183 resultados para dispersão larval
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ant predation of natural field populations of larval sugarcane borers, Diatraea saccharalis, was evaluated by using insecticidal check techniques, and through survivorship studies of artificial high-density infestations, in plantations in Brazil. Areas of ant suppression had higher levels of D. saccharalis than unsuppressed areas, although both types of areas normally had extremely low D. saccharalis populations. Artifical infestations of D. saccharalis yielded significantly lower larval survivorship in unsuppressed areas than in suppressed areas. Fire ants (Solenopsis spp.) were always the most abundant ant. This study has demonstrated that ants are important pest predators in Brazilian sugarcane fields.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Nos lagos do Médio Rio Doce (MG), dois grupos de larvas de Libellulidae apresentam diferenças no uso do habitat: um utiliza preferencialmente macrófitas aquáticas e o outro utiliza a superfície do fundo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se existe uma distinção morfológica entre estes dois grupos. Treze medidas morfológicas foram tiradas das larvas e analisadas. Nenhuma diferença, com relação ao tamanho corporal, foi encontrada entre os dois grupos, embora diferenças de forma tenham sido observadas com relação a duas variáveis morfológicas. As espécies que usam principalmente macrófitas tendem a possuir maiores medidas relativas do lábio e menores medidas da largura do abdome, o oposto ocorrendo com as larvas habitantes do fundo. Vantagens na captura de presas e na vulnerabilidade à predação são provavelmente as explicações para a divergência morfológica observada entre os dois grupos de larvas.
In this study we investigated the larval dispersal associated with larval predation in experimental populations of Chrysomya albiceps and Cochliomyia macellaria. Frequency distribution of sampling units (G test) in the substrate was used to evaluate variation in larval dispersal. An experimental acrylic channel (1 x 0.1 x 0.2 m) covered with wood shavings was used to observe larval dispersal prior to pupation. The acrylic channel was graduated at 0.05 m intervals, each representing a sampling unit; hence, 20 sampling units were set up. A Petri dish containing third instar larvae of single and double species was deposited at one edge of the acrylic channel allowing larvae to disperse. The number of buried pupae (0, 1, 2,...n) present in each sampling unit was recorded. For double species, the number of recovered larvae of C. albiceps was similar to the number initially released on the dish Petri. on the other hand, the number of recovered larvae of C. macellaria was significantly smaller than the initially released number the results show that C. albiceps attacks C. macellaria larvae during the larval dispersal process. The larval distribution of C. albiceps did not differ significantly from C. macellaria in double species, but it differed significantly in single species. The larval aggregation level of C. macellaria decreased when C. albiceps was present and the larval aggregation level of C. albiceps increased when C. macellaria was present. The implications of such findings for the population dynamics of these species are discussed.
Immature and adult stages of blowflies are one of the primary invertebrate consumers of decomposing animal organic matter. When the food supply is consumed or when the larvae complete their development and migrate prior to the total removal of the larval substrate, they disperse to find adequate places for pupation, a process known as postfeeding larval dispersal. Several important ecological and physiological aspects of this process were studied since the work by Green (Ann Appl Biol 38:475, 1951) 50 years ago. An understanding of postfeeding larval dispersal can be useful for determining the postmortem interval (PMI) of human cadavers in legal medicine, particularly because this interval may be underestimated if older dispersing larvae or those that disperse longer, faster, and deeper are not taken into account. In this article, we review the process of postfeeding larval dispersal and its implications for legal medicine, in particular showing that aspects such as burial behavior and competition among species of blowflies can influence this process and consequently, the estimation of PMI.
In the present study, a single procedure was established to investigate the effect of the spatial distribution of immatures in patchy resources, on the outcome of larval competition for food. in experimental populations of Chrysomya megacephala. A theoretical model of intraspecific competition was extended and applied to experimental data on survival to adulthood for 20 larval densities, to obtain the theoretical mean number of individuals that will survive, considering a hypothetical previous random adult oviposition in a system of homogeneous patches. The survival curve obtained suggests that the larval competition for food in C. megacephala is of the scramble/exploitative type, which corroborates results from previous studies, although the latter did not consider the correlation between local and global abundances. The present model allows that experimental data could be perfectly applicable, and it incorporates fundamental assumptions about the spatial context of competition for patchy resources in blowflies, and may be applied to the optimization of mass rearing techniques and to the maintenance of insect colonies under experimental conditions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este estudo foi realizado em fragmento de vegetação ciliar remanescente, localizado à margem direita do rio Mogi-Guaçu, Município de Conchal, SP, tendo como objetivo a avaliação do potencial desse fragmento como fonte de propágulos para projetos de enriquecimento em áreas ciliares implantadas na região de Mogi-Guaçu, SP. Para tanto, foi realizada a caracterização sucessional e da síndrome de dispersão das espécies arbóreas e arbustivas. No local, foram registradas 99 espécies arbóreas e arbustivas, pertencentes a 38 famílias. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Myrtaceae e Rubiaceae. Quanto aos grupos sucessionais, foi verificado equilíbrio na quantidade de espécies secundárias tardias (28,3%) e daquelas típicas de sub-bosque (23,2%). A síndrome de dispersão predominante entre as espécies arbóreas e arbustivas foi a zoocoria, identificada em 64,6% delas, seguida pela anemocoria, que representou 20,2% dos casos. Os resultados gerais apontaram o bom estado de conservação desse fragmento e a viabilidade de sua utilização como fonte de propágulos para ações de revegetação em áreas ciliares da região.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Six zoeal stages and the megalopa of the comestible crab Ucides cordatus cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) are described and illustrated. The larvae were reared in the laboratory at temperature 25 ± 1ºC and water salinity of 24 ; duration of stages and survival rates were measured. Comparisons with the descriptions of the zoeal morphologic characters of Ocypodidae and Gecarcinidae permited to include definitively U. c. cordatus in the family Ocypodidae, subfamily Ocypodinae.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The developmental stages of Dardanus insignis (Saussure, 1858) from first through eighth zoea and megalopa are described and illuslraled. The experiments were carried out involving 100 larvae, obtained from ovigerous females collected on the north littoral of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The larvae were kept in individual containers, with water of 34 salinity and fed with freshly hatched nauplii of Artemia; room temperature was maintained at 25±1ºC. The larval characters of this species are compared with Dardanus arrosor (Herbst, 1796). the only species of the genus that has also heen reared in laboratory.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)