222 resultados para mito ferroviário


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This work aim briefly study the myth of Medea and Jason, making an account of the Latin poet Ovid’s approach on it in his work Heroides Epistle XII, paralleling it to the Greek poet Euripides’ tragedy Medeia


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Bob Dylan sempre foi identificado como um cantor de protesto, considerado o ícone, o Porta Voz de sua Geração. No entanto, em suas entrevistas ao longo de sua carreira, ele fez questão de refutar tais etiquetas. Esta pesquisa pretendeu compreender a construção do mito Bob Dylan pela mídia, expresso nas formações discursivas das entrevistas e das letras das canções de protesto e examinar a organização dos sentidos de suas entrevistas. O estudo do contexto da época - o período dos anos 1960 nos Estados Unidos da América - permitiu aprofundar a discussão, compreendendo os motivos pelos quais existe um conflito entre o que Bob Dylan faz e o que ele fala. A análise semiótica greimasiana foi o instrumento adotado para desvelar - ou, em uma perspectiva sempre cética como convém à ciência como convém à ciênciaq, para oferecer subsídios que ajudem a explicar a postura contrastante entre o significado das letras e as declarações nas entrevistas. Ao final da pesquisa espera-se ter contribuído para que a relação entre artista e público, mediada pelos meios de comunicação, seja pensada de maneira menos ingênua e mais aprofundada, discutindo a formação de mitos e como eles explicam determinados comportamentos na sociedade


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The objective of this work is to carry out a study about some aspects of the myth in the book Heroides, written by the Latin author Ovid (43 b.C. – 17/18 A.D.). To do so, this study will focus on the Letter I (“From Penelope to Ulysses”) approaching not only the stylistic issues of the elegiac genre, but also, studying them in connection with the epistolary subgenre. Departing from some biographical remarks about the author and from studies made by scholars about this poet, this work seeks to address the myth and certain little explored features of this genre, as the use of rhetoric


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study intends to get a general overview on the German Angelus Silesius (1624- 1677)’s poetry about the way he discusses death. For the purpose of postulating some hypotheses about the meaning of death in the historical period in which the poet lived, we will comment some poems by identifying clues which reclaim the period’s moral.


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O artigo centra-se na análise do conto de Charles Nodier, “La légende de soeur Béatrix”, sob a perspectiva do fantástico literário; na criação de seu texto ficcional, o autor parte de uma lenda hagiográfica que acaba por mesclar-se a mitos antigos, associando o mito mariano ao da deusa grega Perséfone. Metáfora da poesia e da musa que caminha entre os dois mitos, a personagem do conto, irmã Béatrix, mostra que a encarnação é o caminho para o reavivamento do mito e da poesia.


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La novela A cidade de Ulisses (2011), de la escritora portuguesa contemporánea Teolinda Gersão, nos presenta una Lisboa envuelta en mitos e historia. Este trabajo pretende inferir las relaciones entre estos dos campos del conocimiento y sus implicaciones para la construcción de los sentidos del texto. Teniendo en cuenta la leyenda que cuenta que la capital portuguesa fue fundada por Ulisses, el héroe homérico, la narrativa se vale de elementos míticos para, junto con el relato del personaje Paulo Vaz acerca de sus relaciones románticas con Cecília Branco y Sara, hacer referencia a cuestiones del pasado y del presente histórico portugueses, siempre de manera crítica. Buscamos, así, indagar, a través del mito, cómo se introduce la historia en el universo del texto.


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The passion, understood by Aristotle, as a contingency which causes a change in the essence of the subject, was object of research of the Greek philosopher as rhetorical strategy used by the speaker to touch its listeners. The greimasian semiotics, enlarging the concept of Aristotle’s passion, understands it as the soul states of a subject that can be gathered form the analysis of a text. Reflections towards the passion discursivization and its persuasion effects in advertisements lead us to establish the relationships between passion, myth and ways of life.


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Introduction: Breast-feeding has stood out as health care measure and is part of the Government’s National Health Policy, involving dental professionals. However, it has been suggested that breast milk could be a risk factor for the development of early childhood caries. Objective: The purpose of this report was to search for scientific evidence that would support or refute the statement that breastfeeding is associated with the development of early childhood caries. Method: Medline and SciELO databases were consulted to retrieve studies, ranging from laboratory investigations to epidemiological surveys, which relate breastfeeding to dental caries. The key words ‘breast-feeding’ and ‘dental caries’ were used on the reference search. There was no scientific evidence that could demonstrate a clear relationship between breast milk and cariogenicity. This is attributed to fact that dental caries is a multifactorial disease that is susceptible to multiple confusing factors, among which the early introduction of sucrose to the infant’s diet and late introduction of oral hygiene habits. The dentist should encourage exclusive breast-feeding because, in addition to the undeniable benefits to the child’s physical and psychological health, it contributes to a harmonic facial growth and prevents the development of atypical deglutition and malocclusions, in combination with early introduction of oral hygiene habits and noncariogenic diet. Conclusion: There is no scientific evidence to demonstrate an association between breast-feeding and early childhood caries.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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The legendary Don Juan character inhabits the popular imaginary with such a vibrancy of a myth, despite its slight recognition as such by the scientific literature. The purpose of this article is to verify if Don Juan’s play can be understood, scientifically, as a modern myth, as well as understand its mythical nature and its relation to the modern man. A structural and historical analysis of the two first plays on Don Juan has guided us: the one written by Tirso de Molina in 1630, and the one by Molière, written in 1665. The studies allow us to say that Don Juan is a typical modern myth, once it is constituted by narratives that expose a world looming under the signs of individualism, hedonism, arrogance and audacity forged under the appeals of sexual desire.


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The present study is a reflection on the representation of the literary myth of Dom Juan in the work El estudiante de Salamanca (1836-1840), by Joseph de Espronceda. It highlights the most significant aspects of their recreation donjuanesca, since the classic elements taken from the founding work of Tirso de Molina to Romantic Titan which characterizes Dom Félix de Montemar.


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The remembrance of Rui Barbosa has always involved the maintenance of myths fabricated during his lifetime while a reappraisal of his intellectual, literary and political dimensions has been forwarded. Current essay discusses from several bibliographical samples on Brazilian social thought the manner the memory of the lawgiver from Bahia has been appropriated civically and intellectually. A qualitative and quantitative contrast was established between Barbosa’s works published and referred to and those by Joaquim Nabuco, Sílvio Romero and Gilberto Freyre. Oscillations in the evaluation of Barbosa’s works occurred during the 20th century that brought about a decrease in their value and about the memory on the historical subject.