150 resultados para heat of reaction


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Várias técnicas têm sido desenvolvidas para se obter o calor específico de sólidos e líquidos, incluindo a construção de experimentos de baixo custo para o ensino médio. Neste trabalho propomos uma maneira simples de se obter o calor específico de sólidos e líquidos. Por meio de curvas de calibração de resfriamento podemos estimar graficamente a perda de calor do sistema para sua vizinhança, e medir o calor específico do alumínio. Esta aproximação permite introduzir uma discussão sobre o processo dinâmico da troca de calor entre dos corpos.


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Avaliaram-se, por método imunoistoquímico, a expressão e distribuição das metaloproteinases (MMP) 2 e 9 em amostras de endométrio hígido e de éguas portadoras de endometrite crônica. Foram utilizadas 60 biópsias endometriais. A MMP-2 foi observada na parede vascular, nas células estromais e no epitélio glandular, e a imunorreatividade mais intensa foi obtida nas células do epitélio glandular nas endometrites da categoria III e na parede vascular nos endométrios da categoria I. A marcação imunoistoquímica para MMP-9 mostrou-se difusa pelo endométrio e foi observada no epitélio luminal e glandular, na região da parede vascular, nas células estromais, endoteliais e do infiltrado inflamatório. Houve diminuição da marcação imunoistoquímica na região da parede vascular conforme aumentou o grau das lesões endometriais concomitante à diminuição da intensidade da reação. Não houve relação na expressão imunoistoquímica das metaloproteinases estudadas com o tipo de endometrite


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As isotermas de sorção da carne de tambaqui desidratada osmoticamente foram determinadas a três temperaturas (5, 17 e 29ºC) e com duas concentrações de solução osmótica (10 e 30% de NaCl), pelo método gravimétrico. Quatro modelos de sorção foram testados para verificar o melhor ajuste; GAB, Oswin, BET e PELEG. Os dados experimentais se ajustaram satisfatoriamente aos modelos. O modelo escolhido para este trabalho foi o de PELEG. Para o ajuste nas curvas de sorção, foi feita a análise de regressão não-linear, usada o programa estatístico ORIGIN 4.0 para estimar as constantes dos modelos. A avaliação do melhor ajuste foi feita pela análise do coeficiente de determinação do ajuste (r²) e teste de Qui-quadrado (x²). Foram analisadas as influências da variação da temperatura e concentração de NaCl na atividade de água da carne do tambaqui. À medida que decresce a temperatura há um decréscimo na atividade de água. Um aumento na concentração do NaCl diminui a atividade de água. A propriedade termodinâmica estudada foi o calor isostérico de sorção. A medida que aumenta a concentração da solução osmótica aumenta o valor do calor isostérico de sorção.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Enzimas Peroxidases são heme-proteínas encontradas nos diferentes organismos vivos, especialmente vegetais, apresentam importante papel fisiológico/bioquímico como proteção contra microorganismos invasores. A soja, um dos mais importantes produtos para o agronegócio brasileiro apresenta na casca de suas sementes (subproduto) alta atividade de peroxidase, denominada soybean peroxidase,com potencial de utilização em métodos analíticos clínicos. A proposta do trabalho foi aplicar o planejamento fatorial para otimização das condições extração da enzima, definição das condições ótimas de atividade (pH e temperatura), utilizando metodologia de superfície de resposta. Os dados obtidos com clara definição foram: i) extração em pó cetonico, ii) meio reacional: pH 3,3, volume da amostra contendo a enzima 330 µL - 340 µL, peróxido de hidrogênio 4,2 mmol.L-1 150 µL, tempo de reação 20 segundos, temperatura 50º C, substrato guaiacol 30mmol.L-1 300 µL, e 0,1 mol.L-1 de NaCl. O uso da dessa metodologia para definição das condições de extração e estudos cinético-enzimáticos da peroxidase de soja foram eficientes e mais precisos, comparado a metodologia de variações/repetições (tentativa e erro).


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Ciclodextrinas (CDs) são oligossacarídeos cíclicos, não redutores, capazes de formar complexos de inclusão com outras moléculas, modificando suas características químicas e físicas. São de interesse industrial, mas o fator limitante para sua utilização ainda é o alto custo de produção. Devido à sua pureza e ao teor de amilopectina, a fécula de mandioca se apresenta como substrato potencial para a produção de CDs, tendo mais de 95% de amido. Outro substrato potencial é o farelo, resíduo da extração da fécula de mandioca, com cerca de 70% de amido e custo consideravelmente inferior ao da fécula. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de CDs usando fécula e farelo de mandioca como substratos, empregando ciclodextrina glucosiltransferase (CGTase; E. C. proveniente de Bacillus macerans. A conversão do amido em a-CDs foi de 19% para a fécula e 21% para o farelo. Para b-CDs, os valores foram de 27% e 15% para a fécula e o farelo, respectivamente. A proporção de a: b-CDs produzidas a partir da fécula foi de 1,0:1,4, enquanto que para o farelo foi de 1,5:1,0. Após 4 horas a 50ºC houve considerável perda da atividade enzimática, indicando tendência de estabilização da reação.


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Phase transitions of freeze-dried persimmon in a large range of moisture content were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In order to study this transitions at low and intermediate moisture content domains, samples were conditioned by adsorption at various water activities (a(w) = 0.11-0.90) at 25 degreesC. For the high moisture content region, samples were obtained by water addition. At a(w) less than or equal to 0.75 two glass transitions were visible, with T(g) decreasing with increasing water activity due to water plasticizing effect. The first T(g) is due to the matrix formed by sugars and water, the second one, less visible and less plasticized by water, is probably due to macromolecules of the fruit pulp. At a(w) between 0.80 and 0.90 a devitrification peak appeared after T(g) and before T(m). At this moisture content range, the Gordon-Taylor model represented satisfactorily the matrix glass transition curve. At the higher moisture content range (a(w) > 0.90), the more visible phenomenon was the ice melting. T(g) appeared less visible because the enthalpy change involved in glass transition is practically negligible in comparison with the latent heat of melting. In the high moisture content domain T(g) remained practically constant around T(g)' (-56.6 degreesC). (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Monte Carlo simulations of liquid formamide, N-methylformamide (MF), and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) have been performed in the isothermal and isobaric ensemble at 298 K and 1 atm, aiming to investigate the C-H ... O and N-H ... O hydrogen bonds. The interaction energy was calculated using the classical 6-12 Lennard-Jones pairwise potential plus a Coulomb term on a rigid six-site molecular model with the potential parameters being optimized in this work. Theoretical values obtained for heat of vaporization and liquid densities are in good agreement with the experimental data. The radial distribution function [RDF, g(r)] obtained compare well with R-X diffraction data available. The RDF and molecular mechanics (MM2) minimization show that the C-H ... O interaction has a significant role in the structure of the three liquids. These results are supported by ab initio calculations. This Interaction is particularly important in the structure of MF. The intensity of the N-H ... O hydrogen bond is greater in the MF than formamide. This could explain some anomalous properties verified in MF. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Monte Carlo simulations of liquid formamide, N-methylformamide (MF), and N, N-dimethytformamide (DMF) have been performed in the isothermal and isobaric ensemble at 298 K and 1 atm, aiming to investigate the C-H ⋯ O and N-H ⋯ O hydrogen bonds. The interaction energy was calculated using the classical 6-12 Lennard-Jones pairwise potential plus a Coulomb term on a rigid six-site molecular model with the potential parameters being optimized in this work. Theoretical values obtained for heat of vaporization and liquid densities are in good agreement with the experimental data. The radial distribution function [RDF, g(r)] obtained compare well with R-X diffraction data available. The RDF and molecular mechanics (MM2) minimization show that the C-H ⋯ O interaction has a significant role in the structure of the three liquids. These results are supported by ab initio calculations. This interaction is particularly important in the structure of MF. The intensity of the N - H ⋯ O hydrogen bond is greater in the MF than formamide. This could explain some anomalous properties verified in MF. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The solutions of a renormalized BCS equation are studied in three space dimensions in s, p and d waves for finite-range separable potentials in the weak to medium coupling region. In the weak-coupling limit, the present BCS model yields a small coherence length ξ and a large critical temperature, T c, appropriate for some high-T c materials. The BCS gap, T c, ξ and specific heat C s(T c) as a function of zero-temperature condensation energy are found to exhibit potential-independent universal scalings. The entropy, specific heat, spin susceptibility and penetration depth as a function of temperature exhibit universal scaling below T c in p and d waves.


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Moisture equilibrium data of persimmon skin and pulp were determined using the static gravimetric method. Adsorption and desorption isotherms were obtained in the range of 20-70°C, to water activities (a w) from 0.02 to 0.85. The application of the GAB model to the experimental results, using direct nonlinear regression analysis, provided a good agreement between experimental and calculated values. The net isosteric heat of sorption was estimated from equilibrium sorption data, using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Isosteric heats of sorption were found to increase with increasing temperature and could be well adjusted by an exponential relationship. The enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was applied to sorption isotherms and plots of ΔH versus ΔS for skin and pulp provided the isokinetic temperatures, indicating an enthalpy controlled sorption process. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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A cutaneous hypersensitivity test (CHT) was used to correlate host resistance to ticks and type of reaction elicited to unfed larval extract-ULE of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus in European and Indian cattle. Twenty calves were separated into four groups of five animals each: naïve or preinfested Indian or European cattle. CHT was induced by intradermal inoculation of 0.1 ml of ULE cattle tick B. microplus (50 μg protein) in the calf ear. Ear thickness was measured using calipers before and 10 min, 1, 2, 6, 18, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 144 h postinoculation (PI). Preinfested European calves showed only an immediate type reaction with maximum response (75% increase in ear thickness) at 10 min PI. On the other hand, preinfested Indian calves presented an immediate response with maximum reaction (70% increase in ear thickness) between 10 min and one hour PI, and a delayed type reaction at 72 h PI (60% increase in ear thickness). These results point out the crucial role of the cellular immune response of cattle in the expression of resistance to cattle tick B. microplus. Skin test might be useful in the ranking of cattle according to the susceptibility/resistance to ticks.


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Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to investigate the structure and hydrogen bonds formation in liquid acetaldehyde. An all atom model for the acetaldehyde have been optimized in the present work. Theoretical values obtained for heat of vaporisation and density of the liquid are in good agreement with experimental data. Graphics of radial distribution function indicate a well structured liquid compared to other similar dipolar organic liquids. Molecular mechanics minimization in gas phase leads to a trimer of very stable structure. The geometry of this complex is in very good agreement with the rdf. The shortest site-site correlation is between oxygen and the carbonyl hydrogen, suggesting that this correlation play a important role in the liquid structure and properties. The O⋯H average distance and the C-H⋯O angle obtained are characteristic of weak hydrogen bonds.


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Brazil produced in 2002/03 season 317.87×106tons of sugar cane stalks and 36.88×106tons of vegetal residues (green leaves, dry leaves and tops) in a planted area of 4.61×106 hectares (ha). These residues have a useful heat of 3,613.14Mcal.t-1. Currently most of this biomass is burned as a pre-harvest practice. The doubt persists in the system type that it must be adopted to pick up, load, transport and unload this biomass at the sugar mill boilers. This study analyzed 22 variables related to operational costs and physical characteristics of these residues in a field situation using a JOHN DEERE® 6850 forage harvester with two different treatments: T1 and T2 (two types of rakes) with 6 repetitions each one. The geographic location of the studied area that belongs to COSTA PINTO MILL (COSAN® Group) is: Latitude 22°40'30S and Longitude 47°36'38W. The adopted methodology was proposed by Ripoli et al. (2002). The obtained results at a 5% level of significance showed that both treatments did not differed significantly between them. Some of the results were, where EBP stands for Oil Equivalent Barrel: Windrowing (T1=US$0.17.EBP-1 and US$9.59.ha-1, T2=US$0.08.EBP-1 and US$4.27.ha-1); Pick up (T1=US$1.31.EBP-1 and US$44.29.ha-1, T2 =US$1.37.EBP-1 and US$48.36.ha-1); Transportation (T1=US$1.27.EBP-1 and US$14,30.ha -1, T2=US$1.33.EBP-1 and US$14,80.ha -1), Unloading at the sugar mill (T1=US$0.30.EBP-1 and US$3.39.ha-1, T2=US$0.32.EBP-1 and US$3.51.ha-1); Total (T1=US$3.05.EBP-1 and US$71.57.ha-1, T2=US$3.10.EBP-1 and US$70.94.ha-1). Confronting the obtained data with the ones in the bibliography, this system revealed itself more expensive than the baling system or the integral harvest system using combines.


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Background: Hematophagous insects digest large amounts of host hemoglobin and release heme inside their guts. In Rhodnius prolixus, hemoglobin-derived heme is detoxified by biomineralization, forming hemozoin (Hz). Recently, the involvement of the R. prolixus perimicrovillar membranes in Hz formation was demonstrated. Methodology/Principal Findings: Hz formation activity of an α-glucosidase was investigated. Hz formation was inhibited by specific α-glucosidase inhibitors. Moreover, Hz formation was sensitive to inhibition by Diethypyrocarbonate, suggesting a critical role of histidine residues in enzyme activity. Additionally, a polyclonal antibody raised against a phytophagous insect α-glucosidase was able to inhibit Hz formation. The α-glucosidase inhibitors have had no effects when used 10 h after the start of reaction, suggesting that α-glucosidase should act in the nucleation step of Hz formation. Hz formation was seen to be dependent on the substrate-binding site of enzyme, in a way that maltose, an enzyme substrate, blocks such activity. dsRNA, constructed using the sequence of α-glucosidase gene, was injected into R. prolixus females' hemocoel. Gene silencing was accomplished by reduction of both α-glucosidase and Hz formation activities. Insects were fed on plasma or hemin-enriched plasma and gene expression and activity of α-glucosidase were higher in the plasma plus hemin-fed insects. The deduced amino acid sequence of α-glucosidase shows a high similarity to the insect α-glucosidases, with critical histidine and aspartic residues conserved among the enzymes. Conclusions/Significance: Herein the Hz formation is shown to be associated to an a-glucosidase, the biochemical marker from Hemipteran perimicrovillar membranes. Usually, these enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic bond. The results strongly suggest that α-glucosidase is responsible for Hz nucleation in the R. prolixus midgut, indicating that the plasticity of this enzyme may play an important role in conferring fitness to hemipteran hematophagy, for instance. © 2009 Mury et al.