64 resultados para Villi länsi


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The purpose of this work was to study the effects of oral administration of lactoferrin (Lf) in rats subjected to atrophy of the small intestine induced by a diet based on soy protein concentrate as the main protein source. We used 24 male Wistar rats aged 40 days, kept in individual cages under appropriate conditions of temperature, light and humidity. The animals were divided into four groups (n = 6); 1) group SL received soy-based food and, once a day, a supplement of 200mg/kg of Lf administered by gavage; 2) group Si received the soy feed without supplement of Lf; 3) group CL received a diet based on casein plus Lf; 4) group Ci received the casein diet without supplement of Lf. At the end of fifteen days, a 10 mm segment of the initial portion of the small intestine was sectioned and subjected to morphometry of the intestinal crypts and villi and assessment of the number and size of myofibroblasts. Comparison between groups showed that the length of the villi was similar in groups Ci and CL and higher in CL than in SL; SL than in Si, in Ci than in SL, and in Ci than in Si to Ci. The crypt depth was similar in SL and CL, SL and Ci and Ci and CL and was higher in Si than in Ci and in Si than in SL. The number of myofibroblasts was higher in SL than in CL, in SL than in Si, in CL than in Ci, and in SL than in and Ci; between Ci and Si there was no difference. The area of myofibroblasts was similar between the groups SL and CL and Si and Ci and higher in SL than in Si, and in Cl than in and Ci, and in SL than in Ci. All statistical analysis assumed significance when p < 0.05. From these results, we conclude that lactoferrin increases the number and size of the pericrypt myofibroblasts and stimulates rapidly the regeneration of atrophied villi.


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For this purpose, samples of Nelore fetus abomasum (Bos taurus indicus) were classified into five groups: 1 – fetuses with 9 to 15 weeks (8 to 21 cm) of gestation, 2 – fetuses with 16 to 22 weeks (23 to 37 cm), 3 – fetuses at 23 to 29 weeks (40 to 58 cm) 4 – fetuses with 30 to 36 weeks (61 to 77 cm) and 5 – fetuses with 37 to 43 weeks (79 to 88 cm). Histologic sections were stained with Hematoxylin and eosin, picrosirius and Mallory’s trichrome methods and examined under light microscopy. In fetus with 11 cm of length showed deep mucosa, wide folds and villi lined by single cylindrical epithelium, lamina propria, submucosa, muscular sublayers and serosa. Fetus with 13.5 cm, villi were evident and muscular layer of the mucosa was formed. At 16.5 cm, could be seen an increase in mucosa glands size and number. In fetus of 26 cm, showed gastric mucous glands at great number and ramifications. At 29 cm large folds, were observed. At 37 cm, showed glandular epithelium, muscular layer of the mucosa and muscular layer well development. Fetus with 42 cm, showed deep glands with corresponding mucous cells surrounding by thin lamina propria. It was concluded that the histomorphometric values of muscular layer and total abomasum wall were increased for all groups except for groups 4 and 5 which there was a decline of values, without presenting a significant difference and there was no continuous pattern of growth for other components of abomasum wall.


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It has been reported that the phage therapy is effective in controlling the number of colony-forming unit (CFU) of Salmonella spp. in chicken gut. This paper describes the protective effect of phage and Lactobacilli administration on Salmonella infection in 1-day-old chicks. We administered the bacteriophage P22 in a single dose and a probiotic mixture of four species of bacteriocin-producing Lactobacillus once a day for one week. Samples were analyzed every 48 hours, and intestinal eradication of S. Typhimurium was confirmed after treatments. We observed an increase in the size of duodenal villi and cecal crypts, as well as an increase in body weight in groups that received daily doses of Lactobacilli. This study confirms the efficiency of bacteriophage therapy in controlling salmonellosis in chicks and the beneficial effect of Lactobacilli mixtures in the weight gain of the birds.


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Background: Buteo magnirostris, popularly known as roadside hawk belongs to the family Accipitridae, Ciconiiformes. The specimen is common throughout Brazil inhabiting open areas, tolerating disturbed areas very well, but avoiding dense forests. The trematodes are common parasites in the intestines of birds of prey, with scant notice of pathogenic infections. However, severe infections of trematodes Strigeidae family have been previously reported as a cause of anemia, diarrhea, enteritis, weight loss and death. This paper aims to report the occurrence of infection in S. Falconis in B. magnirostris diagnosed by post mortem examination. Case: The specimen of B. magnirostris, male, young was sent for necropsy at the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Federal Rural University of Semi-Arid (UFERSA), Mossoró-RN, Brazil. With a history of apathy, anorexia, diarrhea and death in one course of 24 h. The free bird life and even puppy had been captured for training and practice of falconry shortly before the clinical manifestation of infection (time of captivity uninformed). On physical examination ruffled feathers, cachexia and pallor of skeletal muscle was observed. At necropsy there was severe enteritis with petechiae and accumulation of liquid contents into the duodenum. Fifty-two trematodes were found set in duodenal mucosa. The other organs and structures showed no changes. Fragments of all organs were harvested, fixed in 10% formalin buffered, routinely processed for histopathology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Parasites were carefully collected, washed in saline, fixed, processed and identified according to the morphology and taxonomy. Histologically, the lesions were restricted to the duodenum and were characterized by melting, severe atrophy and necrosis of the epithelial cells of the intestinal villi; inflammatory infiltrate (consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils) in the lamina propria, in addition to trematodes infiltrated the mucosa and lamina propria. These were 60-80 mm in diameter, consisted of parenchymal body enclosed by the integument. In some cross sections of the parasite was possible to observe the presence of cecum, testis and uterus, with some variations between sections; there were also yellowish eggs and coated with a delicate membrane. The trematodes contain approximately 1 mm in length and used as morphology and taxonomy has been identified as S. Falconis. Discussion: S. Falconis is a trematode intestinal parasite of birds of prey, with reports of its occurrence in Europe, North America and Central. In neotropical regions is described the occurrence of the subspecies S. Falconis brasiliana. Although the absence of clinical signs is a common pattern, parasitism by trematodes may become evident, common to captivity stress conditions, and thus infections, even for low pathogenic parasites can cause diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss and death, as reported in this paper. A factor that possibly contributed to the scant notice is its small size, which makes the observation of this parasite in analysis of necropsy in non-pathological conditions and also not familiar with the technical laboratories in the morphological shape of the eggs, which creates difficulty in finding the parasite in parasitological analysis in captive animals. Despite being considered poorly pathogenic trematodes, epidemiologically, the presence of the parasite should be considered a health risk to free-living predators, newly captive in parks, zoos, veterinary hospitals, triage center for wildlife and creators, as they may express pathogenicity in immunosuppressed animals. This work contributes to recording the presence S. falconis parasitizing the duodenal mucosa of B. magnirostris in Brazil.