136 resultados para high energy diet
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: The aim of this study was assess the role of chronic stress on the metabolic and nutritional profile of rats exposed to a high-fat diet. Materials and methods: Thirty-day-old male Wistar rats (70-100 g) were distributed into four groups: normal-diet (NC), chronic stress (St), high-fat diet (HD), and chronic stress/high-fat diet (HD/St). Stress consisted at immobilization during 15 weeks, 5 times per week, 1h per day; and exposure to the high-fat diet lasted 15 weeks. Nutritional and metabolic parameters were assessed. The level of significance was 5%. Results: The HD group had final body weight, total fat, as well as insulin and leptin increased, and they were insulin resistant. The St and HD/St had arterial hypertension and increased levels of corticosterone. Stress blocked the effects of the high-fat diet. Conclusion: Chronic stress prevented the appearance of obesity. Our results help to clarify the mechanisms involved in metabolic and nutritional dysfunction, and contribute to clinical cases linked to stress and high-fat diet.
Availability of nutrients is influenced by extremes of age, and a better characterization of this influence is necessary for appropriate development of foods and nutritional management throughout life stages of cats. This study investigated nutrient digestibility, mineral absorption, faeces and urine production in three groups of six young, mature and old cats fed two diets containing different energy densities. Apparent digestibility and mineral absorption were calculated by total collection method and values were tested with ANOVA and regression analysis. A quadratic relationship was detected between age and digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, acid-hydrolysed fat and starch in the low-energy diet. Starch digestibility showed the same response in the high-energy diet. Young adult cats had intermediate digestibility, mature cats the highest and old cats the lowest. Mineral absorption (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride) and urinary pH were not different among groups. These findings confirm previous studies that found low digestibility of nutrients in some old cats, and support evidence that this trend is even more important in less digestible dry foods. on the contrary, data suggest that mineral formulations do not need to be varied in diets for adult cats of different ages.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de pesquisar o efeito da energia da dieta sobre a temperatura do cólon e concentração de proteína de choque térmico (Hsp70) de frangos à temperatura ambiente, bem como durante o estresse calórico agudo. Os frangos foram criados até 51 dias de idade e alimentados com dietas contendo nível de energia alto (13.186 kJ EM/kg) ou baixo (12.139 kJ EM/kg). No 21º e 51º dias de idade, a temperatura do cólon foi medida e amostras de fígado foram obtidas para quantificação da Hsp70 através da análise por Western Blotting.. Nessas mesmas idades, a resposta das aves ao estresse calórico agudo (37º C/5 h) foi avaliada (temperatura colón e Hsp70 no fígado). Os resultados mostraram que aos 21 dias de idade, à temperatura ambiente, a temperatura do cólon e a concentração de Hsp70 hepática não foram afetadas pela energia da dieta, mas, aos 51 dias de idade, os frangos alimentados com baixos teores de energia apresentaram menores concentrações de Hsp70 no fígado. As respostas ao estresse calórico agudo mostraram que as aves alimentadas com dietas de alta energia tiveram menor incremento na temperatura do cólon, bem como no conteúdo de Hsp70 hepático. Os resultados desse estudo sugerem que a síntese de Hsp70 no fígado pode ser afetada pela energia da dieta e que frangos alimentados com altos níveis de energia podem ter a termotolerância alterada em condições de estresse agudo pelo calor.
OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as alterações bioquímicas hepáticas decorrentes da administração de uma dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética em ratos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 20 ratos (Wistar) com 90 dias de idade divididos em dois grupos, grupo-controle constituída por ratos eutróficos alimentados com dieta comercial para roedores e grupo-dieta constituída por ratos submetidos a uma dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética semi purificada feita com 35% de gordura sendo 31% de origem animal a qual possui 39% de gordura saturada e 4% de origem vegetal (óleo de soja). Os animais do grupo-controle foram mantidos com dieta comercial Purina® e o grupo-dieta com uma dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética constituída por 35% de gordura. Após 60 dias de administração de uma dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética, analisou-se massa corporal, sensibilidade à insulina, concentração sérica de glicose, insulina e ácidos graxos livres e medida do nível de triglicerídeos, lipídeos totais e atividade lipogênica hepática. RESULTADOS: O grupo-dieta apresentou maior massa corporal e resistência à insulina. No sangue não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos para os níveis de glicose. Foi evidenciada maior concentração de insulina e de ácidos graxos livres no soro para o grupo-dieta. No fígado o nível de lipídeos totais, triglicerídeos e taxa lipo-gênica foram superiores às do grupo-controle. CONCLUSÃO: Portanto, nossos achados demonstram que dois meses de ingestão de dieta hiperlipídica/hiperenergética por ratos adultos eleva o peso corporal, ácidos graxos livres hepáticos, diminui a sensibilidade à insulina, demostrando sinais típicos de doença hepática gordurosa não-alcoólica.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective: This study determined the effects of adding monosodium glutamate (MSG) to a standard diet and a fiber-enriched diet on glucose metabolism, lipid profile, and oxidative stress in rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats (65 ± 5 g, n = 8) were fed a standard diet (control), a standard diet supplemented with 100 g of MSG per kilogram of rat body weight, a diet rich in fiber, or a diet rich in fiber supplemented with 100 g of MSG per kilogram of body weight. After 45 d of treatment, sera were analyzed for concentrations of insulin, leptin, glucose, triacylglycerol, lipid hydroperoxide, and total antioxidant substances. A homeostasis model assessment index was estimated to characterize insulin resistance. Results: Voluntary food intake was higher and feed efficiency was lower in animals fed the standard diet supplemented with MSG than in those fed the control, fiber-enriched, or fiber- and MSG-enriched diet. The MSG group had metabolic dysfunction characterized by increased levels of glucose, triacylglycerol, insulin, leptin, and homeostasis model assessment index. The adverse effects of MSG were related to an imbalance between the oxidant and antioxidant systems. The MSG group had increased levels of lipid hydroperoxide and decreased levels of total antioxidant substances. Levels of triacylglycerol and lipid hydroperoxide were decreased in rats fed the fiber-enriched and fiber- and MSG-enriched diets, whereas levels of total antioxidant substances were increased in these animals. Conclusions: MSG added to a standard diet increased food intake. Overfeeding induced metabolic disorders associated with oxidative stress in the absence of obesity. The fiber-enriched diet prevented changes in glucose, insulin, leptin, and triacylglycerol levels that were seen in the MSG group. Because the deleterious effects of MSG, i.e., induced overfeeding, were not seen in the animals fed the fiber-enriched diets, it can be concluded that fiber supplementation is beneficial by discouraging overfeeding and improving oxidative stress that is induced by an MSG diet. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Whether the consumption of egg yolk, which has a very high cholesterol content without excess saturated fats, has deleterious effects on lipid metabolism is controversial. Absorbed dietary cholesterol enters the bloodstream as chylomicrons, but the effects of regular consumption of large amounts of cholesterol on the metabolism of this lipoprotein have not been explored even though the accumulation of chylomicron remnants is associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). We investigated the effects of high dietary cholesterol on chylomicron metabolism in normolipidemic, healthy young men. The plasma kinetics of a chylomicron-like emulsion, doubly-labeled with 14C-cholesteryl ester ( 14C-CE) and 3H-triolein ( 3H-TG) were assessed in 25 men (17-22 y old, BMI 24.1 ± 3.4 kg/m 2). One group (n = 13) consumed 174 ± 41 mg cholesterol/d and no egg yolk. The other group (n = 12) consumed 3 whole eggs/d for a total cholesterol intake of 804 ± 40 mg/d. The nutritional composition of diets was the same for both groups, including total lipids and saturated fat, which comprised 25 and 7%, respectively, of energy intake. Serum LDL and HDL cholesterol and apoprotein B concentrations were higher in the group consuming the high-cholesterol diet (P < 0.05), but serum triacylglycerol, apo AI, and lipoprotein (a) did not differ between the 2 groups. The fractional clearance rate (FCR) of the 14C-CE emulsion, obtained by compartmental analysis, was 52% slower in the high-cholesterol than in the low-cholesterol group (P < 0.001); the 3H-TG FCR did not differ between the groups. Finally, we concluded that high cholesterol intakes increase the residence time of chylomicron remnants, as indicated by the 14C-CE kinetics, which may have undesirable effects related to the development of CAD. © 2006 American Society for Nutrition.
Locomotion is central to behavior and intrinsic to many fitnesscritical activities (e.g., migration, foraging), and it competes with other life-history components for energy. However, detailed analyses of how changes in locomotor activity and running behavior affect energy budgets are scarce. We quantified these effects in four replicate lines of house mice that have been selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running (S lines) and in their four nonselected control lines (C lines). We monitored wheel speeds and oxygen consumption for 24-48 h to determine daily energy expenditure (DEE), resting metabolic rate (RMR), locomotor costs, and running behavior (bout characteristics). Daily running distances increased roughly 50%-90% in S lines in response to selection. After we controlled for body mass effects, selection resulted in a 23% increase in DEE in males and a 6% increase in females. Total activity costs (DEE - RMR) accounted for 50%-60% of DEE in both S and C lines and were 29% higher in S males and 5% higher in S females compared with their C counterparts. Energetic costs of increased daily running distances differed between sexes because S females evolved higher running distances by running faster with little change in time spent running, while S males also spent 40% more time running than C males. This increase in time spent running impinged on high energy costs because the majority of running costs stemmed from postural costs (the difference between RMR and the zero-speed intercept of the speed vs. metabolic rate relationship). No statistical differences in these traits were detected between S and C females, suggesting that large changes in locomotor behavior do not necessarily effect overall energy budgets. Running behavior also differed between sexes: within S lines, males ran with more but shorter bouts than females. Our results indicate that selection effects on energy budgets can differ dramatically between sexes and that energetic constraints in S males might partly explain the apparent selection limit for wheel running observed for over 15 generations. © 2009 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O experimento foi realizado objetivando-se caracterizar o subproduto concentrado da produção de lisina (SPL) e avaliar o desempenho e as características de carcaça de tourinhos Santa Gertrudes confinados recebendo níveis crescentes desse subproduto na dieta. O SPL resulta do processo de produção de lisina e é parcialmente seco. Apresentou aproximadamente 38% de matéria seca e 85% de proteína bruta na matéria seca, sendo que 79% desse nitrogênio encontrava-se na forma não-protéica. Não foram observados metais pesados em níveis tóxicos. Vinte e sete animais, com dez meses de idade e peso inicial de 242 kg, receberam silagem de milho, 80% de concentrado e 0; 4,5 ou 9,0% de SPL na matéria seca da dieta. O período experimental foi de 115 dias, após 56 dias de adaptação. A inclusão do SPL na dieta determinou efeito quadrático sobre o ganho de peso, o consumo diário de matéria seca, o peso final e o peso de carcaça; efeito linear decrescente sobre a eficiência alimentar e o rendimento de carcaça; e aumento da espessura de gordura de cobertura e do peso do fígado. Não foram observadas diferenças entre tratamentos para a área de olho de lombo. As diferenças no desempenho não foram associadas ao menor consumo de alimentos ou ao teor de enxofre das dietas. O nível de 3,7% de SPL na matéria seca da dieta foi considerado o máximo recomendado para tourinhos em terminação recebendo dietas com alto teor de energia, quando o ganho diário de peso esperado seria de 1,23 kg/animal.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)