76 resultados para Tuberculose Teses


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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This paper aims to base the thesis that the varied currents of the post-modern thought, in so far as have recourse to relativism to a greater or lesser degree, contribute to the legitimation of the religious education in public schools and, in a broader aspect, the religion in the public spaces. The methodological resource used to demonstrate the link between post-modern thought and religious education is the analysis at the historical and dialectical materialism perspective of publications produced to increase teachers on this discipline that is, in compliance with the Constitution, optional for students and mandatory for public elementary schools. The subject of this analysis is the learning content and has as prime concern to highlight the discourse of legitimation recurrent in authors when it is explicit in itself and explicit when it does not. The religious education in public schools as object of study allows us to understand the relationship between the post-modern thought, with its hegemony space within the human sciences and contextualized in the neoliberal economic environment, and the learning to learn pedagogies currently hegemonic in the educational landscape. We intend to contribute to the legal debate on laity, the philosophical debate on post-modernism and especially to the debate on the pedagogical theories in the educational fundaments.


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The present article aims to elaborate an objective analytical panel, initially from the 1920- 1930 when Luiz Igncio Romeiro de Anhaia Mello, cathedratic in the urban question, started to quote a series of authors and American plans as references to their reflections, mainly when the point was the verticalization or not at So Paulo City. From a broad bibliographic research with the systematization of the register from the debate between Anhaia Mello, this article intends to point out how the transposition of the urbanistic conceptions to the academic environment happened and, at the same time, the legal normatization of the So Paulo City that resulted in the creation of a draft of the regulations for use and occupation of the soil. The systematizations and analysis were based in a broad reading of the bibliography and documental sources that refer to the proposed theme. The books of the library of FAU-USP, specifically the one from SAGMACS Sociedade de Anlises Grficas e Mecanogrficas Aplicadas aos Complexos Sociais ( Society of Graphical Mechanical-Graphic Analysis Applied to Social Complexes) -, aiming to select papers and the collection of Anhaia Mellos family, so that a reconstruction of the intellectual and professional journey of the Urbanism Professor. The systematization of the collected data and posterior comparison with the bibliographical study was fundamental for the reconstruction of the reflection of Anhaia Mello about the ways of the urban streets and roads at Sao Paulo City should be lead to on the middle of the XX century having as a guideline the debate between Anhaia Mello very common on the 1950s for less important countries when dealing with the organization of the size of industrial metropolis. It was possible to identify the crystallization of one urbanistic proposal for the city: the from Anhaia Mello, that bet on the reversion of the metropolitan cycle by stopping the urban growth by the application of the theoretical conception of the garden city.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Medicina Veterinria - FCAV


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Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo discutir e analisar a questo da incluso escolar tendo em vista explorar a produo acadmica a respeito da temtica a fim de comparar as tendncias metodolgicas de estudo e relatar as evolues histricas ao longo desde a dcada de 90. Para isso, o presente trabalho est estruturado em trs captulos: o primeiro uma breve retrospectiva histrica cultural entre deficientes, escola e a sociedade; o segundo sobre a formao continuada e inicial do professor inclusivo e o terceiro descreve os resultados do levantamento bibliogrfico realizado na base de dados online da UNESP, considerando trabalhos de concluso de curso, dissertaes e teses defendidas entre 1990 e 2013. Os dados coletados foram analisados qualitativamente, com alguns resultados quantitativos. Aps a coleta de dados, os trabalhos foram analisados com base nos seguintes critrios: objetivos, local da pesquisa, tipo de delineamento, instituto onde o trabalho foi apresentado, principais resultados, instrumentos e tipos de participantes (quando configurar uma pesquisa emprica). Pretendeu-se verificar, se existe uma tendncia na metodologia de trabalhos cientficos em relao a esse tema, de pesquisas mais de cunho bibliogrfico ou emprico, dado a sua complexidade


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Ps-graduao em Educao para a Cincia - FC


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Tuberculosis infection among humans transmitted by products of animal origin can be caused by Mycobacterium bovis, a concern in developing countries, because the number of human cases is relatively high compared with countries that have implemented programs to eradicate bovine tuberculosis for many years. Because it is a chronic disease with subclinical evolution, it is transmitted to other animals in the herd livestock resulting in high loss losses resulting high (10 to 25%), as well as the zoonotic nature of the disease on public health. This work aimed to study the histomorphology of granulomas in samples of lymph nodes and lungs of animals with suggestive lesions of tuberculosis, as well as those similar to the sanitary inspection. The animals clinically healthy ante-mortem, were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse in the northwestern state of Sao Paulo between April 2008 and April 2009, considering that carcasses had lymph nodes with lesions typical of tuberculosis, exhibiting nodular and hemorrhagic appearance. The caseous or calcified lesions, purulent or not, of various sizes and shapes, were also evaluated. Of the 307,661 animals slaughtered in the mentioned period, 494 gross suggestive lesions of tuberculosis and from 29 cities in the state of Sao Paulo, 16 from Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias 15, one from Mato Grosso and Paran. Among these, 200 samples (40,5%) were processed for histopathological evaluation by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and 90 (45%) were subjected to Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) and examined by light microscopy. In HE staining, histopathological changes of tuberculosis were found in 197 (98,5%), classified according to the stage of development adopted by Wango et al.(31), where 29 samples were included in stage I (14,5%), 53 in stage II (26,5%), 87 in stage III (43,5%), 28 in stage IV (14%). In the ZN staining Mycobacterium sp was found in 89 (99%) of the specimens. The rate of tuberculosis in the herd studied was 0,16%. We conclude that the identification of the disease in slaughterhouses and meat companies from significant gross lesions, enables the implementation of effective measures, specifically the origin of the disease in cattle herds, providing control measures to prevent its spread.


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Introduo: Hansenase e Tuberculose so enfermidades associadas supresso da imunidade celular do tipo TH1. As manifestaes clnicas da hansenase so usualmente cutneas e da tuberculose (Tbc) tegumento-pulmonares. O objetivo demonstrar a presena de ambas as enfermidades no mesmo paciente. Relato do caso: Paciente masculino, 59 anos, em uso de prednisona 40mg/d h 6 meses devido a um quadro alrgico, com queixa de lcera peri-anal dolorosa e sangrante. Ao exame apresentava lcera fagednica peri-anal e inguinal fistulizado e ppulas normocrmicas no antebrao. Histopatolgico de leso nodular e da lcera mostra infiltrado granulomatoso com BAAR +,interpretado como hansenase multibacilar. O tratamento no resultou em melhora das leses inguinais e perianal. Novos exames demonstraram serem as leses ulceradas causadas pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis, por cultura, e as leses ppulo-nodulares serem Mycobacterium leprae, por PCR. Tratamento para ambas foi eficaz. O M.leprae e M.tuberculosis so patgenos intracelulares obrigatrios e a defesa do hospedeiro est diretamente associada imunidade celular. Mesmo em pases endmicos para ambas as enfermidades a associao das duas doenas de ocorrncia excepcional. O uso da corticoterapia utilizada para quadro alrgico (ENH) facilitou a ocorrncia da Tbc. O caso relata a importncia dos mtodos auxiliares diagnsticos em caso de difcil interpretao clnica.


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Objective: Review of scientific literature on the history of tuberculosis (TB), the natural history of TB in humans, extrapulmonary TB in urogenital form, including epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. Method: Literature review using PubMed databases, BIREME, SciELO, LILACS and Google Scholar, as well as books, manuals and official documents of Ministrio da Sade (MS) and World Health Organization (WHO). Results: Focused as discussion topics, history, diagnosis and treatment of urogenital tuberculosis and reflection on the diagnostic challenge to be faced by health professionals. Conclusion: The diagnosis of urogenital tuberculosis is difficult and often delayed and may lead to important consequences. Faced with a patient with chronic urinary symptoms or infertility tuberculosis should always be investigated.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)