179 resultados para chois modal


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Dynamic light scattering has been used to investigate sonicated aqueous dispersions of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB). The hydrodynamic radius (R-H) of the scattering particles and the mean scattering intensity (I) have been monitored as functions of the DODAB concentration and temperature (T). In the dilute regime, the relaxation time distribution of the sonicated dispersion of DODAB is bimodal with the slow mode dominating the distribution. The slow and fast modes are respectively characteristic of vesicles and bilayer fragments with R-H values of 22 and 8.5 nm (25 degrees C) and 20 and 6 nm (50 degrees C), respectively. The total scattered intensity initially decreased with temperature up to 45 degrees C (T-c), above which it was constant; identical behavior was observed for the slow mode intensity, but the fast mode intensity was constant with temperature change, showing that T-c is a property of the vesicles and not of the bilayer fragments. At T-c the slow vesicle mode becomes narrower whereas the fast fragment mode shows no change. on aging, the dispersion showed a slow transition from bimodal to a rather broad single-modal relaxation time distribution. The corresponding R-H was 33.8 nm when measured 10 months after preparation. These results suggest that aqueous sonicated dispersions of DODAB are metastable.


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A total of 991 Trypanosoma cruzi cells, from four laboratory stocks, including the three differentiation forms, had their cellular outlines, nuclei and kinetoplasts measured at 9000 x magnification. Data on the identifiable cell cycle stages were used to search for intraspecific and biological cycle heterogeneity.Cellular areas (CA) in the interphasic differentiation forms produced ratios of 1.07 for culture epimastigotes (E), 1 for blood trypomastigotes (T), and 0.86 for tissue forms (A). Homogeneity in terms of nuclear (NA) and kinetoplast (KA) areas prevailed among the stocks, with differences of at most 6%, for modal NA of strains CL and Y. NA of T-form was larger than the basic NA of early G1 A-form. T-form kinetoplast volume was 3-fold that of A-form K-DNA nucleoids.One of the two recently divided kinetoplasts in mitotic E-form did not correlate with CA, indicating that mitochondrial division was unequal. The KA of CL strain T-form did not correlate with NA, suggesting a mitochondrial disfunction in this thermosensitive strain.The CL strain T-form was more heterogeneous than the Y strain for all characters, showing greater frequency of large values, even reaching the G2 levels. This heterogeneity was interpreted as functional, consequent to the thermosensitivity of the CL strain. Precocious bursting of CL strain host cells would lead to the polymorphic T-forms. Post-S phase trypomastigotes could start division soon after penetration of host cells.


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The objective of this paper is to show an alternative methodology to estimate per unit length parameters of a line segment of a transmission line. With this methodology the line segment parameters can be obtained starting from the phase currents and -voltages in receiving and sending end of the line segment. If the line segment is represented as being one or more pi circuits whose frequency dependent parameters are considered lumped, its impedance and admittance can be easily expressed as functions of the currents and voltages at the sending and receiving end. Because we are supposing that voltages and currents at the sending and receiving end of the tine segment (in frequency domain) are known, it is possible to obtains its impedance and admittance and consequently its per unit length longitudinal and transversal parameters. The procedure will be applied to estimate the longitudinal and transversal parameters of a small segment of a single-phase line that is already built.


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The objective of this paper is to show an alternative methodology to calculate transmission-line parameters per unit length. With this methodology, the transmission-line parameters can be obtained starting from impedances measured in one terminal of the line. First, the article shows the classical methodology to calculate frequency-dependent transmission-line parameters by using Carson's and Pollaczeck's equations for representing the ground effect and Bessel's functions to represent the skin effect. After that, a new procedure is shown to calculate frequency-dependent transmission-line parameters directly from currents and voltages of an existing line. Then, this procedure is applied in a two-phase and a three-phase transmission line whose parameters have been previously calculated by using the classical methodology. Finally, the results obtained by using the new procedure and by using the classical methodology are compared. The article shows simulations results for a typical frequency spectrum of switching transients (10 Hz to 10 kHz).


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The correction procedure for Clarke's matrix, considering three-phase transmission line analyzes, is analyzed step by step in this paper, searching to improve the application of this procedure. Changing the eigenvectors as modal transformation matrices, Clarke's matrix has been applied to analyses for transposed and untransposed three-phase transmission line cases. It is based on the fact that Clarke's matrix is an eigenvector matrix for transposed three-phase transmission lines considering symmetrical and asymmetrical cases. Because of this, the application of this matrix has been analyzed considering untransposed three-phase transmission lines. In most of these cases, the errors related to the eigenvalues can be considered negligible. It is not true when it is analyzed the elements that are not in main diagonal of the quasi-mode matrix. This matrix is obtained from the application of Clarke's matrix. The quasi-mode matrix is correspondent to the eigenvalue matrix. Their off-diagonal elements represent couplings among the quasi-modes. So, the off-diagonal quasi-mode element relative values are not negligible when compared to the eigenvalues that correspond to the coupled quasi-modes. Minimizing these relative values, the correction procedure is analyzed in detail, checking some alternatives for the correction procedure application.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The population dynamics and reproduction of the hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus were evaluated on Pescadores Beach, located on the estuarine channel of Sao Vicente (São Paulo), Brazil. The hermit crabs were captured by hand during low tide,from May 2001 to April 2003. A total of 2554 hermit crabs were captured, of which 701 were males, 1741 non-ovigerous females, 48 ovigerous females and 64 intersex individuals. The size-frequency distribution of the males was represented by a platykurtic bell-shaped curve, which differed from the leptokurtic bell-shaped curve of the females. The smaller and intermediate classes were composed mainly of females (modal size 6.5-7.5 mm carapace shield length (CSL)), and the larger classes only by males (modal size 9.5-10.5 mm CSL). The overall sex-ratio was skewed toward females (0.39:1/M:F), differing significantly from the expected 1:1. A seasonal reproductive pattern was recorded for C. vittatus in this location, with more intensive reproductive activity in the warmer months. The absence of juveniles suggests that their recruitment area is different than the area inhabited by adults, possibly another area with more protection and specialized or different resources for young.


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A new concept of fault detection and isolation using robust observation for systems with random noises is presented. The method selects the parameters from components that may fault during the process and constructs well conditioned robust observers, considering sensors faults. To isolate component failures via robust observation, a bank of detection observers is constructed, where each observer is only sensitive to one specified component failure while robust to all other component failures.


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The modal and nonmodal linear properties of the Hasegawa-Wakatani system are examined. This linear model for plasma drift waves is nonnormal in the sense of not having a complete set of orthogonal eigenvectors. A consequence of nonnormality is that finite-time nonmodal growth rates can be larger than modal growth rates. In this system, the nonmodal time-dependent behavior depends strongly on the adiabatic parameter and the time scale of interest. For small values of the adiabatic parameter and short time scales, the nonmodal growth rates, wave number, and phase shifts (between the density and potential fluctuations) are time dependent and differ from those obtained by normal mode analysis. On a given time scale, when the adiabatic parameter is less than a critical value, the drift waves are dominated by nonmodal effects while for values of the adiabatic parameter greater than the critical value, the behavior is that given by normal mode analysis. The critical adiabatic parameter decreases with time and modal behavior eventually dominates. The nonmodal linear properties of the Hasegawa-Wakatani system may help to explain features of the full system previously attributed to nonlinearity.


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A comparative evaluation regarding a new zero-current-switching (ZCS) pulse width modulated (PWM) Sepic rectifier, operating in voltage step-down mode, employing two different techniques, in order to obtain high power factor and reduced total harmonic distortion (THD) at the input current, is presented. The methods are those in continuous-current mode operation, known as peak current mode control with slope compensation, and average-current mode control. The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis, a design example and the main experimental results are presented for both proposed control techniques.


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The linear properties of an electromagnetic drift-wave model are examined. The linear system is non-normal in that its eigenvectors are not orthogonal with respect to the energy inner product. The non-normality of the linear evolution operator can lead to enhanced finite-time growth rates compared to modal growth rates. Previous work with an electrostatic drift-wave model found that nonmodal behavior is important in the hydrodynamic limit. Here, similar behavior is seen in the hydrodynamic regime even with the addition of magnetic fluctuations. However, unlike the results for the electrostatic drift-wave model, nonmodal behavior is also important in the adiabatic regime with moderate to strong magnetic fluctuations. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.


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Smart material technology has become an area of increasing interest for the development of lighter and stronger structures which are able to incorporate actuator and sensor capabilities for collocated control. In the design of actively controlled structures, the determination of the actuator locations and the controller gains, is a very important issue. For that purpose, smart material modelling, modal analysis methods, control and optimization techniques are the most important ingredients to be taken into account. The optimization problem to be solved in this context presents two interdependent aspects. The first one is related to the discrete optimal actuator location selection problem, which is solved in this paper using genetic algorithms. The second is represented by a continuous variable optimization problem, through which the control gains are determined using classical techniques. A cantilever Euler-Bernoulli beam is used to illustrate the presented methodology.


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The purpose of this work was to study the karyotype, spermatogenesis and nucleolar activity at meiosis, in the species Rhodnius domesticus (Heteroptera, Triatominae). The testicular tubules were cytologically prepared by the conventional method of cell crushing and subsequent application of cytogenetic staining techniques with lacto-acetic orcein and silver-ion impregnation. The species under study presented karyotype 2n= 20A+XY, the modal number of the subfamily Triatominae. The chromosomes presented no primary constriction and were therefore characterized as holocentric. It was observed that the sex chromosomes sometimes were located at the periphery, close to the ring formed by autosomes, at first meiotic division. At metaphases II, sex chromosomes were positioned in the center of the autosomal ring, thus evidencing a postreductional behavior. These same chromosomes showed late migration at anaphases and were clearly impregnated with silver-ions, suggesting they bore Nucleolar Organizer Regions. Dispersed nucleolar corpuscles in cytoplasm until telophase II and small dots in spermatids strongly impregnated with silver, could be seen. Thus, it may be inferred that, in triatomines, the nucleolus does not completely disappear but remains in the form of small corpuscles that have a role in cell differentiation.


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The objective of this paper is to show an alternative methodology to calculate transmission line parameters per unit length. With this methodology the transmission line parameters can be obtained starting from the phase currents and voltages in one terminal of the line. First, the article shows the classical methodology to calculate frequency dependent transmission line parameters by using Carson's and Pollaczeck's equations for representing the ground effect and Bessel's functions to represent the skin effect. After that, it is shown a new procedure to calculate frequency dependent transmission line parameters directly from currents and voltages of the line that is already built. Then, this procedure is applied in a two-phase transmission line whose parameters have been previously calculated by using the classical methodology. Finally, the results obtained by using the new procedure and by using the classical methodology are compared. ©2005 IEEE.


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For a typical non-symmetrical system with two parallel three phase transmission lines, modal transformation is applied using some examples of single real transformation matrices. These examples are applied searching an adequate single real transformation matrix to two parallel three phase transmission line systems. The analyses are started with the eigenvector and eigenvalue studies, using Clarke's transformation or linear combinations of Clarke's elements. The Z C and parameters are analyzed for the case that presents the smallest errors between the exact eigenvalues and the single real transformation matrix application results. The single real transformation determined for this case is based on Clarke's matrix and its main characteristic is the use of a unique homopolar reference. So, the homopolar mode becomes a connector mode between the two three-phase circuits of the analyzed system. ©2005 IEEE.