115 resultados para articles of incorporation


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper proposes a reflection on processes of variation and change that occurred with the portuguese prepositions a, ate, em and para, taken as a parameter for answers in a broader context, the confrontation between the norm and use and between standard and linguistic variation. We conducted the study based on a corpus composed of all occurrences of the prepositions in question removed news of the newspaper O Combate and O Estado de Sao Paulo. Whereas the main objective of the study is to present and describe the use of these particles in newspaper articles of the Imprensa Paulista, data were collected and quantified by using the statistical package GOLDVARB, and interpretation of results relied (i) assumptions regarding the process variation in the use of prepositions and prepositions replace weak, as the preposition to, for strong prepositions (para, em, até), (ii) in comparison with the grammatical rule in effect at the time, (iii) and in the search for the existence of some historical factor that justifies the selection of a preposition rather than another. Among the hypotheses, we investigate the relationship between these prepositions and whose kind of preachers they introduce supplements: the direction of motion (abstract or concrete) or transfer (material and verbal / perceptual). This theoretical perspective was the Labovian sociolinguistics (Labov, 1972, 1994), which defines the linguistic variable as a representation of two or more different ways to convey a certain information content, being necessary to define it the following criteria set exact number of variants to establish all the multiplicity of contexts in which it appears; develop a quantitative index for measuring the values of variables


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The underdevelopment is a high relevance subject in researches and studies for the general social sciences. In this monographic paper, the marxist analysis perspective of the phenomenon approached is considerate of great importance to make a deep overlook, historical and structural, about the origins and solutions possibilities for the issues caused by it over several countries. Has been done here a theoretical analysis of three studious marxist authors of the subject: Paul A. Baran, Andre G. Frank and Ruy M. Marini. How they thought underdevelopment? Which were their scientific contributions to this theme? The main goal of this paper is to do a comparative analysis of these authors, synthesize their considerations about the underdevelopment issues and organized a theoretical and conceptual framework for a better understanding of the matters in capitalist development/underdevelopment relationship. To accomplish that, we elected four variables that supports this comparative exercises, they are: the origins, the causes, the consequences and the way-out of the underdevelopment conditions. This monographic work was made through studies of some principals books and articles of the cited authors as well as the reading of others authors that commented their theories and concepts. The considerations about the underdevelopment vitality under a world capitalist logical, rescues the debate on the transformation of this entire society project for another, been this movement the only way possible to reverse the path of the world people’s history and the major part of humankind that still lives into the “necessity kingdom”


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The objective of this work is to analyze the viability of incorporation in a microcomputer box of a nobreak with an ultracapacitor as energy storage device, substituting the conventional chemical battery. An advantage of this inclusion is cost reduction because a specific metallic or plastic frame won’t be necessary to protect the components of the nobreak; the microcomputer metallic frame offers the necessary protection for both equipments. Moreover, a large quantity of internal space of microcomputers box isn’t used, and is possible to use it to wrap up the nobreak. This work uses data about average power consumption of microcomputers; operation of switching mode power supplies for microcomputers; electrical and mechanical characteristics of ultracapacitors and operation of power circuits of nobreaks, with the purpose of present a study of energy storage capacity that an ultracapacitor should have to allow a safe switching off of a microcomputer in case of electrical network fail. It was noticed that the use of ultracapacitors is feasible to feed an 180 W load for 75 s, using a capacitive bank with sixteen ultracapacitors, with a total capacitance of 350 F and voltage of 10,8 V. The use of the proposed nobreak increases the reliability of the microcomputer by reducing the probability of user data losses in case of an electrical network fail, offering a high cost/benefit product. The substitution of the battery by an ultracapacitor allows a quick nobreak recharge, with low maintenance costs, since ultracapacitors have a lifetime bigger than batteries; beyond reducing the environmental impact, because they don’t use potentially toxic chemical compounds


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In 2011, I had the opportunity to be inserted in two elementary schools in the city of Rio Claro - SP: a) as a researcher student, participating in the research project “Pedagogical Practice and Collective work in School: The Rescue of the Narrative and the Teacher’s Knowledge”; b) as a intern, developing the Required Stage as established in the curriculum of the Full Degree Pedagogy Course (UNESP). These two experiences have made me think about the configuration of the school and its relationship with the homogenizing practices: What are the possibilities and conditions to be taken into consideration of the multiculturalism in school? The teacher’s graduation fits the plural characteristic in the classroom? Therefore, the goal of the research is to understand the concept of the multiculturalism within the school and in the processes of teacher graduation. I intend with that, to list in which grade the school organization favors or not the practices that fit the plural characteristics of the students. For the achievement of the goal, I intend to develop a bibliographic search, from the selected articles of the ANPEd (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education) in the Working Groups (GT): GT04 – Didactic, GT12 – Curriculum e GT13 – Elementary School. I have dialogued with authors who have allowed me to broaden the understanding of school organization and authors who have allowed me to look at multiculturalism both within school and in teacher graduation. And yet, in the search to know practices that fit multiculturalism in school, I did the analysis of the dissertation prepared by an elementary school teacher who went to live with a group of teens, promoting the meeting of the school culture with street culture as a strategy to rescue the humanization of students. The students are singular subjects and, therefore, the interest in knowing different works that attemp to recognize the importance of diversity


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Understanding the territorial transformations is important to the geographic knowledge, especially when it is related to structural questions as agrarian one. In this way, the land acquisition to agrarian reform enables us to understand some of these transformations, represented by territorialization of landless workers in rural settlements, that are concrete results of the struggle for land that boost the policies of agrarian reform in our country. The renewal of the agrarian structure is fundamental to the concept of land reform and also provides that advances social, political, cultural, economic, etc. Classified as a country with rates of the highest land concentration in the world, Brazilian government attempts to base his actions to take in the expropriation of land the main character of the land reform. However, new policies have been gradually used to obtaining the rural settlements, in a process that Fernandes (2010) called the reconceptualization of land reform. Starting in 1985, Brazil has 63% of the beneficiaries of land reform policies settled on expropriated land, the rest is a result of incorporation policies such as land regularization, of land reform and land purchase. Such policies generate changes in agrarian structure, that is the goal of land reform, but don´t concentrate to the land ownership. This attitude of the state in coping with the agrarian question is his response to the pressures of capitalist agriculture represented by landowners and agribusiness, coping catching an intense and uneven territorial dispute with peasant agriculture, in an attempt to impose its model of development for the field. The aimed of this present study is to understand better the land reform acquisition and its implications in the Brazilian territory, in order to understand it in their multiplicity.


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This work aims at presenting the historical and social path traversed in Brazil since slavery until the implementation of affirmative public policies to promote racial equality, at the local level, in the municipality of Presidente Prudente-SP. Therefore, the starting point was the equal rights guaranteed by the Constitution. As a result, there was a brief historical path of national trajectory, starting from slavery to the so-called cordial racism, seeking to demonstrate the route of racial discrimination in the country. Later, we made notes about the necessity and debate on public policy statements of various fields, were made explicit in the text and the articles of the Constitution which prescribe the crime of racism and some of the situations that were highlighted in the national media. The focus in the city of Presidente Prudente was through historical research, interviews, photographic records and documents that informed about the presence of black people in the city. From these data, based on previous research, it was possible to trace the formation and development of the Black Movement in the city and thus point the way to the formation of this City Council for Racial Equality and the need for application of affirmative action policies for the municipality by hereby. Data from the 2000 Census and 2010 indicate the demand of Presidente Prudente as the percentage of blacks self-declared grew this decade. The main demands are paring the areas of Health since the rate of black women Administrative Region (RA) of Presidente Prudente who die in puerperium and high; Education through enhanced, by the Municipal Education Law No. 10,639, and due attention to african-Brazilian culture by respecting the religious manifestations of African origin among others... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This paper is part of a larger project that is being developed at our university, whose goal is to enable students of Literature and Translation to detect and analyze linguistic phenomena based on electronic corpora, consisting of original texts and texts translated, which show the general language, literary language and specialized language. One of its aspects is the analysis of medical abstracts and their translation process. Thus, this undergraduate research project, we seek to observe the technical-scientific English language by performing translations of abstracts of scientific articles of Neurology and Oncology.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Practices of violence such as physical and verbal aggression, provocations, humiliations and exclusion that occur mainly among young people in schools are named as bullying and the aim of this qualitative-descriptive study was to investigate how this phenomenon is represented by magazines directed to teenage girls. The analysis was conducted in fifteen articles of four Brazilian magazines: Capricho, Todateen, Atrevida and Yes Teen through thematic categories: 1) Definitions and explanations about bullying; 2) Magazines’ proposals to the confrontation against bullying (2.1 Campaigns and orientations against bullying; 2.2 Advices about how to act in the presence of bullying; 2.3 Examples of “overcoming” to people who suffered bullying and 2.4 Advices given to people who practice bullying). It was identified the presence of hierarchies, stereotypes and the incentive to competition. There is the predominance of normative and excluding patterns, advices that individualize the issue and lack of critical reflection.


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This paper is part of a larger project. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the movie Girl With a Pearl Earring (2003) by Peter Webber using the theoretical perspective of dialogue from the Bakhtin Circle, Medved, Volochinov. The multidisciplinary and interartistic potential of cinema is considered in this paper when the linguistic organization and the translinguistic elements in the corpus are focused on and understood as an example of cinema genre as discussed in the Russian Circle. The study of the ways of incorporation of different genericities by cinema, illustrated by the dialogues between the pictorial genre, the novel and the movies contribute to the recognition of the cinema as a genre that is composed by the incorporation of other genres. The construction of the cinematographic work in analysis will be regarded in its architectonic (form, content and style) and in the activity field in which it circulates.


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The research notes retrieve and review articles of Professor João Augusto de Toledo published in the Escola Normal Secundária de São Carlos Magazine. Altogether, the articles address issues of didactic teaching, national history, nationalist movement, psychology and experimental pedagogy, teacher training, organization of a primary school and childhood education. These topics are directly addressed to the person concerned.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper, are analyzed the content of morality and civility disclosed in five articles published in the Revista de Educação, educational periodic published by the School for Teaching Training of Piracicaba, between 1921 and 1923, and that had Lourenço Filho as editor. For the analysis, it was used aspects of the theory of civilization processes, based on the emotional control idea, proposed by the German sociologist Norbert Elias, in the first decades of the twentieth century. Through historical approach, it was founded in these articles the principles of civility and of morality that should be taught through the school to the teaching training students so they could teach it to their students, future citizens of Republic. From the analysis of the articles of this journal it was possible to observe the "drawing" of citizen who was disclosed and, consequently, the spread - through the school – of values related to social behavior that matched to the standards of civilized individuals to the Brazilian Republic.