75 resultados para URANIUM ISOTOPES


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The two fundamental approaches to fission-track dating involve either an explicit determination of the thermal neutron fluence (φ-method) or a calibration against age standards (ζ-method). The neutron fluence measurements are carried out with metal-activation monitors or with uranium-fission monitors, co-irradiated with the samples. Uranium-fission monitors consist of either a thin mono-atomic) film, or a thick fission source (standard uranium glass) irradiated against a muscovite external track detector. In this work, different techniques for performing neutron-fluence measurements were compared: based on thin-film calibration, based on thick-source calibration, and based on gamma spectrometry of co-irradiated metal monitors (Au, Co). The results suggest that more experiments are needed to make all calibrations consistent, including new measurements of the length of etched induced tracks in mica. Also the standard glass calibration carried out with thin films should be confirmed with a greater number of calibrating irradiations. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Forest dynamics will depend upon the physiological performance of individual tree species under more stressful conditions caused by climate change. In order to compare the idiosyncratic responses of Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea, Pinus nigra, Juniperus thurifera) coexisting in forests of central Spain, we evaluated the temporal changes in secondary growth (basal area increment; BAI) and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) during the last four decades, determined how coexisting species are responding to increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) and drought stress, and assessed the relationship among iWUE and growth during climatically contrasting years. All species increased their iWUE (ca. +15 to +21 %) between the 1970s and the 2000s. This increase was positively related to Ca for J. thurifera and to higher Ca and drought for Q. faginea and P. nigra. During climatically favourable years the study species either increased or maintained their growth at rising iWUE, suggesting a higher CO2 uptake. However, during unfavourable climatic years Q. faginea and especially P. nigra showed sharp declines in growth at enhanced iWUE, likely caused by a reduced stomatal conductance to save water under stressful dry conditions. In contrast, J. thurifera showed enhanced growth also during unfavourable years at increased iWUE, denoting a beneficial effect of Ca even under climatically harsh conditions. Our results reveal significant inter-specific differences in growth driven by alternative physiological responses to increasing drought stress. Thus, forest composition in the Mediterranean region might be altered due to contrasting capacities of coexisting tree species to withstand increasingly stressful conditions. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The Rio Preto Project, developed by the extinct Brazilian nuclear state company, Nuclebrás, during the late 70s and early 80s, consisted of basic geological mapping and radiometric characterization by aerogeophysical gamma-ray spectrometry, without channel discrimination, of a surface area of 650 km2 located to the west of the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park on the northeastern of Goiás State, Brazil, including the confluence area of Claro and Preto Rivers. Additionally, the natural radioelements U, Th and 40K were determined by gamma-ray spectrometry in 300 rock samples from cores of the Rio Preto Project area. The tests were conducted at LABIDRO-Isotopes and Hydrochemistry Laboratory of the Departament of Petrology and Metallogeny (DPM) of the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences, UNESP, in Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. This paper reports the results of petrographic characterization and chemical analyses of major oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, MnO, K2O, Na2O, CaO and P2O5) for all samples used to determine the natural radioelements present in the region. The organic matter content results obtained by colorimetry are also reported for selected cores of different lithotypes in order to investigate the possible relationship between graphite and the radioelements uranium and thorium. Finally, uranium content and 234U/238U activity ratio data for selected samples of schists and gneisses of the Lower Member of the Ticunzal Formation suggest the influence of weathering processes in the area. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In recent years speleothem has been intensely studied due to its great potential of registering paleoclimate proxies but some considerably uncertaintiesregarding speleothem proxy interpretation still exist. In order to minimize these uncertainties, multi-proxy approach has been used. Here is presented the strontium isotope record from Bunker cave, northwest Germany. This cave was previously studied and has proved well record paleoclimate changes during Holocene for central Europe.87Sr/86Sr ratio is presented for rain water, A-horizon soil (water and leachate), C-horizon soil (water and leachate), host rock and host rock leachate, drip water and from a stalagmite (Bu4) previously dated covering the Holocene. Upper soil presented the higher values in contrast with host rock (lower values). Drip water and C-horizon presented intermediated ratios. Sr isotopesare used to track the source of 87Sr/86Sr in the Bunker system, resulting in a mixture between A-horizon soil, C-horizon soil and host rock. A decreasing trend in Bu4 indicates change in the Sr source in the system


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Radiogenic He-4 is produced by the decay of uranium and thorium in the Earths mantle and crust. From here, it is degassed to the atmosphere(1-5) and eventually escapes to space(1,5,6). Assuming that all of the He-4 produced is degassed, about 70% of the total He-4 degassed from Earth comes from the continental crust(2,-5,7). However, the outgoing flux of crustal He-4 has not been directly measured at the Earths surface(2) and the migration pathways are poorly understood(2-4,7,8). Here we present measurements of helium isotopes and the long-lived cosmogenic radio-isotope Kr-81 in the deep, continental-scale Guarani aquifer in Brazil and show that crustal He-4 reaches the atmosphere primarily by the surficial discharge of deep groundwater. We estimate that He-4 in Guarani groundwater discharge accounts for about 20% of the assumed global flux from continental crust, and that other large aquifers may account for about 33%. Old groundwater ages suggest that He-4 in the Guarani aquifer accumulates over half- to one-million-year timescales. We conclude that He-4 degassing from the continents is regulated by groundwater discharge, rather than episodic tectonic events, and suggest that the assumed steady state between crustal production and degassing of He-4, and its resulting atmospheric residence time, should be re-examined.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Studies on the detection of animal by-products in poultry meat are rare, and non-existent on quail meat. This study aimed at detectiong increasing levels of poultry offal meal (POM) in quail meat, using carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) stable isotopes technique. Sixty four on-day-old male quails derived from a commercial farm were randomly distributed into seven different groups, which were fed experimental diets containing 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, and 15% of POM. Diets were formulated to contain equal energy, protein, and amino acid levels. Four individuals per treatment were sacrificed at 42 days of age for breast muscle (Pectoralis major), keel, and tibia collection, which were subsequently submitted to analyses. Isotopic δ13C and δ15N enrichment was observed in all analyzed tissues, with the lowest detection level of 3% dietary inclusion of poultry offal meal.


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Stable isotope analyses have helped in assessing dietary switches if the diet undergoes metabolic alteration (isotopic exchange). However, when considering the effects over time of switching from one diet to another, one can assess how quickly the new diet is incorporated into tissues via the isotopic renewal or incorporation rate, or turnover. Turnover is obtained using exponential curves that fit the original data, allowing the determination of practical order parameters such as the half-life (T) and the turnover constant (k). Researchers have found that metabolic incorporation can be fractionated. The resulting fractions, called metabolic pools, are identified using the linearization of the isotopic exchange model and its linear fit. This fractionation methodology is still not well defined. The objective of this study was to assess the behaviour of the metabolic renewal rate (turnover) in fractionated form, explain the theory, and apply it to data from the avian duodenal mucosa and albumen. We concluded that the duodenal mucosa has one metabolic pool, with a half-life of 1.23 days, and that the albumen has two metabolic pools, with half-lives of 1.89 and 6.32 days.


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Cobb broilers and domestic ducks, both one-day-old, were treated using ration doped with 20 ppm of uranyl nitrate. Uranium concentrations in the tibia (μg-U/g-bone) were measured by neutron activation analysis as function of the animals’ age, from the neonatal period to maturity. Results show that Uranium and Calcium qualitatively follow the same metabolic pathway, and that adult ducks incorporate on average ten times more Uranium than broilers. Data interpretation shows that the Uranium clearance rate in broilers is substantially higher than that in ducks, suggesting that metabolic characteristics favoring Calcium retention in bone may hinder the elimination of Uranium in ducks. The need for further comparative biochemistry studies between Galliformes and Anseriformes is addressed.


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The south of Minas Gerais, Brazil stands out among various regions through its capacity for production of specialty coffees. Its potential, manifested through being one of the most award-winning Brazilian regions in recent years, has been recognized by the Cup of Excellence (COE). With the evident relationship between product quality and the environment in mind, the need arises for scientific studies to provide a foundation for discrimination of product origin, creating new methods for combating possible fraud. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in discrimination of production environments of specialty coffees from the Serra da Mantiqueira of Minas Gerais by means of the discriminant model. Coffee samples were composed of ripe yellow and red fruits collected manually at altitudes below 1,000 m, from 1,000 to 1,200 m and above 1,200 m. The yellow and red fruits were subjected to dry processing and wet processing, with five replications. A total of 119 samples were used for discrimination of specialty coffee production environments by means of stable isotopes and statistical modeling. The model generated had an accuracy rate of 89% in discrimination of environments and was composed of the isotope variables of δ15N, δ13C, %C, %N, δD, δ18O (meteoric water) and sensory analysis scores. In addition, for the first time, discrimination of environments on a local geographic scale, within a single municipality, was proposed and successfully concluded. This shows that isotope analysis is an effective method in verifying geographic origin for specialty coffees.