117 resultados para Vetor de médias
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Media, as contemporary information and communication phenomena, are rarely studied in the field of Information Science field (IS). This article aims to present a reflection on the Media role as information environments that provoke changes in the ecosystem of message creation, information and socially shared knowledge. It points out that the contextualization of informational situations in the media environments facilitates access to information and to knowledge creation, strategically aimed to more efficient mediation possibilities - purpose to be reached by the society and by an entrepreneurial Information Science. IS counts on proper strategies and methodologies for the creation of transversal meta fields of new knowledge for the solution of problems caused by the intersections and social frictions among science, technologies and knowledge, which means an effective contribution of IS to the enhance utilization of media potential.
This presente monograph propose the analysis and discussion of the production of urban space and the processes of their structuring intraurbana from the dynamics of the real estate market into three Medium-sized Cities, Campina Grande - PB, Mossoró - RN and Passo Fundo - RS, whereas the various agents producing this space, in a comparative perspective. From this urban dynamic search to analyze the processes and relations present in these spaces, which are important for its production. From the compilation of real estate advertisements in local newspapers, are analyzed offerings of urban land, houses and apartments in each one of these cities by highlighting their locations and differentiated prices. Thus, working with data from real estate ads from the period 1995 - 2010 and a comparative perspective of the characteristics of real estate markets of three medium-sized cities, it tried to apprehend processes that are common between them and other individuals, to each one. Therefore the comparative analysis developed in this monograph sought to verify whether there are similarities between the cities in relation to the trends of concentration/spatial dispersion of bids and movements throughout time, in addition to a further intensification of the activities of real estate agents in face of such trends and offerings. In addition, we sought to remove a set of problematization that allow them to understand with more acute, in this set of medium cities of Brazilian urban network, processes of change that is already being discussed in the recent period by ReCiMe.
Este trabalho trata das cidades médias, em particular das cidades de Marília, São José do Rio Preto, Londrina e Mossoró. Dentro desse estudo, o enfoque se dá para a compreensão e análise sobre o modo como estão combinados os espaços não edificados e os vazios urbanos, os espaços construídos e as vias de circulação e suas transformações ao longo do tempo. A proposta é analisar o processo de expansão do tecido urbano dessas cidades para compreender sua morfologia, bem como procurar fazer uma reconstituição, tomandose a dimensão espacial e temporal, com o intuito de que esta contribua na conferência das identidades próprias de cada cidade, viabilizando a identificação das semelhanças entre elas, como também de suas especificidades. Durante o desenvolvimento do trabalho procuramos identificar elementos promotores da reestruturação urbana pela qual as cidades têm passado nas ultimas décadas, tentando relaciona-los com as novas formas de produção e organização espaciais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The paper presented is aimed at analyzing the core functions of Presidente Prudente by demand and scope determined by the supply and distribution of goods and services (jobs and educational institutions). For this purpose, we tried to explore the daily flows of people from cities in agglomeration process with Presidente Prudente, as well as other more distant locations, forming what is recognized as Commuting movements. The core functions of medium-sized cities have increased significantly in the Brazilian urban network, spatial interactions occurring in these spaces with more intensity in metropolises. At the core of this research was undertaken literature review on the subject and preliminary surveys data, especially the data in the study called Region of Influence of Cities - Regic-IBGE, revealing joints between the various urban spaces analyzed. This research is developed in level undergraduates and was funded by CNPq and currently FAPESP
This proposed project is to analyze the strategies for building and maintaining relationships, as well as the possibilities of intervention of the public relations in the virtual world. For this purpose, we used the multicase study of beer brands - Devassa, Nova Schin, Heineken, Skol and Brahma - to verify their roles in the communication process in their social media channels. Analyses were based on communication theories covering concepts such as the Excellence in Public Relations, the questioning about the definition of public flashing and discussion about the processes of interaction mediated by the Internet. The evaluation of the channels covered the period of 30 days and that the end of the checks it was found that most brands promote specific actions with surface interconnections between media channels, referring only to the effectiveness of social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Orkut in order to consolidate of relationships
The objective of this study was to find and discuss the possibilities of action of a public relations professional in social media, taking as an example, the most popular, Facebook and Twitter, to work the organizational communication with the public consumer. Social media are gaining more followers, who are seeking information on companies before consuming your products or hire your services, getting attention for any kind of promotion or crisis of this organization. We saw how public relations mediate communication between company and consumer, being responsible for the clear, objective and correct posting of your organization in social media
The web has emerged as an important media. For the first time, people are highly connected, and users start to have lots of possibilities for expression and collaboration. Internet users contribute more and more to influence the preferences of your contact network. Organizations are beginning to discover that the power of influence networks is becoming more efficient than traditional marketing: people believe in what other people say, peers believe in peers. There is a new actor who builds preferences, who is constantly active in communication: the customer who narrates, on social networks, his experiences with a product, and makes his contacts become loyal customers or the most ardent critics of an organization. Transforming followers into disseminators is one of the biggest challenges of organizations in social media. Because of this, more and more companies have to plan communication strategies based in what customers think, desire, understand and discuss in these new places
The growing concern of experts in organizational communication with appropriate business relationships with its various stakeholders through digital platforms causes an upgrowth on the number of studies on the topic of social media. The social network communication receives analysis in different approaches, ranging from behavioral changes to the instrumentalization of these tools for marketing, relationship and information exchange. The objective of this monograph is to make an exploratory study that relates to organizational communication and social media, and discuss how the theories can contribute to the optimization of communication mediated by specific platforms that bring with them opportunities for interaction and relationship in the digital environment
The aim of this paper is to present the results of a research in the area of Discourse Analysis, to describe discourses found in the media about the identities constructed in the Second Life virtual communities network and, to find out what discursive strategies are produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” hosted in the Twitter micro-blogging as an attempt to have a significant number of logfiles and to discover what leads men, women and, teenagers to participate of this “fashion in the soap operas” interaction. Our corpus consists of printed media reportings that present users of Second Life and its avatars with a proposal of new identities, including the utterances produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” and their respective followers. The analysis of the reports and discourses are based on the work by Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault. The analysis have shown that the new identities, created in virtual communities network and, the profile of the followers of “fashion in the soap operas”, hosted in Twitter, are characteristically contemporary sensibilities, who take part in the truth games and in the social pressing experimented nowadays
This paper aims to analyze the social media monitoring as a specific instrument of Public Relations. Indeed, in the current context this is the most suitable professional to establish the relationship between organizations and their online audiences. Its function is to be manager of communications, mediating and instituting relationships, caring image and reputation of the organization and conducting strategic planning. This case study sought to monitor the Virada Cultural de Bauru through social media's own audience. For this purpose, two types of free tools - Socialmention and Topsy - sustained the diagnosis that turned data into information to be used by this professional communication. The balance shows the power of social media and how they are able to reflect the wishes of consumers, providing often the necessary tools for an efficient communication
The use of environmental management systems - EMS has shown to be a key tool for addressing the environmental aspects and impacts of an organization. The vast majority of EMS based on the requirements of ISO 14001:2004, as it is a globally recognized standard and adopt its recommendations is considered to be a guarantee of fulfilling the basic requirements of an EMS. Despite all the benefits that the system provides, we still find many problems in the implementation of EMS, especially in small and medium enterprises or SME. Most of the difficulties of implementation is related to intrinsic factors that companies of this size have, and issues related to the models and methods used to implement an EMS. Thus, this work aimed to assess whether the guidelines of ISO 14005:2012 meet the needs of SMEs for the effective implementation of an environmental management system. For it has been identified in the relation between SMEs and EMS the majof intrinsic problems of SMEs to implement (PII), such as lack of financial and human resources, and lack of commitment from top management to the SGA. Also was also pointed the main implementation issues related to ISO 14001 (ABNT, 2004) or the models or methods (PIM), highlighting the lack of environmental performance criteria, and the need for a path or sequence of steps for implementation. The study of ISO 14005 (ABNT, 2012) showed that the standard guidelines and implementation examples proposed, include solutions for all problems related to EMS implementation SMEs
It is possible to note that the teaching done in the usual way goes against the language of youth today. It is essential that there be incentives and subsidies regarding the use of such media, whether the responsible government agencies and their members, be they principals and teachers, so there is a reform in the existing educational models and teaching. Currently, teaching is in a purely encyclopedic context of teaching models with pre-defined, ignoring the teaching based on the context in which the student lives (ethnomathematics). The objective of this work is to show how the use of audiovisual best known, such as newspapers, magazines, TV and computers can assist in teaching and learning of mathematics education, making teaching more enjoyable and inserted into the day-to-day student
This monograph covers the issues related to the understanding of the new organization's cenary of the globalized society, computerized, which was reflected even within organizations. In this sense, we present a reflection on the theme of segmentation of audiences, especially based on the proposition of France (2008), regarded as important within the professional activities of Public Relations. Issues related to information technology, particularly the history of the internet and social media are presented as a reflection of this new company and also as strategic tools for the establishment of a fruitful relationship with the public organizations. All topics presented will support the monograph's study objects, presenting the Brazilian DeMolay Order, focusing on the challenges faced by the management of the National Bureau 2011/2012, that through integrated actions of communication and relationships, especially the virtual environment, resulted in the growth participant's numbers in the activities proposed by the national administration