133 resultados para Uso Racional de Medicamentos


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This work contemplates an opportunities study of the rational use of energy in an industrial unity from the demand analysis and electrical energy consumption. Through a guide of energy analysis it was described how to find the main problems that create energy wastes in an industry, showing the ways so the production processes avoid such wastes and start to use energy in a more sensible e efficient way. It was also studied, the technical e economical viability of possible interventions to be implemented in terms of energy conservation and of possible demand supply alternatives


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A Atenção Farmacêutica (ATENFAR) nasceu oficialmente a partir do Consenso Brasileiro de Atenção Farmacêutica em 2002. Este define a prática de ATENFAR como um elemento da Assistência Farmacêutica. A Anemia Falciforme (AF) é a doença hereditária hematológica de maior prevalência no mundo, e os pacientes requerem Atenção Integral e cuidados especiais para melhor efetividade da farmacoterapia e melhoria de sua qualidade de vida. As complicações da doença são decorrentes da vaso-oclusão e abrangem diversos sistemas do organismo, incluindo baço, coração, encéfalo, pulmões e sangue, tais como as crises álgicas e infecções pneumocócicas. Medidas não-farmacológicas são eficazes na prevenção e tratamento das complicações menos intensas. Nesse contexto, a Educação Sanitária é ferramenta essencial para conscientizar os pacientes a respeito das características da doença e da promoção do uso correto de medicamentos. A complexidade do quadro clínico do paciente portador de AF e as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos mesmos no acesso a informações e tratamentos justificam a necessidade de um método de Atenção Farmacêutica específico para esses indivíduos. A metodologia desenvolvida consiste em um Questionário de Acompanhamento Farmacoterapêutico e abrange todos os aspectos pertinentes à saúde do paciente, à qualidade de vida e à farmacoterapia. Neste estudo piloto foram acompanhados seis pacientes portadores de AF; houve a identificação de 12 RNMs e foram efetuadas 39 intervenções farmacêuticas. As respostas do Questionário de Acompanhamento Farmacoterapêutico foram pontuadas e cada paciente foi classificado quanto à qualidade do seu estado de saúde, farmacoterapia e qualidade de vida. Houve avaliação de indicadores... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This work approaches the main eco-efficient techniques and materials that can be used to ensure the proper functioning of the habitat with the main objective of preserving energy and reducing the ecological impact. The harnessing of energy to run a house using materials in a correct way makes it possible to achieve the goals related to its rational use. So, the more consolidated techniques need to be studied separately to determine the global effect on housing. The results obtained, with the aid of standard NBR15220 ABNT, were a series of ecotécnicas that can be used in 8 relatively homogeneous zones. This study was made to create a public awareness of the current environmental problems that society is facing nowadays and the urgent need to practice responsible use of energy


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O uso indiscriminado dos medicamentos sintéticos e a própria evolução dos micro-organismos selecionou espécies extremamente resistentes aos agentes químicos utilizados. Para contornar tal situação e ampliar o arsenal de compostos ativos contra micro-organismos, o estudo de plantas tornou-se uma necessidade crescente. A utilização de fitoterápicos na prevenção e/ou cura de doenças são necessários estudos prévios relativos a aspectos botânicos, farmacognósticos, fitoquímicos, farmacológicos e toxicológicos. Neste trabalho, foram estudados extratos obtidos com as folhas de Plinia cauliflora (Mart.) Kausel e de cascas pulverizadas de Endopleura uchi (Huber) Cuatrec., quanto às propriedades antimicrobianas frente a diferentes linhagens de fungos: Aspergillus niger, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Trichoderma reesei e Trichophyton rubrum. Foram avaliadas as atividades antifúngicas dos materiais vegetais determinando sua Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM). Com base nesses dados foi realizada a avaliação da atividade antifúngica observando o crescimento radial dos fungos em placas de Petri contendo meio de cultura incorporado com os materiais vegetais nas concentrações de CIM e 1%, sendo após realizada a mensuração dos diâmetros formados. Trichophyton rubrum foi o micro-organismo que apresentou maior sensibilidade frente ao extrato e as frações de P. cauliflora, com valores de CIM baixos, enquanto que a cepa industrial de Aspergillus niger mostrou-se totalmente resistente a todos os extratos testados. A determinação da atividade antifúngica em placas contendo meio sólido, mostrou uma confirmação dos resultados pois o extrato etanólico, a fração butanólica e a fração aquosa de P. cauliflora, tanto na concentração 1% quanto na obtida pelo CIM, inibiram o crescimento T. rubrum


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The Integrated Project developed here proposes the application of sustainable technologies to reduce costs and rational use of water and electricity in housing. The reduced consumption of resources and expenditures intended to ensure that families have financial ability to maintain their homes thus avoiding default and legal problems. The object of study that enabled the development of this work is the Housing Interlagos in São José dos Campos. Was analyzed the type of residence of the housing, the demographic characteristics of the region and the socioeconomic conditions of the borrowers, and from these data, was proposed solutions for sustainable housing


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The need to use waste from wood processing industry grows due to environmental demands imposed by laws, so like the need to introduce more competitive products in the market (it means better quality and acceptable cost) who must submit by the rational use of raw material, usually turning waste to sub products, what adds higher value for that. To this research, specific case from Ribon Company, located on Camaçari, Bahia-Brazil, has been studied. It is a treated wood producer. Bulk of monthly wood logs there is 70 m3. Its yield is 71,43%, where bulk of generated waste is monthly 20m3. As an exploitation way from generated waste, it has been suggested some options like: erosion protection to specific areas, a wildlife shelter as an henhouse etc, recreational articles, coal, linings, treadmills. However this research will give focus to the furniture design made of waste. As a conclusion, there is very much need to assign new utilizations to that sub used materials, since there is significant amount to increase company’s productive yield


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The use of electricity for obtaining light has been quite an issue currently discussed, either through new technologies that are emerging, the quest for greater efficiency, reduced waste and rational use. This work comprises a lighting design applied to a metallurgical based Brazilian Standard 5413 which mentions levels of luminance for interior and, in the case of this work, for a sandblasting booth. Ways to improve the workplace and luminosity presented before the project and also after its implementation are discussed. Technologies are chosen guided by technical calculations according to the illuminance values they want to reach for the environment studied. All pertinent design features are critically analyzed and discussed, and at the end proposals are presented, relating to each other in a comparative framework, so the best solution is applied in a practical way in the enclosure. Results are also presented concerning the maintenance of a bank of capacitors to correct the power factor for the metals studied company


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Due to concerns about rational use of energy, several alternative technologies of power generation appeared, including the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy by photovoltaic panels. In low-income households, the refrigerator represents considerable impact on the electric bill, since it requires constant power given its use in food preservation. It is possible to reduce this share, with the use of an alternative energy source. This work presents a timed switching electronic system, which allows commercial equipment that is not affected by short interruptions in the power supply to use a photovoltaic panel as a source of alternative energy, which usually do not provide energy continuously. Switching is made automatically in case of low incidence of sunlight, and without any form of energy storage. Between each switching, there is a dead time without power supply, therefore preventing the use of synchronizers circuits between the photovoltaic panel and the public power grid. A circuit containing a 80C31 microcontroller is used to control the system’s switching. The photovoltaic panel’s voltage inverter is in H bridge configuration, and is also controlled by the microcontroller through Pulse Width Modulation, which makes use of preprogrammed tables to generate the control signals of the power transistors. Through the use of software simulations, the proposed system was tested, which is capable of supplying intermittent single-phase loads. The simulations indicates that the project developed in this paper can be assembled into a prototype and be tested under real operating conditions, as long as the scaling of components, the characteristics of the photovoltaic panel to be used, and the project involved load are taken into account


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Over the years, water has become an increasingly valuable resource and scarce, this situation is attributed to factors such as population growth, poor distribution and increasing degradation of water resources as a result of indiscriminate human activities in the middle environment, making their dwindling availability and increasing its cost. I n this context , the use of rainwater for non-potable purposes begins to be stimulated in Brazil , as a measure to preserve this resource , while in countries such as Japan and Germany , this technique has already been used for a long time. The ability to capture rainwater reduces the demand for sanitation companies, also resulting in cost reduction with the water bill and the risk of flooding in the event of heavy rains. The stored water is used only for non-potable purposes, such as toilets, taps into the garden, for washing vehicles and clothing. This work was developed with the aim of presenting the importance of rational use of water, associated with viability constructive economic and consumption of the installation of rain water harvesting, and for that, considered four case studies. From this study, it was found that the implementation of this system has led to a reduction in costs of water and sewer consumption poses no hazard to the user and its installation does not require significant changes in building construction, however, in relation to the economy, should be made a detailed analysis in each case for investment to bring a suitable financial return within the lifetime of the system


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Certain medicines are considered potentially inappropriate (PIM) for elderly people as they increase the risk of adverse drug events (ADE) and because safer alternative therapies are available on the market. In this context, in order to identify the instruments that assess the quality of medical prescriptions for elderly and to determine which drugs are considered PIM, a bibliographic survey was conducted in PUBMED, LILACS and PAHO databases, in February and March/2010. The search strategy included the use of health descriptors and a manual search in the references cited by selected papers. During the period of data collection, 15 instruments were identified. In 2012, with the publication of the update of Beers criteria, this instrument was included in the study. We identified 163 PIM of 25 therapeutic classes, of which 125 (76.7%) are marketed in Brazil. Of these, 31 (24.8%) are essential medicines (RENAME 2012), of which 13 have safer therapeutic equivalents and 19 (15.2%) are over-the-counter drugs. Data suggest the need for inclusion of safer alternatives for the elderly in the national list of essential medicines and the pharmaceutical care for early detection of ADE in this age group, in order to contribute to the safe use of medicines.


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As atividades dos estabelecimentos de abate de frangos são conhecidas por utilizarem grandes volumes de água durante seus processos, principalmente no processo de resfriamento das carcaças de frangos. Parte desse volume utilizado se faz necessário, em cumprimento à legislação que determina que cada tanque do sistema de pré-resfriadores contínuos por imersão deve ser completamente esvaziado, limpo e desinfetado no final de cada período de trabalho (oito horas). O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a carga microbiana das águas do sistema de resfriamento e das carcaças de frango ao final de oito, dezesseis e vinte e quatro horas de trabalho do abatedouro, para possível redução do número de vezes do completo esvaziamento dos tanques do sistema de resfriamento. Foram avaliadas, por meio de métodos convencionais microbiológicos e físico-químicos, amostras da água de abastecimento (n=69), visando a evitar possível interferência nas contagens das águas do sistema de resfriamento, amostras de carcaças de frango antes (n=345) e após (n=345) sua passagem pelo sistema de resfriamento e amostras de águas do último estágio do sistema de resfriamento de carcaças (n=69). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que não houve diferença significativa na carga microbiana das amostras entre as três jornadas de trabalho do estabelecimento, sugerindo que a redução é segura, diminuindo assim o volume de águas residuais e seu impacto no meio ambiente, bem como melhorando o uso racional do tempo de processamento.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA