92 resultados para affine subspace


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Neural networks consist of highly interconnected and parallel nonlinear processing elements that are shown to be extremely effective in computation. This paper presents an architecture of recurrent neural net-works that can be used to solve several classes of optimization problems. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its inter-nal parameters are computed explicitly using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the convergence of the network to the equilibrium points, which represent a solution of the problem considered. The problems that can be treated by the proposed approach include combinatorial optimiza-tion problems, dynamic programming problems, and nonlinear optimization problems.


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We present the critical exponents nu (L2), eta (L2) and gamma (L) for an m-axial Lifshitz point at second order in an epsilon (L) expansion. We introduce a constraint involving the loop momenta along the m-dimensional subspace in order to perform two- and three-loop integrals. The results are valid in the range 0 less than or equal to m less than or equal to d. The case m = 0 corresponds to the usual Ising-like critical behaviour.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We formulate the constrained KP hierarchy (denoted by cKP K+1,M) as an affine sl(M + K+ 1) matrix integrable hierarchy generalizing the Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy. Using an algebraic approach, including the graded structure of the generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy, we are able to find several new universal results valid for the cKP hierarchy. In particular, our method yields a closed expression for the second bracket obtained through Dirac reduction of any untwisted affine Kac-Moody current algebra. An explicit example is given for the case sl(M + K + 1), for which a closed expression for the general recursion operator is also obtained. We show how isospectral flows are characterized and grouped according to the semisimple non-regular element E of sl(M + K+ 1) and the content of the center of the kernel of E. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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We consider a two-dimensional integrable and conformally invariant field theory possessing two Dirac spinors and three scalar fields. The interaction couples bilinear terms in the spinors to exponentials of the scalars. Its integrability properties are based on the sl(2) affine Kac-Moody algebra, and it is a simple example of the so-called conformal affine Toda theories coupled to matter fields. We show, using bosonization techniques, that the classical equivalence between a U(1) Noether current and the topological current holds true at the quantum level, and then leads to a bag model like mechanism for the confinement of the spinor fields inside the solitons. By bosonizing the spinors we show that the theory decouples into a sine-Gordon model and free scalars. We construct the two-soliton solutions and show that their interactions lead to the same time delays as those for the sine-Gordon solitons. The model provides a good laboratory to test duality ideas in the context of the equivalence between the sine-Gordon and Thirring theories. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ability of neural networks to realize some complex nonlinear function makes them attractive for system identification. This paper describes a novel barrier method using artificial neural networks to solve robust parameter estimation problems for nonlinear model with unknown-but-bounded errors and uncertainties. This problem can be represented by a typical constrained optimization problem. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its internal parameters are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the network convergence to the equilibrium points. A solution for the robust estimation problem with unknown-but-bounded error corresponds to an equilibrium point of the network. Simulation results are presented as an illustration of the proposed approach.


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Systems based on artificial neural networks have high computational rates due to the use of a massive number of simple processing elements and the high degree of connectivity between these elements. Neural networks with feedback connections provide a computing model capable of solving a large class of optimization problems. This paper presents a novel approach for solving dynamic programming problems using artificial neural networks. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its internal parameters are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the convergence of the network to the equilibrium points which represent solutions (not necessarily optimal) for the dynamic programming problem. Simulated examples are presented and compared with other neural networks. The results demonstrate that proposed method gives a significant improvement.


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In Colombeau's theory, given an open subset Ω of ℝn, there is a differential algebra G(Ω) of generalized functions which contains in a natural way the space D′(Ω) of distributions as a vector subspace. There is also a simpler version of the algebra G,(Ω). Although this subalgebra does not contain, in canonical way, the space D′(Ω) is enough for most applications. This work is developed in the simplified generalized functions framework. In several applications it is necessary to compute higher intrinsic derivatives of generalized functions, and since these derivatives are multilinear maps, it is necessary to define the space of generalized functions in Banach spaces. In this article we introduce the composite function for a special class of generalized mappings (defined in open subsets of Banach spaces with values in Banach spaces) and we compute the higher intrinsic derivative of this composite function.


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We consider an integrable conformally invariant two-dimensional model associated to the affine Kac-Moody algebra sl3(ℂ). It possesses four scalar fields and six Dirac spinors. The theory does not possesses a local Lagrangian since the spinor equations of motion present interaction terms which are bilinear in the spinors. There exists a submodel presenting an equivalence between a U(1) vector current and a topological current, which leads to a confinement of the spinors inside the solitons. We calculate the one-soliton and two-soliton solutions using a procedure which is a hybrid of the dressing and Hirota methods. The soliton masses and time delays due to the soliton interactions are also calculated. We give a computer program to calculate the soliton solutions. © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Two distinct gauge potentials can have the same field strength, in which case they are said to be copies of each other. The consequences of this ambiguity for the general affine space A of gauge potentials are examined. Any two potentials are connected by a straight line in A, but a straight line going through two copies either contains no other copy or is entirely formed by copies. Copyright © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation.


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The purpose of our work is to extend the formulation of classical affine Toda Models in the presence of jump defects to pure fermionic Thirring model. As a first attempt we construct the Lagrangian of the Grassmanian Thirring model with jump defect (of Backlund type) and present its conserved modified momentum and energy expressions giving a first indication of its integra-bility. Copyright © owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.


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This paper deals with the problem of establishing stabilizing state-dependent switching laws in DC-DC converters operating at continuous conduction mode (CCM) and comparing their performance indexes. Firstly, the nature of the problem is defined, that is, the study of switched affine systems, which may not share a common equilibrium point. The concept of stability is, therefore, broadened. Then, the central theorem is proposed, from which a family of switching laws can be derived, namely the minimum law and the hold state law. Some of these are proved to stabilize the basic DC-DC converters and then, their performances are compared to another law, from a previous work, by simulation, where a great reduction in overshoot is obtained. © 2011 IEEE.


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The Kaup-Newell (KN) hierarchy contains the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation (DNLSE) amongst others interesting and important nonlinear integrable equations. In this paper, a general higher grading affine algebraic construction of integrable hierarchies is proposed and the KN hierarchy is established in terms of an Ŝℓ2Kac-Moody algebra and principal gradation. In this form, our spectral problem is linear in the spectral parameter. The positive and negative flows are derived, showing that some interesting physical models arise from the same algebraic structure. For instance, the DNLSE is obtained as the second positive, while the Mikhailov model as the first negative flows. The equivalence between the latter and the massive Thirring model is also explicitly demonstrated. The algebraic dressing method is employed to construct soliton solutions in a systematic manner for all members of the hierarchy. Finally, the equivalence of the spectral problem introduced in this paper with the usual one, which is quadratic in the spectral parameter, is achieved by setting a particular automorphism of the affine algebra, which maps the homogeneous into principal gradation. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Matemática Universitária - IGCE