64 resultados para descoberta do Novo Mundo
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O presente trabalho apresenta em sua essência conceitos relacionados as práticas de Governança Corporativa no mundo e, principalmente, no Brasil. Tais práticas são leis que ajudam na Bolsa de Valores, trazendo mais transparência e confiança para os agentes e está desenvolvido no segundo capítulo. Tais práticas, então, afetarão diretamente as expectativas dos agentes a investirem seus capitais de forma mais segura. Para tanto, é necessário ter uma ideia geral de como são afetadas tais expectativas e é onde está desenvolvido o primeiro capítulo. Para concluir, é feita uma análise empírica, baseada em séries temporais, de econometria para auxiliar se o que a teoria nos diz é comprovada na prática e são usadas como base os Bancos Nossa Caixa e Banco Bradesco
In this paper we present a report of a project developed with young people who were in detention on the CASA Foundation, former FEBEM in Araraquara, in the period in which the activity occurred. Our goal with the project was twofold: that our presence at the Foundation supports the young people in that institution with leisure and social reintegration, and to enable students to make experience of new strategies for teaching undergraduate and citizenship training. The project developed there was entitled "The Art of Storytelling" and, and despite its catchy title, actually had a much less ambitious goal, which was not just enable artists to exercise the storytelling, but chiefly to raise awareness that our worldview and our inner lives are made up by micronarratives, which not only place us in the universe into which we belong and also creates our own identity. Having this perspective as a starting point and following the theoretical assumptions of Paulo Freire, for whom the learning process is interactive and based on the exchange of experiences, we held five meetings and the experience was enriching, both for students and for the Foundation´s youngs that took part in this activity.
Mia Couto dans “O Outro Pé da Sereia” représente deux mondes: le monde d’aujourd’hui avec tous les effets de la mondialisation sur l’espace du Mozambique. Sous-jacents de ce monde la vie mystique vient la vie millénaire des africains avec sa religiosité mystique. Il’y a donc, dans le texte coutiano, l’ínteraction entre le deux opposés: l’ancien et le neuf.