120 resultados para ethylene glycol dimethacrylate


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Ferroelectric barium titanate thin films were produced by the polymeric precursor method. In this technique, the desired metal cations are chelated in a solution using a hydroxycarboxylic acid as the chelating agent. Barium carbonate and titanium IV isopropoxide were used as precursors for the citrate solution. Ethylene glycol and citric acid were used as polymerization/complexation agents for the process. The crystalline structure of the film annealed at 700 °C had a single perovskite phase with a tetragonal structure. The BaTiO3 film showed good P-E hysteresis loops and C-V characteristics due to the switched ferroelectric domains.


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Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) solutions were prepared using a polymeric precursor method, Zr n-propoxide and Ti i-propoxide were used as starting materials with ethylene glycol and water as solvents. The PZT solution was spin-coated on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates, baked on a hot plate, and finally heat-treated in a tube furnace between 400 and 800°C. The surface morphology and grain size of the films were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), using a tapping mode with amplitude modulation. The films, thermal annealed at temperatures higher than 500°C, exhibited a dense microstructure, without noticeable cracks or voids. Electrical properties were investigated as a function of composition and annealing temperature.


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We investigated the effects of γ-radiation on cells isolated from the longitudinal smooth muscle layer of the guinea pig ileum, a relatively radioresistant tissue. Single doses (up to 50 Gy) reduced the amount of sarcoplasmatic reticulum and condensed the myofibrils, as shown by electron microscopy 3 days post-irradiation. After that, contractility of smooth muscle strips was reduced. Ca2+ handling was altered after irradiation, as shown in fura-2 loaded cells, with elevated basal intracellular Ca2+, reduced amount of intrareticular Ca2+, and reduced capacitive Ca2+ entry. Radiation also induced apoptosis, judged from flow cytometry of cells loaded with proprium iodide. Electron microscopy showed that radiation caused condensation of chromatin in dense masses around the nuclear envelope, the presence of apoptotic bodies, fragmentation of the nucleus, detachment of cells from their neighbors, and reductions in cell volume. Radiation also caused activation of caspase 12. Apoptosis was reduced by the administration of the caspase inhibitor Z-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethyl-ketone methyl ester (Z-VAD-FMK) during the 3 day period after irradiation, and by the chelator of intracellular Ca2+, 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA), from 1 h before until 2 h after irradiation. BAPTA also reduced the effects of radiation on contractility, basal intracellular Ca2+, amount of intrareticular Ca2+, capacitative Ca2+ entry, and apoptosis. In conclusion, the effects of gamma radiation on contractility, Ca2+ handling, and apoptosis appear due to a toxic action of intracellular Ca2+. Ca2+-induced damage to the sarcoplasmatic reticulum seems a key event in impaired Ca2+ handling and apoptosis induced by γ-radiation. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work has as objective to demonstrate technical and economic viability of hydrogen production utilizing glycerol. The volume of this substance, which was initially produced by synthetic ways (from oil-derived products), has increased dramatically due mainly to biodiesel production through transesterification process which has glycerol as main residue. The surplus amount of glycerol has been generally utilized to feed poultry or as fuel in boilers, beyond other applications such as production of soaps, chemical products for food industry, explosives, and others. The difficulty to allocate this additional amount of glycerol has become it in an enormous environment problem, in contrary to the objective of biodiesel chain, which is to diminish environmental impact substituting oil and its derivatives, which release more emissions than biofuels, do not contribute to CO2-cycle and are not renewable sources. Beyond to utilize glycerol in combustion processes, this material could be utilized for hydrogen production. However, a small quantity of works (theoretical and experimental) and reports concerning this theme could be encountered. Firstly, the produced glycerol must be purified since non-reacted amounts of materials, inclusively catalysts, contribute to deactivate catalysts utilized in hydrogen production processes. The volume of non-reacted reactants and non-utilized catalysts during transesterification process could be reutilized. Various technologies of thermochemical generation of hydrogen that utilizes glycerol (and other fuels) were evaluated and the greatest performances and their conditions are encountered as soon as the most efficient technology of hydrogen production. Firstly, a physicochemical analysis must be performed. This step has as objective to evaluate the necessary amount of reactants to produce a determined volume of hydrogen and determine thermodynamic conditions (such as temperature and pressure) where the major performances of hydrogen production could be encountered. The calculations are based on the process where advance degrees are found and hence, fractions of products (especially hydrogen, however, CO2, CO, CH4 and solid carbon could be also encountered) are calculated. To produce 1 Nm3/h of gaseous hydrogen (necessary for a PEMFC - Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell - containing an electric efficiency of about 40%, to generate 1 kWh), 0,558 kg/h of glycerol is necessary in global steam reforming, 0,978 kg/h of glycerol in partial oxidation and cracking processes, and 0,782 kg/h of glycerol in autothermal reforming process. The dry reforming process could not be performed to produce hydrogen utilizing glycerol, in contrary to the utilization of methane, ethanol, and other hydrocarbons. In this study, steam reforming process was preferred due mainly to higher efficiencies of production and the need of minor amount of glycerol as cited above. In the global steam reforming of glycerine, for one mole of glycerol, three moles of water are necessary to produce three moles of CO2 and seven moles of H2. The response reactions process was utilized to predict steam reforming process more accurately. In this mean, the production of solid carbon, CO, and CH4, beyond CO2 and hydrogen was predicted. However, traces of acetaldehyde (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), ethylene glycol, acetone, and others were encountered in some experimental studies. The rates of determined products obviously depend on the adopted catalysts (and its physical and chemical properties) and thermodynamic conditions of hydrogen production. Eight reactions of steam reforming and cracking were predicted considering only the determined products. In the case of steam reforming at 600°C, the advance degree of this reactor could attain its maximum value, i.e., overall volume of reactants could be obtained whether this reaction is maintained at 1 atm. As soon as temperature of this reaction increases the advance degree also increase, in contrary to the pressure, where advance degree decrease as soon as pressure increase. The fact of temperature of reforming is relatively small, lower costs of installation could be attained, especially cheaper thermocouples and smaller amount of thermo insulators and materials for its assembling. Utilizing the response reactions process in steam reforming, the predicted volumes of products, for the production of 1 Nm3/h of H2 and thermodynamic conditions as cited previously, were 0,264 kg/h of CO (13% of molar fraction of reaction products), 0,038 kg/h of CH4 (3% of molar fraction), 0,028 kg/h of C (3% of molar fraction), and 0,623 kg/h of CO2 (20% of molar fraction). Through process of water-gas shift reactions (WGSR) an additional amount of hydrogen could be produced utilizing mainly the volumes of produced CO and CH4. The overall results (steam reforming plus WGSR) could be similar to global steam reforming. An attention must to be taking into account due to the possibility to produce an additional amount of CH4 (through methanation process) and solid carbon (through Boudouard process). The production of solid carbon must to be avoided because this reactant diminishes (filling the pores) and even deactivate active area of catalysts. To avoid solid carbon production, an additional amount of water is suggested. This method could be also utilized to diminish the volume of CO (through WGSR process) since this product is prejudicial for the activity of low temperature fuel cells (such as PEMFC). In some works, more three or even six moles of water are suggested. A net energy balance of studied hydrogen production processes (at 1 atm only) was developed. In this balance, low heat value of reactant and products and utilized energy for the process (heat supply) were cited. In the case of steam reforming utilizing response reactions, global steam reforming, and cracking processes, the maximum net energy was detected at 700°C. Partial oxidation and autothermal reforming obtained negative net energy in all cited temperatures despite to be exothermic reactions. For global steam reforming, the major value was 114 kJ/h. In the case of steam reforming, the highest value of net energy was detected in this temperature (-170 kJ/h). The major values were detected in the cracking process (up to 2586 kJ/h). The exergetic analysis has as objective, associated with physicochemical analysis, to determine conditions where reactions could be performed at higher efficiencies with lower losses. This study was performed through calculations of exergetic and rational efficiencies, and irreversibilities. In this analysis, as in the previously performed physicochemical analysis, conditions such as temperature of 600°C and pressure of 1 atm for global steam reforming process were suggested due to lower irreversibility and higher efficiencies. Subsequently, higher irreversibilities and lower efficiencies were detected in autothermal reforming, partial oxidation and cracking process. Comparing global reaction of steam reforming with more-accurate steam reforming, it was verified that efficiencies were diminished and irreversibilities were increased. These results could be altered with introduction of WGSR process. An economic analysis could be performed to evaluate the cost of generated hydrogen and determine means to diminish the costs. This analysis suggests an annual period of operation between 5000-7000 hours, interest rates of up to 20% per annum (considering Brazilian conditions), and pay-back of up to 20 years. Another considerations must to be take into account such as tariffs of utilized glycerol and electricity (to be utilized as heat source and (or) for own process as pumps, lamps, valves, and other devices), installation (estimated as US$ 15.000 for a plant of 1 Nm3/h) and maintenance cost. The adoption of emission trading schemes such as carbon credits could be performed since this is a process with potential of mitigates environment impact. Not considering credit carbons, the minor cost of calculated H2 was 0,16288 US$/kWh if glycerol is also utilized as heat sources and 0,17677 US$/kWh if electricity is utilized as heat sources. The range of considered tariff of glycerol was 0-0,1 US$/kWh (taking as basis LHV of H2) and the tariff of electricity is US$ 0,0867 US$/kWh, with demand cost of 12,49 US$/kW. The costs of electricity were obtained by Companhia Bandeirante, localized in São Paulo State. The differences among costs of hydrogen production utilizing glycerol and electricity as heat source was in a range between 0,3-5,8%. This technology in this moment is not mature. However, it allows the employment generation with the additional utilization of glycerol, especially with plants associated with biodiesel plants. The produced hydrogen and electricity could be utilized in own process, increasing its final performance.


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Objective: Compare the cryoprotectants Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO), Ethylene Glycol (EG) and their association for cryopreservation of sheep ovarian cortex. Methodology: Fragments collected from ovaries were divided into 3 parts. 1. One part from sample was destined for analysis of fresh material. 2. The second part was incubated with solution of freezing having 1,5M EG or 1,5M DMSO or 1,5MEG + 1,5M DMSO and washed for dilution of the cryoprotectants. 3. The third part was submitted to cryopreservation using the same cryoprotectans (EG 1,5M; DMSO 1,5M and EG + DMSO 1,5M) and cryopreserved. In all groups, one part of sample was submitted to pre-antral follicles isolation and the remainder was destined to ultra-structural analysis. Results: After isolation of fresh primordial follicles (control), the percentage of viable follicles was 78,9%. The percentage of viable follicles only exposed to cryoprotectants 1,5M EG, 1,5M DMSO and 1,5M EG + 1,5M DMSO was 77,1%, 68,4% and 60,7% respectively. After cryopreservation were 75%, 60% and 55,6% respectively. Ultra-structural analysis of the primordial follicles derived from fresh ovarian fragments or from fragments just exposed to the cryoprotectants showed similar morphology. However, in frozen samples, alterations of mitochondria were observed in all groups. Despite this, the integrity of the remained organelles was preserved in follicles cryopreserved with EG, while that in others groups (DMSO and association) an excess of vacuolizaton in cytoplasm of oocytes and swelling of nuclear membrane was observed indicating degeneration. Conclusion: The Ehilene Glycol seems to be the cryoprotector more adequated for cryopreservation of sheep ovarian tissue.


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This paper describes the use of Au nanoparticle (NP)-containing hydrogel microstructures in the development of electrochemical enzyme-based biosensors. To fabricate biosensors, AuNPs were conjugated with glucose oxidase (GOX) or horseradish peroxidase (HRP) molecules and were dispersed in the prepolymer solution of poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEG-DA). Vinylferrocene (VF) was also added into the prepolymer solution in order to lower operating potential of the biosensor and to prevent oxidation of interfering substances. The prepolymer solution was photolithographically patterned in alignment with an array of Au electrodes fabricated on glass. As a result, electrode arrays became functionalized with AuNP/GOX- or AuNP/HRP-carrying hydrogel microstructures. Performance of the biosensors was characterized by impedance spectroscopy, chronoapmerometry and cyclic voltammetry. Impedance measurements revealed that inclusion of Au nanoparticles improved conductivity of PEG hydrogel by a factor of 5. Importantly, biosensors based on AuNP-GOX complex exhibited high sensitivity to glucose (100μAmM -1cm -2) in the linear range from 0.1 to 10mM. The detection limit was estimated to be 3.7×10- 7M at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. Biosensors with immobilized AuNP/HPR had a linear response from 0.5 to 5.0μM of hydrogen peroxide with sensitivity of 1.4mAmM -1cm -2. The method for fabricating nanoparticle-carrying hydrogel microstructures described in this paper should be widely applicable in the development of robust and sensitive electrochemical biosensors. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The yield and chemical composition of essential oils from leaves of Ocimum selloi B. submitted to organic and mineral fertilization, obtained by hydrodistillation and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) were compared. Essential oil was extracted in a Clevenger-type apparatus for 2 h 30 min and analyzed by GC-MS (Shimadzu, QP 5050-DB-5 capillary column - 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm). Carrier gas was helium (1.7 ml/min); split ratio: 1:30. Temperature program: 50°C, rising to 180°C at 5°C/min, 180°C, rising to 280°C at 10°C/min. Injector temperature: 240°C and detector temperature: 230°C. Identifications of chemical compounds were made by matching their mass spectra and Kovat's indices (IK) values with known compounds reported in the literature. An Applied Separations-apparatus (Speed SFE, model 7071, Allentown, PA, EUA) was used for SFE extractions. They were conducted at pressure 200 bar and temperature 30°C (20 min in static mode and 40 min in dynamic mode). The supercritical CO2 flow rate was (6.8±0.7)×10-5 kg-CO2/s. The essential oil collected was immersed in ethylene glycol bath (5°C). The yield of essential oils obtained by SFE was larger than hydrodistillation in both fertilization treatments (279 and 333% for organic and mineral fertilizations, respectively). There were no differences between the fertilization treatments. The amount of the volatile components showed by GC-MS chromatogram was highest in the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation than SFE. The main volatile constituents of the essential oils were trans-anethole (Hydrodistillation: organic - 52.4%; mineral - 55.0%/ SFE: Hydrodistillation - 62.8%; mineral - 66.8%) and methyl-chavicol (Hydrodistillation: organic - 37.3%; mineral - 38.3%/ SFE: organic - 8.4%; mineral - 4.3%). A reduction of methyl-chavicol relative proportion of essential oil obtained by SFE was observed. Cys-anethole, α-copaene, trans-cariofilene, germacrene-D, β-selinene, biciclogermacrene and spathulenol were expressed only in hydrodistillation. The extraction of essential oil by SFE presented larger yield of essential oil than hydrodistillation technique, presenting, however, these essential oils, different phytochemical profiles.


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Aims and objectives: The behavior of polymer-matrix composite is dependent on the degree of conversion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion of two resin cements following storage at 37°C immediately, 24 and 48 hours, and 7 days after light-curing by FTIR analysis. Materials and methods: The specimens were made in a metallic mold and cured with blue LED with power density of 500 mW/cm2 for 30 seconds. The specimens were pulverized, pressed with KBr and analyzed with FTIR following storage times. Statistical analysis used: ANOVA (two-way) and Tukey's post hoc. Results: To the polymer-matrix composites between 24 and 48 hours does not show a significant increase (p > 0.05), however, the highest values were found after 7 days. Conclusion: The polymer-matrix composites used in this study showed similarity on the degree of conversion and increased of according to the time of storage.


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Lubricating oils are crucial in the operation of automotive engines because they both reduce friction between moving parts and protect against corrosion. However, the performance of lubricant oil may be affected by contaminants, such as gasoline, diesel, ethanol, water and ethylene glycol. Although there are many standard methods and studies related to the quantification of contaminants in lubricant oil, such as gasoline and diesel oil, to the best of our knowledge, no methods have been reported for the quantification of ethanol in used Otto cycle engine lubrication oils. Therefore, this work aimed at the development and validation of a routine method based on partial least-squares multivariate analysis combined with attenuated total reflectance in the mid-infrared region to quantify ethanol content in used lubrication oil. The method was validated based on its figures of merit (using the net analyte signal) as follows: limit of detection (0.049%), limit of quantification (0.16%), accuracy (root mean square error of prediction=0.089% w/w), repeatability (0.05% w/w), fit (R 2 =0.9997), mean selectivity (0.047), sensitivity (0.011), inverse analytical sensitivity (0.016% w/w-1) and signal-to-noise ratio (max: 812.4 and min: 200.9). The results show that the proposed method can be routinely implemented for the quality control of lubricant oils. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of a commercial kit for bovine embryo vitrification for cryopreserving cat oocytes and to evaluate comparatively the effects of its use with slow freezing procedure on cryotolerance in terms of morphology and oocyte resumption of meiosis. Germinal vesicle stage oocytes isolated from cat ovaries were either vitrified (n=72) using a vitrification kit for bovine embryo or slow frozen (n=69) by exposing oocyte to ethylene glycol solution before being transferred to a programmable embryo freezer. After thawing and warming, oocytes were cultured for 48h and then were examined for meiosis resumption using bisbenzimide fluorescent staining (Hoechst 33342). Fresh immature oocytes (n=92) were used as the control group. The proportion of oocytes recovered in a morphologically normal state after thawing/warming was significantly higher in frozen oocytes (94.5%) than in the vitrified ones (75%, p<0.01). Morphological integrity after culture was similar in vitrified (73.6%) and slow frozen oocytes (76.8%); however, only 37.5% of the morphologically normal oocytes resumed meiosis after vitrification compared to 60.9% of those submitted to slow freezing procedure (p<0.01). Fresh oocytes showed higher morphological integrity (91.3%) and meiosis resumption rates (82.6%, p<0.002) than cryopreserved oocytes, irrespective of the procedure used. These results suggest that immature cat oocytes vitrified with a kit for bovine embryos retain their capacity to resume meiosis after warming and culture, albeit at lower rates than slow frozen oocytes. Vitrification and slow freezing methods show similar proportions of oocytes with normal morphology after culture, which demonstrate that thawed and warmed oocytes that resist to cryodamage have the same chances to maintain their integrity after 48h of culture. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rare earth complexes (RE) can be incorporated in silica matrixes, originating organic/inorganic hybrid materials with good thermal stability and high rare earth emission lines. In this work, the hybrid material was obtained by the polymeric precursor method and ultrasonic dispersed with spherical silica particles prepared by the Stöber Method. The Raman spectra indicated that the Eu3+ ions are involved in a polymeric structure formed as consequence of the chelation and polyesterification reactions of this ion with citric acid and ethylene glycol. After the ultrasonic stirring, 2-hydroxynicotinic ligand will also compose this polymeric rigid structure. The TGA/DTA analysis showed that this polymeric material was thermal decomposed at 300 °C. Moreover, this process allows the chelating process of the 2-hydroxynicotinic acid ligand to the Eu3+ ions. The 29Si NMR showed that the ultrasonic dispersion of the reactants was not able to promote the functionalization of the silica particles with the 2-hydroxynicotinic acid ligand. Moreover, heat treatment promotes the [Eu(HnicO2)3] complex particles incorporation into silica pores. At this temperature, the TGA curve showed that only the thermal degradation of ethylene glycol and citric acid used during the experimental procedure occurs. The silica and hybrid materials are composed by spherical and aggregated particles with particle size of approximately 450 nm, which can be influenced by the heat treatment. These materials also present an absorption band located at 337 nm. The photoluminescent study showed that when the hybrid samples were excited at 337 nm wavelength, the ligand absorbs the excitation light. Part of this energy is transferred to the Eu3+ ion, which main emission, 5D0→ 7F2, is observed in the emission spectrum at 612 nm. As the heating temperature increases to 300 C, the energy transfer is more favorable. The lifetime values showed that the Eu3+ emission is enhanced due to the energy transfer process in the powders. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)