data from the literature show that Mulattoes and Negroes have statistically higher frequencies of goiter than do Whites, our multiple linear regression analysis revealed no evidence for an effect of race on the endemism. There was no significant association with socioeconomic level. The presence of goiter in parents was shown to be statistically associated with its occurrence in the children.


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Background: Microalbuminuria may reflect diffuse endothelial damage. Considering that diabetes and hypertension cause vasculopathy, we investigated associations of albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) with plasma glucose and blood pressure levels in high-risk subjects for metabolic syndrome. Methods: A sample of 519 (246 men) Japanese-Brazilians (aged 60 ± 11 years), who participated in a population-based study, had their ACR determined in a morning urine specimen. Backward models of multiple linear regression were created for each gender including log-transformed values of ACR as dependent variable; an interaction term between diabetes and hypertension was included. Results: Macroalbuminuria was found in 18 subjects. ACR mean values for subjects with normal glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glycemia, impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes were 9.9 ± 6.0, 19.0 ± 35.4, 20.7 ± 35.4, and 33.9 ± 55.0 mg/g, respectively. Diabetic subjects showed higher ACR than the others (p < 0.05). An increase in the proportion of albuminuric subjects was observed as glucose metabolism deteriorated (4.9, 17.0, 23.0 and 36.0%). Stratifying into 4 groups according to postchallenge glycemia (< 7.8 mmol/l, n = 9 1; ≥ 7.8 mmol/l, n = 4 10) and hypertension, hypertensive and glucose-intolerant subgroups showed higher ACR values. ACR was associated with gender, waist circumference, blood pressure, plasma glucose and triglyceride (p < 0.05); albuminuric subjects had significantly higher levels of such variables than the normoalbuminuric ones. In the final models of linear regression, systolic blood pressure and 2-hour glycemia were shown to be independent predictors of ACR for both genders (p < 0.05). In men, also waist was independently associated with ACR. No interaction was detected between diabetes and hypertension. Conclusions: These findings suggest that both glucose intolerance and hypertension could have independent but not synergistic effects on endothelial function - reflected by albumin loss in urine. Such hypothesis needs to be confirmed in prospective studies. © 2004 Dustri-Verlag Dr. K. Feistle.