100 resultados para hierarquia de dificuldades
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aims: the aims of this study were to compare and to characterize the fine, sensory and perceptive function performance and handwritten quality between students with learning difficulties and students with good academic performance. GII, GIII and GIV: 96 students with learning difficulties, and groups GV, GVI, GVII, GVIII: 96 good academic performance. The students were submitted to evaluation of fine motor, sensorial and perception functions and handwriting evaluation under dictation. Results: the results show that the students with learning difficulties from 1st to 3rd grade had lower performance on tests of fine motor, sensory and perceptive function compared to the students with good academic performance in the same grade; the students from 4th grade, both groups, did not show changes on fine motor sensory and perceptive function; and only the students of GII showed disgraphya. Conclusions: the results presented in this study suggest that the qualitative aspects of fine motor, sensory and perceptive skills reflect the integrity and maturity of central nervous system and can probably play an important role in early diagnosis of development disorders and consequently prevent academic disorders such as handwriting performance.
This study aims to characterize and to compare the students writing difficulties from 1st to 4th grades of public education. The study included 80 students divided into GI (20 students from 1st grade), GII (20 students from 2nd grade), GIII (20 students from 3rd grade) and GIV (20 students from 4th grade). The procedure applied was the Assessment of Learning Difficulties in Writing. The results revealed a median learning difficulty in students of GI (greater average of errors in writing). The increasing of schooling determine a decrease of the average of these errors from GI to GIV. The study revealed that the students are still in a process of construction and appropriate of the writing system, since the average of writing errors decreased as the school level increased.
This article aims to briefly analyze, the recent movements that characterize the process of regional integration in South America, focusing on themes that comprised the current debate about the formation of Mercosur.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to identify the conceptions of learning difficulties of teachers working in the beginning years of elementary education. In order to analyze such conceptions from the perspective of inclusive education, the study was carried out in two schools in a city of the State of Paraná. Sixteen teachers (mean age of 41 years) participated in the study. Of these, only one had no higher education. Interviews were carried out individually in the teachers` schools. The interviews were conducted with the support of a topic outline including: aspects of classroom management of the classes in which teachers worked; how to identify students with learning disabilities; causes of learning difficulties; how the school can help a student with learning difficulties. Each interview lasted 50 minutes on average. They were transcribed in full and submitted to thematic analysis. Four categories of analysis were determined: characterization of educational institutions' proposal; conceptions on the identification of students with learning difficulties; conceptions about causes of learning difficulties; possibilities for assisting students with learning difficulties. The results indicated that the main factors reported by the participants on the characterization of pupils with learning difficulties were of the cognitive order. The data also showed that the teachers based their opinions on family aspects in order to focus on causes of learning difficulties; they attributed the largest parcel of responsibility for solving such situations to students' families. One of the main conclusions of this study allowed us to consider that the schools that were investigated reported a practice that doesn't meet the inclusive education assumptions, denoted by the attempt to homogenize regular classes.
Dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the educational processes of the traditional teaching has always existed, and new teaching methods have been routinely studied. The experimental investigative activity is one of those alternative practices. In this type of activity the experimentation is inserted with an investigative approach, in which the student must build the concept, with proposals that represent solutions to the excited problems. In the teaching of chemistry, specifically, the need and importance of experimentation is evident, beyond motivate students, aid in the understanding of chemical concepts relating them to reality. Realizing the contributions of this methodology for teaching and learning, through this research was conducted to understand the difficulties encountered by teachers for planning and implementation of these activities in the teaching of chemistry and therefore the reasons for the dominance of traditional teaching method. The subjects were undergraduate students of chemistry course that developed and implemented differentiated learning activities for teaching and teachers who accompanied the high school students who participated in the university extension project Inclusion Science and University students and teachers from public: Teaching and Learning Chemistry focuses on research and practice”. Through the data it was possible to identify some factors that affect and hinder the implementation of experimental activities in general, not only the investigative. However, despite the difficulties experienced by undergraduates, the majority considered the activity as an alternative teaching method interesting and innovative, able to produce interest, motivation and participation of students with subsequent learning. As well as the teachers, what with all the difficulties that they had declared facing when applying experimental activities, they admitted the pedagogical... (Complete abstract click electronic access belo)
This research project aims to determine the main way that the inclusion of topics of history and philosophy of science education activities aimed at high school, influence the process of teaching and learning of chemistry. The subject of research will be a teacher, undergraduate student in chemistry and public school students that the teaching units developed will be applied. The literature presents a large of research indicating the need to include these topics in education and present the results of large withdrawals of original sources of the development of scientific knowledge. Despite of the large number of these works are not very common reports of application of the results of these studies on activities of the classroom, which reinforces the importance of this study
A dança, como um dos elementos da Cultural Corporal de Movimento, faz parte dos conteúdos a serem abordados nas aulas de Educação Física escolar. No entanto, isso não ocorre freqüentemente. O ensino da dança fica restrito apenas a dias de comemorações e em festas juninas que, geralmente, são organizados pelos professores dessa disciplina. Diante disso, esse estudo teve como objetivo elaborar, implementar e avaliar um programa de dança na perspectiva multicultural, que contribua com a formação do cidadão na escola. Mais especificamente, aplicar um programa de dança na escola e avaliar as suas possibilidades e dificuldades. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se no referencial da pesquisa do tipo etnográfico. Para a realização desse estudo foi elaborado um projeto de dança sob uma visão multicultural. Esse programa, a princípio, atenderia uma turma mista de Educação Física de, aproximadamente, 35 alunos do Ensino Fundamental ciclo II de uma escola pública da cidade de Rio Claro – SP. Porém, o professor de Educação Física responsável pela sala participante do projeto não disponibilizou os meninos, porque segundo ele, as meninas dançariam e os meninos ficariam na quadra jogando futebol. Assim, as aulas foram ministradas pela aluna-pesquisadora às meninas da sala que totalizaram, em torno de 20 garotas. O estudo teve duração de, aproximadamente, dois meses e meio. As alunas tiveram contato com diversos estilos de dança, tais como: danças circulares sagradas, danças de salão, jazz, dança de rua, entre outros. Na investigação foi utilizado um diário de campo para a análise descritiva de comportamentos e atitudes a partir da observação das relações interpessoais das alunas. Foi realizada também uma avaliação inicial, uma avaliação final e uma entrevista com 5 alunas. As relações de...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
It is known that some children fail to learn in school and among them are those that present difficulties and / or learning problems. At this difficulty and / or problems are attributed to various causes neurological problems, environmental or both. The areas most likely to be affected are: reading, writing and mathematics. This situation happens frequently in the daily life of schools and teachers should be prepared to work with diversity and enable the development of all, this includes having this particular part of the school population has a significant learning and an appropriate social relationship. It is therefore aim of this study, to investigate the conceptions of teachers in relation to the theme and possible practices of those in public elementary schools in Bauru city, a medium-sized city in the state of Sao Paulo, with those children who can not learn. Because it is a fact that often occurs in schools, it is necessary to investigate how teachers are working with these students since the school should ensure quality education for all and pedagogical efficiency. To obtain the data we used a questionnaire with multiple choice and essay questions, this tool was applied to a municipal school. It was noted that there is confusion between the terms learning difficulties and problems which affect the performance of teachers with these students and the working conditions of educators hinder their practices