79 resultados para athletic


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Brazil has the fourth largest horse herd in the world, this is due the recognition and appreciation that the different equestrian games are having within the country. Injuries of the tendon, especially in the digital flexor tendon, are the main cause of athletic life reduction among horses. The treatment of tendinitis in horses seeks full recovery of the damage tissue reestablishing the function previously lost, however conventional treatments have proven to be ineffective when considered the quality of the scar tissue and the rate of recurrence. Due to this, the use of adult stem cells to the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries of horses has been studied for some time. This method of treatment consists of aspiration of bone marrow or removal of subcutaneous fat tissue and implantation of these cells in the injured tissue. After obtaining the bone marrow the implantation can be performed with total bone marrow, with the mononuclear fraction of MSC or with cells cultured in vitro. From the fat tissue is used the stromal vascular fraction obtained by collagenase digestion, followed or not by cell culture. According to some studies, cell therapy with material obtained from bone marrow or adipose tissue has shown to be viable, given that these materials are abundant in repair components such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), growth factors and other components of the collagen matrix. Several studies using both types of cells have shown great potential and promising clinical results. However, knowledge of the biology and characterization of these cells remain largely unknown, and therefore is needed great care and caution when using stem cells for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in horses


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Most athletic horses nowadays suffer injuries on their locomotor system, needing a long period of rest during the year, meaning a big economic loss. Because of that, this kind of injury has become extremely important for the Veterinary Medicine. Among this injuries, tendinitis of the flexors tendons must be mentioned, since its reparation is essential for the animal return to exercise. Many methods of treatment for this injury have been employed, but few have provided satisfactory results. So the objective of this study is to analyze the present concepts of equine tendinitis to better understand its mechanism, adequate treatment and prevention


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In the literature, it is possible to find a large number of studies directed toward athletic training in the physical, technical and tactical aspects of the Soccer game. In the other side, we are able to attest that there exists few instruments in the sport area of studies on evaluation of the athlete, in specific, rare are the instruments for assessment that takes into consideration the game situation. The most important aspect of an instrument of assessment is its validity. The present study has the objective to validate the “Instrument for Assessment of the Soccer Player” (IASP), proposed by Gama (2003). For the process of validation, participated nine university students, volunteers, four women and five men. The evaluators had a training period for acquaintance with the instrument and they analyzed, in individual basis, soccer games registered in video. This procedure was done via a 29 inches TV set, a DVD device and a voice recorder. Tests of reliability and objectivity were applied in order to measure intra and between observers consistency. As for the objectivity analysis, the results for each one of the soccer motor action with the ball in a game situation showed high correlation between possible score and obtained score. However these data did not allow for the validation of the IASP instrument as the criterion applied to the analyzed actions were different between observers even when of the observation of the same player in the same game. This problem was detected also in the evaluation of reliability. However, the present study was capable to point out inconsistencies within the Instrument for Assesment of the Soccer Player (IASP) so that after the needed changes being made, another validation will be done


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The Exercise Induced Pulmonar Haemorrhage (EIPH) affect a large amount of atlethe horses. It affects the horse's performance in any kind of competition and it can represent incresead spending of money or even an economic loss. Thoroughbred horses are the most affectef breed by EIPH because of intensive activity. Meanwhile any other kind of horse breed that is involved in athletic competition can also be affected by EIPH as well. In this brief work we are presenting the most common causes and factors from the EIPH as well the prevention and some types of treatment available nowadays


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One of the main causes of incapacity in athletes, be they human or equines, is the occurrence of intra-articular lesions. The equines are each time more required in his athletic performance, resulting in intense stress to the structures that composes the locomotor device. The leading cause of human and equine athlete’s functional incapacity is the intra-articular disorders. One of the greatest advances in sports medicine was the development of arthroscopy as a minimal invasive intra-articular surgery. The defining characteristic of diagnostic or surgical arthroscopy is featured by minimal tissue damage and broad inspection of internal structures inside the joint associated with low morbidity and complications. The advantages of surgical arthroscopy over traditional surgery are well known: limited hospitalization, early return to competition, lower risks of post-operative joint rigidity, magnification of inspected structures, joint lavage associated or not with removal of potentially dangerous substances. Arthroscopy cannot replace conventional methods and must not do so; however, the intrinsic limitations of conventional diagnostic techniques, such as radiology and synovial fluid analysis, must be kept in mind, particularly in evaluating damage to cartilage and the synovial membrane. Arthroscopy has now become the accepted method of performing all joint surgery, however it is mainly used for radical surgery, such as osteochondral fragment removal, surgical curettage and arthroplasty


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Exercise, in general have the ability to promote health, reduce loss of physical fitness, reduce declines in body composition and prevent disease, and promote improvements in athletic performance, and that's consensual today. Through analysis of body composition and physical fitness, you can diagnose the possible individuals at risk of developing diseases, and fractures caused by falls in the elderly. The DXA tests were used (densitometry by dual beam X-ray) to assess body composition and regional, 1 RM test to evaluate the maximum strength and girth measurements, diameters and skin folds in order to analyze the balance of power muscle with both body composition as regional. The results showed that the variance in bone mass between older content related to the change in the maximum muscular strength of the upper and lower limbs, but the force values are not related to increased muscle mass. The development of muscle strength fulfills a dual function in aging which is to maintain or reduce the rate of loss of lean body mass, and also so the body bone health


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the electrical behavior pattern of the Rectus abdominis muscle by qualitative and quantitative analysis of the electromyographic signal obtained from its superior, medium and inferior portions during dynamic and static activities. Ten voluntaries (aged X = 17.8 years, SD = 1.6) athletic males were studied without history of muscle skeletal disfunction. For the quantitative analysis the RMS (Root Mean Square) values obtained in the electromyographic signal during the isometric exercises were normalized and expressed in maximum voluntary isometric contraction percentages. For the qualitative analysis of the dynamic activity the electromyographic signal was processed by full-wave rectification, linear envelope and normalization (amplitude and time), so that the resulting curve of the processed signal was submitted to descriptive graphic analysis. The results of the quantitative study show that there is not a statistically significant difference among the portions of the muscle. Qualitative analysis demonstrated two aspects: the presence of a common activation electric pattern in the portions of Rectus abdominis muscle and the absence of significant difference in the inclination angles in the electrical activity curve during the isotonic exercises.


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Low back pain is considered a major cause of lameness and performance decay, but identify the location of the lesions and quantify the intensity of pain is difficult because often the most obvious clinical sign, in some cases, is not the pain itself, but, low athletic performance. The diagnosis and treatment of this disease are associated with a high cost and have a strong impact on the equine industry, since it results in direct economic losses. The diagnosis of low back pain is made through physical examination and additional tests, including radiography, ultrasound, thermography and blockades. Major injuries causing back pain in horses is the contact or overlap of the spinous processes, supraspinous desmitis, osteoarthritis of the articular processes, vertebral body lesions and myositis. Therapeutic measures used in the treatment of these diseases are systemic inflammatory steroid, local infiltration, acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy, changes in training and surgeries.


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This study examined the influence of different speed increments during treadmill exercise tests on peak treadmill speed (Vpeak) and its relationship with a 1-h treadmill running performance. 18 male recreational and amateur runners (10-km running pace: 10–15 km·h−1) performed, in an alternate order, 3 continuous incremental exercise tests with different speed increments (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 km·h−1) on a motorized treadmill to determine Vpeak. Thereafter they undertook a 1-h time trial on a treadmill. Vpeak was determined as either (a) the highest speed that could be maintained for a complete minute (Vpeak-60 s), (b) the speed of the last complete stage (Vpeak-C), or (c) the speed of the last complete stage added to the product of the speed increment and the completed fraction of the incomplete stage (Vpeak-P). The Vpeak values were highly influenced by the different speed-incremented rates and the Vpeak-P determined during the protocol comprising speed increments of 1 km·h−1 presented the highest correlation with 1-h time trial performance (r=0.89). The results suggest that a protocol with speed increments comprising 1 km·h−1 and with a 3-min stage duration should be used as standard for the determination of Vpeak to assess aerobic fitness and predict endurance performance in recreational runners. Furthermore, the Vpeak-P should be used for the determination of Vpeak.


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The sports activities occupy a growing space in people's lives, especially children and youth. Taking into consideration that this practice is of paramount importance, especially in childhood, where the acquired habits influence in adulthood, this work aims to investigate the role of physical education classes in adherence of children to the practice of some activity sports. These are a dynamic process, and to realize it is necessary planning, making the practice is a pleasurable activity. Thus, an important point to note is the motivation, which depends on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Another factor that may interfere in the sporting practices is the influence of parents on children. In this context, the contact sports can be used to gain the approval of parents and not for self-gratification, this being a way to get closer to distant parents. A point worth mentioning is the physical education, as this introduces and integrates the child's body / movement culture. Often child's first contact with the sport happens at school, leading us to the assumption that the physical education teachers at the school are responsible for the athletic student motivation, and we emphasize that the school motivational factors are very dependent on students' aspirations for that a particular motivational element can take effect. The technical and / or professional outside of school physical education also influence the child, as these can provide pleasure for the sport, being a connoisseur of motivational strategies. An important motivational aspect is friendship, as children use sports activities to make new friends and find your friends. In addition, some extrinsic factors can influence the practice, such as: win, work out, play, socializing, competition, fun, etc. The drop can be caused by various reasons, such as early specialization, participation in very specific competitions for which the child is not yet ready. In addition, other factors can be...


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Low adherence to physical exercise programs is a factor that contributes to the high rates of physical inactivity worldwide. In this sense, strategies to improve the affective responses during exercise are used to impact adherence, as the use of music and self-selected exercise intensity. Despite the benefits of these strategies, there are few studies involving the combination of both (self-selected intensity and music), especially in the elderly population. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of music on performance, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and on affective and motivational responses of elderly during walking exercise with self-selected intensity. Eleven elderly performed walking sessions on an athletic track in three conditions: without music, with motivational music and with oudeterous music. RPE, mood states, motivation, affective responses, session RPE and attitudes related to the experience of exercise were evaluated. Results demonstrated that both motivational and oudeterous music improved affective responses and decreased RPE. However, only the motivational music condition showed an effect on distance walked, the only presenting a consistent increase in distance. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of music, particularly motivational music, besides increasing the distance walked, reduces RPE and increase pleasure of the elderly during the exercise. Such strategy, in addition to potentially impact adherence positively, can lead to greater benefits and physical adaptations related to the training in the long term


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The first records of the use of substances that enhance athletic performance began in antiquity. The objective of this study is to analyze the use of doping methods and supplements by amateur athletes and MMA professionals and what motivates usage. The work consisted of desk research in which use of work carried out at fifteen amateur and professional athletes, which underwent a data collection; these athletes are all over eighteen years old, male and practicing MMA for at least two years. The questionnaire that they were submitted corresponded to ten multiple-choice questions, which are: Age, what type of fight practiced as a basis for MMA, how long practices martial arts, sees the sport of competitive or recreational way, has already made use dietary supplements, have made use of banned substances (steroids) in the sport, it has already made use of steroids which the substance used and to what end was done using, know the side effects of anabolic steroids, know one or more people who have already made use of steroids in order to increase their performance in the fight, he believes it is possible an athlete achieve success in modern MMA without the use of anabolic steroids. The results showed that, of the fifteen athletes interviewed, only two said they never made use of dietary supplements, and four said they have already made use of anabolic steroids. All fifteen athletes claim to know the side effects of steroid use, and 14 of them say they know one or more sport-mates who have already made use of steroids. Given the results, it can be concluded that the use of steroids is common in MMA